Search Results
Showing results 1 to 25 of 350
Replies: 310
Multiple Bombings: World Trade Center/Pentagon
Posted By Wart
If you were a serious student of Islam you would...

If you were a serious student of Islam you would have investigated and found the true Islam. The only two authentic sources which bind every Muslim are
1. the Quran and
2. authentic or sound...
Replies: 75
GoodBye from PLite!!
Posted By Wart
Well--my take on it. I joined Movieforums...

Well--my take on it.

I joined Movieforums because I liked movies. I didn't necessarily want to post (You may have noticed that I am not a "gregarious sort" :) and I have a hard time being amusing....
Replies: 164
George W. Bush
Posted By Wart
I read the entire thread. Everything was thrown...

I read the entire thread. Everything was thrown into the pot . . . creationism, big bang theory, Sumerians, the Book of Mormon, relativity, genetics---- awesome
Replies: 31
If you were gonna write a book...
Posted By Wart
Thanks, PLite. :laugh: You certainly gave me...

Thanks, PLite. :laugh: You certainly gave me sumthin to think about.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-29-01
Replies: 101
Posted By Wart
Well, when I was a teenager (for example--the age...

Well, when I was a teenager (for example--the age of MOFO's Unholy Triumvirate :D ) I considered sex--a different entity from love. It was something that we, as human beings, become interested in as...
Replies: 93
Posted By Wart
Anne Rice is Beyond Eccentric! :D And her son is...

Anne Rice is Beyond Eccentric! :D And her son is even more peculiar than she is. Her house has Gothic trappings--maybe it helps her write.

But Anne Rice writes about other creatures as...
Replies: 31
If you were gonna write a book...
Posted By Wart
I tell ya, Sun, you and PLITE make it hard for me...

I tell ya, Sun, you and PLITE make it hard for me (as a writer) to focus on my writing. :laugh: You both sort of twist my way of thinking so I come up with even more plotlines for my stories. Maybe I...
Replies: 31
If you were gonna write a book...
Posted By Wart
Noah's Ark was supposed to have landed on Ararat...

Noah's Ark was supposed to have landed on Ararat which sits between Iran and Armenia. Problem is--it has no marine fossils so its probably a post-Flood volcanic mountain.

Brodie Man--how did you...
Replies: 16
Poll: The Excitin Table Manners Poll !!!
Posted By Wart
Bacon's way too expensive in Hawaii to throw at...

Bacon's way too expensive in Hawaii to throw at the cat. And I have a lot of cats. Also too expensive to give to my brothers and sisters. Too many of them too. Soooo, I'll just dust it off, rinse...
Forum: Games and Tabs 09-29-01
Replies: 8,000
Movie Tab
Posted By Wart
The BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY. I didn't know who...

The BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY. I didn't know who I wanted to throw over the bridge more-- Meryl Streep or Clint Eastwood. Ah, I must be in a bad mood today--grumble, grumble . . . But BADLANDS was...
Replies: 93
Posted By Wart
welcome to the board, Neesee. I've...

welcome to the board, Neesee.

I've only read one book of his and that's STILL LIFE WITH WOODPECKER. A friend recommended it. He said if I wanted to write about life inside a pack of Camel...
Replies: 93
Posted By Wart
THE LOVED ONE is one of my favorites too. ...

THE LOVED ONE is one of my favorites too. Whispering Glades and Happier Hunting Grounds for dead pets. I love his morbid wit. And didn't you like DECLINE AND FALL? I would think it would be right up...
Replies: 93
Posted By Wart
Every Time I read the words "Ear Trumpet" I keep...

Every Time I read the words "Ear Trumpet" I keep thinking of that WILD WILD WEST picture with Will Smith and there's a general in there who uses an ear trumpet and it DRIPS! Ugh!

Hey, you and...
Replies: 93
Posted By Wart
Arthur, I'm also fascinated by literary...


I'm also fascinated by literary feuds and I'll look for that book. Hopefully its still in print.

I myself am partial to Wilde and Evelyn Waugh who had his own thing going with Auden and...
Replies: 31
If you were gonna write a book...
Posted By Wart
If I was going to write a book and I had time and...

If I was going to write a book and I had time and research all set up . . . I'd write one in the tradition of Neal Stephenson's CRYPTONOMICON. It would have an Apocalyptic storeyline and would...
Replies: 768
What Ticks You Off?
Posted By Wart
Hi Toose. I'll talk to ya too. Besides, I think...

Hi Toose. I'll talk to ya too. Besides, I think someone's doing a better job at pissing off people than you are :laugh: Its all so exciting!

Before I go off-topic: what pisses me off
People who...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-28-01
Replies: 46
Best High School Movie
Posted By Wart
A lot of my favorite films have already been...

A lot of my favorite films have already been mentioned (especially FERRIS BEULLER). Just like to addtl:

NEVER BEEN KISSED where Drew Barrymore goes back to high school for her paper. Didn't think...
Replies: 768
What Ticks You Off?
Posted By Wart

Replies: 768
What Ticks You Off?
Posted By Wart
I can top that . . . I have a dimple! :laugh:

I can top that . . . I have a dimple! :laugh:
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-28-01
Replies: 46
Best High School Movie
Posted By Wart
In honor of all high schoolers, former high...

In honor of all high schoolers, former high schoolers, those who act like high-schoolers (not necessarily a bad thing :laugh: to me, anyway) or are the equivalent of high-schoolers--overseas (what...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-28-01
Replies: 229
The Top 10 Films of All Time
Posted By Wart
I don't think Zwee ruined the thread. In fact,...

I don't think Zwee ruined the thread. In fact, its a lot like the other threads in MoFo . . . we've had some movie threads become pretty explosive political marathons et all . . . its all in a day...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-27-01
Replies: 18
Where do you like to sit?
Posted By Wart
Always seem to end on the right side--dunno why....

Always seem to end on the right side--dunno why. I also prefer the aisles cuz I can go to the restrooms without stepping on other people . . . "pardon me . . excuse me . . . sorry about your crutch ....
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-27-01
Replies: 41
What Historical Figure do you think has been most Accurately portrayed in the Movies?
Posted By Wart
LOL. Maybe I should have gone to Harrow when I...

LOL. Maybe I should have gone to Harrow when I was a teenager. They teach their students a lot of cool stuff overseas. :laugh:
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-26-01
Replies: 229
The Top 10 Films of All Time
Posted By Wart
TWT, maybe you should have edited it rather than...

TWT, maybe you should have edited it rather than zapped it altogether. From what I recall, I think he was responding to another poster and he can express that he does not believe in AFI's or...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-26-01
Replies: 65
Most Memorable Religion-Related Film
Posted By Wart
KUNDUN by Scorsese About the 14th dalai...

KUNDUN by Scorsese

About the 14th dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso and how hard it is to sustain the Buddhist principle of non-violence in today's world. Beautifully shot. The score is perfect.