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TheUsualSuspect 01-06-21 05:46 PM

Protests in Washington
It seems things have gotten a little out of hand. Pro-Trump protestors claiming that the election was rigged. Storming the capital and word is at least one woman has been shot.

There is now a curfew of 6:00PM.

Yoda 01-06-21 05:47 PM

Re: Protests in Washington
Totally predictable and preemptive reminder that this thread can be about the event itself, but cannot and will not devolve into political arguments. Which is kind of another way of saying that even weighing in on how much you do or don't agree with any aspect of this is probably not a good idea, since if you do that, someone else will want to dispute it, and then before ya' know it the the thread is closed. Which it will be, at the first sign of anything like this.

So please stick to the news as news itself, if possible. Thanks.

Taz 01-06-21 06:18 PM

Re: Protests in Washington
Sitting here in utter dismay. I wish could say it is beyond belief, but sadly the way this has been continiously provoked and motivated by the outgoing sitting President, who told even before the election that he would not commit to the peaceful transfer of power, that these scenes while utterly shocking has been shaping up in this way for months.

Sitting from across the world and listening to this all unfold, my thoughts are with all peace loving people in America dismayed by these events, irrespective of political affiliation. I truly hope that as much as possible people remain safe and even when there are signs of armed protestors that this lawlessness, as bad as it already is does not escalate into something even more truly tragic.

Daniel M 01-06-21 06:35 PM

Re: Protests in Washington
Not completely surprising, to be honest. It's been coming and whilst I will avoid getting too political I suspect we will now see historical revisionism whereby a lot of people pretend they didn't sell-out and appease certain behaviour for their own self-interests which has led to this. The last few years I have become a lot more libertarian in a lot of my views and it saddens me how people will appease/justify authoritarianism if it suits their agenda.

Can't believe how easy it was for all those people to breach the building and effectively takeover. I would have thought this would have been expected especially with Trump's rally.

Mr Minio 01-06-21 06:40 PM

Re: Protests in Washington
that's not how you Mishima, n00b

xSookieStackhouse 01-06-21 06:41 PM

Re: Protests in Washington

oops caps on

Citizen Rules 01-06-21 06:54 PM

Re: Protests in Washington
All I can say is: I knew this would happen. I've been predicting this for the last couple of weeks. How could it not happen with the kind of statements & behavior Trump has shown for the election process.
I wonder if Trump will actually leave the White House willingly? Or will the National Guard have to escort him out?

John McClane 01-06-21 07:23 PM

Keep in mind that police were told to not use force to stop these people, and requests for federal presence were not implemented by the Mayor of DC. This was a calculated decision (why being my biggest question) and not a failure of organization. Permits were issued and the nature of their presence was not in question.

This was not a failure of democracy. It was the dying gasps of an inept administration, and the thing that made me most sick was seeing all those American flags touching the ground.

matt72582 01-06-21 07:35 PM

Re: Protests in Washington
It doesn't seem like the curfew is being enforced.

Citizen Rules 01-06-21 07:59 PM

Re: Protests in Washington
I just read about the riot in Washington D.C. I feel sick.

mark f 01-06-21 08:23 PM

I've been watching the entire spectacle all day on my TV. (I can still watch movies on my computer.) It's unbelievable in that it has never happened in my long life but it's totally believable to anybody who has watched what's going on for so long. What happens next is anybody's guess.

Dog Star Man 01-06-21 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 2163040)
It seems things have gotten a little out of hand...
Yes... a someone died... a little is an understatement...

Mr Minio 01-06-21 08:31 PM

Re: Protests in Washington
The last time it happened was in 1814. Kinda late for the 200th anniversary!!!

gandalf26 01-06-21 08:41 PM

The past few years of Trump, QAnon and now Covid have made it like the golden age of conspiracy theories, all helped along by the tech companies algorithms to keep people consuming ads. I'm embarrassed to admit I fell down the rabbit hole myself 2008 ish and slowly dragged myself out in the years after.

Someone's going to have to look at why people are so polarized and can't tell what's true anymore and what can be done about it, especially in the US. People are angry, and they have plenty of reasons to be, but they've mistakenly placed their trust in a joke of a man.

Daniel M 01-06-21 09:27 PM

Originally Posted by gandalf26 (Post 2163121)
The past few years of Trump, QAnon and now Covid have made it like the golden age of conspiracy theories, all helped along by the tech companies algorithms to keep people consuming ads. I'm embarrassed to admit I fell down the rabbit hole myself 2008 ish and slowly dragged myself out in the years after.

Someone's going to have to look at why people are so polarized and can't tell what's true anymore and what can be done about it, especially in the US. People are angry, and they have plenty of reasons to be, but they've mistakenly placed their trust in a joke of a man.
The misinformation that surrounds us really scary to me. I have a number of friends who in real life appear to be completely normal, friendly, rational people yet I see them on social media indulge in some of the most ridiculous conspiracy theories going. Stuff like PizzaGate, White Rabbit etc. Also lots of anti-semitic stuff seems to be on the increase too. It's becoming increasingly mainstream. Vulnerable people (often with poor mental health) are being exploited by conspiracies and misinformation more than ever, it's a huge threat that isn't going to go away.

I don't really support government regulations on tech companies but people need to put pressure on firms who need to put pressure on social media platforms to change their rules and take on greater responsibility to protect people from this targeting. It is a dream for countries like Russia and China who must be laughing now. Regulations, in general, aren't anti-free speech, if a private organisation responds to public mood that's up to them. I really do worry about the future and I'm not sure there's an easy way out of it. I think it's an unfortunate natural consequence of having liberal Western societies and the expansion of the internet.

Mr Minio 01-06-21 09:33 PM

Originally Posted by Daniel M (Post 2163137)
The misinformation that surrounds us really scary to me. I have a number of friends who in real life appear to be completely normal, friendly, rational people yet I see them on social media indulge in some of the most ridiculous conspiracy theories going.
Same here. Conspiracy theories and politics. People seem friendly and normal and then you find out they have some really weird ideas and beliefs. Lesson learned: don't talk politics!

Cobra 01-06-21 11:38 PM

Re: Protests in Washington
Watched it briefly. Then turned it off, decided instead to watch something else.

Cobra 01-06-21 11:46 PM

Re: Protests in Washington
I don’t get into politics very often, if anyone asks me what my political opinions are. I usually say either that’s not important or ignore the comment.

Darth Wish 01-07-21 04:27 AM

Seeing the footage here in the UK it wasn't a surprise.
Trumps' narcissism made this almost inevitable, he truly believes he is the best at everything and no one else matters.

ScarletLion 01-07-21 08:36 AM

Re: Protests in Washington
No surprises. Calling for 'Trial by Combat' (Giuliani) was bound to end in this.

The only thing worse than those protestors are the senators (Cruz etc) that STILL tried to overturn the result of the election AFTER the capitol building had been stormed and 4 people had been killed. I hope their names are never forgotten.

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