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DerrickLevron 07-19-01 08:24 AM

I don't know about you, but Psycho was/is the most overrated movie of all time. I mean don't get me wrong, the plot was good, but the movie was horribly acted by all, janet leigh is another one overrated for that role. It just didn't work for me. Perkins isn't that great either.

What you all think?

PigsnieLite 07-19-01 11:23 AM

I thought it was pretty boring too but I guess people in the 60s thought ut was scary for some weird reason. and anthony perkins just made me laugh, especially in the end when his eyes bugged out like he was tryin to convince me he was crazy.

spudracer 07-19-01 11:52 AM

Overrated or not, this is one that scared the s*** out of most people. Now, if you're seeing it today, of course it won't have the effect it did back then.

Most movies back then were cheesy because they didn't have the resources, technology, brain power, etc, to pull off something that really did scare the s*** out of you. I'm taking this that you have just seen this movie recently. True, it has weak points in it, as does its recent update. You have to think about all the movies that came out back then, you know all the monster's in zip up suits, and other things, it was all made to scare you...back then it did. I mean it scared Leigh from taking showers ever again, so it had some effect to it.

This movie was a scary movie in it's time. Now, it's just a cheesy movie that you might jump in one part and laugh the rest. Overrated, no, just burnt out.

PigsnieLite 07-19-01 12:01 PM

Was the legend of Hell house later than Psycho? Oh yeah, it musta been becuz it was in color but I found that movie pretty good. Good ectoplasms & I actually jumped a couple of times & it is a Roddy macdowell MOVIE, hahaha. Another old old ghost movie I really liked was THE Uninvited.

spudracer 07-19-01 01:39 PM

Most of the horror movies from the 60's-70's were the true horror movies. That came with, Amityville Horror, Exorcist, Omen, and a few others. These were the ones that truley scared the piss out of you. These days, any horror movie is a joke trying to live up to that of the old days. Back when Karloff, Price, and other stars out of makeup out of charecter could still scare the piss out of ya. It's hard to find a good scary movie these days without laughin half way through it cause the plot is so predictable, and so corny. I get asked at work for a good scary movie, and i'm like...well...uh...there really isn't any good ones that are new. Most people get em for the fact that they're gonna see some lesbian vampires or something else, I mean scary movies have lost the edge they used to have. Granted, you will get a jump on a scene that takes you by surprise every now and then, but that sort of thing is pulled in every "horror" movie now-a-days. What they need to do is leave the special effects behind..the glitzy stars, and go with unknowns make a movie that involves the dead, but you never see only see their aftermath. Sorta like the Blair Witch without all that shaky cam crap that got really annoying. Did you ever see a ghost or a witch?? Nope, but you saw what they did. That is truly scary. Seeing it without seeing it. Ya know!? :D

Steve 07-19-01 03:45 PM

Psycho isn't overrated at all! :furious:

The ending sucks though. The whole part where the old man explains everything is stupid.

Sir Toose 08-18-01 09:52 AM

Did you guys know that Psycho and Texas Chain Saw Massacre were based on the life of Ed Gein, a real serial killer? It's a little scarier with that in mind. Although the only thing Psycho borrows from real life is the "mother" thing. This film was ground breaking in it's time. I Love Lucy was the first TV show where they showed people in bed under the covers and this was controversial at the time.

Zephyrus 08-20-01 02:18 AM

Overrated?! That's blasphemy! :D

Nah, just kidding. I actually like Psycho, it's number 7 (from what I can remember) on my top 10 list. Not because it was overrated or whatever.

I just think you guys missed the point a little with Psycho. According to todays standards of blood and gore everywhere, then yeah, the movie is so cheesy and full of holes, it would make Swiss cheese seem like an amateur...

But the point is, Psycho was revolutionary. It started it all. All the shrieky violin music, a person running around with a big knife, camera techniques... Hitchcock pioneered virtually everything. Ever been to a horror movie recently? Everything from Scream to I Know What You Did Last Summer are just pale copies/variations of the Psycho genre...

So, in response to your question, Psycho is definitely NOT overrated, Scream is ;D

The Taxi Driver 05-07-04 11:00 PM

i no its like 3 years since this thread started but i jus saw psycho and i dont think its overrated. i usually dont get scared from horror movies (except when i was younger everything scared me) but today the only movies that still scare me is the shining and psycho. the part at the end freaked me out when he ran down the stairs dressed like his mother. i was like god damn he really is a f*ckin crazy.

BCRichdude88 06-05-04 01:24 AM

You hear a lot about how a lot of horror movies today wouldn't be around if it weren't for this movie, but I don't think that is true. This movie, although it was made in the sixties, is so low budget, it's hard to imagine anybody getting really scared in the theaters.

Sedai 06-08-04 12:14 PM

Psycho is an absolute masterpiece of technique and symbolism. The audience manipulation is amazing (you are rooting for a criminal after all, something unheard of back then). The supper scene in the parlor with the stuffed birds is incredibly tense, and worth some study.

Overrated? I don't think so.

Also, bad acting? Perkins is AMAZING in this role, and I can't think of an actor who would have been better for the part. He took the part and made it his own and just became Norman Bates. One of the best roles in film, to be sure. Sorry, but I have to ask, how old are you? I think the subtleties of Hitchcock's (not that he was subtle at all) are lost on the < 20 crowd.

The Taxi Driver 06-09-04 04:44 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai
Psycho is an absolute masterpiece of technique and symbolism. The audience manipulation is amazing (you are rooting for a criminal after all, something unheard of back then). The supper scene in the parlor with the stuffed birds is incredibly tense, and worth some study.

Overrated? I don't think so.

Also, bad acting? Perkins is AMAZING in this role, and I can't think of an actor who would have been better for the part. He took the part and made it his own and just became Norman Bates. One of the best roles in film, to be sure. Sorry, but I have to ask, how old are you? I think the subtleties of Hitchcock's (not that he was subtle at all) are lost on the < 20 crowd.
i agree with you 100%. rich dude might just be a teen so he thinks its boring because there arent anyones guts ripped out of their nose or some sh*t like that

blibblobblib 06-09-04 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai
Psycho is an absolute masterpiece of technique and symbolism. The audience manipulation is amazing (you are rooting for a criminal after all, something unheard of back then). The supper scene in the parlor with the stuffed birds is incredibly tense, and worth some study.

Overrated? I don't think so.

Also, bad acting? Perkins is AMAZING in this role, and I can't think of an actor who would have been better for the part. He took the part and made it his own and just became Norman Bates. One of the best roles in film, to be sure.
*Swells with Pride and claps hands*

Here Here! Couldnt have said it better my self! :D

LordSlaytan 06-09-04 06:52 PM

My only complaint with Psycho is the last 5 minutes of the film. I wish it could have ended without the 'explanation'. Other than that...great.

susan 06-09-04 07:09 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai
Psycho is an absolute masterpiece of technique and symbolism. The audience manipulation is amazing (you are rooting for a criminal after all, something unheard of back then). The supper scene in the parlor with the stuffed birds is incredibly tense, and worth some study.

Overrated? I don't think so.

Also, bad acting? Perkins is AMAZING in this role, and I can't think of an actor who would have been better for the part. He took the part and made it his own and just became Norman Bates. One of the best roles in film, to be sure. Sorry, but I have to ask, how old are you? I think the subtleties of Hitchcock's (not that he was subtle at all) are lost on the < 20 crowd.
i can't agree more....scared the hell out of me when i was a kid

anyway, i thought that this movie was the model for many other horror flicks to follow

LordSlaytan 06-09-04 07:19 PM

You can actually go further back than that to 1955. That's when Henri-Georges Clouzot made Les Diaboliques, which was Hitchcocks inspiration for Psycho. I actually like it better, but most people say Hitchcock's plan to top the greatest psychological thriller ever made worked. If you really like Psycho, then check out Les Diaboliques. You won't be sorry.

susan 06-09-04 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
You can actually go further back than that to 1955. That's when Henri-Georges Clouzot made Les Diaboliques, which was Hitchcocks inspiration for Psycho. I actually like it better, but most people say Hitchcock's plan to top the greatest psychological thriller ever made worked. If you really like Psycho, then check out Les Diaboliques. You won't be sorry.
thanks for the tip...i think i will...

The Silver Bullet 06-10-04 01:59 AM

Originally Posted by Psion
If your smart enough you can compare fight club to psycho.
Or alternatively, if you're an idiot.

blibblobblib 06-10-04 08:29 AM

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
My only complaint with Psycho is the last 5 minutes of the film. I wish it could have ended without the 'explanation'. Other than that...great.
See a lot of people i speak to hate this part of the film, but i love this part. Its pretty obvious whats happened to him, but that detective guy just sums it up, adding the last bit of horrifying atmosphere to the end of the film. Its his style of doing it...its so....twighlight zone-ish. I love it!
Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
You can actually go further back than that to 1955. That's when Henri-Georges Clouzot made Les Diaboliques, which was Hitchcocks inspiration for Psycho. I actually like it better, but most people say Hitchcock's plan to top the greatest psychological thriller ever made worked. If you really like Psycho, then check out Les Diaboliques. You won't be sorry.
I really want to see this. I wont spoil it and i cant be bothered to do a spoilers tab but the ending involves a bath tub and a pair of fake eyes right? If so it looks sooooooo good.

Sedai 06-10-04 11:38 AM

I picked up Les Diabolques recently, and I will also recommend it. The way tension builds slowly to the climax is perfect. Some great noir camera work as well. The DVD is touch-and-go quality wise, but worth it nonetheless.

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