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Sir Toose 08-18-01 10:01 AM

For me it was Exorcist I and III. Both of these freaked me out. The first one for shock value and the third one for outright creepiness.


spudracer 08-18-01 10:05 AM

I'd have to agree with ya on that Toose. Never saw Exorcist 3 however. I think another one that was somewhat creepy was The Blob. Seeing the original when you're like 10 or so is a little scary.

Daisy 08-18-01 10:49 AM

The Exorcist is one of the most scary movies ever. III isn't even in the same league (better than II though what isn't?)

Very scary movies I've seen include:

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Night of the Living Dead
Carnival of Souls
Day of the Dead
Dawn of the Dead
The Brood

Give me goosebumps just thinkig of that lot...


sunfrog 08-18-01 02:14 PM

Excorsist. Still scares me. I'm still afraid of being possesed at any moment. That movie scarred me for life.

Wart 08-18-01 03:09 PM

Is Exorcist III---the one where some lady is crawling on the hospital ceiling???

PigsnieLite 08-18-01 03:58 PM

Yeah, that was so creeepy. And what about that figure in white who like slithered so fast acrooss the hospital hallway? You didnt see much but she gave me the goose bumps.
the leper ghouls in THE FOG gave me the frights too.

and yeah EXORCIST is the scariest movie ever! Altho Pigsnie said I once screamed at Singin in the Rain for some reason, bewahhhahaa!!

Sunfrog, if a demon ever possesed you I think the demon would be in a lot of trouble. :eek:

SultanBigPants 08-18-01 04:03 PM

The Haunting. Christ, did that movie freak the hell out of me. Sheesh. Also for some reason, Vertigo had me afraid of the dark for a week.

OG- 08-19-01 11:29 AM

The Blair Witch Project.

Daisy 08-19-01 12:25 PM

The Blair Witch Project? As soft as s**te, man!

Ain't none of you ever seen any George Romero?


OG- 08-19-01 12:32 PM

The Blair Witch Project had atmosphere. It had amazing, extremely believable acting, and was one of the most original movies ever. Why does everyone think the Exorcist is sooo scary???

OllieO 08-19-01 01:28 PM

BWP and Exorcist were both good, scary films. The pinnacle of scariness was reached in the former at the final scene - when that guy is just standing facing the wall... I didn't think that much of it at the time but that was a haunting image for the next couple of days.

As for the Exorcist, the innocence of Linda Blair corrupted was horrific. A sweet innocent girl saying stuff like (feel free to edit TWT) "Your mother sucks **** in hell", and then, the crucifix scene - ugly.

PigsnieLite 08-19-01 01:36 PM

Yup the crucifix scene was awfulll !!!! I hope it was a fake crucifix becuz you could prolly go to hell for doin somethin like that, even if its just a movie.

Steve 08-19-01 02:01 PM

The Exorcist. I stood at the foot of that staircase that the priest fell down in real life, I was scared to walk up it. Devil possession is the only thing that really freaks me out, probably because I'm Catholic.

I agree, Blair Witch was scary when I first saw it!! I didn't know if it was real or not!

OG- 08-19-01 02:05 PM

Exactly Steve!! The Exorcist was scary while I was watching it, but it didn't stick with me because I knew it was fake. Blair Witch on the other hand stuck with me big time. I thought it was real at first, I didn't know it had been cleverly, very cleverly staged, so it was with me for a while after watching it.

Steve 08-19-01 02:07 PM

The thing that freaked me out about the Exorcist is that it's a true story, and it happened not far from here.

spudracer 08-19-01 02:11 PM're not saying that The Haunting that was released a couple of years ago is scary are you? I mean it's something that might scare the timid, but it has to be gruesome before it starts makin me s*** my pants.

I think the best scary movies made were done in the 50s and 60s. I mean, yeah you could see the strings on the skeletons, or yeah you could tell it was a suit, but back then shock movies were a new thing...something never seen before so it would scare the crap out of you if your friend tapped you on the shoulder asking you if you wanted some popcorn. Nowadays, scary movies have lost their edge, their essence if you will. Clive Barker and Wes Craven used to pull some pretty nasty movies out of the bag, now it's a lost cause. What happened? Did scaring people turn into such a big money maker they don't care if it wasn't scary, but it might scare a couple of people so lets stick with it??? The new one coming out Jeepers Creepers. What the hell is this about? Reminds me of that song...jeepers creepers where'd you get those peepers. LOL.

I dare someone to come up with a script and a cast that can support the script of a movie that will scare you under your seat, and still leave you shocked and amazed. When, and if they do, it outta be worth the money to get in to see it. Better not be some crap they thought up just cause they're bored.

Daisy 08-19-01 02:59 PM

I agree about the very last scene of the BWP, that was a thrilling moment. But the rest of it? A bunch of really annoying whining American college brats going on and on and on...

I'd be scared if I had to actually spend any time with theses people - terrified! I mean: (Torch shining in face, eyes all bleary) Boo hoo hoo, boo hoo hoo!

Zombies, gimme Zombies...


PigsnieLite 08-19-01 03:10 PM

Yeah I heard the Exorcist was real but that it happened to a little boy. LIKE ME, bwahahaha. Anyways a long time ago, Pigsnie used to tell me stories about the demonics, that in a possesed house, the entity likes to write on mirrors & walls & that they use smut, that things will come in threes like doorknocks & weird noises, that if you hear birds screechin at night that is a bad sign. Becuz ghosts do not do this you know, only demons. I mean, even the AMityville Horror scared me & it was a pretty cheesy movie.

SultanBigPants 08-19-01 06:20 PM

The Sultan takes offense to the allegations that the ZetaJones shlock scared him. That movie sucked it so big. Except Owen Wilson rules. I speak of the original Haunting. Also, the exorcist was intense but not scary. And Blair Witch was predictable and stupid. I hated BWP. It has been banned in my kingdom.

spudracer 08-19-01 06:55 PM

Ok Sultan, I was just making sure we weren't gonna have to come and knock some sense into you. :p

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