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NedStark09 03-25-16 09:50 PM

NedStarks Movie Reviews Of 2016
Batman vs Superman Dawn Of Justice.

Let me start of from saying in a perfect world in my own mind. Christian Bale and Brandon Routh Should Be playing Batman and Superman. Routh was the perfect Superman because he had warmth that Reeve had and Bale just is Batman bar non.

However i cannot dwell on my feelings of casts in films and all can do is review what movie was given too us.
Let Me first talk about they git wrong in this movie. Even though this is a review i dont see myself as a Critic but an average movie goer.

Things They Got Wrong.
Henry Cavill Just has no warmth as Superman or Clark Kent. He Is pompus Superman and for some reason what they got wrong in Man Of Steel They did not fix for B V S.

Amy Adams was reduced too just Supermans Girl and Lois Lane the fire hot reporter was very absent. They Made Adams look Poofy and Amy a very pretty girl.

Did Not Like The Kid Who Played Lex Luthor. He was an ok villain just seemed more like Son Of Lex. This Punk just is not Luthor I Invisioned.

They Needed a flash back of the Joker and Robin Demise. To Show Why this Batman seemed a bit Broken.

I Did not like the Action Fight with Just Superman and Batman. The Fight Between Hulk and Iron Man beats that ten fold.

The Parts I Did Like.
The Casting Of Jeremy Irons as Alfred and He Was Perfect maybe my favorite Alfred.

Gal Godot- What Little we Saw I felt that Gal really tried her very best in the role. I think Gal will be iconic as Wonder Women and spark more comic book female stories.
I was like many but Gal won me over in the movie.

Ben Affleck is Not as Good As Bales Presence As Batman but do like Batman s voice better in this and Ben is a better Bruce Wayne.

Superman, WW and Batman vs Doomsday Fight was very good. And really Doomsday was not as bad as reviews say Just looks like Abomination some what.

I give The Movie overall 3 and Half Valyrian Steel Swords.

Zack Snyder nearly Messed this up but Gal Gadot, Irons and Affleck Saved his Bacon and my guess is that Suicide Squad will save DC Stall which I fear B V S Will just break just above Even World Wide.

Nazcar 03-27-16 07:06 AM

Re: NedStarks Movie Reviews Of 2016
Interesting to see some reviews with same score. Ideally the alternative director will be Christopher Nolan or someone who has done a good non blockbuster movie that was well received. Brandon Routh was a duplicate of Christopher Reeves when things were more innocent and cheesy. Not sure he would have pulled off a broody Superman like Cavill did in a polarised world. If they were to do another individual Superman film Amy Adams may get some more screen time. Gal Gadot should bring a more feminine influence along with Robin Wright of House of Cards. I still prefer the method acting of Christian Bale with the variety of scenes he brought to the role. After Superman Returns I don't think Warner Brothers want any more pull backs and shelving given how much Avengers have made.

NedStark09 03-27-16 08:01 AM

Re: NedStarks Movie Reviews Of 2016
I Always Felt Lucy Lawless should have played Diane s mother because she could been what we know an Amazon too be The Queen and Gal Gadot should be the modern aged person who breaks away because she is different from that whole what we percieve Amazons too be. But I have not seen her film yet so maybe I am wrong about that issue.

NedStark09 03-27-16 08:19 AM


This Movie Scored 99% fresh on RT. Which was a little overboard. Anyways lets Review My last Sundays Movie.
Now Normally I save Animated movies these days for tv rentals for really with all the films released Animated films sometimes dont make the list just due to costs of the purse Strings.

Too be honest Disney wise only Cars and A Bugs Life have I liked since they disney went too 3D animation. However do know I am a big Dreamworks animation fan.
Disney has a pretty big franchise here I think with Zootopia and I completely loved the idea and all the visuals. My only minor compliant was that the movie was a bit short and could have shown more outer villages and not Just Bunny Glenn or whatever her home was called.

I did feel the Sheep being the villain was too obvious but I did like the Bunny and Fox idea and look forward too seeing where that bond goes. The next movie would like too mee the Fox mother and maybe see a Grizzly bear Run For Mayor against the former Lion.

Anyways I liked the film and too be honest have not like a new ANimted 3D New flick since Kung Fu Panda Started That Franchise which I still love the Adventures of Poe. But Now we are introduced too Bunny Power.
6 Valyrian Steel Swords.

BTW 6 Swords Is Top rating.

NedStark09 03-31-16 04:24 PM

DeadPool Movie Review Revisted.

What helped this movie allot was that it was fun and yet rated R but not overly depressingly dull and it told a story in the world of x-men and yet seemed too capture the mutant fun that is x-men. I want too see more characters used in the Deadpool world that come from the x-men characters.

Strangely Deadpool is a hit but if look at the score card Deadpool nails all things you need too have a successful product. Ok DC Take notes you can be even Rated R and still have humor.
Where in the world of DC does it say Batman cannot have a joke or two in it. We dont need a dark brooding Superman on top that either.
Deadpool wins because they embrace the Marvel concept and many other successful films. You can mix dark and funny elements. The Creators of Deadpool have great chance at a great saga. I think the family of deadpool can be expanded and and I would like too see Carano back in the sequel. You dont have strong super villains or maybe even grey female characters.
Ryan Reynolds is meant for Comedy but he can do drama and Deadpool in a way saved his career for it was the role nobody maybe could do. Ryan got right with Deadpool where Spiderman Creators are still trying to get right in Spiderman. The Voice and attitude Matches the character right.
Am Buying This On DVD.
5 Valyrian Steel Swords.

Gideon58 04-11-16 07:34 PM

Re: NedStarks Movie Reviews Of 2016
Originally Posted by NedStark09 (Post 1483623)
Batman vs Superman Dawn Of Justice.

Let me start of from saying in a perfect world in my own mind. Christian Bale and Brandon Routh Should Be playing Batman and Superman. Routh was the perfect Superman because he had warmth that Reeve had and Bale just is Batman bar non.

However i cannot dwell on my feelings of casts in films and all can do is review what movie was given too us.
Let Me first talk about they git wrong in this movie. Even though this is a review i dont see myself as a Critic but an average movie goer.

Things They Got Wrong.
Henry Cavill Just has no warmth as Superman or Clark Kent. He Is pompus Superman and for some reason what they got wrong in Man Of Steel They did not fix for B V S.

Amy Adams was reduced too just Supermans Girl and Lois Lane the fire hot reporter was very absent. They Made Adams look Poofy and Amy a very pretty girl.

Did Not Like The Kid Who Played Lex Luthor. He was an ok villain just seemed more like Son Of Lex. This Punk just is not Luthor I Invisioned.

They Needed a flash back of the Joker and Robin Demise. To Show Why this Batman seemed a bit Broken.

I Did not like the Action Fight with Just Superman and Batman. The Fight Between Hulk and Iron Man beats that ten fold.

The Parts I Did Like.
The Casting Of Jeremy Irons as Alfred and He Was Perfect maybe my favorite Alfred.

Gal Godot- What Little we Saw I felt that Gal really tried her very best in the role. I think Gal will be iconic as Wonder Women and spark more comic book female stories.
I was like many but Gal won me over in the movie.

Ben Affleck is Not as Good As Bales Presence As Batman but do like Batman s voice better in this and Ben is a better Bruce Wayne.

Superman, WW and Batman vs Doomsday Fight was very good. And really Doomsday was not as bad as reviews say Just looks like Abomination some what.

I give The Movie overall 3 and Half Valyrian Steel Swords.

Zack Snyder nearly Messed this up but Gal Gadot, Irons and Affleck Saved his Bacon and my guess is that Suicide Squad will save DC Stall which I fear B V S Will just break just above Even World Wide.
Enjoyed your review of this film...didn't know Jeremy Irons was playing Alfred...that certainly makes me want to bump it up on my watchlist.

NedStark09 04-27-16 12:52 PM

The Jungle Book Movie Review

Let me start off by saying I was and I guess still am the biggest Disney Classic Jungle Book fan. This movie was always going too be second too that. I consider this a live action remake.

What my likes were:

1 The Jungle Effects Program Was Top Notch and very well done.

2 The Effects On Kaa, Shere Khan and Bageera were beyond amazing.

3 Bill Murry Was Baloo.

4 Liked that this movie had scares and these characters were protrayed as animals which they are. The Khan and Akila scene you saw coming but was all the more shocked by the viciousness of Khan.

5 The Kid Playing Mowgli did an amazing JOb for his first movie and had to pretend all these things were real.

What I didnt Like About The Movie

1 No Talking Voltures

2 In This Movie They copied too many Cartoon Classic Moments. Should have just did the film without all the homages.

3 Wished Baloo bear effects were better. His oddly was least best attempt of any animal in my opinion.

4 They needed too explain why the panther did not just eat the man cub. They should have mentioned Bagheera back story with humans like was in the book.

5 Felt like the movie was kinda short and seemed like was missing some scenes it felt so short.

Overall the movie is a visual stunning well done job and the technology used could be good in doing better animal done films from disney or stories like Animal Farm or A better Charlottes web.

The movie is amazing too watch if your a young kid around 10 because its a nice mix of scary and laughs. Its a good family film but for me i can choose too be picky because the Classic was done right.

4 Valyrian Steel Swords.

NedStark09 05-08-16 01:14 AM

I first wanna go into my stance on which movie won the war in the versus comic book movie this year . Neither Over did the other so they will have the same 3.5 rating. In each film there were things I liked and didnt but my feeling is that people will say Civil War won just because it may by dern make more money then then the other. B V S I think has the overall better ending While this has the more rewatch factor and well you like and care about the mcu characters more.
Now ith more DC films that part could change.
Just saying DC nor Marvel outdid either here. But all the differance likely is that this will make more money which sadly is what studios measure success

What I Liked About Civil War

1 It Made Tony Stark Seem More Human.

2 Airpart Scene Was The HIghlight action piece.

3 Tony, Romanoff, Panther, Spiderman and Bucky Carry The Movie.

4 Caps team In the Arc Prison Was one of the saddest visuals In the MCU Other Then the 1991 Footage Scene about Howard Stark.
You almost felt that Tony was close in going over too caps view point when he saw Wanda Shackled like some beast.

What I Didnt Like

1 Cap Overall Attitude ABout Governments Should Not have a say if your gonna go and tear up a city and that Saving Bucky Was more important then The Avengers.

2 Vision Was NotThe Awesome Reasonible Great Character Whedon Created. He Was mR rOGERS.

3 Hated The Final Fight Simply because they weakened down iron man and his suit in a cap movie so he could win. There is no way cap should have won. Not after Tonys Battles In Iron Man 3, versus Thor and The Hulk.

4 No Nick Fury in this movie to help bring the peace. Fury not in the film seemed out of place for MCU and stupid.

5 This Was not Anything To Do with A Civil War Comic And Marvel chickened out and would not Kill Cap like in the real story.

Overall The Movie is fun but just ok, You will miss Joss Whedons vision ability to do multipal fight scenes and overall scope of a big Marvel movie.

Age Of Ultron was better then this.

3 And A Half Valyrian Steel Swards

Iroquois 05-08-16 09:55 AM

Originally Posted by NedStark09 (Post 1509796)
[color=Red][size=3]I first wanna go into my stance on which movie won the war in the versus comic book movie this year . Neither Over did the other so they will have the same 3.5 rating. In each film there were things I liked and didnt but my feeling is that people will say Civil War won just because it may by dern make more money then then the other. B V S I think has the overall better ending While this has the more rewatch factor and well you like and care about the mcu characters more.
Now ith more DC films that part could change.
Just saying DC nor Marvel outdid either here. But all the differance likely is that this will make more money which sadly is what studios measure success
Money's got nothing to do with it. People are responding better to Civil War because it was a movie that actually managed to balance superhero fun with serious depth. The problem with Batman v Superman is not only that it isn't very fun but also because it doesn't even do a good job of being a "serious" film (to the point where its ending is actually something of a failure because not only is it senseless from a logical perspective but it tries to make audiences emotional without having earned that emotion through developing sufficiently sympathetic/interesting characters). If the money-making means anything, it's that audiences will be more likely to pay for a film if they hear that it's well-made fun than if it's a boring mess.

What I Didnt Like

1 Cap Overall Attitude ABout Governments Should Not have a say if your gonna go and tear up a city and that Saving Bucky Was more important then The Avengers.
It's okay to find that personally disagreeable, but these are character flaws that serve to develop and humanise Cap. Just because his name is in the title doesn't mean you're forced to think of him as the unquestionable hero - if anything, the filmmakers want you to question whether or not he's truly doing the right thing here.

2 Vision Was NotThe Awesome Reasonible Great Character Whedon Created. He Was mR rOGERS.
I read that as him trying his best to be "normal" despite being a very abnormal cyborg thing, kind of like Data from Star Trek - especially since he was doing it to help out Wanda, who was definitely feeling bad about causing destruction at the start of the film. Between those two films, he definitely seems like a character that the filmmakers aren't quite sure how to use either way.

3 Hated The Final Fight Simply because they weakened down iron man and his suit in a cap movie so he could win. There is no way cap should have won. Not after Tonys Battles In Iron Man 3, versus Thor and The Hulk.
It's worth noting that Iron Man needed a special "Hulkbuster" suit in order to be able to fight the Hulk, whereas his only physical confrontation with Thor so far (which happened in the first Avengers) resulted in a draw anyway. Besides, remember that Iron Man was fighting both Cap and Bucky at the same time so he's at a disadvantage anyway - he expends so much effort into defeating Bucky that he's not quite capable of beating Cap either. That and Cap's vibranium shield seems to be stronger than Iron Man's suit or anything in it (especially when he uses it to break the suit just by leaning on it).

4 No Nick Fury in this movie to help bring the peace. Fury not in the film seemed out of place for MCU and stupid.
I noted his absence, but I'm not sure it would have made a significant difference one way or the other. I don't see how him suddenly showing up again at the start of the movie would have brought peace, though - the point of Civil War is that there is no unquestionably right answer and whatever answer Fury had would have had to come down on one side or the other. In short, the film didn't need him.

5 This Was not Anything To Do with A Civil War Comic And Marvel chickened out and would not Kill Cap like in the real story.
An adaptation doesn't have to be an exact replication of the source, plus it'll be interesting to see how Cap deals with the consequences of his actions in later films rather than just have him die and be done with it.

Overall The Movie is fun but just ok, You will miss Joss Whedons vision ability to do multipal fight scenes and overall scope of a big Marvel movie.
An interesting thing I've noticed about people who liked Civil War is that they praise it for not falling into the same pitfalls that have made MCU movies kind of boring in the past, most often because the scope is too big, if you can believe it. The stakes in Civil War tend to be more personal as the various characters have their friendships and loyalties tested by the story's conflicts, so the audience has a greater emotional investment in what happens to the characters regardless of whether they win or lose the big battles. The problem with something like Age of Ultron is that the "villain wants to destroy the world" plot seems epic but is kind of hollow in a franchise like the MCU. Deep down, we know that the world will not be destroyed because this is a huge crowd-pleasing blockbuster that's aiming to make sequels. Besides, I don't think Joss Whedon is automatically any better at doing multiple fight scenes than the Russos.

NedStark09 06-11-16 09:19 PM

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Out Of The Shadows Movie Review

In my humble opinion this movie was allot more fun then the last movie. Bebop and Rockstead takes this movie back too the real spirit of the cartoons. However they still cannot get Shredder and Splinter right.

I dont hate Fox and in my opinon she was better suited in a movie like Transformers. She is not the most reporter type actress if ask me. She kinda takes a small seat too The New cast member casey jones who pretty much steals the movie.

Amell has grown allot since his first Season as The Arrow. It was too short really a movie for my liking because Shredder suffers as a character because he doesnt do anything. Now The Part with The Alien Commander now he should have been in the movie by his lonesome and he just creates allot of mutants.

I liked the pacing of the movie but like i said it could have added 15 more minutes too the movie really. Pacing was good i was meaning reguards too pace of action and the overall flow.

This movie would have done better in March or August it would have made more money I think but its suffered from Movie goers needing a slow down after May. before July comes and its usually bigger summer flicks.
My advise is see it if have love for the old cartoons for its what it gives you. But It does have problems just not as horrible as Turtles 1 or Last 2 Transfromers movies.

3 Valyrian Steel Swords.

NedStark09 06-12-16 08:02 AM

Warcraft Movie Review

I am sorry I got my reviews backed up when didnt post my Ninja Turtles Review Last Week.
I went too see Warcraft not sure why they changed the Title From World Of Warcraft.
Might be why domestically the movie is under preforming. Some people need some things spelled out.
I know its not because of the same Last Airbender reasons.
Anyways I am rambling. I also wanted too apologize if some of my words are spelled wrong.
Sometimes I dont realize it till after I post.

Well I did not play the Game and lets face it I am not no huge gamer. I went in hearing bad reviews from Tomatoes but I never really cared about that.

I was impressed with the Global numbers and I wasnt aware China dropped down that kind of doe for movies outside Star Wars.
At any rate i gotta say this was better then the last 2 Hobbit movies. The Visuals alone we just stunning. The Human actors were not oscar worthy but I gotta say Dominique Cooper and Paula Patton were good in this.

Being a fan of the TV show Vikings I knew the lead male character but all i saw was his Vikings character in a PG setting.
The Orcs were done with equal the Ruffalo Hulk effects. The Villain is terrible and liked how this movie told us things from the Orc s side.
I never seen so many main characters wacked before in a movie.

This was a fun ride and the effects make me want a sequel I a hearing there will be 30 minute added directors cut.
All I got to say is ignore buzz and if like Fantasy Go see this movie.

I can over look it was based on a Game why cant critics . I mean Pirates The Carribean was based on a theme park ride.
Anyways like i said the acting is not perfect and plot had some kinks but this was allot of fun.
4 Valyrian Steel Swords.

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