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Forum: The Television & Music Forum 3 weeks ago
Replies: 23
Landman | Paramount+
Posted By John McClane
Foundation is worth the slog of season 1 for the...

Foundation is worth the slog of season 1 for the payoff in season 2. That second season is marvelous.

As for Landman, it remains to be seen. This was probably one of the weakest first seasons I’ve...
Forum: The Television & Music Forum 4 weeks ago
Replies: 23
Landman | Paramount+
Posted By John McClane
could this show get any worse? why do i do this...

could this show get any worse? why do i do this to myself? i should know by now that Sheridan just rewrites Yellowstone scripts to make his other shows work. change some names, move the location,...
Replies: 23
Landman | Paramount+
Posted By John McClane
i’d love it more if Taylor Sheridan wasn’t the...

i’d love it more if Taylor Sheridan wasn’t the laziest writer ever.

but the latest episode was awesome. the scene with the National Guard touring the fields. hilarious!