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90sAce 03-14-15 01:08 AM

(Humor and Satire) Political correctness is unsexy - it's biology
First a crash course - the science of sexual attraction boils down to body language and interaction style (looks matter as well, but they're not the 'be all end all' that they're made out to be in the media). Sexual attraction occurs by highlighting the sexual differences between male and female, while it is decreased by hiding or minimizing the differences - this is why no guy fantasizes about women with beards, and why women don't fantasizes about men with boob jobs.

(This is true in animals of every species, homo sapien included - like it or not humans are apes and we have our basic genetic traits hardwired into us from millions of years of evolutionary development - "The Definitive Book of Body Language" explains some of these things in good layman's terms for anyone interested in further reading).

The PC mindset on the other hand, is about out ignoring biologically established differences (even when they're true) just to avoid 'offending' people. So essentially the PC mindset is just encouraging you to be unsexy - woah :eek:

So dudes, if you have lady troubles and can't understand why because in your mind you're such a "nice guy", well PC indoctrination may be to blame - women need a man, not boring unisexual drone, especially one who's ashamed of his own junk just because "women have historically been more oppressed... or something". :cool:

You're welcome.

Gatsby 03-14-15 01:24 AM

Re: (Humor and Satire) Political correctness is unsexy - it's biology
So your point is? Who is this rant aimed for?

90sAce 03-14-15 01:29 AM

Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1270015)
So your point is? Who is this rant aimed for?
Point is the internet, and it's a great place for ranting and saying whatever you want about diverse subjects of interest, including ones that aren't exactly conversation you'd have with a couple of bros over cheap draft beers - it's aimed for anyone who's interested in how humans work and who enjoys intellectual subject matter

That's why I'm framing it as satirical - don't feel the need to get bogged down with an overly serious debate - especially given how unpopular 'arguing' is this side of the net.

Why'd you ask. Did you think it was referring to you or something?

Frightened Inmate No. 2 03-14-15 02:15 AM

wow, this thread is sexist, homophobic, AND transphobic. you're so politically incorrect, you must be great with the ladies.

Iroquois 03-14-15 04:32 AM

Originally Posted by Frightened Inmate No. 2 (Post 1270020)
wow, this thread is sexist, homophobic, AND transphobic. you're so politically incorrect, you must be great with the ladies.
That's without mentioning the toxic concepts of masculinity, the appealing to science as if it is somehow incompatible with political correctness and last but not least the need to frame it as "satire" as if to deflect any possible counter-arguments by saying "hey, I was just joking, you people are silly for taking me seriously".

bluedeed 03-14-15 04:36 AM

Re: (Humor and Satire) Political correctness is unsexy - it's biology

christine 03-14-15 06:06 AM

Re: (Humor and Satire) Political correctness is unsexy - it's biology
Seriously . Don't think you're getting the rise out of women on this board cos I think by now we've seen enough. Not worth the effort.

The Rodent 03-14-15 07:24 AM

Re: (Humor and Satire) Political correctness is unsexy - it's biology
Actually this is an interesting subject.

PC and also society and law in general Vs Biology.

People who say killing an animal is cruel.
I got so much sh*t from a number of people when I mentioned I went rabbiting at weekends on nearby airfields for the M.O.D.
I also got a ton of grief when I had to kill the Cockatiel I had when she fell extremely ill.

Yet these people will gladly sit and eat a cruelly raised battery chicken or a slaughterhouse slab of beef.

The other thing with PC and law is that they want to change us from what we're not. Humans are killers.
For generations we fought to get to the top of the food chain. Now we're here, and law and PC are declared, it says we can't do that anymore.
Good job PC wasn't declared 5000 years ago, or 50000 years ago. If it had been, we'd all still be living in caves getting eaten by sabre-toothed tigers.

The fact is, there are differences between men and women. It's biological fact.
There are differences between blacks, Asians and whites. Again, it's a biological thing.

Law and PC doesn't want us to acknowledge that though.
They want us to shut up and "stop being sexist and racist". It's neither. It's biology.

90sAce 03-14-15 07:58 AM

Originally Posted by Frightened Inmate No. 2 (Post 1270020)
wow, this thread is sexist, homophobic, AND transphobic.
So it's factually correct? ;) Awesome.

you're so politically incorrect, you must be great with the ladies.
Bro if you could get even laid at a Nevada Brothel with $300,000 cash in your pocket - I'd be very surprised.

Say what but girls go for guys like James Bond, Nikki Sixx, Jax Teller, etc

Not by bitter and pretentious "males" using decidedly unsexy phrases like "transphobic" on the internet in a vein, patronizing attempt to appear relevant (outside of a Socialist Workers movement rally).

Not that I'm referring to anyone in specific here - I'm just sayin'.

90sAce 03-14-15 08:01 AM

Originally Posted by christine (Post 1270066)
Seriously . Don't think you're getting the rise out of women on this board
Scientific facts shouldn't give a "rise" out of anyone - this isn't "Answers in Genesis" of course.

But apparently some think that science is too politically incorrect to state in public - much like a fan of Kent Hovind apparently thinks science is "anti-Christian" c'este la vie

cos I think by now we've seen enough. Not worth the effort.
Who's "we", You and your multiple personalities? ;) Why do you think you speak for 'women' when the majority of women would agree you're just putting a burr up your bum for no reason?

NatashaR 03-14-15 08:05 AM

Guys if you wanna be successful with the ladies recent studies show that you need to be either a lumbersexual or a psycho billionaire who likes to beat women :p The rest of you are doomed to be forever alone

90sAce 03-14-15 08:22 AM

Originally Posted by NatashaR (Post 1270082)
Guys if you wanna be successful with the ladies recent studies show that you need to be either a lumbersexual or a psycho billionaire who likes to beat women :p
That was probably a joke, but that's factually incorrect. Women are attracted to dominant, assertive behavior (which is totally unrelated to arrogant or abusive behavior) - and men with prestige are considered the ones most desired by women on the whole

While some women might stay with an abusive guy - it's because these are damaged women who likely grew up with abusive men in her life (ex. fathers, exes, etc) and this is all she knows - and they're not the majority of women by a longshot.

That's also a rather sexist thing to say - it's basically dumbing women down to the lowest common denominator just so some dork can feel 'validated' in the fact that he just sucks with women.

The rest of you are doomed to be forever alone
That's just something that guys who suck with women and don't want to self-improve say to feel "validated"

Just like the lazy employee who says he never gets the raise because he isn't "blowing the boss's c-" - when it's really because he's just a lazy employee who's got nothing to offer the company.

90sAce 03-14-15 08:29 AM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 1270074)
Actually this is an interesting subject.

PC and also society and law in general Vs Biology.

People who say killing an animal is cruel.
I got so much sh*t from a number of people when I mentioned I went rabbiting at weekends on nearby airfields for the M.O.D.
I also got a ton of grief when I had to kill the Cockatiel I had when she fell extremely ill.

Yet these people will gladly sit and eat a cruelly raised battery chicken or a slaughterhouse slab of beef.
I agree with you there man - I can't stand those all - even the PETA fanatics I respect more since veganism is at least consistent..

But the pretentious fools who spend their time posting their rage about a 'dead lion or tiger' on the net, while muching on a Big Mac with their other hand - they can just bend themselves. To me that's basically the 'animal rights' equivalent of racial supremacy (ex. caring about 'beautiful white children' but not 'ugly black children' a la KKK), since you're just saying that some animals have more value than others based on how "cool" they look..


I think Hitler should've just put people like this in one of the ovens - along with the Jewish women, the ********, and the trannies, and we'd be better off (JK ;) )

The other thing with PC and law is that they want to change us from what we're not. Humans are killers.
For generations we fought to get to the top of the food chain. Now we're here, and law and PC are declared, it says we can't do that anymore.
Good job PC wasn't declared 5000 years ago, or 50000 years ago. If it had been, we'd all still be living in caves getting eaten by sabre-toothed tigers.

The fact is, there are differences between men and women. It's biological fact.
There are differences between blacks, Asians and whites. Again, it's a biological thing.

Law and PC doesn't want us to acknowledge that though.
They want us to shut up and "stop being sexist and racist". It's neither. It's biology.
Well said.

The fringe of the PC movement really aren't a far-cry from nuts like Kent Hovind who don't want evolution taught in schools because it's supposedly "anti-Christian".

Truth is some things may not be politically correct (or religiously correct) even when they're factually correct.

NatashaR 03-14-15 08:37 AM

Haha of course I was kidding

Women are attracted to dominant, assertive behavior - and men with prestige are considered the ones most desired by women on the whole
This is actually true because those traits are characteristic for successful people.. and successful people often show that they are confident and have a certain charisma which are attractive qualities. However I find it interesting that a lot of men in high powered positions like dominant women.

Cobpyth 03-14-15 08:42 AM

Re: (Humor and Satire) Political correctness is unsexy - it's biology
Unoriginal and (extremely) oversimplified generalizations like this are never really interesting or refreshing, in my opinion.

Even if it's supposed to be humor.

90sAce 03-14-15 08:43 AM

Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 1270047)
That's without mentioning the toxic concepts of masculinity,
Pretty much every study shows that maintaining a strong T level is necessary for men to be their healthiest. (The PC mindset however is about becoming easy 'offended' over things, even when true - this generates cortisol - a horome counteractive to testosterone). :)

Ao no it's not "toxic", it simply based on our biological needs hardwired into us - sorry to say but I see very if any exceptions to this rule. Some guys who don't know how to be men just say it is, but that's just so they can feel validated. Biologically it's not true.

Just because we've advanced socially from the days of "women belong in the kitchen", and compulsory military service for males; doesn't mean the route drives which developed over millions of years suddenly disappeared. Sorry ;) I'm glad we're not the collectivist society we once were that tried to "force" people into certain professions just based on their sex.

At the same time the biological differences and drives are just as distinct and biologically routed as the differences between a cow and a bull, a ram and a sheep, etc - the nonsensical attempt at pretending that "we're exactly the same" even when it contradicts science and statistics needs to stop.

the appealing to science as if it is somehow incompatible with political correctness
Based on individuals like FINO2's expressed aversion to science, I'd say it isn't compatible.

but not least the need to frame it as "satire" as if to deflect any possible counter-arguments by saying "hey, I was just joking, you people are silly for taking me seriously".
It was satire a la Bill Maher or Dennis Miller but had a serious point - I framed it as satire to avoid giving it becoming overly serious, like the 50 Shades of Grey thread.

Feel free to list your counter arguments while I debunk them with science - seeing as you couldn't list a single source in our previous debate to the several I quoted I doubt this would last long, lol

Originally Posted by Cobpyth (Post 1270093)
Unoriginal and (extremely) oversimplified generalizations like this are never really interesting or refreshing, in my opinion.

Even if it's supposed to be humor.
I listed a book as a reference for people who want to read in more depth - there are lots of deep and interesting books that can't be squeezed into one post.

The Sci-Fi Slob 03-14-15 09:12 AM

Originally Posted by 90sAce (Post 1270014)
this is why no guy fantasizes about women with beards
Speak for yourself.;)

Iroquois 03-14-15 09:12 AM

Re: (Humor and Satire) Political correctness is unsexy - it's biology

90sAce 03-14-15 09:13 AM

Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 1270105)
I've dropped deuces more manly than "Anchorman" - and I'm not exactly Vin Diesel either

If you're going to derail the thread and make fun of science a la Answers in Genesis though, you could've at least posted a Ron Swanson video - those are actually funny.

90sAce 03-14-15 09:15 AM

Originally Posted by The Sci-Fi Slob (Post 1270104)
Speak for yourself.;)
Fetishists don't count - if you look hard enough you and probably find someone somewhere who's turned on by dead, homosexual cow fetuses... with beards

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