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Forum: Games and Tabs 01-24-24
Replies: 78,601
Word Association
Posted By Sir Toose
Replies: 156
Broke my wrist!!!
Posted By Sir Toose
Re: Broke my wrist!!!

My skeletal system is a cracked up mess so I definitely sympathize! Had a bunch of pins put in my wrist last year. Need both knees replaced too. Hope they patch you up as quickly and painlessly as...
Forum: Games and Tabs 01-24-24
Replies: 78,601
Word Association
Posted By Sir Toose
Replies: 420
True Detective (HBO) Official Thread
Posted By Sir Toose
Re: True Detective (HBO) Official Thread

I watched the first episode. I'm resisting watching more until all episodes are available. I like watching back to back - a week between kills the continuity for me.
Forum: Games and Tabs 01-23-24
Replies: 1,571
First movie to come to mind
Posted By Sir Toose
A Good Person Saturn

A Good Person

Replies: 6
Ideal Vacation Spots
Posted By Sir Toose
Re: Ideal Vacation Spots

Going to Ireland in the summer - always have wanted to go. Visit the roots etc. First time I've ever traveled with a passport.

My favorite spot is Seaside FL (https://seasidefl.com/) though. If...
Forum: Games and Tabs 01-23-24
Replies: 78,601
Word Association
Posted By Sir Toose
Re: Word Association


(I'll probably always haunt these halls - TY!)
Replies: 593
Whats the weather like today where you live?
Posted By Sir Toose
Re: Whats the weather like today where you live?

Icy cold in Texas last week. A few nights of getting up every few hours to run the water so the pipes don't burst. Now, cool and rainy (my favorite kind of weather).
Replies: 7
Favorite Youtube Channels?
Posted By Sir Toose
For film I'm always running across Rob Ager's...

For film I'm always running across Rob Ager's "Collative Learning" (https://www.youtube.com/@collativelearning/videos)

For other interesting topics:
The Why Files...
Forum: Games and Tabs 01-23-24
Replies: 78,601
Word Association
Posted By Sir Toose
Replies: 95
Cars and your gender
Posted By Sir Toose
Looks like Norma’s Mercedes in Bates Motel ‘72...

Looks like Norma’s Mercedes in Bates Motel ‘72 280 SEL

Replies: 42
Your Sport...
Posted By Sir Toose
Re: Your Sport...

The one I actually played was baseball - catcher for 9 years or so. I had to stop due to a bad motorcycle accident (crushed my leg). Got into lifting while in rehab but couldn't compete because I...
Replies: 30,440
The person above me thread
Posted By Sir Toose
Re: The person above me thread

TPAM picks his nose, rolls up the boogers and flicks them into the corner of the room. At this moment that horrifying collection of pulsating cells is coalescing into something the human mind is...
Replies: 684
Who Will be Our Next President?
Posted By Sir Toose
Tucker makes some relevant points. ...

Tucker makes some relevant points.

Replies: 3,589
Posted By Sir Toose
So if we follow that line of thinking then mask...

So if we follow that line of thinking then mask wearing is able to corral and negate the virus within a few weeks?

Actually, maybe because they were wearing masks to begin with far less people...
Replies: 3,589
Posted By Sir Toose
Unless you're in China... Within 2 weeks -...

Unless you're in China...

Within 2 weeks - gone. No re-infections (statistical nils anyway)..

There are hijinks afoot - remains to be seen as to what exactly they are.

Forum: General Movie Discussion 11-08-20
Replies: 33
What's your Favorite Movie (or TV) Car(s)?
Posted By Sir Toose
Can't forget the Jurassic Park Ford Explorers: ...

Can't forget the Jurassic Park Ford Explorers:


I had a Toyota Sequoia I drove for 10 years after I paid it off. Had serious thoughts about doing this to it :)
Replies: 684
Who Will be Our Next President?
Posted By Sir Toose
I think you’ll find (if you look) plenty of...

I think you’ll find (if you look) plenty of decent people who voted for Trump. It wouldn’t hurt to chill with the hyperbole at this point.
Replies: 684
Who Will be Our Next President?
Posted By Sir Toose
Re: Who Will be Our Next President?

I’m not sure how I feel about it. In a way, Trump was a rogue element that was able to extricate us from some bad economic situations... particularly reliance on foreign energy resources. I think...
Replies: 684
Who Will be Our Next President?
Posted By Sir Toose
Re: Who Will be Our Next President?

Whelp, guess my prediction was wrong.

At the very least, a very loud and screechy cacophony can feel free to be still for a while. Whenever they’re done fawning and gloating that is. Poor ‘ol...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 11-07-20
Replies: 20
Most underrated comedy sequels
Posted By Sir Toose
Re: Most underrated comedy sequels

Grumpy Old Men was funny. Grumpier Old Men was funnier. I miss Walter Matthau.
Replies: 684
Who Will be Our Next President?
Posted By Sir Toose
Re: Who Will be Our Next President?

What's most interesting to me about the shenanigans going on is that it's a clear illustration of how well (and easily) our tribalistic natures can be exploited. Our desire to belong (on a macro...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 11-06-20
Replies: 54
Over Analyzing Films
Posted By Sir Toose
Oh dear God The Shining. There's everything...

Oh dear God The Shining.

There's everything in there from fake moon landings to Native American genocide to cannibalism and on and on. And on. Maybe Jack's Volkswagen climbing uphill was symbolic...
Replies: 30,440
The person above me thread
Posted By Sir Toose
Re: The person above me thread

For some reason, whenever I see TPAM, I think of Fleetwood Mac.
Replies: 30,440
The person above me thread
Posted By Sir Toose
Re: The person above me thread

TPAM has 420 posts as I write this. Radical.