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Forum: General Movie Discussion 11-30-24
Replies: 14
My 300 films to watch before you die
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
Yeah I grew up on the Hot Fuzz i always buy a...

Yeah I grew up on the Hot Fuzz i always buy a Cornetto before watching it 😄
Forum: General Movie Discussion 11-30-24
Replies: 14
My 300 films to watch before you die
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
That's a great point. Pulp fiction and Gone with...

That's a great point. Pulp fiction and Gone with the wind are masterpieces in their own right so it's not fair to say one is objectively better than the other. I would like to think things are only...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 11-30-24
Replies: 14
My 300 films to watch before you die
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
Nothing offensive for about calling a spade a...

Nothing offensive for about calling a spade a spade. Death is a natural part of life and if the title reminds people of their own mortality it will hopefully reinforce the importance of making each...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 11-30-24
Replies: 14
My 300 films to watch before you die
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
I genuinely forgot to put psycho 🤦 Yeah the...

I genuinely forgot to put psycho 🤦 Yeah the lighthouse is a masterpiece of our time. I think we've all wanted to smash up a seagull at one point or another
Forum: General Movie Discussion 11-30-24
Forum: General Movie Discussion 11-30-24
Replies: 14
My 300 films to watch before you die
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
My 300 films to watch before you die

This is a list of my all-time favorite films. Numbers 1 to 100 are my favorite films in order. Number 1 being my all-time favourite film. The rest of the list are films that are still right up there...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-12-24
Replies: 81
Poll: Favorite Decade For Cinema?
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
To be fair on the big fan of Japanese cinema my...

To be fair on the big fan of Japanese cinema my knowledge is basic though. Kwaidan is one of my favorite films. I religiously watch Metropolis by far my favourite silent movie. Great to know we have...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-11-24
Replies: 81
Poll: Favorite Decade For Cinema?
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
Damm I messed up. I forgot the shining was 1980...

Damm I messed up. I forgot the shining was 1980 and 2001 was 68. Guess they looked ahead of there time. I'll edit my post. But 70s still take the W
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-11-24
Replies: 81
Poll: Favorite Decade For Cinema?
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
1920s Metropolis 1930s Gone with the wind...

1920s Metropolis

1930s Gone with the wind

1940s the Maltese falcon

1950s Twelve angry men... The seventh seal
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-09-24
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-09-24
Replies: 34
Give me the name of your favourite film
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
Some good points. Although Robert Patterson...

Some good points. Although Robert Patterson performance was stunning I still think Willem Dafoe stole the show. I definitely recommend Kwaidan though
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-09-24
Replies: 34
Give me the name of your favourite film
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
One of my favourite films 👉95%

One of my favourite films 👉95%
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-09-24
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-09-24
Replies: 34
Give me the name of your favourite film
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
I would give it 90% it's the only anime I have...

I would give it 90% it's the only anime I have seen to be fair alongside grave of fireflies
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-08-24
Replies: 34
Give me the name of your favourite film
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
Alien 100% I found it more mature and...

Alien 100% I found it more mature and sophisticated. It's just an original masterpiece

Aliens though I would probably give 85% it's extremely entertaining though and one of my favorite action...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-08-24
Replies: 34
Give me the name of your favourite film
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
Goodfellas for me is 81% I've always thought the...

Goodfellas for me is 81% I've always thought the film was slightly overrated. Greatly acted though, especially Joe pesci's scenes
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-08-24
Replies: 34
Give me the name of your favourite film
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
When I was a teen I used to watch that movie...

When I was a teen I used to watch that movie weekly. Feels like I lost something inside myself that I can't enjoy it as much anymore. I guess my taste has changed over the years.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-08-24
Replies: 34
Give me the name of your favourite film
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
When you said the other one I thought you were...

When you said the other one I thought you were referring to a movie title. The other film that goes a hundred percent for me is Alien 😂
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-08-24
Replies: 34
Give me the name of your favourite film
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
I give it 80% in the category of great. Love the...

I give it 80% in the category of great. Love the eye emoji front cover reference 😄
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-08-24
Replies: 34
Give me the name of your favourite film
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
59% in the good category. Never been too much of...

59% in the good category. Never been too much of a fan but this is just my personal opinion
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-08-24
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-08-24
Replies: 34
Give me the name of your favourite film
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
68% in the category of very good. That's...

68% in the category of very good. That's personally where I would place it but I understand it has a cult following
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-08-24
Replies: 34
Give me the name of your favourite film
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
Hello by the way it's been a while since I was on...

Hello by the way it's been a while since I was on here 👋
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-08-24
Replies: 34
Give me the name of your favourite film
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
Haven't seen it. Have you got another title for me

Haven't seen it. Have you got another title for me
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-08-24
Replies: 34
Give me the name of your favourite film
Posted By TheVanillaGorilla
Probably only one of two films I would give 100%

Probably only one of two films I would give 100%