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Showing results 1 to 25 of 1000
Replies: 23
What was your best and worst subjects in school?
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Re: What was your best and worst subjects in school?

Worst: I can't learn a foreign language at all and I don't know why.

Best: Anything I put effort into doing. If I actually cared, I could have been a straight-A student (minus the foreign...
Replies: 885
The Official NFL Thread
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Re: The Official NFL Thread

We're having pizza and chips and whatever else is already in the pantry. If the snacks are in a communal bowl, and my older brother has anything, I won't have the same things he does because he plays...
Replies: 47
Things that Impress or Please you, or make you Happy...
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
That sounds fun. I like the Harry Potter books. I...

That sounds fun. I like the Harry Potter books. I just don't like the movies. Yeah co-op games are fun. The kiddo and I play co-op video games pretty frequently too.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 3 days ago
Replies: 29
Poll: How do you approach adaptations?
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Re: How do you approach adaptations?

An interesting sidebar (maybe); I've always hated Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings films since they came out when I was curious to see them. I did not read Hobbit until 2022 and the meaty Lord of...
Replies: 8,281
What was the last DVD you bought and why?
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Re: What was the last DVD you bought and why?

I ordered Sealab 2021 Season 1 because I have Season 2 and realized the style would be lost on me if I don't watch the first season first, so I decided to get the first season before delving into the...
Replies: 47
Things that Impress or Please you, or make you Happy...
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
I thought I'd mention that the kiddos and I...

I thought I'd mention that the kiddos and I dabble in the board game scene every so often as well. It came to mind because we just finished playing a round of Sorry at the youngster's bequest. It was...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 3 days ago
Replies: 37,091
Movie You're Watching Tonight
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Re: Movie You're Watching Tonight

Tonight I'm going to try to watch Attack the Gas Station! ( It'll be easier to find time tonight than it was last night, although I am unsure if the...
Replies: 60
No-Spend February - Part Deux!
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Re: No-Spend February - Part Deux!

Is it bad I ordered a cleaning gel for my computer? The keyboard is all gunky and I've tried other cleaning methods, and they aren't working, so I want to see if that gel works. It wasn't much and it...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 4 days ago
Replies: 29
Poll: How do you approach adaptations?
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Re: How do you approach adaptations?

I have begun to question the need to adapt a book into a film when there about sixteen thousand things that'll be missed in the translation, and since I almost always end up preferring the book no...
Replies: 5,127
Things that annoy you...
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Re: Things that annoy you...

I have a real aversion to constant anger. Actually I kind of have an aversion to anger of any length of time nowadays. Now someone I know is dealing with her anger issues in the worst way; my...
Replies: 47
Things that Impress or Please you, or make you Happy...
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Yikes. Sucks he died. Yeah I'm in a consistent...

Yikes. Sucks he died. Yeah I'm in a consistent D&D group put together by the local library, which I thought was cool they do that. I think there are three game D&D groups that meet every week. I...
Replies: 47
Things that Impress or Please you, or make you Happy...
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Those sound fun too. I do enjoy board games as...

Those sound fun too. I do enjoy board games as well. I just prefer the table top games.

Root sounds pretty interesting. It reminds me a bit of Paranoia in that, while the Troubleshooters, as the...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 4 days ago
Replies: 522
Things You Just Found Out/Learned Recently?
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Re: Things You Just Found Out/Learned Recently?

I learned that George A Romero wanted to remake Season of the Witch because, as he stated, the cast and crew couldn't do a lot with what they had money-wise, and he felt it was lacking the oomph he...
Replies: 47
Things that Impress or Please you, or make you Happy...
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
No no; table top, like D&D and Paranoia, where...

No no; table top, like D&D and Paranoia, where the characters are written up on a sheet, dice are rolled, and role-playing happens. Sometimes there are maps where we move characters hither and...
Replies: 47
Things that Impress or Please you, or make you Happy...
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
It's an antacid. I have bad heartburn without it,...

It's an antacid. I have bad heartburn without it, which I haven't had it for like four days, so I'm really nauseated. The pharmacy was being slow about filling it. Now we have to brave the wintery...
Replies: 713
Rate the last Book you read
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
I finished Hammer's Slammers tonight. It's a...

I finished Hammer's Slammers tonight. It's a solid book and I enjoyed reading it.

Next up I requested Book Thief from the library. I also want to read Boy Who Saw except the library doesn't have...
Replies: 7,348
Female Beauty We Appreciate
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Here's another picture of le hawtie: 104873

Here's another picture of le hawtie:
Replies: 47
Things that Impress or Please you, or make you Happy...
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Re: Things that Impress or Please you, or make you Happy...

I thought of something else that's more substantial; the feeling of getting in bed after a shower. I shower at nights so I can relax after a day of anxiety, and I needn't worry about a time crunch,...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 5 days ago
Replies: 37,091
Movie You're Watching Tonight
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Re: Movie You're Watching Tonight

I was thinking of watching an Italian horror film; either Bird with the Crystal Plumage or Cat O' Nine Tails. Oddly enough today would have been George Romero's 84th birthday if he were still alive,...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 6 days ago
Replies: 85,951
Rate The Last Movie You Saw
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Saw

I watched The Train 1964. It was kind of disappointing. Not because it's bad; because it isn't great. I like the movie. I just hoped for more. The film just didn't resonate with me. Burt Lancaster...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 6 days ago
Replies: 37,091
Movie You're Watching Tonight
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Re: Movie You're Watching Tonight

I thought of watching The Train ( some time today. It looks awesome. Someone on here posted about it and I realized I had it saved on Amazon, and...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 6 days ago
Replies: 85,951
Rate The Last Movie You Saw
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
This sounds awesome. I'm going to have to watch...

This sounds awesome. I'm going to have to watch it.

Addendum; it's on Kanopy so I can watch it that way. Hooray!
Forum: General Movie Discussion 1 week ago
Replies: 85,951
Rate The Last Movie You Saw
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Saw

Tonight I watched Batman Killing Joke for the first time. What an awesome movie. Of the ten I've seen in the 18-Movie 80th Collection DVD I have on loan, it's my second or third favorite. I know it's...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 1 week ago
Replies: 37,091
Movie You're Watching Tonight
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
Re: Movie You're Watching Tonight

I thought about watching Batman Killing Joke at some point today. It's in the 18-film collection so it sounds like a good idea. I kind of tapered off my momentum with the Batman movies after watching...
Replies: 5,127
Things that annoy you...
Posted By I_Wear_Pants
That's how I approach it. Lately I've been...

That's how I approach it. Lately I've been keeping eivenkeeled when dealing with the children when they're being difficult. Then my parents are pissed off. Sometimes my parents just go to bed and...