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poeman 06-29-04 09:53 PM

Spider-man 2 Review Thread
THERE ARE MILD SPOILERS NOTHING SERIOUS i had written this last night after my screening. so i know all of you will watch this movie because it is the best summer movie this year


Plot: Peter Parker's having a rough time. His double life as the superhero Spider-Man is having a devastating impact on his civilian life. Things are so bad he declares that he's quitting, and never putting on the suit again. However, his sense of duty forces him to become a hero again when the brilliant scientist Dr. Otto Octavius is deformed in an accident and becomes Dr. Octopus. With four metal tentacles sticking out of his back, he'll prove to be a more than worthy opponent for Spider-Man.

Here's my thought!: Allright you guys i just got back and im achy and tired. and energetic so bare with me.

The question, What is a hero? has surfaced many times in films I have seen and finally i saw it in the portrayal of this superhero. This movie is without a doubt the one film of this year that has the full package. It never dissapointed. I was left hanging for more.
I arrived at my screening 3 hours in advance and found out a line was almost 1 block long!. WTF. well i made through it standing in the scorching nyc sun and got my seat in the center of the theater with the stereos centered on me. :cool: Enough of me.

The movie starts of with Peter Parker going back to doing what he does best. That is, be our friendly neighborhood spider-man.
This time around the movie shows more hardships and struggles that peter has gone through. I really felt for this guy. Everyone wants to be Spider-man, but no one wants to be Peter Parker.

Peter is trying to survive his life as many of you know doing his duties as Spider-man and go to school, work, and pay the rent.
This time around i guarntee there will be more of the connection with people and peter parker. Everywhere he goes he ends up getting something bad happen to him. So much goes wrong with Peter Parker and the result we all no is him quoting "Spider-man no more". i love what becomes of this, this is the realization Peter gets which are you have to make sacfrices even if it is your dream to do the right thing in this world.
Remember this, because it is what makes our main character stronger.
Eventually Peter becomes Spider-man again because there is a villian around. Doctor Octupus. He is terrorizing the town to do what he wants. He wants to accomplish 'HIS dream'. i wont say just find out. :) when you watch.

Time for the goodies
This movie was a blast. i enjoyed EACH AND EVERY MOMENT Spider-man and Dr.Ock were on screen. Man the scenes that come to mind right away are.
*** Brief Spoiler of locations of confrontations***
1) Spider-man and Dr.Ock at the bank and how it leads up to the top of this building. this is the best action part of the movie. really my heart was going "dum dum" Heart pounding action. Back and forth they went.
2) Spider-man and dr.ock at the train scene. I will say this the action in this scene is truly magical. Spiderman uses the ULTIMATE strength to stop this train from falling off. Beautiful. Dr.Ock is the man in this scene. THE MAN!!!!!!!!!
3) Final Confrontation. Brilliance at its best. A person must realize what is the right thing and choices are made once again. I will tell you this there isnt a mega action fight here. you can say that is the super cool train scene.

The bad stuff
Well nothing to make this movie lower terribly. Some scenes dragged a bit. The ending was a pit funny and may i sy a little to corny.
WARNING: spoilers below
MJ running in her wedding dress to peter's apt. she makes her choice

- Tobey(Peter)= His progress from the first film is very good. He is less tense i think and i notice how much he likes his role now. You can see he portrays Peter better this time. I love every scene that has something go wrong for him. Not in a mean way, just the way he shows it on screen. His best one liner - " I'm Back I'm Back... MY BACK MY BACK" ahahahah some of you might know this scene was
WARNING: spoilers below
when he has lost strentgh he tries to believe in himself again so he tries to jump from building to building(im back im back) and falls and hits the cars below(my back my back)

Kristen Dunst(Mary Jane)- She is fine in her role. I think i have gotten attached to her in this role so she does what she does. Good job

James Franco(Harry)- HA! This guy is at the peak of brilliance in acting. He has one more film to prove he is the next up and coming hollywood megastar.

Aunt May- This woman who played Aunt May really brought the biggest emotional punch!. I think she is a scene stealer. a SCENE STEALER. I think every line she said made me think about my mother. She is such a importance to Peter and the woman who played her just made me almost teary eyes :(. What a role. she does a fine job as a aunt and really in the 1st film she was not a great deal to me as a character in the film. BUT here she just makes the film one of the best movies of the year.

DR.OCK!(Alfred Molina)- Let me say Alfred did this job with full confidence and acted in his own way. He did not OVERACT and he did not make Dr.Octupus a overly pompus prick or just plain annoying. He played himself. We have had villians such as Tommy Lee Jones as the two face just piss me off. Dr.Ock he is the meaning of coolness. Now... now... he is not that menacing as he seemed to me in the comics. Till you really tick him off.:cool: I liked the conversation he had with Peter in the beginning.
WARNING: spoilers below
I think Dr. Otto was a Hippy it seemed back in the day. His wife and him seemed like it.
that just might be me though. His presence is very powerful. Like a T-rex. everytime he seems to be near you hear the DUM and DUM of the tentacles hitting the wall/ground. Better then William Dafoe i think, but William had to play a tougher villian IMO.

Final Thoughts.

I love the Origin of Spider-man the way he lives his daily life. I thought they showed a good amount in the first film. This movie they show more hardships, struggles, pain and triumph overall. The emotion and drama is what made all the critics love this movie along with the action that is i think almost hardcore and fast paced.
WARNING: spoilers below
The annhilation of the doctors
= Hardcore :cool:
I have heard X-men 2 comparisons and superman 2 comparision. i think this movie is at moments much more deeper and more darker as X-men 2 was. It settles down alot and lets the life of Peter progress. the part of Dr.Ock coming in makes the movie the 'FUN and action packed drive'.
There is so much more to say but im worn out for now and i proud to say this movie has everything in one film. Secrets are revealed, mysteries are solved and the anticapation builds up even more for the next film. SM-3. The movie can go only 1 way in the next film and I REALLY THINK the franchise with this whole cast needs to be pushed to ONE more just one more film. making it 4. BUT as for this movie i expected it to be one of my best action movies ever. But it ended up being one of my best overall movies ever. The whole package!.
Hero's are remembered, but legends never die


Garrett 06-29-04 10:58 PM

Glad to hear that it was good. I'm going to see it on Friday.

Tazz 06-29-04 11:36 PM

Nice Review Poeman.... Going see it tomorrow.....

James_Bond 06-30-04 07:39 PM

Spider Man 2 was wicked awesome and the best film this summer. Totally agree!

Hellraiser 06-30-04 08:02 PM

Anything Sam Raimi touches is gold in my eyes and Spiderman 2 is no exception. Maybe the hundreds of millions this film will make will be enough for the studios to fund Evil Dead 4.

jrs 06-30-04 08:42 PM

I saw Spidey Tuesday night and it was excellent....not one complaint. Spiderman 2 is 110% better than the first.

Originally Posted by poeman
Some scenes dragged a bit. The ending was a bit funny and may I say a little to corny.
I have to disagree....the movie moved along at a perfect pace. The last confrontation betwen Pete and MJ at the end of Spiderman 2, was so intense, gratifying, pleasurable to hear. It all came down to Mary Jane's last three words that literally brought chills up my spine.
The climax of the movie, if I may, was "sort of" predictable (if you know the background of the comic books). Though that didn't matter because 99.9 3/4 % of the film made up for that.

I can't wait now for the summer of 1997 for Spiderman 3. :p

steuk24 06-30-04 09:04 PM

Question About The Movie...
**Do Not Read If You Have Not Seen Movie**

I was just a little confused by the scene in which Harry find's his father's hidden room with all the Green Goblin things. I thought this implied that Harry now knows the truth about his father and will no longer be upset with Spiderman, but my friend is convinced that he was looking at everything as if he was going to use them and "avenge" his father's death. Any opinions on this?

JANthology 06-30-04 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by steuk24
**Do Not Read If You Have Not Seen Movie**

I was just a little confused by the scene in which Harry find's his father's hidden room with all the Green Goblin things. I thought this implied that Harry now knows the truth about his father and will no longer be upset with Spiderman, but my friend is convinced that he was looking at everything as if he was going to use them and "avenge" his father's death. Any opinions on this?
I think Harry doesen't really want to harm spidey anymore, because pete is his best friend. But the hullucinations are going to get worse and drive him insane. He is slated to be the 'hobgoblin'.

Ezikiel 06-30-04 09:18 PM

Originally Posted by jrs
I can't wait now for the summer of 1997 for Spiderman 3. :p
Summer of 1997?

jrs 06-30-04 09:19 PM

Originally Posted by Ezikiel
Summer of 1997?


Ezikiel 06-30-04 09:21 PM

Originally Posted by jrs
Uh... I believe Spider-Man 3 will be released in the summer of 2007.

jrs 06-30-04 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by Ezikiel
Uh... I believe Spider-Man 3 will be released in the summer of 2007.

I meant that.... LOL

pavo_roddy 06-30-04 09:27 PM

Originally Posted by JANthology
I think Harry doesen't really want to harm spidey anymore, because pete is his best friend. But the hullucinations are going to get worse and drive him insane. He is slated to be the 'hobgoblin'.
Hi all,

I think I disagree with the hobgoblin part... I mean this is a comic movie and I would hope that they keep it that way and have Harry become Green Goblin #2 as he does in the comics....Although what I wanna know was Spidey's idenity revealed to harry in the comics???? I have to see this movie again to make any judgement on those funnier scenes as the first viewing left me with a more, ok that was childish, which incorealtion to the first movie was kinda dumb.. Although it could be a part of the script leading into 3, changing spidey into a more fun loving guy as in the comics...The newer revamps of spidey has him more mature than his corny self......

jrs 06-30-04 09:33 PM

Harry is NOT going to be the Hobgoblin. That you can be sure of. As for being the Green Goblin 2 ....... ;)

Holden Pike 06-30-04 10:03 PM

Originally Posted by steuk24
I was just a little confused by the scene in which Harry find's his father's hidden room with all the Green Goblin things. I thought this implied that Harry now knows the truth about his father and will no longer be upset with Spiderman, but my friend is convinced that he was looking at everything as if he was going to use them and "avenge" his father's death. Any opinions on this?
Yes, as in the comic books, Harry will become the Green Goblin to avenge his father's death. This isn't exactly a secret.

They did also lay the groundwork for another of the regular Spider-Man villians: Peter's professor, Dr. Curt Connors (played by Happiness' Dylan Baker in Spidey 2) will eventually become The Lizard, in yet another experiment-goes-wrong-and-makes-super-baddie plotline.

MyRobotSuit 07-01-04 03:38 AM

Not out over here. Damn.

Sedai 07-01-04 10:04 AM

Excellent review...I must see this!!!

jungerpants 07-01-04 10:19 AM

The movie started out a little silly for me. I loved the comedy at the beginning... Peter being late with the pizza, etc, but I was worried that the entire movie was going to be a lot sillier than the first. Thankfully, I was completely wrong.

The second half of the movie (from where Peter stops being Spidey to the end) was amazing. The subway scene was off the charts, and the crew did an amazing job of getting the story to match parts of the comic books (specifically, when the New Yorkers on the train stand up for Spidey, similar to when they are throwing bottles off the bridge in the first movie, as happened during The Cosmic Series).

All of the cast was amazing, spectacular, sensational (get the reference?). Alfred Molina was perfect as Doctor Octopus... he's always a little bit loony in the comics, and the managed to keep a nice balance between crazed psycho-villain and smart guy. I even liked Kirsten Dunst, whom I didn't think was good for the role in the first flick. Of course, Tobey Maguire was a star.. I don't think there's a better person in all of Hollywood to play Peter Parker. JK Simmons was perfect as Jonah.

Am I the only one who is really annoyed at all these newspaper articles calling Doctor Octopus 'Doc Ock'? That's not his name! That's just what Spidey calls him to bug him! Dr. Octopus! Not Doc Ock!

Tazz 07-01-04 12:50 PM

The Villain in Spider-Man 2 is Green Goblin again right?

jungerpants 07-01-04 01:06 PM

Nope. It is Doctor Octopus, a brainy guy who gets 4 mechanical limbs fused to his body.

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