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Showing results 1 to 25 of 432
Forum: Movie Reviews 04-21-05
Replies: 26
Kaiser's Reviews
Posted By kaisersoze
woah, I haven't been back on this thing for so...

woah, I haven't been back on this thing for so long

Lately I have been studying.... constantly studying, however on the flip side I have also watched a whole lot more asian movies...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-21-05
Replies: 13
NFL: Playoffs and Superbowl
Posted By kaisersoze
I want to see the Colts and Rams the odds of this...

I want to see the Colts and Rams the odds of this happening must be astronomical given all the things that must fall into place but this is the series I'd most like to see.

I don't even care who...
Replies: 13
NFL: Playoffs and Superbowl
Posted By kaisersoze
I just wanted to say: "OH NO! I botched my first...

I just wanted to say: "OH NO! I botched my first prediction"

However, the rams did edge out the jets by a field goal so yeah..... a minor victory. As for yesterday who wouldda thought 2 wild card...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-31-04
Replies: 79
Your Favourite...?
Posted By kaisersoze
Godfather: De Niro Living Actor: Kevin Spacy ...

Godfather: De Niro
Living Actor: Kevin Spacy
Dead Actor: Bruce Lee
Comedy Actor: Jim Carrey
Robert De Niro Performance: Raging Bull
John Turturro Performance: O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Replies: 11
Serious questions of college
Posted By kaisersoze
Generally they go in the order of Bachelors (B.?)...

Generally they go in the order of Bachelors (B.?) --->Masters (M.?) ----> Ph.D

The question marks as I understand it can be one of two things ARTS or SCIENCE, for example I'm majoring in Math so I...
Replies: 13
NFL: Playoffs and Superbowl
Posted By kaisersoze
Wouldn't that be Nice, Seeing Jerry Rice win...

Wouldn't that be Nice, Seeing Jerry Rice win another Championship again

I agree with Mose that Philly will most likely take the NFC, As for the AFC, I see many possibilities so I'm just going to...
Replies: 29
"Ripping" DVDS...
Posted By kaisersoze
Maybe, I don't have the programs or the know how...

Maybe, I don't have the programs or the know how to do so... however, like many above me, I admit to having downloaded movies.

Yeah Like yourself I do like to have a real copy of the movies I...
Forum: Games and Tabs 12-30-04
Replies: 77,616
Word Association
Posted By kaisersoze

Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-30-04
Replies: 42
Great stories
Posted By kaisersoze
I feel a lot of Slasher type Horror movies have...

I feel a lot of Slasher type Horror movies have great 'stories' However I feel they generally don't end well, say The Texas Chainsaw Massacre for example.

I also think all Heist movies ( Ocean's...
Replies: 52
Vote in the "50 Greatest Movies of All Time" thread!
Posted By kaisersoze
1) The Usual Suspects 2) LOTR (specfically The...

1) The Usual Suspects
2) LOTR (specfically The Two Towers if I must choose)
3) Hero
4) Remember the Titans
5) The Shawshank Redemption
6) Gattaca
7) Identity
8) Adaptation
9) Kill Bill vol.1...
Forum: Games and Tabs 12-29-04
Replies: 36
how smart are you?
Posted By kaisersoze
Interesting test, I also got 11/11 but I heard...

Interesting test, I also got 11/11 but I heard most if not all of them before so I don't know if that score is fair.... but meeh, I got what I got.
Forum: Movie Forums Site Stuff 12-29-04
Replies: 134
Who's Who on Mo-Fo?
Posted By kaisersoze
Not really I struggle with it all the time... I...

Not really I struggle with it all the time... I just like it
Forum: Movie Forums Site Stuff 12-29-04
Replies: 134
Who's Who on Mo-Fo?
Posted By kaisersoze
I am James, 21, I'm a mathematician (well not...

I am James, 21, I'm a mathematician (well not official yet, wait 4 more months and I will have a piece of paper that says so). Generally I work various part-time/summer jobs to pay off tuition...
Forum: Games and Tabs 12-29-04
Replies: 77,616
Word Association
Posted By kaisersoze

Replies: 13
NFL: Playoffs and Superbowl
Posted By kaisersoze
NFL: Playoffs and Superbowl

I know there are some NFL fans on here and last year we had a superbowl predictions thread.... so this year I figure I'd jump the gun and start before the game of all games arrives.

Going into...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-28-04
Replies: 35
Marvel Movie Rampage
Posted By kaisersoze
I generally agree with the ratings that have...

I generally agree with the ratings that have already been posted but for those who rated the HULK highly I have to say "it really bothers me". It is something I can not disagree more. I flat out...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-28-04
Replies: 129
Top Films 2004
Posted By kaisersoze
1.HERO 2.Friday Night Lights (I espically love...

2.Friday Night Lights (I espically love these two)
3.Shrek 2
4.Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War
5.The Machinist
7.Fahrenheit 9/11
8.Super Size Me (the few seconds where a...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-28-04
Replies: 32
The world's 1,000 Essential Films
Posted By kaisersoze
To the two of you who complied the very long...

To the two of you who complied the very long list, I am shocked and amazed... I want to say that first.... and now I will slowly read it.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-18-04
Replies: 25
black dude running
Posted By kaisersoze
Try to get the OJ escape footage with the police...

Try to get the OJ escape footage with the police cars giving chase in the flying V formation
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-18-04
Replies: 138
Movies that need to be seen.
Posted By kaisersoze
The Usual Suspects The Shawshank Redemption ...

The Usual Suspects
The Shawshank Redemption
Remember the Titans
Friday Night Lights
(plus most of the ones above mentioned)
Forum: Games and Tabs 10-18-04
Replies: 84
translation game
Posted By kaisersoze
Film (from English to English) :up:

Film (from English to English) :up:
Forum: Movie Reviews 10-18-04
Replies: 31
Secretary 8/10
Posted By kaisersoze
I don't know.... I didn't think much of this...

I don't know.... I didn't think much of this movie sorry guys just couldn't get into the plot.
Forum: Games and Tabs 10-18-04
Replies: 77,616
Word Association
Posted By kaisersoze

Replies: 21
What If?
Posted By kaisersoze
Q: What if this thread didn't exist? A: This...

Q: What if this thread didn't exist?

A: This post also would not.