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Sexy Celebrity 03-01-16 06:51 PM

Stephen King's The Dark Tower
The Dark Tower

CiCi 03-01-16 06:54 PM

Re: Stephen King's The Dark Tower
I'm not sure how I feel about this, I can see the longer books being extremely watered down. Then again, that's not always a bad thing for King, It could have been a few hundred pages shorter and still be just as compelling. We'll see I guess, not getting my hopes too high though :lol:

ursaguy 03-01-16 09:03 PM

Re: Stephen King's The Dark Tower
Coming out January 13th. Yikes. If the studio had any hope for this doing well, it wouldn't be released in the first half of January. I love the cast, and I hope it's great because the world needs more Stephen King movies, but I'm expecting this to be terrible until I hear otherwise.

Kakarot89 03-01-16 09:58 PM

Re: Stephen King's The Dark Tower
Isn't there already a thread for this movie?

Anyway, Sony has its grubby hands on it. I have no faith in this adaptation.

Sumit Mankala 03-02-16 06:36 AM

Not sure if this would be better as a TV series rather than a movie. I mean, it's a pretty long series of books and there are quite a lot of intricacies that could be better explored with the extra running time a TV series allows.

TheUsualSuspect 03-02-16 09:46 PM

Re: Stephen King's The Dark Tower
Should have been TV.

doubledenim 03-04-16 07:34 PM

Re: Stephen King's The Dark Tower
It seemed like they were implying multiples if the first is successful.

gigaslo 03-05-16 06:34 PM

The Dark Tower get new release date :

dadgumblah 03-10-16 10:26 PM

The role of Jake Chambers has been cast:

dadgumblah 05-18-16 12:38 AM

Pics of Idris Elba as Roland in The Dark Tower and a little update of actors in the movie. I'm not sure that the main pic on the page is Elba from the movie or some other movie. The link to the pics of him with a gun, belt, and Western-style suit are lower on the page:

IMDB has listed more characters and actors for the film. Here they are:

Sayre: He first was mentioned or appeared in Wolves of the Calla, the fifth book in the series, as a high-ranking member of the can-toi and a member of the Sombra Corporation who lures Father Callahan into a trap at a Sombra high-rise building to try to kill him. He also appears in Song of Susannah, and The Dark Tower, books six and seven.

Arra Champignon: she appears in a one-shot comic! It's called The Sorcerer and is now collected in the hardback The Fall of Gilead.

Tiranna: a low woman who works in The Dixie Pig, which I think was featured in books five and six but I'm not sure. Anyway, she only has a small part as a bad gal who knocks something out of Father Callahan's hands.

Pimli: The warden of Algul Siento, the prison where they keep "Breakers," psychic people who are used to break down the Beams that hold the Dark Tower in place. He does have a fairly important role in that he kills one of our heroes, but I won't say who.

Dr. (or Mr. in the book) Hotchkiss: a shrink at Jake's middle school.

My impressions: It seems that the film is trying to cover all kinds of ground all over the books. From the cast list, it appears like they are jumping ahead in time with characters from books 3, 5, 6, and 7, not counting what they do with Roland and The Man in the Black (called Walter Padick as his original given name on the Dark Tower wikia, although I don't recall that last name at all. It has been a long time since I've read them all, so they may have mentioned that name, although it could have come from the comics, though I don't know if they're regarded as canon). The same with Arra listed above---they seemed to have just plucked her from the comic, so I don't know if King approved or if he has any say in what they do.

They seem to be jumping all over the timelines from the books, with only middle-rank to minor characters being mentioned as being cast, other than Roland, The Man in Black, and Jake Chambers. No casting for Susannah or Father Callahan as of yet. I hope they know what they're doing. I'll be following this as close as I can.

colejwalker 05-18-16 02:46 AM

Re: Stephen King's The Dark Tower
I haven't read the book, but judging from what I have heard this is gonna be very hard to fit into the 3 hour film bracket. Would love to check out the book sometime soon.

dadgumblah 05-19-16 12:28 AM

Cole, there are actually seven books in the series that carries the epic journey to its conclusion. But King wrote another book a few years ago that he calls The Wind Through the Keyhole, which takes place basically in the middle of the journey. King calls it book 4.5 which of course sets it after book 4, Wizard and Glass. It's an excellent book and it seems King wasn't quite ready to let go of his characters.

As Ron Howard is still involved as a producer, I wonder if they'll still go with their original plan to have a movie, then a cable series, then another movie, etc., mixing it all up. But of course, it all depends on the first movie being a hit, and if they go all over the place like it looks like they're going to, people might not like it. I don't know what they're planning at this point. I would think filming it for cable like a "Game of Thrones" type of thing, it would be more successful, with the extra points of already having a series of books finished, unlike "Thrones" which has already caught up for the most part with the books that are written, with more to come.

But, again, the movie they're making now seems to be what everything is depending upon.

Sir Toose 05-26-16 07:05 PM

I don't know how the sometimes overt race angle is going to play out with both Susannah/Detta and Roland being black.

I read a paragraph by King yesterday where he said the fans are going to be irritated that episode 1 actually starts somewhere in the middle (Star Wars much?).

Speaking of Star Wars... I've got a bad feeling about this.

dadgumblah 07-02-16 01:24 AM

First pics of Matthew McConaughey as The Man in Black:

TONGO 07-02-16 01:30 AM

Re: Stephen King's The Dark Tower

My vibe on this film is.....not good.

dadgumblah 07-19-16 02:38 AM

Here's a link to photos and info about The Dark Tower movie. Some of the photos give me some glimmer of hope and some don't. Something that bums me out is that when Jake is brought over through the living house into Mid-World, it looks like Roland will be alone in bringing him through. In other words, we're starting with Roland and Jake's story, as in the first book, chasing the Man in Black. But, it looks like they're going to try to cover other parts of Jake's story in New York from The Waste Lands book but with Roland with him all along. I don't know. I know the whole story is massive. I just hate it when filmmakers think they can tell the story better when it's already mapped out for them. However, I will be picking up the new Entertainment Weekly (from which this info comes) because it's a double-issue and will tell what and will not be in the movie and/or movies/cable shows if they're made:

dadgumblah 07-28-16 07:05 PM

While looking at the IMDB cast list for The Dark Tower, I noticed another character added to the list, and that is Susan Delgado. As any faithful reader of the books knows, she is Roland's one great love from his teen years. It appears that, from all the characters from all over the books appearing in the first film, we might be seeing flashbacks that set us up for further installments. Anyway, here is the actress, Alex McGregor, listed as Susan Delgado:

TwoGuysDarkTower 12-11-16 03:31 PM

For those interested in reading the book for first time or rereading before the movie comes out, join us on our new podcast, Two Guys to the Dark Tower Came, as we delve into each book. We are on all major podcast sites (iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, Tune In) and at our website: search Two Guys to the Dark Tower Came.

TheUsualSuspect 03-19-17 11:23 AM

Re: Stephen King's The Dark Tower

Potter 03-19-17 02:37 PM

Man, I'm excited for this. There's been so many ifs and buts surrounding this film. It's been an utter chaos for 10 years, with MGM, Warner, Universal, Paramount, Columbia, Lionsgate and now finally Sony all involved. Only waited for Fox to take responsibility, but glad it's now ready to go. Think it can be one of 2017's best films if they hit well.

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