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OG- 09-29-00 11:23 PM

I just got back from seeing this. I've never seen the original one so there were some parts in this movie that were pretty scary. But I also saw it with my friends so we spent half the time laughing. Has anyone else seen this movie? It was ok, not as scary as it was made out to be. The preview for the movie at the begining of the movie for "The house of 1000 corpses" looks pretty cool. And the fact that its written and directed by Rob Zombie is pretty cool. I mean common, a movie about zombies by a guy named rob zombie. I'm really looking forward to this one

Yoda 09-30-00 01:12 AM

Keep in mind the movie is targetted at people who were younger when it first came out and were terrified by it. For my parents and other people their age, it was the scariest movie ever made. Today, we're used to bloodier things...stuff like that no longer shocks us. I think it's being marketed to "scare you all over again"...

Havn't heard of the Zombie flick. Isn't Rob Zombie in a band?

OG- 09-30-00 01:19 AM

Yea Rob Zombie has his own band. They've got some pretty cool songs too. Dragula is an awesome song. Yea most adults I talk to say the movie gave them nightmares. I'm so use to violence that I've practically become desentized to all of it so I didn't mind that movie. The amount of profanity used was freaking hilarious. Some material in that movie was pretty vulgar. All in all it was an ok movie though.

Oh and you can check out the Rob Zombie movie at, the site sucks but you should watch the preview. It's pretty creepy. But man does that site blow.

Yoda 09-30-00 01:43 AM

Site won't load for whatever reason...but I'm sure it sucks as you say. :) Domain name isn't much either...

Would you mind describing the preview a bit? :)

OG- 09-30-00 01:46 AM

It starts off with some guys digging up a grave infront of a house, and then it zooms in on them. And of course their people of the night. Then it shows flashes of these undead attacking people, then you see a guy take off a mask made of skin and he makes some speech about the boogie man. I don't know why, but it looks really cool.

Yoda 09-30-00 01:50 AM

Sounds like my kind of flick. :) I'll have trouble dragging my dad there though - he's totally terrified of zombies. Always has been...and probably always will be. Even more afraid of zombies than I am of sharks. :) And hey, even I went to see "Deep Blue Sea."

OG- 09-30-00 01:54 AM

Deep Blue Sea was a terrible movie, yet everytime its on HBO I always watch. I don't know why, I just do. Yea I cant wait for the zombie flick to come out. ALso im waiting for Lost Souls, and the Sixth Day.

Yoda 09-30-00 11:17 AM

Wha? Deep Blue Sea was great! Who cares about the "plot" had some really cool, really creepy sharks in it. That's all I needed!

jamesglewisf 10-01-00 12:49 AM

The Exorcist was pretty disturbing I think, to see a young girl doing the stuff she was doing to herself. It was more of a shocker, than really scary, I think.

RussellG 03-23-01 10:40 AM

Sorry to drag up old threads. But could someone give me so info on The new version of the exorcist? Its rated R18+ in Australia. So I cant see it :( Though I'll try to get in anyway :)

It's just that the ad looks (I thought I'd never say/write this) really scary.

OllieO 03-23-01 02:03 PM

Heh! I just bought Deep Blue Sea - it was 3 for the price of 2 ex-rentals at BlockBusters. I also got X-Men and Any Given Sunday. I've always got great memories of seeing DPS in the cinema with my girlfriend - something to do with an Alanis Morisette line... ;)

I really like the Exorcist. The fact that it was a little girl was essential - her language was awful too. That still shocks me. I watched Exorcist 3 the other day. Not as good, IMHO :(.

electrosphere 03-23-01 03:34 PM

the exorcist was on tv for the first time a few days ago. it was totally **** and not at all scary. the girls languiage whilst being pretty foul wasn't much worse than that of the average 14 year old.

OllieO 03-23-01 04:08 PM

Electrosphere, are you in Britain?

I saw it when it came out again in the UK in 1998 (I think). As I say, I really liked it. Such a sweet girl turned so horrible. But don't get me started on kids today...

It was a good and very original premise too, especially at the time. You should read accounts of exorcisms - they are freaky.

Also, seeing it made Repossessed a lot funnier ;).

electrosphere 03-24-01 05:08 PM

yeh, i'm in county durham. where are u?

OllieO 03-24-01 06:02 PM


I live in Luton, Bedforshire, but I go to Durham University (which no doubt means that you hate me ;))! Small world, eh? On Easter break at the moment though.

Pigsnie 03-25-01 02:56 AM

Hullo, this place seems to be pullulatin' with Bwits. You fellows, Ollie and Electro, how is hoof & mouth disease affectin' where you live? I heard British Agri is going to kill up to 31 million animals in the next few months.

On THE EXORCIST. I found this a very disturbing film, particularly Regan's behavior with the crucifix (me, being a near priest & all). When I was in Rome as a seminarian, an old Jesuit priest showed me the transcripts of a 1976 exorcism of a young German woman. Horrific stuff. The exorcism lasted for 6 months and the victim died anyway. More shocking was the fact that the priest told me that she had to die, because the entity gave them no choice. "Believe in me," said the Evil One, "and the girl will live. Believe in God, and the girl will perish." No choice, you see.

Wart 03-25-01 04:01 PM

That's sad--about what's happening in GB. Those poor animals and farmers I don't know how they will recover. I mean if they bring in fresh stock from somewhere else--how do they know that the hoof and mouth bacteria aren't still in the soil. How do you sterilize?

Exorcisms. In Hawaii--we have possessions. Strange but it seems to be more prevalent in Japanese communities. Possession by animal spirits like ghost dogs and cats or birds. (They could have been human once of course.) Exorcisms are done by kahunas.

Pigsnie 03-28-01 07:10 PM

A friend of mine once picked up a rock on Pele in spite of dire warnings that he would have bad luck eternal, and he got in serious trouble.

Amongst his problemos: his spaniel was run over by a van; he & his wife got a serious case of food poisoning; and mysterious little fires kept breaking out all over their home. When he had the rock shipped back to Hawaii (with heartfelt pleas written in thick black marker that the rock be returned to a particular area on the volcano slope), his luck turned at last.

I don't think I want to live in Hawaii. There seems to be an unusually strong supernatural element about the islands, stronger even than Bali. Wot about those night marchers, eh, Wort?

Wart 03-28-01 10:52 PM

Yeah-- the supernatural is with us in Hawaii. There are graves in the unlikeliest places. I mean they are everywhere. In a park, on the side of the road, under a bridge---the construction crews find ways of building around them. They try not to disturb the dead. But sometimes they "wake up" and haunt the road or that bridge or that new house.

There's a highway in Hawaii. If you carry pork on this road, bad luck will follow you. I've tried it. Nothing happened but I found out my friend (who was driving with me) was also carrying ti leaves--this wards off the bad luck). I have 4 friends who've carried pork and 2 of them--their cars broke down. The other 2. They got a flat, their engines died and it wasnt until they turned back--that their engine started working.

Zephyrus 03-30-01 05:47 AM

I saw the Exorcist yesterday, I saw it when i was a kid but I didn't remember anything, so it was like watching it for the first time...

Well, I have mixed feelings about it. It sure is disturbing in some parts, some are just plain freaky, but I think the movie had a lot more potential. Very noticeable for me was the 70's style of filming, in particular the lack of music! I don't understand how you can make a horror film without having an equally terrifying sountrack to accompany it! Sure, there was some music, but at the key scenes, as well as the exorcism itself, there was absolutly nothing! Combined with a score, the movie had the potential to be even scarier!

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