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Forum: General Movie Discussion 11-08-20
Replies: 25
Is It Best To Watch Movies Alone?
Posted By ahwell
Re: Is It Best To Watch Movies Alone?

Depends on how I'm watching it together. I often watch movies online with people, in which case it's difficult to be talking to them and paying attention to the movie at the same time; but it's...
Replies: 1,042
23rd MoFo Hall of Fame
Posted By ahwell
Re: 23rd MoFo Hall of Fame

Hi everyone, super sorry of me. I just up and left one day and I should have thought about it more and tied up loose ends. To make it official, here are my final two reviews:

Stand by Me(1986)
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 09-09-20
Replies: 60
Academy Awards are changing the rules again....
Posted By ahwell
But it did end racism. sorry if you...

But it did end racism. sorry if you misinterpreted.
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 09-09-20
Replies: 60
Academy Awards are changing the rules again....
Posted By ahwell
"And I suffer that slight alone, because I'm not...

"And I suffer that slight alone, because I'm not accepted by my own people 'cause I'm not like them, either. So, if I'm not black enough and if I'm not white enough and if I'm not man enough, then...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 09-09-20
Replies: 60
Academy Awards are changing the rules again....
Posted By ahwell
It's not an important step and it won't change...

It's not an important step and it won't change anything...

ummm ok so Green Book is a movie made by a white director in a time when racism is really still ongoing in America, and I think it's...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 09-09-20
Replies: 60
Academy Awards are changing the rules again....
Posted By ahwell
Again, I don't welcome the new rules... but of...

Again, I don't welcome the new rules... but of the three paragraphs you wrote I agree the most with the first one:p
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 09-09-20
Replies: 60
Academy Awards are changing the rules again....
Posted By ahwell
I mean, that's fine, but it's nitpicking with...

I mean, that's fine, but it's nitpicking with words. Of the black people I know who've seen the movie, they all call it racist; I'm going to listen to their experiences first and foremost... and yes,...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 09-09-20
Replies: 60
Academy Awards are changing the rules again....
Posted By ahwell
I just don't think they're obviously mutual...

I just don't think they're obviously mutual exclusive. That's all.
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 09-09-20
Replies: 60
Academy Awards are changing the rules again....
Posted By ahwell
I sent two article links explaining the problem....

I sent two article links explaining the problem. I could elaborate myself, but they are the exact reasons in the article.
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 09-09-20
Replies: 60
Academy Awards are changing the rules again....
Posted By ahwell
If you want to play black and white, then no, it...

If you want to play black and white, then no, it doesn’t help Hollywood in any important way.
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 09-09-20
Replies: 60
Academy Awards are changing the rules again....
Posted By ahwell
A movie can be wonderful and uplifting while...

A movie can be wonderful and uplifting while being racist at the same time :). See most 20s and 30s blackface comedies.

For further reading, since this has been talked about a lot:...
Forum: Movie Reviews 09-09-20
Replies: 537
ahwell's Top 100 Movies - 2020
Posted By ahwell


24. The Shining (1980)

In an odd way,...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 09-09-20
Replies: 60
Academy Awards are changing the rules again....
Posted By ahwell
In this case it’s the “thought that counts”.

In this case it’s the “thought that counts”.
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 09-09-20
Replies: 60
Academy Awards are changing the rules again....
Posted By ahwell
Yes yes yes. I will also add independent studios...

Yes yes yes. I will also add independent studios like A24 that are thriving.
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 09-09-20
Replies: 60
Academy Awards are changing the rules again....
Posted By ahwell
The requirements aren’t necessary because they...

The requirements aren’t necessary because they won’t actually change anything in Hollywood. We need something that ACTUALLY implements diversity in Hollywood itself, not just awards ceremonies.
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 09-09-20
Replies: 60
Academy Awards are changing the rules again....
Posted By ahwell
Just so y’all know, this doesn’t really change...

Just so y’all know, this doesn’t really change anything at all. Basically every nominee from the last decade passes 2/4 of these requirements. It may be irksome that the rules exist in the first...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 09-09-20
Replies: 133
Poll: Is Quentin Tarantino One Of The 10 Best Directors Of All-Time?
Posted By ahwell
He’s in my personal top ten :) I don’t know if I...

He’s in my personal top ten :) I don’t know if I would say the GREATEST ten though.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-09-20
Replies: 17
What About Parasite?
Posted By ahwell
Please watch in the original language lol. As...

Please watch in the original language lol. As Bong Joon-Ho himself said, "Once you overcome the 1-inch-tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films”.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-09-20
Replies: 40
Favorite Movies of 1994?
Posted By ahwell
3. Chungking Express 2. The Shawshank...

3. Chungking Express
2. The Shawshank Redemption
1. Pulp Fiction
Forum: Movie Reviews 09-08-20
Replies: 537
ahwell's Top 100 Movies - 2020
Posted By ahwell


25. The Godfather Part II (1974)

Somehow Coppola constructed six full hours of flawless filmmaking...
Forum: Movie Reviews 09-07-20
Replies: 537
ahwell's Top 100 Movies - 2020
Posted By ahwell


26. Psycho (1960)

What is fear? I am so afraid of death. I am so...
Forum: Birthdays and Introductions 09-07-20
Replies: 11
Happy Anniversary, ahwell!
Posted By ahwell
Re: Happy Anniversary, ahwell!

Thanks everyone!!
Forum: Movie Reviews 09-06-20
Replies: 537
ahwell's Top 100 Movies - 2020
Posted By ahwell
Think you’d at least really appreciate this, if...

Think you’d at least really appreciate this, if not quite love.
Forum: Movie Reviews 09-06-20
Replies: 537
ahwell's Top 100 Movies - 2020
Posted By ahwell


27. Parasite (2019)

Parasite seems like one of those movies that you watch once, and then on second watch the...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-06-20
Replies: 95
Romances you rooted against
Posted By ahwell
Your Name (2016)... all the groping, disgusting.

Your Name (2016)... all the groping, disgusting.