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Showing results 1 to 25 of 318
Forum: General Movie Discussion 08-10-02
Replies: 7
Sight & Sound polls up
Posted By Guy
Joel Schumacher Battleship Potemkin...

Joel Schumacher

Battleship Potemkin (Eisenstein)
Lawrence of Arabia (Lean)
The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (Greenaway)
Bicycle Thieves (De Sica)
Breaking the Waves (von Trier) ...
Forum: Movie Reviews 07-22-02
Replies: 221
Posted By Guy
I'll probably end up seeing SIQNS twice this...

I'll probably end up seeing SIQNS twice this summer. From the trailers, the atmosphere looks pretty creepy (the music is as well). Do you guys think M. Night will be doing thrillers for his whole...
Forum: Movie Reviews 06-21-02
Replies: 39
Minority Report
Posted By Guy
I really liked this film. I agree that it's not a...

I really liked this film. I agree that it's not a masterpiece, but a very engaging sci-fi. :yup:
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 06-12-02
Replies: 12
AFI's 100 Years...100 Passions
Posted By Guy
Nice list.. Where's Casablanca and Gone with the...

Nice list.. Where's Casablanca and Gone with the Wind Though? I was so sure they would make the list.:frustrated:
Forum: General Movie Discussion 06-05-02
Replies: 71
The Most Reliable Tearjerkers
Posted By Guy
Another Tearjerker is the film JFK. I always cry...

Another Tearjerker is the film JFK. I always cry when JFK gets shot.
Replies: 2,859
I love you, Unregistered
Posted By Guy
i love you too

i love you too
Forum: Movie Reviews 05-05-02
Replies: 3
Y Tu Mama Tambien
Posted By Guy
My brother hated the film. He said it was just...

My brother hated the film. He said it was just teenagers having sex throughout the whole film basically. Is that true?
Forum: Movie Reviews 05-05-02
Replies: 77
Posted By Guy
Saw this today. I'd probably give it 3 outta 4...

Saw this today. I'd probably give it 3 outta 4 stars. It was a good superhero film, but I liked X-Men better, and Batman much better. I liked the whole aspect in Spider-Man that Peter and Oswald were...
Replies: 8
Sixth Sense Special Edition
Posted By Guy
The extra features on Sixth Sense Vista are...

The extra features on Sixth Sense Vista are pretty interesting. Nothing I'd re-watch very often, but I gotta tell ya, that package is great! When you hold it, it's a nice thick fold out case. It's...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 05-01-02
Replies: 45
Movies that are so bad they are good
Posted By Guy
Cabin Boy for me. I don't like calling movies...

Cabin Boy for me. I don't like calling movies that I enjoy bad, but many would consider Cabin Boy very bad and stupid. I think it's funny!
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 05-01-02
Replies: 11
Posted By Guy
on aint-it-cool-news, SIQNS is getting great...

on aint-it-cool-news, SIQNS is getting great great reviews. They are saying on the outside its a creepy-as-heck horror film, but has layers (as TWT was talking about). They also mentioned that there...
Forum: Movie Reviews 04-30-02
Replies: 21
Posted By Guy
Re: Re: Vertigo

Yeah, but early in the film, Scotty sees the girl in the hotel, and when he goes inside, she's gone, and the woman at the desk says that no one came in.
Forum: Movie Reviews 04-29-02
Replies: 21
Posted By Guy

I caught Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo the other day. I highly recommend it. The only other Hitchcock I've seen is North X Northwest, and Rear Window. I can't say that I like Vertigo better than any of...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-24-02
Replies: 54
Directors who re-use the same actors
Posted By Guy
Wes Anderson (Bill Murray, Luke/ Owen Wilson, and...

Wes Anderson (Bill Murray, Luke/ Owen Wilson, and many other minor characters)

David Fincher (Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman)

David Lean (Alec Guiness in most of his films)
Forum: General Movie Discussion 04-22-02
Replies: 23
Best Teasers/Trailers Ever
Posted By Guy
Unbreakable as well as The Shining are great...

Unbreakable as well as The Shining are great teasers.
Forum: Movie Reviews 04-20-02
Replies: 32
Beautiful Mind overrated???? (spoilers)
Posted By Guy
I think the film's quite overrated. I saw the...

I think the film's quite overrated. I saw the film early, and knew that this film would win all the Oscars. It's just the kind of movie that wins Oscars, deserving or not.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 04-19-02
Replies: 140
Posted By Guy
Some people are happy with mainstream cinema and...

Some people are happy with mainstream cinema and some people aren't. Those are the facts! I don't think you can make any generalizations about what type of people they are or their IQ levels.

Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-18-02
Replies: 11
Haley Joel Osment
Posted By Guy
I think Haley Joel is a talented young actor. I...

I think Haley Joel is a talented young actor. I think he's a bit overrated though. I don't think he's the next 'Brando' or anything, but he's good.
Forum: Movie Reviews 04-17-02
Replies: 31
2001: A Space Odyssey
Posted By Guy
Re: 2001: A Space Odyssey

I dont think there is a definitive explanation, everyone's theories have merit!

I agree with some of your comments, specifically the Black Monoliths. The monoliths sounded just like screaming...
Replies: 18
Lotr:fotr Dvd
Posted By Guy
I'll probably buy all three 4 disc sets when they...

I'll probably buy all three 4 disc sets when they come out and then hopefully newline will sell the boxes that hold the whole set so many of us won't feel ripped off.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 04-14-02
Replies: 18
Quickie about fight club
Posted By Guy
If I remember correctly, in the beginning...

If I remember correctly, in the beginning narrative, when Norton talks about the buildings ready to explode the camera goes down the building into the parking area and the same white truck is there...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-11-02
Replies: 33
Actors Playing Recurring Roles
Posted By Guy
I'm not saying these characters play the exact...

I'm not saying these characters play the exact same characters every film. Look at Tom Sizemore. Three war films (Pearl Harbor, Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down). I would put his name on this...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-09-02
Replies: 33
Actors Playing Recurring Roles
Posted By Guy
Tom Hanks -- Always playing the everyday guy....

Tom Hanks -- Always playing the everyday guy. That might change with Road to Perdition though this year.

Woody Allen

Jean Reno -- Always a mysterious foreign guy with a weapon.

Replies: 42
Do you Listen to Audio Commentaries
Posted By Guy
I used to, but not anymore. I will listen to a...

I used to, but not anymore. I will listen to a few directors though. I don't know why I don't. I guess I'd rather watch the actual film than watch the film with someone talking through it. If I had 2...
Forum: Movie Reviews 03-30-02
Replies: 37
Panic Room
Posted By Guy
How did that one end?

How did that one end?