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Django 05-02-03 12:39 AM

Everyone, Please Read This!!!
Okay, I've been looking on for awhile as Yoda has been slaughtering his opposition left, right and center in the "Vlad takes no prisoners" thread under "Birthdays and Introductions". It strikes me that I agree with everything that jackfrost (poor corpse) said in his post that was so conveniently removed from the public eye. As such, I am reposting his message here for all to see, in bright, bold letters. I defy Yoda to let this message remain untouched. If he deletes this message or bans my login id, it will completely prove everything that jackfrost has said!

I also want to add here that Yoda's farcical forum has turned into nothing more than a propaganda machine for his pompous political agenda. Silence the opposition so that your own point of view remains undisputed--classic Stalinist tactics.

How long before Yoda bans me and deletes this thread? Remains to be seen. I will keep on reposting it, though, every time it gets deleted, to maximize its exposure.

The issue I'm concerned with here is Yoda's arbitrary exercise of power.

Basically, from what I gather, Yoda is the petty authoritarian of this forum--the Sheriff, if you will. As such, he is supposed to maintain order and decorum in the forum and prevent things from getting out of hand.

From where I stand, Yoda has seriously abused his authority.

First of all, Django, the guy who seems to be behind the whole situation, from what I gather from my reading of past threads, was arbitrarily singled out by Yoda and his yes-men for a relentless barrage of hostility based on personal likes and dislikes. It had nothing to do with his conduct on the forum. I don't see his behavior as having gotten out of hand or him having posted any profanity or slander or obscene messages on the forum, which would be genuine grounds for antagonism against him. On the contrary, Yoda arbitrarily began to pick on him either because of the political views he expressed or because of his ethnic origins, or simply because he didn't like him. But it didn't just go as far as antagonism on the board--Yoda began deleting his threads, and editing and deleting his posts--all, apparently, in an attempt to make him unpopular and to harm his image on the board. While, at one point, he enjoyed considerable support and popularity on the board for his views and ideas, after Yoda had finished hounding and defaming him, he became a social undesirable--the public enemy, which was hardly what he started out as. In my opinion, it is solely because of Yoda's abuse of his powers as forum administrator that Django became as unpopular as he did.

Secondly, Vlad--the guy Yoda banned outright from the forum--again, for what reason? Because Yoda didn't like Vlad's personality? Because Yoda felt personally threatened by Vlad? Whatever, the reason, Vlad was hardly posting obscenity or profanity or slander--rather, from what I gather, he was simply kidding around and engaging in a little hammy play-acting. Grounds to ban him from the forum? I hardly think so.

Thirdly, Yoda's threat to ban me for questioning his exercise of authority.

What more need I say?

Yoda owns and operates a forum which is supposed to be a venue for the free and healthy exchange of ideas and opinions. That means that as long as you abide by the guidelines spelt out at the outset, you ought to be free to express yourself in here without hindrance.

But what Yoda needs to add a clause to his disclaimer: so long as you agree with me at some level, you are free to remain a member of the forum. The moment I (i.e. Yoda) object to your point of view or feel threatened by you or dislike you on some personal level, you are history.

Basically, why bother with a forum at all, Yoda? Why don't you simply employ a group of yes-men and spend all your time listening to them agree with you and everything you say? Surely it would be a heck of a lot easier than managing a message board! If what you want is to be the petty totalitarian dictator of your tiny little universe on the Internet--the king of your obscure little hill--then why bother with an online forum at all?

Fact is, your antagonism towards Django and Vlad and myself has no rational grounds at all--it is pure personally motivated hostility. The fact that you feel compelled to go out of your way to rationalize it says that you feel a need to protect your very flimsy credibility on the forum by whatever means you can--another reason you engage in all the underhanded artifices of arbitrary censorship, etc. It is all a massive sham on your part, and you know it. Question is, how long will you continue to fool the others on this message-board, before conning them all into either becoming your yes-men or arbitrarily outlawing them outright.

Which brings me to the question of why there is such a lack of serious diversity of opinion on this forum. No doubt, any people who seriously express their genuine opinions are simply done away with or hounded out of here, leaving a shallow remnant of yes-men who agree with Yoda at some basic level. Which makes this a club of the like-minded who basically only come here because they enjoy the sound of their own voices and hearing others agree with them instead of to really express their honest opinions about the issues, for fear that if they did, they would be hounded out of here and outlawed by the Sherriff of MoFo--Chris Bowyer, a.k.a. Yoda.

What a joke this is, Yoda. This is no forum at all, just you pathetic little online playground, of which you are the schoolboy bully.

Go ahead and ban me if you like! It will only PROVE everything I have been saying!

HA! HA! HA! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

r3port3r66 05-02-03 12:51 AM

Django, I think you're a bit paranoid. Are you doing any sort of methamphetimines? I mean no disrespect to you honestly. If you need help, there is help out there. Don't let drugs control your life, it will only get worse. I know, I've been there.
You really do seem out of control. You are not living in reality. This is just a simple movie site. Your extreme behavior leads me to believe you are very unstable. I implore you, re-think what you're saying and in what forum you're saying it. You'll see that it is highly irrational.

Django 05-02-03 01:34 AM

No, I don't do drugs. Never have. Never will. I don't smoke either and only drink socially.

Fact is, what I said above, stands, for me.

It comes from my personal experiences on this forum--threads mysteriously deleted, posts edited, persecution by the forum admin.

Agreed, this is only a movie message board. Nothing substantially important. But it is a model of the real world. I am the sort of guy who can't take injustice lying down. I feel compelled to speak out against it, however minor it may seem.

Basically, the fact is that you all seem to be acquainted with Chris on some personal level. That's why he tolerates your points of view, if they diverge slightly, from his own. For all I know, this is a forum for Yoda and his buddies to get together and gas it off. Which is fine! But then, don't advertize it as a message board in which anyone and everyone is welcome and is on equal footing. Advertize it as what it is--a club for the select few--for Yoda and his like-minded colleagues and social acquaintances.

I personally know nothing about Christ Bowyer other than the biased, high-handed, officious treatment I have received in here.

Maybe I exagerrate things a bit and get a little too upset over trivialities. But given what is happening in this country, I think Yoda's behavior in here is a symptom of what could happen on a nation-wide scale, if someone doesn't address it at some point.

I get along fine with most people I am socially acquainted with, other than the few people I occasionally have a gripe with, Yoda being one. I usually go out of my way to avoid conflict, unless I feel compelled to take it on. Then I go out of my way to state my case, as I am doing here.

Sure, this is nothing but a movie message-board, one of several on the internet. Sure, I could just move on and forget this whole ridiculous deal. But I do not--at least, not immediately. I come back here to state my case, out of the concern that if I do not address it, it will only happen again to me at some later date. So, out of personal interest and in the interest of justice and truth, I must state my case.

No, I am not the schizophrenic social reprobate as you like to make me out to be. That a few people say so doesn't make me that at all. Perhaps it would be convenient for some people if I was. But I am not, and that is the inconvenient truth. That everything I say in here is turned against me in the most petty, unsavory manner and that I experience a hostile bias from the people who control this forum and who have the power to distort my words and turn my friends and supporters against me is the inconvenient reality. And this, of course, is accomplished by the almost Stalinist tactics of false propaganda, editing my posts, deleting my threads, etc. It may seem trivial in the context of a movie forum, but it is far from trivial in the context of the real world.

I'm only here to emphatically state my point of view. That's all. I want to make sure that it is heard and not conveniently deleted after my back is turned. Again, if it is, it will only UNDERSCORE everything I have said!

It may seem like a trivial joke to you to malign my reputation and turn me into a social undesirable through underhanded propagandistic manipulations. It is far from a joke from where I stand.

Django 05-02-03 01:44 AM

Also, one further point--I had absolutely nothing to do with the demise of the other message board I mentioned in my previous thread. Like I said, it got totally out of hand because of 9/11 and people tossing racial slurs and making death threats. If anything, I was the voice of reason and stability on that forum, but it's hard to say anything with a bunch of crazed people screaming obscenities in your ear, which is what I had to deal with there. Fact is, I got along just fine with other reasonable people on that forum and even tolerated the crazed, screaming maniacs. But when some of them started stalking me and threatening me with physical harm and making profane remarks about my parentage, that's where I drew the line.

What I'm concerned with here, though, is totally different--namely, the fairness of the forum admin. It's a much more subtle issue and harder to see, offhand, but, in my opinion, it is a valid issue. Feel free to disagree with me and state your point of view. My concern is that everybody has the fair opportunity to state their point of view without getting arbitrarily censored or banned from the forum. I think that that totally defeats the purpose of the forum in the first place.

Yoda 05-02-03 01:53 AM


if I were silencing anyone who I didn't like, why didn't I ever ban your original account? Why haven't I banned sunfrog or Pidzilla's? You never answered these questions, because they completely destroy your accusations. I guess that's why you ignore them. The truth is annoying, isn't it?
my friends and supporters
Like who?

r3port3r66 05-02-03 01:55 AM

Django, actually I'm glad that you aren't in trouble with drugs; you seem to be alot smarter than that!

Yes the wieght of the world is not tipped in our favor at this time Django. Sure, you and I can see the manipulation of the media, and who's in whose back pocket. And where are the chemical weapons...and so on, and so on....

But, Yoda only brings to light, in an intellegent way, the other side of what you and I think is going on. The fact that he can articulate that in knowing and coherent terms earns my deepest respect.

As far as editing your posts, I don't know. I have seen no proof of this, and I've even asked him about it. None of my posts have ever been censored. I mean if that were the case then a member named Sunfrog would never have posts that show up. I just think your accusations are unfounded.
Please give me an instance where you wrote something and someone came in and changed it. It doesn't have to be word-for-word, just give me the jist of what you wrote and what it turned out to actually say after the "editing". If you can give me an example of this, I might consider your accusations.

Also Django, since you know this is a movie site, why don't you ever post in threads about movies? I mean if you were to post inside threads regarding movies you might not get such heated debate. But if you keep posting in threads about war and politics all the time, you're more likely to spar with the opposition.

LordSlaytan 05-02-03 03:40 AM

WHO THE **** CARES!!!???!!!??? Jesus ****ing christ this is pissing me the **** off. I don't give a flying **** about your mother ****ing message you ****ing little CHILD!!! Instead of replying to ANYTHING he says, IGNORE THE ****!!!!

****ING A!!!

Piddzilla 05-02-03 09:38 AM

Yoda, you're saying you don't like me??? :bawling:


Sexy Celebrity 05-02-03 11:47 AM

Oh my god....

Uday, you're gonna throw the earth off its' axis with this.

Sir Toose 05-02-03 11:59 AM

Hey, Djickhead...

I deleted this thread and Chris brought it back. So much for your pointless arguments.

I don't know why but you irritate me beyond the point that you should be able to.

I'm going to take a break for a while. Someone email me when this jerk is done.

n7of9 05-02-03 01:10 PM

^^ what Slay on as always :yup:

and i just might add my own here....just one word....


sunfrog 05-02-03 11:32 PM

I haven't done anything to be banned. I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, or even curse. So there! :p I used to be a regular member when this board first started but I wasn't allowed to post anything other than movie stuff so I had to leave. Yoda doesn't believe in having fun. Seriously. He outlawed having fun. Looking around here there's more squittle than there ever was before, and not good clean squittle either. Some inuendo is almost raunchy. Squittle is non-movie discussions purely for the sake of having fun, btw.

I agree with the stuff in red, it's all yes men! Altho I've never seen Yoda block someone's ip, but then I haven't read the Vlad thread yet. But I have seen him and his yes men gang up on someone more than once.

Yoda 05-02-03 11:39 PM

I agree with the stuff in red, it's all yes men!
Let's see...Silver and I disagree and I disagreed on everything...Pidzilla and I disagree on everything...and you stop by only to argue with me. Yep, all yes men! :rolleyes:

You really need to stop taking sides of morons just because they agree with your political views. It ruins any credibility you have.

used to be a regular member when this board first started but I wasn't allowed to post anything other than movie stuff so I had to leave.
Quit warping things. I said if you came to just chat randomly you're probably in the wrong place, but no rule was enacted, nor was any ever planned.

Seriously, supporting people who are dead wrong just because you're looking to muster up political support for debates you can't handle on your own is nothing short of intellectual fraud.

sunfrog 05-03-03 12:00 AM

How long did it take you to think of that? How fast can you type? I'm trying to catch up on everythig I've missed in the last week or so. Slow down a little. :P

from what I gather from my reading of past threads, was arbitrarily singled out by Yoda and his yes-men for a relentless barrage of hostility based on personal likes and dislikes. It had nothing to do with his conduct on the forum. I don't see his behavior as having gotten out of hand or him having posted any profanity or slander or obscene messages on the forum, which would be genuine grounds for antagonism against him.
I've seen that before. I think you know what I'm talking about.

Quit warping things. I said if you came to just chat randomly you're probably in the wrong place, but no rule was enacted, nor was any ever planned.
We chatted about movies too, remember the squittle posts vs movie posts count thing? If no rule was enacted why did you gang up on P?

Yoda 05-03-03 12:11 AM

Originally posted by sunfrog
How long did it take you to think of that? How fast can you type? I'm trying to catch up on everythig I've missed in the last week or so. Slow down a little. :P
I wrote it all off the top of my head; I very rarely "plan" my replies at all. I'm a very fast typist. :p

Originally posted by sunfrog
I've seen that before. I think you know what I'm talking about.
Actually, I don't. If I had to guess, I'd say you have it in your head that PLite was ganged up on, but he wasn't. Check the posts if you don't believe me. No one's ever been ganged up on like this before, and the only reason it's happened this time is because Django patronized the hell out of everyone who disagreed with his ridiculous claims. There was no organized plot against him, it's just that nobody likes his childish nonsense.

Originally posted by sunfrog
We chatted about movies too, remember the squittle posts vs movie posts count thing? If no rule was enacted why did you gang up on P?
Uh, we didn't gang up on P at all. He needs to drop this helpless victim stuff. You're putting up a lot of fuss for what amounts to a minor suggestion that has never been enforced in even the slightest way. Hardly comparable to this "fascist!" nonsense.

sunfrog 05-03-03 12:21 AM

You really need to stop taking sides of morons just because they agree with your political views. -Chris Yoda
I wanted to post that in the quotes thread but I don't want to mess it up for your mom. She's nice. :)

Why don't you finish your interview thread? I want to ask you some questions myself. Who was the one who objected to the word MoFo? I don't think it's racist to call someone a MoFo, just bad manners.

Yoda 05-03-03 12:27 AM

Been pretty busy. I'll reply to r66's question before the night's through, though.

theshape82 05-03-03 02:01 AM

just wondering django but are you insane?
yoda started this forum
if it were his wish he could do away with it just as easily
so how dare you come in here and say that he's abused his power
it's his to do with as he pleases
besides...he's never done anything but try to maintain a great site
you should thank him

Yoda 05-03-03 11:59 AM

BTW, Sun: I'm just going to assume you've dropped the argument. Of course, you'll go back to MV and resume the customary back-patting with PLite about how right you both are and how Django's description suits me perfectly, blah blah blah. Hey, maybe you two can commiserate over your shared custom of taking inflammatory positions you can't defend...I'm think he's the one you learned it from.

sunfrog 05-03-03 12:05 PM

What arguement?

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