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Hambo 12-26-15 04:24 AM

Favourite Scene in 'The Force Awakens' (Spoilers)
Warning! If for some reason you missed the word spoilers in the title then I'm telling you now that this thread contains spoilers from the latest Star Wars movie. If you haven't seen it yet, be warned.

I think we can all agree that Star Wars: The Force Awakens was a pretty good film with many memorable scenes and sequences. But there must be at least one scene that stood out or caught your attention more than others. Here is a thread where you can discuss that scene!

My favourite part for some reason is the bit after Rey and Finn escape Jakku in the Millennium Falcon and are trying to fix the ship to go to lightspeed. I just thought it was pretty funny how they bickered like an old married couple over the tools Rey needed to fix the ship.
Rey- "Pilot's driver hurry . . . it's not that one. No. No. The one I'm pointing to! No. No.No!

The Rodent 12-26-15 04:25 AM

Re: Favourite Scene in 'The Force Awakens' (Spoilers)
It's when BB-8 points at it as well and gives a look of "This one, idiot".

Sexy Celebrity 12-26-15 04:27 AM

Originally Posted by Hambo (Post 1428425)
My favourite part for some reason is the bit after Rey and Finn escape Jakku in the Millennium Falcon and are trying to fix the ship to go to lightspeed. I just thought it was pretty funny how they bickered like an old married couple over the tools Rey needed to fix the ship.
That whole scene where they find the Millennium Falcon on Jakku and start flying it, trying to get away from the bad people, was my favorite scene, too. It felt like old school Star Wars the most more than any other scene.

gandalf26 12-26-15 04:35 AM

Re: Favourite Scene in 'The Force Awakens' (Spoilers)
"I know! We can use the Force!" LOL.

dadgumblah 12-26-15 05:44 AM

I enjoyed that scene as well. Any scene of the Falcon in fact, was great for me. I loved when those creatures Han was smuggling got out and Rey and Finn were crawling in the storage departments (we finally got to see the storage departments that Han never thought he'd be smuggling himself in from A New Hope!) hiding from the people after Han. Which eventually led up to where they finally get aboard the Falcon and one of those creatures was attached to the side and they jumped to light speed from the loading dock and you see the creature briefly, then whoosh! it's gone with the lightspeed. :)

The Rodent 12-26-15 06:04 AM

Re: Favourite Scene in 'The Force Awakens' (Spoilers)
BB-8 giving the thumbs up. That was funny.
I think the whole cinema giggled at that bit.

Iroquois 12-26-15 06:07 AM

Re: Favourite Scene in 'The Force Awakens' (Spoilers)
That part where the guys from the Raid movies showed up and kicked lots of ass.


BraedenG33 12-26-15 06:29 AM

Hard to pick just one, there were so many great moments in this film for me. There's no way I could pick just one actually but one scene I did like among many of them is in the earlier part of the film when Finn busts Poe out and they have this quippy exchange (paraphrased)

Finn: "I'm gonna rescue you"

Poe: "Are you resistance?"

Finn: "What? no! I'm busting you out. Can you fly a TIE fighter?"

Poe: "I can fly anything. Why are you helping me?"

Finn: "Because it's the right thing to do."

Poe: "You need a pilot"

Finn: "I need a pilot."

and then later Finn says "Just stay calm"

Poe: "I am calm"

Finn: "I was talking to myself"

and then the whole dogfight outside the star destroyer and the chemistry between Poe and Finn in the beginning was so great like they made me care more about their friendship in like 4 minutes than the prequels made me feel for Obi-Wan and Anakin in nearly 7 hours. Aside from Rey's story and seeing the build up of the Kylo Ren v. Rey conflict, one of the things I'm most excited for in the sequels is more Finn/Poe 'bromance' like their back and forth on screen was so great for the short time it was in Force Awakens and I wanna see more.

Omnizoa 12-26-15 09:24 AM

Originally Posted by Hambo (Post 1428425)
My favourite part for some reason is the bit after Rey and Finn escape Jakku in the Millennium Falcon and are trying to fix the ship to go to lightspeed. I just thought it was pretty funny how they bickered like an old married couple over the tools Rey needed to fix the ship.
Finn's easily my favorite character. I always wanted a Stormtrooper character, and it's too perfect that he's also the first Star Wars character who's both a coward and a compulsive liar.

My favorite scenes are the ones where he's bullshiting the main cast. I didn't care for his interaction with THE CG CHARACTER in THE CANTINA (I cannot be bothered to remember that character's name) or when he runs away, because OF COURSE he's not going anywhere.

But almost every other scene with him was fantastic. I would even go so far to say that he's my favorite comedy relief character in the whole Star Wars series so far.

Of course now that I say all that, I have to admit the best part of the movie for me was the duel out in the woods. I don't think most people would point to that since it comes right after Han's death scene (which is pretty wicked) and it intersects with other action, but that sequence is done spectacularly. The fight isn't Revenge of the Sith levels complex since they're not Jedi masters, but it's far above anything in the original trilogy save Luke and Vader's final duel.

Finn gets Kilo's saber hilt driven into his shoulder which you KNOW has got to hurt, then he gets screwed up every which way, but in a manner we know he could conceivable survive. Then as Kilo goes for Finn's lightstaber we get PSYCH, Rey's the actual jedi in this movie! Got well deserved applause in my theater. It's an easily overlooked moment, but it's perhaps the most important one since the whole movie has been building to it.

All of the posters for the movie I've seen feature only Finn with a lightsaber too. I'm don't think they even spoiled this in the trailers. Considering the series has been almost completely dominated by male jedi and everything we've seen thus far indicates he'll be our main hero, the only clue that he'll be replaced is that only Rey demonstrates force-sensitivity.

You can probably see this coming as the movie goes on, but at exactly what moment Rey takes over is a complete mystery up until it happens.

BraedenG33 12-26-15 11:26 AM

I loved the final fight as well I just thought it would be a little obvious to pick the climactic fight since that's kind of the most important key moment of the movie I wanted to shed light on something a bit smaller which is why I pointed at the Poe/Finn scene but I thought the fight and the preceding death scene were both fantastically done without a doubt. I kinda had a gut feeling that she was gonna be the force sensitive one from the beginning Idk why but I just thought Rey was going to be the jedi from the beginning as a gut feeling but a lot of people seemed to buy into the misdirect I was practically the only one who didn't, though I didn't see the Ben Solo thing coming.

The movie ended up going that route though with Rey and seeing it come to a head like that with the lightsaber was so great and and awesome oh sh*t moment too. Also it was indicative of her hero's journey accepting the call to action moment by taking the lightsaber after previously refusing the call when she claimed she wanted no part and never wanted to touch the saber again, which is great storytelling as the 'first act' of her story simultaneously brings us to the peak of the third act of the individual film's story before settling out the resolution in a very well done scene with Luke's reveal and that gorgeous final aerial shot.

Omnizoa 12-26-15 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by BraedenG33 (Post 1428481)
I loved the final fight as well I just thought it would be a little obvious to pick the climactic fight since that's kind of the most important key moment of the movie
I also really like Finn's faceless introduction. If we were ever going to get a Stormtrooper protagonist, it would have to be as a result of a moment like this. No dialog, no facial expression, just body language and a blood stain to tell him apart from everyone else.

Sad stormtroopers. It's funny because they always look sad.

JustinofGondor 12-27-15 05:35 PM

Re: Favourite Scene in 'The Force Awakens' (Spoilers)
Kylo Ren being told BB-8 escaped Jaku with Ray, awesome!

Dtwizzy2k8 12-28-15 11:25 AM

Re: Favourite Scene in 'The Force Awakens' (Spoilers)
The part where Kylo Ren used the Force to suspend Poe's blaster ray in mid-air at the beginning of the movie was badass. Also, when Kylo put his hand in Poe's face to torture information out of him. I thought Oscar Isaac acted that scene very well.

Pindrop 12-30-15 11:32 PM

Re: Favourite Scene in 'The Force Awakens' (Spoilers)
BB8 had more character than anyone in the prequels; I enjoyed his interactions with both Poe and Finn.

The fight sequences were pleasingly not (obviously) choreographed, endless, and ultimately tedious like the prequels. They felt real and visceral.

But, I think my favourite scene was Chewie's reaction to the death. The reason is this; I did not buy the relationship between Han and Kylo, mainly because it was not set up in any way. As such there was a lot less emotional resonance in the death than there should have been... that is until I saw Chewie's reaction, then I felt it. So that was my favourite (part of a) scene... mainly because it saved what was probably the most mishandled scene in the film.

gugubee557 12-31-15 12:57 AM

Re: Favourite Scene in 'The Force Awakens' (Spoilers)
The credits.

Pindrop 12-31-15 12:59 AM

Originally Posted by gugubee557 (Post 1430706)
The credits.
I didn't realise George Lucas had an account here ;)

gugubee557 12-31-15 01:03 AM

Re: Favourite Scene in 'The Force Awakens' (Spoilers)

I enjoyed the first hour, but then I just wanted it to end. Really isn't a BAD film, but I was so excited and it didn't reach my expectations at all.

Pindrop 12-31-15 01:13 AM

Originally Posted by gugubee557 (Post 1430716)

I enjoyed the first hour, but then I just wanted it to end. Really isn't a BAD film, but I was so excited and it didn't reach my expectations at all.
I genuinely think it is better for a second viewing. Expectations were too high for this film; but once you accept that it cannot please everyone (without achieving a ten hour runtime) you might enjoy it more.

Luckily I remember the disappointment of the prequels... which are so bad I cannot sit through them, they are just awful... so my expectations were more grounded. I "objectively" (perhaps subjectively) think that in terms of a film, it is at or about the level of the originals (except for Empire, which is magnificent).

Hero 12-31-15 08:54 PM

Re: Favourite Scene in 'The Force Awakens' (Spoilers)
The scene between Han Solo and Kylo Ren at the end. Even though it was predictable, the tension was great and it was nicely shot. I would even tie the lightsaber battle at the end. The best one I've seen in the Star Wars films.

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