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blibblobblib 11-02-03 08:14 PM

Blib's Self Conscious Self-Promotion Thread
Well what with all these self-praising, attention seeking threads that are occuring, i thought i would jump on the band wagon.....(what in the hells a band wagon?) Anyway, If Djangyjangle can get some questions i figure i may as well too....

So.... :) .......What do you want to know?

Golgot 11-02-03 08:22 PM

Which bits of your body did you expose this Halloween?

How much shower-time do you dedicate to your genitals?

How many times have you eaten black pudding?

Did you do anything holy on All Hallows Day (or whatever the day-after-halloween is), or feel a saintly tingle?

What are your feelings on GM farming vs "Intensive" farming vs Organic farming?

Do you have any religious, spiritual/mystical, or silly-personal beliefs?

Is it 7 or 6?

Did you watch the program on string-theory today on C4?

How's Uni treating you now?

LordSlaytan 11-02-03 08:37 PM

What the hell is a blibblobblib?

blibblobblib 11-02-03 09:16 PM

Originally Posted by Golgot
Which bits of your body did you expose this Halloween?

My neck and my face...oh and my arms and hands too...and my wotsit when i went to the toilet :)
Oooh i did actually get my legs out as well when i was dressed as Pugsley. I dont normally get them out in public as they are brighter than the sun.

Originally Posted by Golgot
How much shower-time do you dedicate to your genitals?

Normally i would say....2 minutes. Maybe less if im feeling fresh and maybe a little more if im feelin dirty.

Originally Posted by Golgot
How many times have you eaten black pudding?

Once and it was quite nice. But i cannot eat it becuase the thought of eating a pigs congealed clotted boiled blood makes me wanna heave. it kind of puts me off my eggs as well as black pudding makes me visualise where all my food is from and what it actually is that im eating. so not good with a full english breakfast :nope:

Originally Posted by Golgot
Did you do anything holy on All Hallows Day (or whatever the day-after-halloween is), or feel a saintly tingle?

I didnt realise there was a special day after halloween? Can you explain? I did work though so if helping poeple with their clothing retail dreams is rather saintly then yes...i did feel a tingle.

Originally Posted by Golgot
What are your feelings on GM farming vs "Intensive" farming vs Organic farming?

Well im quite ignorant when it comes to these political/moral issues. Its not becuase im not interested it's just becuase im quite out of the loop and dont know enough about the matters to discuss them.

But if i were to talk about it with my current knowledge, i would have to say i feel Organic farming should succeed over GM farming. I know that i would feel happier about eating farm products if i knew they were organic rather than genetically modified. So what if they dont taste as good or are a bit smaller, we would all get used to it. As for "intensive" farming i have no idea what that means.

Originally Posted by Golgot
Do you have any religious, spiritual/mystical, or silly-personal beliefs?

I follow no religion but i do believe we have been given free will to use it anyway we want...but given by who? i have no idea. I would like to believe that something else happens to us after we die but i havnt come to a decision on that yet. I dont believe in the tooth fairy. I do believe in Father Christmas. I dont believe in UFO's. i Dont believe in ghosts and i do believe in Witches and i do believe in Dame Edna Everage.

Originally Posted by Golgot
Is it 7 or 6?

It's 6. I dont like odd numbers. Im a man of symmetry.

Originally Posted by Golgot
Did you watch the program on string-theory today on C4?

Unfortuntaly no i did not. But i did read a book once where the main protagonist was dating a scientist who worked on string-theory.

Originally Posted by Golgot
How's Uni treating you now?

It's ok. Its a pretty good life, nice people, fun times, nice flat and beautiful surroundings. For example i had a food fight last night. Was great fun, ive always wanted one. but i had oil, garlic dip, cookies, cake and cider in my hair by the end of it. i stunk. Plus i was hammered and i smelt so gross i thought i would faint.
But im finding it all a bit difficult at the moment. Ive got such a lot of work to do by Christmas and it doesnt seem like i have any free time to do it. Im being a bit of a lazy git really. Im in lectures 3 days a week and i work 2 days so that only leaves me with 2 days of free time. I know this is a lot to most people as some dont even get one day off, but when i do have these free days i just wanna watch films and sod about with my friends. Its an eternal dilemma i cant seem to find a way out of :(

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
What the hell is a blibblobblib?
It's an English Entity that exists only to consume, enjoy, create and participate in the pleasures of its surroundings. it's always there when you need it, always ready to give it's opinion. You can never quite tell what it truly is and it's sometimes, maybe a little too eager. ;D

Ezikiel 11-02-03 09:26 PM

Whats your favorite number?

Whats your favorite movie of all time?

Whats your favorite smily to put in your post?

Who's your favorite director?

Are you seeing The Matrix Revolutions this week?

Are you a Matrix Fan?

Whats your favorite Television show?

nebbit 11-02-03 09:38 PM

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
Once and it was quite nice. But i cannot eat it becuase the thought of eating a pigs congealed clotted boiled blood makes me wanna heave. it kind of puts me off my eggs as well as black pudding makes me visualise where all my food is from and what it actually is that im eating. so not good with a full english breakfast :nope:;D
I am with you re the black pudding :sick:

1. How old are you?

2. What are you doing at Uni?

3. Do you live in England? and where.

4. Are you an only child?

5. Are you related to Dame Edna?

6. What do you think of Sir Les Patterson, renowned cultural attache.

blibblobblib 11-02-03 10:03 PM

Originally Posted by Ezikiel
Whats your favorite number?

4. Its the day which my birthday falls on. Plus its even and has good symmetry ;)

Originally Posted by Ezikiel
Whats your favorite movie of all time?

:eek: This is hard. All i can do is give some examples -

American Beauty
Beauty and The Beast
Requiem for a Dream
Forrest Gump
As Good As it Gets
Shawshank Redemption
It's a Wonderful Life
The Matrix
The Hours

At one time or another these films have been my favourite of all time.

Originally Posted by Ezikiel
Whats your favorite smily to put in your post?

I like the :goof: smiley but i also like to use the :eek: smiley, it can apply to a lot more things.

Originally Posted by Ezikiel
Who's your favorite director?
Hmmm another toughie...I'd say either - M Night. Shayalaman, Robert Zemeckis or Paul Thomas Anderson. But probably the first one :yup:

Originally Posted by Ezikiel
Are you seeing The Matrix Revolutions this week?

Im travelling 40 miles to see it at it's best :yup:
I can't wait!

Originally Posted by Ezikiel
Are you a Matrix Fan?

*See first section of above answer*

Originally Posted by Ezikiel
Whats your favorite Television show?
hmmmm Sex and the City or [i]Buffy[\I]. Both pure entertainment.

I cant believe how undecisive im being.... :blush:

Originally Posted by nebbit

1. How old are you?
I am 21 and 2 1/4 months

Originally Posted by nebbit
2. What are you doing at Uni?
English BA - It has its ups...and a hell of a lot of downs

Originally Posted by nebbit
3. Do you live in England? and where.
I live in England in Essex in the South East in a little town called Bowers Gifford. But whilst i am at Uni (Like now) i live in the South West in a little town by the sea called Exmouth.

Originally Posted by nebbit
4. Are you an only child?
No i have a Brother. His name is Daniel and he is 22 and lives in Surbiton in London. He enjoys cooking.

Originally Posted by nebbit
5. Are you related to Dame Edna?
I would like to think along some distant blood line there is a bit of the dame within me...i may begin some research.

Originally Posted by nebbit
6. What do you think of Sir Les Patterson, renowned cultural attache.
His name is sure ive heard of him...but right now i'll have to say my mind is blank when it comes to the renowned cultural attache.

Some brilliant questions goin on here...toughies too though.

blibblobblib 11-02-03 10:07 PM

Originally Posted by nebbit
6. What do you think of Sir Les Patterson, renowned cultural attache.
Aaaah Yes, now i see the picture i am aware of who he is. I am impressed with his points of views and are oddly attracted to the various stains present on his tie and clothing. I would like to hear more from him :yup:

nebbit 11-02-03 11:20 PM

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
Aaaah Yes, now i see the picture i am aware of who he is. I am impressed with his points of views and are oddly attracted to the various stains present on his tie and clothing. I would like to hear more from him :yup:
If you ever get a chance to go to one of his fantastic monologues, never sit in the front row, he seems to have an excess of saliva which seems to fly at the audience. :eek:

Golgot 11-03-03 10:11 AM

you should've known i was just waiting to rant...;)
Ahh, food fights and other uni educations. Those were the days (tho don't let the Msc lot hear you complain about the hours us arty's have to do ;))

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
I didnt realise there was a special day after halloween? Can you explain? I did work though so if helping poeple with their clothing retail dreams is rather saintly then yes...i did feel a tingle.
I believe it's a day when all the saints are/were supposed to be out and about at their fullest - so therefore all the naughty spirits come out and have their fun the day b4. Something like that :shrugging-smilie:

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
Well im quite ignorant when it comes to these political/moral issues. Its not becuase im not interested it's just becuase im quite out of the loop and dont know enough about the matters to discuss them.

But if i were to talk about it with my current knowledge, i would have to say i feel Organic farming should succeed over GM farming. I know that i would feel happier about eating farm products if i knew they were organic rather than genetically modified. So what if they dont taste as good or are a bit smaller, we would all get used to it. As for "intensive" farming i have no idea what that means.
Let me spin you a loop....

Intensively farmed food is what we eat at the moment - i.e. huge amounts of carcinogenic and neuro-disturbing pesticides and herbicides. Also, ever wondered why male sperm count is something like 40% down on the level in the 1940s? Experts say it's probably down to a mixture of these sprays and god knows which of the other 80,000 or so chemicals free-floating around our world (and getting eeeeeverywhere. You really don't want to know the details. Read up on "P.O.P.s" like DDT for some nasty known downsides to these modern miracles if you do. For a start :rolleyes: )

GM is just currently unnecessary [quite literally ALL their claims are false at the moment - from higher yields, to "solving" hunger, etc etc etc etc]- and comes with loads of downsides i.e. industry-control of nigh all food-sources if they succeed in proliferating (they've bought up and destroyed standard seed stocks in one of their many attempts to acheive this - not to mention affecting legislation so that they can sue farmers who [unpreventably] let GM interbreed with other crops on their land - while blocking said farmers from suing back in return)....other downsides include the introduction of terminator genes that stop the crops changing into something else (that isn't under patent :rolleyes: - they don't give a **** about the biodiversity or health implications) and seeds that produce plants that don't produce seeds [you have to buy more]. Basically..... the biotechs have suppressed competitive/good science across the board, affected health regulatory bodies and helped proliferate a dangerously nonsensical risk approach amongst the WTO etc which means Europe pays the US/Canada etc in "lost-trade" coz we refuse to import hormone-treated meat or GM.

Organic farming runs on the principle of using as few pesticides and herbicides as possible, by utilising the local ecology the acheive a new balance that profits us and the ecosystem itself [see the latest post on my GM thread to see what marvellous results can be acheived in this way)

I must say i'm absolutely FLABBERGASTED by the opinions that run around concerning this stuff. Like WHY on EARTH do you think GM food would taste better??? Unless you want tomatoes flavoured with that pseudo-banana flavour or something. The veg we eat now is tasteless because of the ridiculous processes (and even sizing assessments or long-distance transportation/preservative-use) they go thru. Ever wondered why the skin on peppers is so thick? It's the plant's natural reaction to all these sprays etc. Eat organic when you can and taste something with some genuine flavour. And by that i mean, flavour that can even help you decide what's best for you at any given time (at least, this last one is one of my personal beliefs - i.e. animals self-medicate [i.e. eat medicational foods from their environment when ill etc]- and humans get little urges for this type of food or the other. I believe that's our body giving us hints about what type of vits/minerals we're lacking. No science back-up for that one, but there you go.)

Basically - organic farming is slowly proving itself to have these benefits over "intensive" for a start (i won't even start again on GM coz i just won't stop ;))
-hugely reduced pest/herbicide usuage, even complete removal, causing MASSIVE increases in healthiness.
-far better yields, in part because of good treatment of the soil.
-sustenance of beneficial ecosystems, rather than their detrimental destruction.
-HUGELY IMPROVED EFFICIENCY - which will turn into cheaper pricing so long as we help these initiatives maintain their momentum. They're up against co-ordinated and destructively greedy corporations tho - so it's gonna be a long fight.

Whether these things seems striking or not, they can make a massive difference to our sense of daily well-being, and our long-term life expectancy.

Rant over (temporarily)

Sidewinder 11-03-03 10:30 AM

If you were in a situation where you had to choose either to kill yourself or some really nice family guy that has a wife, three kids and a dog named Yappy, who would you choose? :D:D

MyRobotSuit 11-03-03 12:19 PM

A few questions..




(I thought I'd be a little political and ask you to write your own questions)

blibblobblib 11-03-03 06:02 PM

Originally Posted by Golgot
I believe it's a day when all the saints are/were supposed to be out and about at their fullest - so therefore all the naughty spirits come out and have their fun the day b4. Something like that :shrugging-smilie:
Ooooh how interesting, i did sense a spirit of some kind in the dressing room at often find wonderful things in there :sick:

Originally Posted by Golgot
Let me spin you a loop... ~
Rant over (temporarily)
Wow, it always impresses me so much with how much you know about this. Thanx for the info, i would definatly say that i had to agree the you. Now that im at uni and i do my own shopping, i do often wonder if there really is that much difference bewteen organic food and the normal stuff i buy, but ill be honest and say that your post gave me some light on the situation. I would definatly buy organic more often but annoyingly it's far more expensive than the normal food i get, and as im a student, money is a big problem. Id love to talk and hear more of your rants on this, ill have to check out your UBER posts on the subject.

Originally Posted by nebbit
If you ever get a chance to go to one of his fantastic monologues, never sit in the front row, he seems to have an excess of saliva which seems to fly at the audience.
Oh dear god i would love this. I would definatly sit front row...oh to be garnished in his saliva :cool:

Originally Posted by sidewinder
If you were in a situation where you had to choose either to kill yourself or some really nice family guy that has a wife, three kids and a dog named Yappy, who would you choose?
Well it totally depends on the situation i was in....gimme some ideas here...

Originally Posted by MinionTV
A few questions..



01) Why are you so amazing?

Well, it takes a lot of training and a lot of years of self-disapline (sp?), but obviously i cant tell you everything, as i wouldnt be so amazing would i? Stay cool ;)

02) Whats it like being as cool as you are?

Oooh what an intelligent question. its hard sometimes. Being me i come across a lot of jealousy and resentment, but once i begin to work my gift, and worst case scenario i HAVE TO (Oh and i mean really have to) STRUT....theyre mine again....oh yes....the strut. it always works. ;)

03) Whats the square root of 30869984?

Ha everyone knows that!...... Whats the point in asking a question like that? you know i cant do maths.....

Theres only one thing left to do....... *Begins to strut* :cool:

nebbit 11-03-03 06:55 PM


1. Have you ever been to a Dame Edna stage show? Sir Les is usually there.

2. Is that your Eye?

3. Have you ever been to Whitby?

4. What do you think of the Royal Family

5. Do you like Ad Fab?

6. Have you nice feet?

7. Isn't Golgot cute, I think he was mixed up about what thread he was on. :D

8. Do you have a dog? if so, what's it's name?

more later

birdygyrl 11-04-03 12:18 AM

How many DVDs in your collection?

How often do you go to the cinema?

What's your favorite music? Group?

What's your favorite color?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Do you want to grow up?

Golgot 11-04-03 09:50 AM

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
.... I would definatly buy organic more often but annoyingly it's far more expensive than the normal food i get, and as im a student, money is a big problem. Id love to talk and hear more of your rants on this, ill have to check out your UBER posts on the subject.
Heheheh, always happy to rant on this subject. I've been making a doc-level comedy short about GM/food-industry issues for about 4/5 months now (but Mofo addiction, and a recently exploding computer have got in the way a fair bit - the research continues tho - new facts crop up all the time, if you excuse the pun ;))

The best thing you can do to get cheap organic is find someone with a local allotment who's applied the best approach available to them (or a market that sells their goods possibly). At the very least they'll be using less pesticides etc. At the moment the money is a huge prob - i.e. organics only survive coz of the snobbier/pay-for-quality end of the market. It's going to be very difficult to bridge the gap until more money is put into British-based investigations of our ecosystems so we can get the most efficient aspects of Organic really up and running (and until we lose our british cheap-food-that-fills-your-stomach-is-best attitude it's gonna take these big efficiency leaps from Organics to be able to market themselves to everyone and/or get people paying a little bit more for much healthier food). [EDIT: incidently, just remember another important change for the worse - the whole need to keep non-GM lines pure now puts an extra financial burden on both "Organic" and "intensive" farming which'll keep everything more pricey than it needs to be] [ironically, the recent investigation into GM crops actually told us loads about growth dynamics in "normal"/intensive crops too, which might actually help the Organic cause slightly. - despite organics being left out of the trial entirely and pretty unjustifiably]

The taste one is an interesting one tho - considering that our generations have been brought up with lots of processed food. We basically prefer some chemical flavours now - or flavours "enhancement" through Monosodium Glutamate or what have you. But ultimately, your health should be the first consideration (really scrub things like brocolli and courgettes etc - they absorb loads of the sprays etc )

Bah, best stop. (especially considering i lived on bargain-basement turkey and mars bars for my first year of uni ;))

blibblobblib 11-04-03 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by nebbit

1. Have you ever been to a Dame Edna stage show? Sir Les is usually there.
Only in my dreams......She never seems to want to come to the uk :(

Originally Posted by nebbit
2. Is that your Eye?
No, my eyes arnt as terror filled, its the eye from The Blaire Witch Project!

Originally Posted by nebbit
3. Have you ever been to Whitby?
I have haerd of it but i am sorry to report i have never visitedd there, i may have driven through it though.....It is in the UK right? :blush:

Originally Posted by nebbit
4. What do you think of the Royal Family
I think they are not as necessary as they used to be but im still glad theyre around. They are a massive part of the United Kingdoms history and make us quite unique from other countries. but i wouldnt say that im incredibly patriotic to them. Plus i think they may have killed Diana :suspicious:

Originally Posted by nebbit
5. Do you like Ad Fab?
yes i love it. Ive always grown up with French and Saunders and they still remain as one of my favourite comedy acts. I know dawn doesnt feature much in it but Jennifer is still excellant. Plus joanna Lumley is incredible in it. She plays Patsy perfectly.

The episode where she's on drugs and her moblie starts to ring...

Patsy - What?!......Whats that noise?........ Is that a bee?
Edina - What?...
Patsy - A beeeee. I can hear a beeee...

Originally Posted by nebbit
6. Have you nice feet?
Well as feet go, im not a big fan. but i think i have quite nice feet. They are quite small, im only a size 10, (sometimes a 9) But i have little toes so i think they look quite cute. People have said they are nice feet.....but people have also said i have the feet of a hobit :(

Anyway you know the saying about feet.....

" Small feet.....Massive Shlong"

Originally Posted by nebbit
7. Isn't Golgot cute, I think he was mixed up about what thread he was on. :D
yes he is incredibly cute....rather like a Panda with the knowledge of a nucular physisist....:laugh: i cant even spell that. but i do appreciate his presence and enjoy reading his posts....until i fall unconscious that is ;)

Originally Posted by nebbit
8. Do you have a dog? if so, what's it's name?
I did once have a dog.....I've had three over my past. The first was a bassett hound called Fred. I cant really remember him as he was around when i was young. He died becuase someone fed him too much chocolate and he got fat :(
The 2nd dogs, i had throughout my childhood and i miss them a lot. they were two Golden Retrievers that we got from Puppies called Tom and Jerry. they were very friendly and unfortunatly got the dog equivelant of cancer in 1995 and died...within about a year of one another :( That was the time when my parents decided no more was too upsetting when they died becuase we always out live them. Actaully that was a horrid year. In that year our family lost - A load of tropical fish (dad sold them as my bro never cleaned them out) 14 Chickens (the majority were eaten by foxes) and 2 Jerds (they were a cross between a Gerbal and a rat. they were awsome, huge gerbals. unfortunatly one got sun stroke and died and the other died from Jerd Birth)

It was all very sad....But i :love: dogs so there will be another one for me...

Originally Posted by nebbit
more later
I look forward to it ;)

blibblobblib 11-04-03 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by birdygyrl
How many DVDs in your collection?
hmmm, im not feeling very well at the mo, im ill with flu :sick: so i cant be bothered to count them all, But i think its got to be at around 200 now. it was 180 last time i counted. I :love: them, theyre my pride and joy. Sisboombah has over 300! :eek:

Originally Posted by birdygyrl
How often do you go to the cinema?
I try and would go to the cinema about twice a week if i could... But becuase im in a town where its main entertainment is cock-fighting the films i want to see are not always available. Its very annoying :furious:

Originally Posted by birdygyrl
What's your favorite music? Group?
mmm this is a tough one. Im a big fan of media of all kinds. i love movies, i like reading and i like music but where as some people have music as their main enjoyment in their lives, mine is Movies. I ahvn't got a favourite band/group and i litterally like a wide range of music. I Love dancing and listening to R'n'B, I enjoy acting a prat whilst dancing to pop/chart music, and i really enjoy indie and alternative music. Plus i love to chill out to classical and chill-out music. these are artists i like -

The Strokes
The Pixies
The Vines
The Hives
Basement Jaax
Tracy Chapman
John Williams
Nora Jones
Justin Timberlake
.......Theres loads more but i cant think right now...

Originally Posted by birdygyrl
What's your favorite color?

Originally Posted by birdygyrl
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A film critic (but im trying to get the experience first) or any kind of journalist

Originally Posted by birdygyrl
Do you want to grow up?
Absoloutly not

Hondo333 11-05-03 06:41 AM

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
The Pixies

Justin Timberlake
.......... on the same List!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you should be castrated :furious: :furious: :furious: .................. :D

Nikki 11-05-03 07:28 AM

Do you prefer baths or showers

What is your favorite chocolate bar

Have you ever been to a gay bar

Have you ever been to a strip club

Have you ever had a lap dance

Do you believe in love at first sight

Do you collect anything

Describe your jammies

Who is your favorite family member you love spending time with

What song makes you cry or touches your heart

Have you ever played twister.....naked

Do you prefer summer or winter

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