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FinalFantasy 03-17-17 03:15 PM

Helloo guys. Im new nice to meet you all o/.
Now... I looked everyyywhere.. But everywhere and plus stuff I watched I cant find anything. And unfortunatly I didnt watch many movies like that but Id love to. So I specialy came to u here to ask.

Dont know did anyone here red the book Beautiful Distaster or it series but thats pretty much it.
Guy fighting for girl. Hes a "bad guy" that breaks bones for her. And would do anything.
Like she gets in troubles or so and he kicks ass to save her.
But like sirious movie. Not high school musical. Universaty is fine. But not like only teen movie if you know what I mean.
Just like guy that saves and protect his girl. Fist or without it but better with it. Hope u understabd what I mean.:)
Iii lovee protective boyfriend scenes and I really hope u got something for me.
Whatever you think it would fit please post it and Ill go check it out.
And English movied please. :)

Thsnk you veryyyy much for spending your time trying to help me find it. Xx

BoxOfficePoison 03-17-17 03:46 PM

Re: Protective guys movies?
Hi there.

I'm not quite clear. Is there a particular movie you're looking for, or are you interested in just anything with a protective boyfriend?

FinalFantasy 03-17-17 04:01 PM

Re: Protective guys movies?
Hey. Thank you for your replay. :) no, not a pertricular movie just any with protective boyfriend :) but realy protective. Not like "hey man dont call her that" more like BAM in the face hahaha. But even hey man dont csll her thst can pass :)

BoxOfficePoison 03-17-17 04:25 PM

Re: Protective guys movies?
If TV counts, Agent Booth on "Bones" probably fits your bill as well as any. Great show in any case.
Let's see, there's Arnie in "True Lies". Bruce Willis in "Red". Maybe Chuck Norris in "An Eye for an Eye", if you're into the avenging-dead-mates side of things. Hmm, come to think of it I guess pretty much any action-movie hero who's worth anything should count. Even Superman with Lois Lane!

FinalFantasy 03-17-17 04:35 PM

Re: Protective guys movies?
I maybe thought of more drama. :)
Unfortunatly I cant watch tv series much cause I do not own cable tv I only have play station on it do I buy movied. I hsve this whole collection. I kniw I csn probsbly order series but no Im looking for a movie :)
Maybe if u read description of book Beautiful Disaster it might explsne u better then I can.
He trowes punches for her just like that :)

FinalFantasy 03-17-17 04:53 PM

Re: Protective guys movies?
Btw sorry for bad typing. Gotta new phone so gottta learn how the keys are yet. :)

BoxOfficePoison 03-19-17 12:27 AM

Originally Posted by FinalFantasy (Post 1670314)
Btw sorry for bad typing. Gotta new phone so gottta learn how the keys are yet. :)
That's cool -- it's actually kind of reassuring to know there's a definite explanation. (Just kidding.)

By the way, I read the "Beautiful Disaster" description on Amazon, and didn't really get a protective-boyfriend vibe at all. Either I looked at the wrong description, or, more likely, I'm just dense.

FinalFantasy 03-19-17 10:55 AM

Re: Protective guys movies?
Okay this is me third time writing this to you cause my phone shut down twice by now in the middle of my long post hahaha.
So let me make this short this time.
I red description now myself it really telld you nothing unofrtunatly sorry about that. Lemme explane myself then the male character.
Hes a guy between Tom Hardy In Warrior and Johny Depp in Cry baby.
Books id nothing about sex its all about love and obsession and how much he wants her for himself and cares for her safety.
Hes a late night ring boxer.
Someone saz something wrong to her. Pervy. Or just wrong. He kicks the **** out of them.
Once dhe almodt gets raped and he almost ofcourse kills the guy. And hed always there. He is not cocky or similar. He really loves her and shes the only weekness he has.
Hope it helps. Also. Thank you so much for acttualy loooking into it trying to help. :)

cat_sidhe 03-19-17 12:17 PM

Re: Protective guys movies?
There's something about the way you ask his question that makes me deliberately not want to help you.

Sorry, I'm not a very nice person. :/

Edited to add: :lol: what a terrible human being I am!! I'll help at some point, promise. ;)

FinalFantasy 03-19-17 12:34 PM

Re: Protective guys movies?
Dont know what to comment on that. Cant really be sorry for being a person and the way I am so. Lets mske this subject about what I came to ask. Not about the way you didnt like my talk "not reslly nice person".

cat_sidhe 03-19-17 12:43 PM

Re: Protective guys movies?
Oh don't worry, I wasn't asking for an apology, dear. But I do suggest that you feed your keywords into imdb and watch a few films it spits out. It often helps!

FinalFantasy 03-19-17 02:33 PM

Re: Protective guys movies?
As i already menchened I tryed but I couldnt find anything like that. Im on imdb all the time and I tryed to look and I did look but nothing like that pooped out. Or im blind or trailers and descriptions dont show the exact meaning of the movie but I couldnt find any similar. The most similar movie to it its Twilight Sagas cause hes so obssesivly protective over her.

Dani8 03-19-17 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by FinalFantasy (Post 1671374)
The most similar movie to it its Twilight Sagas cause hes so obssesivly protective over her.
He was a Mr Creepy.

FinalFantasy 03-19-17 02:42 PM

Re: Protective guys movies?
Hahaha well sort off.
Anyway dunno am I being triggered on purpose here and made fun of. I just came nicely to ask for help. U dont need to judge me and throw comments to offend me. If you cant help say so. :/

Dani8 03-19-17 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by FinalFantasy (Post 1671392)
Hahaha well sort off.
Anyway dunno am I being triggered on purpose here and made fun of. I just came nicely to ask for help. U dont need to judge me and throw comments to offend me. If you cant help say so. :/
Eh? There seems to be a lost in translation moment. I was simply responding to your comment about Twilight. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You seem a bit oversensitive. I dont know what movie you're looking for. I dont particularly like obsessive men.

FinalFantasy 03-19-17 02:54 PM

Re: Protective guys movies?
The post was going other then your direction. I laughed on your comment. Anywsy lets stop this. Back to subject.

So dont know do you guys know movie "The necessery death of Charly Countryman"
There he fight fo a girl soo muchhh till he almost doesnt die cause he loves her to death but some other things ofcourse came in their way.
So its more protective guys. Obssesed with love that he has for her. And needs to make shure shes safe.
As i said. Throws punched to protect her if harm comes her way.

I really dont know any better way to explane anymore :/

Dani8 03-19-17 02:56 PM

Re: Protective guys movies?
It's a natural progression of a thread. You brought up twilight so I commented. Didnt seem much sense in saying I dont know what you're asking for.

Anyway, enjoy your sunday. Tallyho.

cat_sidhe 03-19-17 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1671404)
Eh? There seems to be a lost in translation moment. I was simply responding to your comment about Twilight. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You seem a bit oversensitive. I dont know what movie you're looking for. I dont particularly like obsessive men.

She was directing that at me. It seems I misunderstood what she wanted. Easy mistake to make. But had she read my edited post, which was edited Before her reply was posted, she would have seen I said I would help at some point. So no, she's not being targeted.

FinalFantasy 03-19-17 02:58 PM

Re: Protective guys movies?
Okay. Thank you for your time and sorry If I offended you in any way.

Dani8 03-19-17 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by FinalFantasy (Post 1671421)
Okay. Thank you for your time and sorry If I offended you in any way.
You dont need to apologise, I;m not offended, but you'll probably have a lot more fun here if you dont think people are having a go at you. As cat said, she posted that she would help and she gave you a winky, but she's not at home right now so maybe she hasnt got time to search for you just yet.

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