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Showing results 1 to 25 of 59
Forum: Movie Reviews 10-21-24
Replies: 115
Robert the List's Top 100 films
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Robert the List's Top 100 films

La La Land? Wal-E?
Forum: Movie Reviews 10-21-24
Replies: 14
Annie Hall (1977)
Posted By liscarkat
"(Considering the creepy aspects of Woody Allen's...

"(Considering the creepy aspects of Woody Allen's personal life, maybe this isn't just acting)"

This is, unfortunately, the Woody Allen myth that most people seem to accept uncritically. The more...
Replies: 5,088
Things that annoy you...
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Things that annoy you...

People who hold the door open for me when I'm still twenty feet away. Please don't. I promise you, I can do my own door opening.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-20-24
Replies: 20
Laurel and Hardy or Abbott and Costello
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Laurel and Hardy or Abbott and Costello

I liked both duos about equally when I was a pre-teen, but as an adult Laurel and Hardy hold up a lot better. I can barely watch Abbott and Costello anymore.
Replies: 15
What’s Your H.O.A. Story?
Posted By liscarkat
Re: What’s Your H.O.A. Story?

My sister-in-law owns a house in an H.O.A. neighborhood in south Orange County, California. She wanted to plant some flowers and small shrubs in her yard, and put down some pavers in her back yard to...
Replies: 56
You don't see that anymore.
Posted By liscarkat
Re: You don't see that anymore.

Affordable, utilitarian pickup trucks with 6-foot to 8-foot beds, and engines that can be worked on by the owner. Pickups today are overpriced luxury vehicles, gigantic but with tiny beds too small...
Replies: 2
Random sayings that make you laugh
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Random sayings that make you laugh

"You can be anything you want to be" is the dumbest lie ever told to children. It's so bad, it's child abuse.
Replies: 15
Do You Have a List Of All Your Books?
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Do You Have a List Of All Your Books?

I sure wish I had a list. At last count, I had close to 3,000 books in my house. Sometimes I can't find one when I want it. I've accidentally ordered a few books that I already had because I looked...
Replies: 25
Motion smoothing on TV — anyone get annoyed by it?
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Motion smoothing on TV — anyone get annoyed by it?

I'm not familiar with this phenomenon. I must have it turned off on my tv. I tend to notice stuff like the "soap opera effect", so I think I'd notice any other odd-looking thing if it was going on.
Replies: 7
Christmas Decorations
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Christmas Decorations

Love 'em, but don't want to see 'em until after Thanksgiving.
Replies: 27
What is your dream physique?
Posted By liscarkat
Re: What is your dream physique?

For myself? Lean and wiry. Muscles not large, but functional.

For women I'm attracted to? Curves, full breasts, long athletic legs. Fortunately for me, that's a perfect description of my wife.
Replies: 8
Life Lessons & Wisdom
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Life Lessons & Wisdom

What I've learned is that wisdom doesn't come from other people, from books, from Star Trek, from greeting cards, or from inspirational posters featuring seagulls or rainbows. Each person figures it...
Replies: 24
Nudity In Movies?
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Nudity In Movies?

I enjoy seeing naked women. But in movies nudity is completely unnecessary. If it's important to the plot to know that characters in a film have had sex, it's easy to communicate that without the...
Replies: 16
Friends of a different ethnicity?
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Friends of a different ethnicity?

Making friends should just happen naturally. Cultivating acquaintances for racial or ethnic reasons is phony.
Replies: 1
Homeless people cleared by city of Sacramento
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Homeless people cleared by city of Sacramento

Good for Sacramento. But they should clear them out all the time, for the good of the normal citizens, not just when a movie is being shot. California has pursued the leftist approach to homelessness...
Replies: 32
Do you go online to diagnose your disease?
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Do you go online to diagnose your disease?

I go on line to learn more, so if I think it might be something worth seeing a doctor about, I'll have a better idea about it when I talk to him.
Replies: 7
Blaxit - Black Americans Moving to Africa
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Blaxit - Black Americans Moving to Africa

I think most of them would regret the move and want to come back. I urge any black person contemplating it to do a lot of research first.
Replies: 36
Daylight Savings Time: Yes or No?
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Daylight Savings Time: Yes or No?

The way it's done doesn't make any sense. It should be reversed, so that daylight would last later in winter. We could use an extra hour of light then, and we could spare it in summer. We don't need...
Replies: 7
Do You Have a Feeling of Architecture?
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Do You Have a Feeling of Architecture?

I do. Unfortunately, I do not have a feeling for higher mathematics, so instead of becoming an architect, I studied architecture aesthetically and historically, and earned a living for many years as...
Replies: 4
Would you work at a theme park?
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Would you work at a theme park?

My wife worked at Disneyland for a while when she was about eighteen as a costumed clerk in one of the Main Street shops. She did not enjoy it.
Replies: 12
Would you go on a game show?
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Would you go on a game show?

My dad went on "Match Game" in the '80s and got eliminated. He knew the right answer, but they had drilled into the contestants the importance of not saying anything off-color, and he was afraid the...
Replies: 156
Broke my wrist!!!
Posted By liscarkat
Re: Broke my wrist!!!

I broke my wrist in a motorcycle racing crash when I was seventeen. Back then they did plaster casts. I accidentally spilled beer onto and into the cast one night, and had to live with the stink the...
Replies: 13
What Genre Of Movies Would You Like To Produce?
Posted By liscarkat
Re: What Genre Of Movies Would You Like To Produce?

Black-and-white film noir, westerns, traditional (1930s-1950s style) musicals. When I come into tens of billions, and build my movie studio, I'm bringing it all back. I'll be the modern Zanuck or...
Replies: 5
What makes a life meaningful?
Posted By liscarkat
Re: What makes a life meaningful?

What does not make a life meaningful is un-asked-for advice from people who think they know what makes life meaningful, or any crap printed in greeting cards or on inspirational posters with seagulls.