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matt72582 08-04-22 05:28 PM

The Last Time The Police Had To Come To Your Street?
Street or whatever? For the past two days, this house across the street (and over one) had been playing music so loud for the past two days. I turned up my music loud, but it barely made a tent, for I only have these TV built-in speakers, while this moron (who is actually renting a room for the people he works for, who live there) is blasting the music from his car. The only time they stopped was when it started to thunderstorm yesterday evening. This morning, it woke me up at 4am this morning. I was so angry I had to shout towards them from my porch, knowing I'd never be able to go back to sleep. I doubt they heard a thing. I had actually called the police a few hours later, knowing they probably wouldn't show up. I didn't want to, but two days was more than enough. The houses are so close to each other, and I'm all for depopulation.

By almost 4pm, I see one guy go to the porch and smoke. So I tried to get his attention, and I yelled some expletives and commented "Hearing this garbage since 4am". Minutes later, I hear a pounding. I'm thinking, "It can't be here, but it's so loud. Maybe someone is pounding on my car?"... My first thought is if I should get my pistol, but I thought I'd take a look outside my window. The neighbor next door (burglar/racist) went to their house, and pounded on the door. A lot of expletives, including the n-word, followed by, "I'll burn your house down".. And as he walked away, he shouted, "WHITE POWER".

Then I see more neighbors coming outside, and I see two of the guys from the loud car/house go over there, which seemed peaceful at first, but then I hear threats, and everyone is armed. I live in an open-carry state, so I could see everyone and their gun holstered for everyone to see (law).

Then the police come. They talk to one awful neighbor, and they try to act like good people, when the racist/burglar just had a run-in with another neighbor, and more threats, etc... The cops go to the other house, and the minute they leave, the guy turns his stereo so loud. I go outside, but not before slamming the door, just so my displeasure is known, and then slammed it back, and here I am. I'm just wondering if anything happens tonight.

Someone on the next street was just murdered by a neighbor a few weeks ago according to my I just heard two gunshots. I better go get mine. I waited a bit to peek out my back door, and I would guess it's my next door burglar/racist shooting, which makes me want to shoot a few rounds, but I don't need police coming back in a bad mood. Good thing I didn't follow through with my original plans!

ScarletLion 08-04-22 05:44 PM

Re: The Last Time The Police Had To Come To Your Street?
America man. so ****ed up.

Yoda 08-04-22 05:52 PM

Re: The Last Time The Police Had To Come To Your Street?
I would hope it obvious that nobody knows what another culture is like based on whatever news stories happen to reach them.

Regardless, you all know the rules: no politics. Insofar as this thread is actually about personal experiences with the police in their community, that's potentially fine. But that's it.

Yoda 08-04-22 06:12 PM

Re: The Last Time The Police Had To Come To Your Street?
Anyway, in the last place we lived the police were on our street fairly regularly. It was a pretty poor neighborhood.

Not sure they've had to come by the place we moved to last December, though. Which is one of the reasons we moved here.

matt72582 08-04-22 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2322492)
Anyway, in the last place we lived the police were on our street fairly regularly. It was a pretty poor neighborhood.

Not sure they've had to come by the place we moved to last December, though. Which is one of the reasons we moved here.

Glad to hear you are in a better neighborhood.

When you did live there, were the police quick to respond? Were there people who avoided calling in fear of retribution?

Yoda 08-04-22 06:28 PM

Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 2322500)
When you did live there, were the police quick to respond?
I'd say so, but then the police station was a block over.

Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 2322500)
Were there people who avoided calling in fear of retribution?
I don't know, but this would surprise me, outside of the actual drug culture, which we weren't a part of.

Ultimately, in places like that, it seems like you can't avoid being near crime and violence, but you can mostly avoid actually getting pulled into it with some common sense/by avoiding a few things. We definitely saw and heard stuff, and there's always a risk just having it near you, though.

John McClane 08-04-22 06:51 PM

My previous neighborhood was EMS/cop land and, even with half a dozen cops living there, we still had an active meth lab popup. Watching that bust was insane. About 12 copy cars, and a SWAT truck. But outside of that one event we rarely had any policing, but plenty of ODs. So EMS was out a lot.

Otherwise, that neighborhood was fairly quiet.

My current residence is right off a road that sees tons of traffic, and I’ve seen police pursing/responding to calls about half a dozen times now. But that’s because this is a popular cut through. The street itself is solidly middle class, but down the road is some harder areas. Case in point: a body was dumped about a mile down the road from my house right around the time I moved in, so yeah…my rifle is always at the ready.

Remember: when seconds count, the police are just minutes away.

John Dumbear 08-04-22 06:53 PM

Every single day. My next door neighbor is a police detective.


beelzebubble 08-04-22 08:01 PM

Re: The Last Time The Police Had To Come To Your Street?
Wow Matt! Sorry you live in such a scary/loud neighborhood.

xSookieStackhouse 08-11-22 04:44 AM

Re: The Last Time The Police Had To Come To Your Street?
never cause i live in a country that is peace and quiet

Mr Minio 08-11-22 06:39 AM

Re: The Last Time The Police Had To Come To Your Street?
A few years ago somebody blew up the ATM located about 60 feet away. It was in the middle of the night and the bang was so loud it would wake up the dead. The burglar took the money and ran away with his car. When the police came, the dude was already miles away.

Stirchley 08-11-22 01:55 PM

Originally Posted by ScarletLion (Post 2322485)
America man. so ****ed up.
This is mean. We do the best we can, but, sometimes, we are overwhelmed by circumstances.

ScarletLion 08-11-22 02:22 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2324521)
This is mean. We do the best we can, but, sometimes, we are overwhelmed by circumstances.
I mean it just is (I'm sure the millions of good people are trying their best to continue to be good, but from the outside I'm afraid it looks almost beyond salvage). Mass shooter drills in schools. People carrying guns wherever you look. 337 mass shootings this year already Abortion laws that just beggar belief.

Spike Lee said "The foundation of the United States of America is genocide, stealing land and slavery. Any architect will tell you that if you don't have a strong foundation, the building's going to be shaky, and shaky from day one... This original sin has not been dealt with since the birth of this country."

But Yoda has asked to not politicise this thread so I'll respect that and not comment further as I suspect my opinions will be taken as offensive. They're not meant to be. Just tinged with sadness really.

Yoda 08-11-22 02:41 PM

Re: The Last Time The Police Had To Come To Your Street?
While I appreciate people trying to respect the no politics rule, I'm not sure it really is respecting it when you say that immediately after doing it (again). And I'd like to ask any friends overseas to Google "survivorship bias" and reflect on which kinds of news stories are most likely to travel that kind of distance, and whether that overlaps with what's emblematic or not.

That said, yeah: no more, please. People can PM me if they want to argue and/or discuss. In fact, I hope people take me up on that, because some of these biases aren't merely selective, but literally false.

John Dumbear 08-11-22 02:46 PM other words.

Yoda 08-11-22 02:46 PM

Re: The Last Time The Police Had To Come To Your Street?
Is this where someone posts the "that's my fetish" GIF?

Stirchley 08-15-22 01:27 PM

To answer the OP’s question, that would be last Thursday night. FD was all over the street & PD. Turns out one of the druggie buildings on my street had a shooting where the guy was dead at the scene. Another guy had also been shot & he called 911. He’s in the local hospital & he’s still alive so far as I know. Perp is still at large (with his gun) & the cops said he knew the 2 guys he shot.

Just another night in our ‘hood. :rolleyes:

Hey Fredrick 08-15-22 10:04 PM

Yesterday. For whatever reason a guy across the street got rid of his driveway so he has to park his car on the street. About 2ish in the am, someone smashed into his car. Cops came knocking on our door to see if our Ring caught anything. It didn't of course, which then made me think that the cops might think that I did it and deleted all the incriminating evidence. I'm a bit paranoid sometimes. I have my passport and hard drives (I'm not copying all my movies again!) ready to go at a moments notice.

EsmagaSapos 08-18-22 07:08 AM

Since I live in a valley, not much goes on. The last time the police came was because of the gypsies camping in a public park. I don't have a problem with them, they cut some bambu that they use for fishing, although fishing is illegal, but that's reasonable, they do it for eating not sport. They sing their songs by the fire, which I like, they never do it after hours, they sleep, just like I do. I do have a problem with kids, some older than me, that come here and scream all night, but people don't care about them because they ain't gypsies, they're just spoiled youngsters that want to say they spent a night out, and I'm sure their parents kind of like that, not having them around.

The prejudice in every society is alarming, and the gypsies are probably the most marginalized race, they got no voice, and they don't play the victims card. For instance, did you know that Hitler in the latest research killed an estimated 1.5 million to 2 million gypsies? No one cares, they are gypsies, they don't play by our rules, they don't buy our clothes, our houses, our cars, they live from here to there, they camp in places we consider public, but they aren't part of the public.

matt72582 08-18-22 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by EsmagaSapos (Post 2326335)
Since I live in a valley, not much goes on. The last time the police came was because of the gypsies camping in a public park. I don't have a problem with them, they cut some bambu that they use for fishing, although fishing is illegal, but that's reasonable, they do it for eating not sport. They sing their songs by the fire, which I like, they never do it after hours, they sleep, just like I do. I do have a problem with kids, some older than me, that come here and scream all night, but people don't care about them because they ain't gypsies, they're just spoiled youngsters that want to say they spent a night out, and I'm sure their parents kind of like that, not having them around.

The prejudice in every society is alarming, and the gypsies are probably the most marginalized race, they got no voice, and they don't play the victims card. For instance, did you know that Hitler in the latest research killed an estimated 1.5 million to 2 million gypsies? No one cares, they are gypsies, they don't play by our rules, they don't buy our clothes, our houses, our cars, they live from here to there, they camp in places we consider public, but they aren't part of the public.

Thank you for the detailed story!

I definitely know about the Roma, and YouTube is full of some fascinating documentary, interviews, footage, etc.. From what I've read, it seems like they came from India, split in Northern Iraq, where some went to Egypt (which might explain the name), and the rest went to Romania and Hungary - where I saw some. I actually bought weed from one, and I actually did get ripped off. I'm laughing now, because I didn't take it lightly. When she said, "acht", I thought, "Oh 8 grams", but it was one, and I knew that was "egy" in Hungarian. After I yelled something about dishonesty, her "guy" said, "Do you speak gypsy?", and I had nothing left, so I said, "I'm telling the police" and just walked back to my hostel to smoke it. It was really good, though. But you usually had to get it from a prostitute. The funny stories of negotiating with a language barrier makes for some funny moments, but maybe a bit too vulgar for this site :)

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