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Forum: Movie Reviews 2 weeks ago
Replies: 19
Thinking About Film
Posted By Tyler1
Re: Thinking About Film

As we find ourselves right in the midst of an "AI driven revolution" in the arts and media landscape, let's take a moment to reflect about how we have to adapt as both 1) passionate advocates for...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 2 weeks ago
Replies: 596
Your Most Controversial Film Opinions?
Posted By Tyler1
You might be interested in my review where I...

You might be interested in my review where I looked at how the main ideas inform the actual structure of the film itself. I'm actually quite proud of my Last Year at Marienbad and Jeanne Dielman...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 2 weeks ago
Replies: 596
Your Most Controversial Film Opinions?
Posted By Tyler1
Re: Your Most Controversial Film Opinions?

Is it really controversial to dislike a widely popular film, or admire a widely condemned film/film-maker? So much of what's said in this thread comes down to a sense of ethics - whether it is right...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 2 weeks ago
Replies: 63
Does anyone else take notes when watching films at cinema?
Posted By Tyler1
Re: Does anyone else take notes when watching films at cinema?

There's a particular filmmaker who encourages people to fall asleep to his movies (iykyk)... so really it comes down to how one chooses to mentally/physically process the movie. I believe there's a...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 4 weeks ago
Replies: 32
A tribute to Kafkaesque cinema
Posted By Tyler1
Re: A tribute to Kafkaesque cinema

Don't forget that phenomenology is as much a method as its an object of study. Hence phenomenology can be applied to any film as a means of analysis. What we call "kafkaesque" is a particular form of...
Forum: Birthdays and Introductions 01-01-25
Replies: 7
Happy Anniversary Tyler1!
Posted By Tyler1
Re: Happy Anniversary Tyler1!

Thanks everyone! <3
Forum: Movie Forums Site Stuff 12-27-24
Replies: 132
RIP mark f
Posted By Tyler1
Re: RIP mark f

Wait... I didn't even realize what happened as I was on a 4-5 year hiatus and barely posted during my undergrad college years. He dedicated so much of himself to cinema and to this forum, and was one...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-10-24
Replies: 69
Unpopular Opinion: Tarkovsky's STALKER sucks.
Posted By Tyler1
Re: Unpopular Opinion: Tarkovsky's STALKER sucks.

Stalker is about metaphysical ideals that exists outside of space-time and shape our mental structures in space-time. These ideals are excesses that call or beckon us to them, they fill us with hope...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 11-18-24
Replies: 48
The MoFo Movie Club Discussion: Metropolis
Posted By Tyler1
No worries, the discussion isn't about the merits...

No worries, the discussion isn't about the merits of certain economic systems (afterall, we live in a reality where only one matters) but how this early silent film broaches contemporary issues...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 11-18-24
Replies: 48
The MoFo Movie Club Discussion: Metropolis
Posted By Tyler1
Except that both cannot agree by the same set of...

Except that both cannot agree by the same set of rules in the first place. The capitalist maintains that production figures be met and surpassed, keeping wages in check, etc. while the working class...
Forum: Movie Reviews 11-17-24
Replies: 21
Posted By Tyler1
You seem like someone who is interested solely in...

You seem like someone who is interested solely in sorting films into either a good or bad category, and coming up with arbitrary lists that have some of pretense towards objectivity, but who are you...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 11-17-24
Replies: 48
The MoFo Movie Club Discussion: Metropolis
Posted By Tyler1
They are irreconcilable because both operate...

They are irreconcilable because both operate according to their own respective logic, hence the only way out is to have an external meta-logic that supersedes/transcends both. In legalistic terms its...
Forum: Movie Reviews 11-17-24
Replies: 21
Posted By Tyler1
Re: Vertigo

Ok I could also just slap lists upon lists without explicating the concepts and ideas of listed films. I'm less interested in an "objective" ranking for which I don't even know the use of doing so...
Forum: Movie Reviews 11-17-24
Replies: 21
Posted By Tyler1
Did you just copy and paste the synopsis?...

Did you just copy and paste the synopsis? :suspicious: But yes, it's an obscure film which was inaccessible for most of the 20th century, and only relatively available and appreciated. I would argue...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 11-17-24
Replies: 48
The MoFo Movie Club Discussion: Metropolis
Posted By Tyler1
Re: The MoFo Movie Club Discussion: Metropolis

The ending of Metropolis has often been viewed very cynically as sort of a cliche. They are right to point out that labour and capital are irreconcilable, a simple gesture of RECOGNITION doesn't...
Forum: Movie Reviews 11-17-24
Replies: 21
Posted By Tyler1
Re: Vertigo

I've been thinking about what Citizen Kane, Vertigo and Jeanne Dielman have in common which makes them 3 of the most radical films of the 20th century. We say they're "far ahead" of their times, but...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 11-14-24
Replies: 10
Parasite (2019) vs. High and Low (1963).
Posted By Tyler1
Re: Parasite (2019) vs. High and Low (1963).

As well-written and well-directed a film like High and Low was (and I have the utmost admiration for Kurosawa), it is based on a black-and-white worldview - a world of stark contrasts and fixed...
Replies: 19,942
What are you listening to while you're MoFoin' it?
Posted By Tyler1
Re: What are you listening to while you're MoFoin' it?

The pinnacle of ACT Jazz.
Forum: Movie Reviews 10-30-24
Replies: 19
Thinking About Film
Posted By Tyler1
Looking back at my reworked review of Last Year...

Looking back at my reworked review of Last Year at Marienbad, I've spent an inordinate amount of energy attempting to answer the question "What is the Image?". I've previously said that I do not...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-11-24
Replies: 81
Poll: Favorite Decade For Cinema?
Posted By Tyler1
Post-war cinema was less about breaking free from...

Post-war cinema was less about breaking free from "traditional" cliche(s) and exploring new ideas/techniques in filmmaking, but all of a sudden there was this sense of immense...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-08-24
Replies: 32
Ranking the best films of the (20)10s
Posted By Tyler1
10 for the 21st century 1. Werckmeister...

10 for the 21st century

1. Werckmeister Harmonies (Béla Tarr, 2000)
2. Right Now, Wrong Then (Hong Sang-Soo, 2015)
3. Drive My Car (Ryūsuke Hamaguchi, 2021)
4. Winter Sleep (Nuri Bilge Ceylan,...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 09-10-24
Replies: 89
Top 5 films each decade
Posted By Tyler1
Re: Top 5 films each decade

Well, seems like those who are obsessed over lists tend to flock to RYM. I dont do lists anymore (it's exhausting trying to justify preferring one masterpiece over another in so-and-so specific...
Forum: Movie Reviews 09-10-24
Replies: 19
Thinking About Film
Posted By Tyler1
Re: Thinking About Film

Interesting that you got Terrorizers the first time. It's one of the most cryptic films which I do not feel capable writing of (as yet) and I'm inclined to believe, following Fredric Jameson, that...
Forum: Movie Reviews 09-10-24
Replies: 19
Thinking About Film
Posted By Tyler1
Re: Thinking About Film

Film #14: Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East? (Bae, 1989)
Forum: Movie Reviews 09-10-24
Replies: 19
Thinking About Film
Posted By Tyler1
Thanks, I enjoy viewing film as an art-form, and...

Thanks, I enjoy viewing film as an art-form, and as other forms of art like literature, that is an expression of Ideas. This clash of ideas and their resolution is what enables me to write what I...