Oscar Picks

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Showing results 1 to 25 of 220
Forum: Movie Reviews 02-24-03
Replies: 1
Russian Ark
Posted By Zweeedorf
Russian Ark

Hello Everybody, I haven't posted on this site for a very long time, but I figure today would be a good day to start again. That and I need community service hours, so I plan on counting Movie...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-26-01
Replies: 229
The Top 10 Films of All Time
Posted By Zweeedorf
OK i couldn't stay away becaus I knew Chris would...

OK i couldn't stay away becaus I knew Chris would say somethin that would make him sound more intelligent than he really is. If it make you feel better to categorize me than go for it, but you...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-26-01
Replies: 229
The Top 10 Films of All Time
Posted By Zweeedorf
Where did my post go!!!!!!!!!!! Damn all of this...

Where did my post go!!!!!!!!!!! Damn all of this $hyte. That is messed up TWT!!!! I'm gone.

And the Golden Globes and the Academy Awards are not the last word on what is good and not nor is...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 09-26-01
Replies: 286
Favorite Director?
Posted By Zweeedorf
Kubrick is my favorite director but Killer's Kiss...

Kubrick is my favorite director but Killer's Kiss ate it. Anybody could beat that piece of crap. God it was so bad. Im going to go buy a digital video camera and make a better film that thing.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-26-01
Replies: 229
The Top 10 Films of All Time
Posted By Zweeedorf
I accept your surrender.

I accept your surrender.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-25-01
Replies: 229
The Top 10 Films of All Time
Posted By Zweeedorf
I didn't say i didn't like Braveheart. It was a...

I didn't say i didn't like Braveheart. It was a good solid :makes fist: flick. It just does not deserve to be in the top 10 or even the top 100.
Replies: 51
The Most Powerful X-men Character
Posted By Zweeedorf
Magneto. He can kick some major @ss. I mean...

Magneto. He can kick some major @ss. I mean with everybody living in a city he can just put up a magnetic force field around him and just hit everybody with the steel bars the hold buildings...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-25-01
Replies: 229
The Top 10 Films of All Time
Posted By Zweeedorf
Im at school right now and have nothin better to...

Im at school right now and have nothin better to do. I didn't say that Mel was a bad actor just that his character has no depth.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-24-01
Replies: 229
The Top 10 Films of All Time
Posted By Zweeedorf
Tho oblisk is a piece of technology created by...

Tho oblisk is a piece of technology created by the aliens to spark evolution. That is my own personal opinion though and the only one that makes sense.

As for my list it is now: Chasing Amy, Do...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-24-01
Replies: 229
The Top 10 Films of All Time
Posted By Zweeedorf
The Matrix and Braveheart are not two of the...

The Matrix and Braveheart are not two of the greatest movies ever made. I mean sure the Matrix had some kick @ss fight scenes, but nobody got the movie the first time through (at least me and many...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-24-01
Replies: 229
The Top 10 Films of All Time
Posted By Zweeedorf
Here's a quick list off the top of my head in no...

Here's a quick list off the top of my head in no particular order, and these are just some quick ones with no thought behind them at all. I still like em though and would argue the point for each....
Replies: 133
Politics Continued...
Posted By Zweeedorf
I hate republicans just as much as I hate...

I hate republicans just as much as I hate racists. They are one in the same. Just to know, why can't I say "Right wing republican bast@rd! I didn't even read all of that because if comes from a...
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 09-20-01
Replies: 23
Remakes you would Like too see made
Posted By Zweeedorf
I want to see the movie Ran re-made becaus i like...

I want to see the movie Ran re-made becaus i like the part where the chick gets her head cut off. What can I say i hate women. What are they good for except...?
Replies: 133
Politics Continued...
Posted By Zweeedorf
Right wing republican bast@rd! I didn't even...

Right wing republican bast@rd! I didn't even read all of that because if comes from a republican it has to be cr@p. F you and all of the other people that enjoy wearing large belt buckles and...
Replies: 133
Politics Continued...
Posted By Zweeedorf
Wouldn't spending the rest of his life in jail be...

Wouldn't spending the rest of his life in jail be worse than the whole death thing. I mean this whole tower thing is not neccessarily him. We also thought that the whole Oklahoma thingy was done by...
Replies: 133
Politics Continued...
Posted By Zweeedorf
He didn't lie under oath he lied while he wasn't...

He didn't lie under oath he lied while he wasn't under oath. I don't want Bin Laden dead because it doesn't solve anything. I'd rather have him spend the rest of his life in a a hard core jail. ...
Replies: 133
Politics Continued...
Posted By Zweeedorf
Bill Clinton has so much charisma I don't know...

Bill Clinton has so much charisma I don't know how you can't like him. He represents America the way it is and doesn't try to hide behind some facade. We are as a whole liars (not a bad quality-you...
Forum: Movie Reviews 09-18-01
Replies: 14
You Can Count on Me
Posted By Zweeedorf
This movie is brilliant! And the characters are...

This movie is brilliant! And the characters are deep, especially Laura Linneys character.

She seems to be the only one that has no one to count on except for her brother but that's iffy. She is...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 08-18-01
Replies: 97
Batman Vs. Superman
Posted By Zweeedorf
He just jumped out of the way. Kane can pick up...

He just jumped out of the way. Kane can pick up cars and such and toss them a block or two. I figure if Batman can dodge that kind of strength in which the object must me traveling a few hundred...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 08-18-01
Replies: 45
Posted By Zweeedorf
I don't curse a lot either just when I am part of...

I don't curse a lot either just when I am part of a debate of some kind. That's when I feel it is a lot of fun to use. Get off your high-horse.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 08-17-01
Replies: 97
Batman Vs. Superman
Posted By Zweeedorf
Im just saying that in the comics Batman has...

Im just saying that in the comics Batman has dodged objects from Kane and Kane is just as strong as Superman. The Ocean Liner thing would never occur because Batman is smart enough to stay in a...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 08-17-01
Replies: 28
The Greatest Movie: The Final Round
Posted By Zweeedorf
No there were 4 rounds in the second round with 5...

No there were 4 rounds in the second round with 5 movies in each. That makes 20 which is what we got out of the first round. I don't know I think that Apocalypse Now is a pretty good choice for...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 08-17-01
Replies: 45
Posted By Zweeedorf
No I don't giggle it's just this fuc%ing web-site...

No I don't giggle it's just this fuc%ing web-site and any web-site for that matter and how it restricts the way that I can talk. Trust me if I could I would be saying Fu-- every other word on this...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 08-17-01
Replies: 97
Batman Vs. Superman
Posted By Zweeedorf
OK there have been numerous points in the Batman...

OK there have been numerous points in the Batman comic when people such as Kane who is close to or the same strength of Superman has thrown an object at Batman. Each time he dodges out of the way. ...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 08-17-01
Replies: 45
Posted By Zweeedorf
Yes I love it! Hahahaha

Yes I love it! Hahahaha