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Replies: 36
Daylight Savings Time: Yes or No?
Posted By Sedai
I guess this means the title stays! ;) :D

I guess this means the title stays! ;) :D
Replies: 36
Daylight Savings Time: Yes or No?
Posted By Sedai
I refuse to acquiesce! I shan't let the King's...

I refuse to acquiesce! I shan't let the King's English be sullied with all sorts of balderdash, blarney, bosh, blather, bilge and hullabaloo! I say!
Replies: 36
Daylight Savings Time: Yes or No?
Posted By Sedai
Re: Daylight Savings Time: Yes or No?

Everyone needs to correct their posts to remove the s from Daylight Saving Time. This isn't a bank, folks, we are SAVING daylight! ;)