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Showing results 1 to 25 of 866
Replies: 19
Family Guy DVD
Posted By mecurdius
It is the greatest show ever. Show me a character...

It is the greatest show ever. Show me a character in any show better than Stuey. He's briliant every line is an all time classic, watch a few more episodes, you'll soon understand.
Forum: Movie Reviews 06-13-03
Replies: 19
2 Fast 2 Furious - is it worth seeing?
Posted By mecurdius
Halfway through the movie i turned to my friend...

Halfway through the movie i turned to my friend and said, is the dialouge bad, or is it meant to be funny? And he replied, its so bad i have no clue whats going on.

I really liked the first one,...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 06-13-03
Replies: 5
Good Anime
Posted By mecurdius
for movies princess mononoke, and sprited away...

for movies princess mononoke, and sprited away (by the same dude) are great, but if you want great TV shows, check out Cartoon Network starting at about 12 at night, its fricken great.
Forum: Movie Reviews 10-11-02
Replies: 1
Knockaround Guys
Posted By mecurdius
Knockaround Guys

This movie lookeed horrible it wasnt

If i have learned one thing in life its that Vin Diesel can beat the **** out of anybody... ANYBODY. Barry Pepper is a good actor, and John MNalkovich, gives a...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 10-05-02
Replies: 207
favorite directors/favorite films
Posted By mecurdius
YOu know that he did Seven Samurai, not the...

YOu know that he did Seven Samurai, not the magnificent 7 right? i mean they are both great, but Seven Samurai is a true classic
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-02-02
Replies: 223
POLL: Best Coen Brother's Movie
Posted By mecurdius
i9 have never heard of Miller's crossing, whats...

i9 have never heard of Miller's crossing, whats it like?
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 10-02-02
Replies: 25
Batman:Year One
Posted By mecurdius
That was a great movie, i loved that series. But...

That was a great movie, i loved that series. But Its Darren Aronofsky, if you have ever see Pi or Requiem for a Dream, you would know that this will be 20x better than the phantasm.
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 10-02-02
Replies: 35
Posted By mecurdius
Yea i am excited for this one! I hope its a good...

Yea i am excited for this one! I hope its a good Superman, DC really doesnt make enough good movies.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-02-02
Replies: 55
Manhunter vs. Red Dragon.
Posted By mecurdius
Man hunter was ****! It was absolutly horrible,...

Man hunter was ****! It was absolutly horrible, michael mann was good, but Hannibal, he was horrible, and Will Grahme, wasnt half as cool as he should be. They are ruining the series, they arent...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-29-02
Replies: 223
POLL: Best Coen Brother's Movie
Posted By mecurdius
O Brother, Where Art Thou

O Brother, Where Art Thou
Forum: Movie Reviews 09-29-02
Replies: 6
The Tuxedo
Posted By mecurdius
I lied it, it was fun funny, had some good...

I lied it, it was fun funny, had some good action, not annoying at all. i mean its not i a must see, but not a must not see either.
Forum: Movie Reviews 09-21-02
Replies: 2
Sunshine State
Posted By mecurdius
I saw this at cinevegas 3 months ago, and like i...

I saw this at cinevegas 3 months ago, and like i said, it was really good, but ANgela Bassets plot sucked, it was really boring.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-13-02
Replies: 9
Oddest coolest cha cha cha
Posted By mecurdius
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Download A...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Download A Clockwork Orgy, its about exactly what you said
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 09-13-02
Replies: 19
Jackie Chan in The Tuxedo
Posted By mecurdius
5.25$ to get in 3.75 for a drink split the...

5.25$ to get in
3.75 for a drink
split the price with a friend then its 2.00$ each for popcorn

seems to only cost me 11$ to go, where do you live?
Forum: Movie Reviews 09-13-02
Replies: 64
The Royal Tenenbaums
Posted By mecurdius
even theough all three are totally different,...

even theough all three are totally different, they are all the same, i think holden gets what i mean, you're either a Wes Anderson person, or your not. Some people might think that the movies are...
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 09-13-02
Replies: 19
Jackie Chan in The Tuxedo
Posted By mecurdius
Jackie Chan... Why the hell not go see it?

Jackie Chan... Why the hell not go see it?
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-13-02
Replies: 17
Ok....Delicate question...Should....
Posted By mecurdius
I would only like to see a movie about the...

I would only like to see a movie about the backround, maybe ending with the event. It would also have to include the one that went down in Pennsilvania. No one would make this horrible, when you came...
Forum: Movie Reviews 09-13-02
Replies: 0
Posted By mecurdius
Barber Shop

This movie stars eve, ice cube, cedric the entertainer, and the guy from Save the Last Dance. It was great!

This was the funniest movie in a long time, all of the dialouge was perfect and cedric...
Replies: 9
Best Character Contest
Posted By mecurdius
yeah i dont think 32 is enough 48 is good enough.

yeah i dont think 32 is enough 48 is good enough.
Forum: Movie Reviews 09-12-02
Replies: 10
Rashomon/kurosawa in general
Posted By mecurdius
He's great, just ****ing great i love the guy. He...

He's great, just ****ing great i love the guy. He was found in hawaii surfing, and ever since then he was a huge success. Everyone should watch 7 samurai. Its great! He's the best foreign director of...
Replies: 9
Best Character Contest
Posted By mecurdius
yeah i think it would be main characters. Both...

yeah i think it would be main characters. Both female and male, so if the villian is a main character, he or she can count. Nice list there Holden, i might take out a few, and put in oneslike:
Replies: 9
Best Character Contest
Posted By mecurdius
Hey whaddya think?

i saw on gamefaqs that they had a best character contest recently, and it got huge amounts of votes, i dont think we can pull of those votes, but i do think that if we had some kind of best character...
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 09-09-02
Replies: 6
LOTR Clones
Posted By mecurdius
im thinking of makeing a d&d campain into a...

im thinking of makeing a d&d campain into a screenplay, and sending it in. Its a good story, and with tweaking they would do it, because of the sucess of lotr i think.
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 09-05-02
Replies: 8
Disney goes sci-fi...
Posted By mecurdius

SPACE PIRATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 09-05-02
Replies: 55
8 mile
Posted By mecurdius
I like moby, too, and eminem has to keep up his...

I like moby, too, and eminem has to keep up his thug image. Also moby said that eminem's lyrics were hate lyrics, thats why eminem was mad. And he worked out for this movie. ANd his music is funny,...