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djdred5900 05-25-20 02:35 AM

CIA (or some type) of undercover agent in Jamaica?
So this is a long shot, hoping there are some serious movie gurus that could help me.

I've been looking for this movie for 14 years. I only saw it once and know none of the actors nor the title, obviously. I do remember a little bit about the plot, hopefully enough to ring some bells. Some of the details are quite vague I know, but it's the best I can do off a 14 year old memory so please work with me.

I saw it in 2006. It looked kind of late 90's-ish or early 2000's-ish. I remember in the beginning of the movie it was like a convoy of black SUV's that gets ambushed, and the one that gets away has the main character in it. He's like some type of undercover agent, I don't remember if a CIA, DEA, FBI or what not, but it's a white dude who ends up going to Jamaica or some Caribbean island to hunt down the bad guys. When he gets there it's pretty awkward and he doesn't fit in until he meets this local black girl that kind of helps him along the way.

I remember specifically, probably the only line from the whole movie I actually remember, when they first meet she stands over him after he gets trampled by some random guys, and says "every year some white boy bites the pavement" or something I really don't remember the last part, but it was to that effect. I think he tried to cross in the middle of a marching band or something and pretty much gets trampled.

If I remember correctly she's also some type of police officer or agent or something. Anyways she tries to help him track down these villains who are pretty serious. They end of kind of falling for each other and getting into a relationship. Ultimately there's a lot more that happens but pretty much they find the bad guys and I think he kills the leader in a shootout and I can't remember but I think he ends up staying on the island permanently.

Yeah I know, a long shot. Apparently this movie must have not been popular. Anyone I describe it to has no idea what I'm talking about.

ANY HELP would be appreciated.. I'd really like to know what this movie is.

I think it was like an action/romance.. It had a good bit of action but revolved a lot around the relationship between the agent and the local girl.

scallywag 05-26-20 10:38 PM

Re: CIA (or some type) of undercover agent in Jamaica?
Hi. Did you see this in a movie theater, or on home video? - - maybe it was a direct-to-video thing.
Also, could it have been a foreign film -- or do you think it was a USA production (Canadian perhaps?).

djdred5900 05-26-20 11:38 PM

Originally Posted by scallywag (Post 2094517)
Hi. Did you see this in a movie theater, or on home video? - - maybe it was a direct-to-video thing.
Also, could it have been a foreign film -- or do you think it was a USA production (Canadian perhaps?).
Thanks for the reply. A little backstory; back in 2006 when I saw it, I was taking care of my daughter who was just born at the time. She would wake up frequently in the night like most babies do, I think I had just gotten her back to sleep. It was probably 2 or 3 in the morning, and was so tired but couldn't crash out because I knew she would wake up again and I would need to tend to her. I just fell on the couch in the living room and turned on the TV. I think it was a movie channel and some random movie was just ending. When the movie that I'm now asking about started, I almost switched it.... but became interested with the whole convoy ambush thing and watched it all the way through. I ended up liking it, and many times since then I've asked people if they've heard of it because I'd like to watch it again.. but no one knows what it is.

It appeared like an American film, like an action/drama/romance. It was not supernatural, sci-fi, or really over the top. Certain details are fuzzy, as you would expect being the memory is so old, but certain things I remember for sure:

-white dude, main character: government agent, police officer, or undercover agent. Appears to be in America in the beginning of the movie, escapes the ambush, but is then either coerced or forced to go to "Jamaica"
-black girl, main character's new love interest, speaks with a Caribbean accent. These two characters meet each other when the main character is accidentally trampled and/or almost knocked out by some guys at a festival. She's local to the region.
-She basically helps him hunt down these bad guys.

-The vehicles that were ambushed in the beginning of the film, were late 90's/early 2000's, black, full size Chevrolet SUV's, something you would picture the FBI, CIA, or some type of American government agency driving in. Furthermore, those vehicles are the reason why I feel like the movie had to been released as well as take place in some time between 1998-2006.

Now for stuff I'm not so sure about:

-I think at some point they have sex on the beach.
-Eventually he catches the ringleader and I think he kills him in a shootout
-I'm actually not 100% sure if they were even in Jamaica. The black girl, the supporting character, spoke with a Jamaican accent.. but I suppose many Caribbean countries have similar accents and dialects.
-I feel like the main character was set up/ betrayed at the beginning of the movie, though I can't remember any specific detail on why I feel like that.

Someone suggested Marked For Death, which seems reasonable when I describe this movie, BUT!!!! despite many similar plot points, it is NOT Marked for Death. Steven Seagal was not in it, the bad guys were violent but not sadistic ( they weren't performing rituals, curses etc like in Marked For Death) This movie appears to have taken place about a decade after MFD came out.

"Too Long; Didn't Read" version: Saw it on TV. Really late/early in the morning about 2 or 3 am. Quite possibly direct-to-video, Most likely an American film, was all in english, did not appear low-budget, took place between 1998-2006, was not Marked For Death.

scallywag 05-27-20 03:20 AM

Re: CIA (or some type) of undercover agent in Jamaica?
I've found a movie here from 2004 that meets some of your plot points. Bahamas, not Jamaica - - and it's more of a heist type film....however, the trailer starts with a convoy of SUV's, and there are carnival/parade scenes in there too. Check it out:

djdred5900 05-27-20 09:38 AM

Originally Posted by scallywag (Post 2094544)
I've found a movie here from 2004 that meets some of your plot points. Bahamas, not Jamaica - - and it's more of a heist type film....however, the trailer starts with a convoy of SUV's, and there are carnival/parade scenes in there too. Check it out:

HOW DID YOU FIND THAT.. It appears that's it.

No wonder nobody knows about it, I didn't realize it was such a failure. Maybe I was too tired to think otherwise, but hopefully I can score the DVD cheap to see if it was really that bad. (or if it wasn't bad at all)

After 14 years, I finally know. You sir, are a god.

scallywag 05-27-20 07:41 PM

Re: CIA (or some type) of undercover agent in Jamaica?
) )) All bow down before the mighty SCALLYWAG! (( (

But seriously, I'm glad your fourteen year search has come to a happy end. I like caper movies a lot and I'm definitely going to hunt down 'After the Sunset' to see how it plays. It has a very good cast and, from the look of the trailer, I feel confident it will have enough entertainment value to keep me happy.

So, thank you for bringing this film to my attention - - we're both winners today :)

djdred5900 05-28-20 01:11 PM

Re: CIA (or some type) of undercover agent in Jamaica?
[:bows down:]

:) words can't express my gratitude. I found it on eBay for just a few bucks, so I can't wait to watch it again. Even if it's not as good as I remember, not having to keep wondering just what it was is like a weight lifted off the shoulders.

Curious to know what you think of it, if you ever get the chance to watch it

peace & blessings

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