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Iroquois 01-01-15 04:00 AM

Iro's One Movie a Day Thread
You heard me.


#1. For a movie to count towards a particular day, it must get watched between 12:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. on said day. If I stay up past midnight then watch a movie, it counts towards the next day.
#2. Anything that qualifies as a film is fair game. The criteria will usually involve cross-referencing it with other webiste (Wikipedia, IMDb, etc.) but I daresay most of these examples will be obvious. Examples include short films, made-for-TV movies, etc.
#3. I won't count any film that I see during an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 because they generally get edited and (obviously) have the characters talking over them. Despite that...
#4. I am going to count instances of me watching a film with an audio commentary track playing. Chances are I'll have seen the film already (probably multiple times) so paying complete attention to the base audio won't be such a big deal. As long as the film gets watched, I figure it counts.
#5. Watching multiple films in the space of a single day won't count towards the "one film per day" requirement.
#6. Films I have watched for the first time will be highlighted in blue while films I am re-watching will be highlighted in red. Films with audio commentary will get highlighted in green.


I give a base rating to all films, most of which is driven by subjective appreciation. A rough guide to what my base ratings mean:

- All-time favourite (or as close as any film is likely to get).
- Second-tier favourite, definitely excellent.
- All-around great film and highly recommended.
- Good film that's missing a certain something that makes a film great.
- Generally alright.
- Slightly more bad than good but still tolerable.
- Significantly flawed, but it has it moments.
- Generally boring. I don't like it at all, but I don't hate it either.
- All-around horrible, but doesn't inspire hatred the way a 0.5 does.
- No redeeming featuers whatsoever.

I may or may not do "camp ratings", as I have tended to do in my Movie Tab posts.

Expect the entries to start soon.

Iroquois 01-01-15 04:01 AM

Re: Iro's One Movie a Day Thread

#1 - Dead Poets Society (1/1)
#2 - The Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult (2/1)
#3 - Clueless (3/1)
#4 - A Christmas Story (4/1)
#5 - Italian Spiderman (4/1)
#6 - Billy Madison (5/1)
#7 - Happy Gilmore (5/1)
#8 - Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films! (6/1)
#9 - What We Do in the Shadows (7/1)
#10 - The Ward (8/1)
#11 - Cowboys and Aliens (8/1)
#12 - Punch-Drunk Love (9/1) REWATCH #1
#13 - Rambo: First Blood Part II (10/1)
#14 - The Water Diviner (10/1)
#15 - A Beautiful Mind (10/1)
#16 - JFK (11/1)
#17 - Death Wish (11/1) REWATCH #2
#18 - Blow Out (12/1)
#19 - Donnie Brasco (12/1)
#20 - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (SWE) (12/1)
#21 - Me and Orson Welles (12/1)
#22 - Rambo III (13/1)
#23 - Blossoms and Blood (13/1)
#24 - Rambo (13/1)
#25 - Every Which Way But Loose (14/1)
#26 - Any Which Way You Can (14/1)
#27 - Holy Flying Circus (14/1)
#28 - Evil Dead II (14/1) REWATCH #3
#29 - Amores Perros (15/1)
#30 - Splendor in the Grass (15/1)
#31 - A Band Called Death (15/1)
#32 - Troll 2 (15/1) REWATCH #4
#33 - Saturday Night Fever (16/1)
#34 - The Adventures of Tintin (16/1)
#35 - The Secret in their Eyes (117/1)
#36 - The Song Remains the Same (17/1)
#37 - A Hard Day's Night (17/1)
#38 - Star Trek: The Motion Picture (17/1)
#39 - Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (18/1)
#40 - Amadeus (19/1)
#41 - Birdman (19/1)
#42 - Troll (20/1)
#43 - Quantum of Solace (21/1) REWATCH #5
#44 - The Bat (22/1)
#45 - Stay Hungry (23/1)
#46 - Shakespeare in Love (24/1)
#47 - The Bourne Supremacy (25/1)
#48 - The Bourne Ultimatum (25/1)
#49 - Two Hands (26/1) REWATCH #6
#50 - American Sniper (27/1)
#51 - Play Misty for Me (28/1)
#52 - Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (28/1)
#53 - Coffy (29/1)
#54 - Lemmy (29/1)
#55 - Ghostbusters (29/1) REWATCH #7
#56 - The King's Speech (30/1)
#57 - Ghostbusters II (30/1) REWATCH #8
#58 - Foxy Brown (30/1)
#59 - Mean Girls (30/1) REWATCH #9
#60 - Kill Bill Vol. 2 (31/1) REWATCH #10
#61 - City of God (31/1) REWATCH #11
#62 - The Blob (31/1)
#63 - Death Wish 3 (1/2)
#64 - The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1/2)
#65 - Stalag 17 (2/2)
#66 - Blow (3/2)
#67 - The Rum Diary (3/2)
#68 - Predestination (4/2)
#69 - The Wind Rises (4/2)
#70 - 10 Things I Hate About You (4/2)
#71 - Million Dollar Baby (5/2)
#72 - Drunken Master II (6/2)
#73 - Annie Hall (6/2) REWATCH #12
#74 - My Left Foot (6/2)
#75 - The English Patient (7/2)
#76 - Kramer vs. Kramer (7/2)
#77 - Gandhi (7/2)
#78 - Prizzi's Honor (8/2)
#79 - Lolita (9/2)
#80 - The Grapes of Wrath (9/2)
#81 - Life is Beautiful (10/2)
#82 - The Yakuza (10/2)
#83 - Unbroken (11/2)
#84 - Ordinary People (11/2)
#85 - Death Rides a Horse (12/2)
#86 - West Side Story (12/2)
#87 - The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (13/2)
#88 - The Asphalt Jungle (13/2)
#89 - Mildred Pierce (13/2)
#90 - Oblivion (13/2)
#91 - Nightcrawler (14/2)
#92 - The French Connection (14/2) REWATCH #13
#93 - Mission: Impossible (15/2) REWATCH #14
#94 - Gone Baby Gone (15/2)
#95 - The Way We Were (16/2)
#96 - Oliver! (16/2)
#97 - To Catch a Thief (17/2)
#98 - The Theory of Everything (17/2)
#99 - Still Alice (17/2)
#100 - Michael Clayton (17/2)
#101 - The Imitation Game (18/2)
#102 - Spartacus (19/2)
#103 - The Miracle Worker (20/2)
#104 - The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith (20/2)
#105 - Gone with the Wind (21/2)
#106 - Hawking (22/2)
#107 - Infernal Affairs (23/2) REWATCH #15
#108 - The Departed (24/2) REWATCH #16
#109 - The Usual Suspects (24/2) REWATCH #17
#110 - New York, New York (24/2)
#111 - Whiplash (25/2)
#112 - Driving Miss Daisy (26/2)
#113 - The Babadook (27/2)
#114 - Witness (28/2)
#115 - Turkey Shoot (1/3)
#116 - The Girl Who Played with Fire (SWE) (2/3)
#117 - In the Heat of the Night (2/3)
#118 - Selma (3/3)
#119 - Lincoln (3/3)
#120 - The Hunger (3/3)
#121 - Doctor Zhivago (4/3)
#122 - Big Fan (5/3)
#123 - The Bicycle Thieves (6/3)
#124 - Far from the Madding Crowd (7/3)
#125 - The Omen (8/3)
#126 - An American Werewolf in London (8/3) REWATCH #18
#127 - Misery (8/3)
#128 - Kingsman: The Secret Service (8/3)
#129 - Adam's Rib (9/3)
#130 - Sherlock, Jr. (9/3)
#131 - School of Rock (10/3)
#132 - The Help (11/3)
#133 - The Ipcress File (11/3)
#134 - Mystic River (11/3)
#135 - Black Hawk Down (12/3)
#136 - Quills (12/3)
#137 - Gladiator (13/3) REWATCH #19
#138 - Sense and Sensibility (13/3)
#139 - The Craft (14/3)
#140 - The Naked Spur (14/3)
#141 - Black Hawk Down (15/3) REWATCH #20
#142 - Zoolander (15/3)
#143 - Hannah and her Sisters (16/3)
#144 - Logan's Run (17/3)
#145 - Edge of Tomorrow (17/3)
#146 - The Zero Theorem (18/3)
#147 - Patton (18/3)
#148 - Signs (18/3)
#149 - Fruitvale Station (19/3)
#150 - Prisoners (20/3)
#151 - Inherent Vice (21/3)
#152 - Midnight in Paris (22/3)
#153 - In the Mood for Love (23/3)
#154 - Big Hero 6 (24/3)
#155 - How to Train Your Dragon (24/3)
#156 - How to Train Your Dragon 2 (24/3)
#157 - Two Days, One Night (25/3)
#158 - Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (26/3)
#159 - Convoy (26/3)
#160 - Inception (26/3) REWATCH #21
#161 - Girl, Interrupted (27/3)
#162 - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (USA) (27/3)
#163 - Fatal Attraction (28/3)
#164 - Double Team (28/3)
#165 - Roadgames (28/3)
#166 - The Reluctant Fundamentalist (29/3)
#167 - Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (29/3)
#168 - Knocked Up (29/3) REWATCH #22
#169 - X-Men: The Last Stand (30/3)
#170 - Jaws: The Revenge (30/3)
#171 - McLintock! (30/3)
#172 - The Vanishing (30/3)
#173 - Tusk (31/3)
#174 - John Wick (31/3)
#175 - Maps to the Stars (1/4)
#176 - Moulin Rouge! (2/4)
#177 - 3 Idiots (3/4)
#178 - The Game (3/4)
#179 - Snowtown (4/4)
#180 - The Adjustment Bureau (5/4)
#181 - 21 Jump Street (5/4)
#182 - Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (6/4)
#183 - Man of Steel (6/4)
#184 - Up (6/4) REWATCH #23
#185 - The Island (6/4)
#186 - 2010 (7/4)
#187 - The Day the Earth Stood Still (7/4)
#188 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine (7/4)
#189 - When Harry Met Sally... (7/4)
#190 - Fantastic Voyage (8/4)
#191 - RoboCop 3 (9/4)
#192 - Death Wish II (9/4)
#193 - Marathon Man (9/4)
#194 - RoboCop [2014] (9/4)
#195 - Waiting for Guffman (10/4)
#196 - The Sting (10/4)
#197 - The Killing (10/4)
#198 - Knights of Badassdom (10/4)
#199 - Wanted (11/4)
#200 - The Straight Story (11/4)
#201 - Cape Fear (11/4)
#202 - Tootsie (12/4)
#203 - Shine (12/4)
#204 - Bad Boys (13/4)
#205 - Metropolis [2002 version] (13/4)
#206 - All the President's Men (13/4)
#207 - Senna (14/4)
#208 - Star Trek: Nemesis (14/4) REWATCH #24
#209 - Armageddon (15/4)
#210 - Giant (15/4)
#211 - Bull Durham (15/4)
#212 - The Natural (15/4)
#213 - Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures (16/4)
#214 - Mean Girls 2 (17/4)
#215 - Charlie's Angels (17/4)
#216 - Disaster Movie (17/4)
#217 - Shane (17/4)
#218 - On the Town (18/4)
#219 - A Good Day to Die Hard (18/4)
#220 - Bad Day at Black Rock (18/4)
#221 - Out of Africa (19/4)
#222 - Housos vs. Authority (19/4)
#223 - The Spectacular Now (19/4)
#224 - Hannibal (20/4)
#225 - Red Dragon (21/4)
#226 - The Kid (21/4)
#227 - Planet of the Apes [2001] (21/4)
#228 - The Truman Show (22/4) REWATCH #25
#229 - Exit Through the Gift Shop (22/4)
#230 - Avengers: Age of Ultron (22/4)
#231 - Brief Encounter (22/4)
#232 - Platoon (23/4) REWATCH #26
#233 - Jesus Camp (23/4)
#234 - The Tree of Life (23/4) REWATCH #27
#235 - The Perfect Host (24/4)
#236 - All Quiet on the Western Front [1930] (24/4)
#237 - Room 237 (24/4)
#238 - Wristcutters: A Love Story (25/4)
#239 - Team America: World Police (26/4) REWATCH #28
#240 - Judgment at Nuremberg (26/4)
#241 - 22 Jump Street (26/4)
#242 - Daredevil (27/4)
#243 - The Cable Guy (27/4)
#244 - The Last Stand (28/4)
#245 - The Brothers Grimm (29/4)
#246 - Rain Man (29/4)
#247 - Hulk (29/4) REWATCH #29
#248 - Harry Brown (30/4)
#249 - Mrs. Miniver (30/4)
#250 - Airplane II: The Sequel (30/4)
#251 - The Dirty Dozen (1/5)
#252 - Manhattan (1/5) REWATCH #30
#253 - War Horse (1/5)
#254 - Love is a Many-Splendored Thing (1/5)
#255 - The Philadelphia Story (1/5)
#256 - Ninotchka (2/5)
#257 - The Bad and the Beautiful (2/5)
#258 - Man on Fire (2/5)
#259 - Bad Lieutenant (3/5)
#260 - The Grey (3/5)
#261 - Hot Rod (4/5)
#262 - Panic Room (4/5)
#263 - Sharknado 2: The Second One (4/5)
#264 - It's Such A Beautiful Day (5/5)
#265 - Rejected (6/5) REWATCH #31
#266 - Whiplash (6/5) REWATCH #32
#267 - For a Few Dollars More (6/5) REWATCH #33
#268 - Dressed to Kill (6/5)
#269 - Re-Animator (7/5) REWATCH #34
#270 - Mad Max 2 (7/5) REWATCH #35
#271 - The Petrified Forest (7/5)
#272 - Moonstruck (7/5)
#273 - Winter Light (7/5)
#274 - Natural Born Killers (8/5) REWATCH #36
#275 - Ghost (8/5)
#276 - Rango (8/5)
#277 - What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (9/5)
#278 - Coraline (9/5)
#279 - Nashville (9/5)
#280 - Family Plot (9/5)
#281 - A Passage to India (9/5)
#282 - Kelly's Heroes (10/5)
#283 - Rush (10/5)
#284 - Children of Men (10/5) REWATCH #37
#285 - Escape From New York (10/5) REWATCH #38
#286 - The Thing [1982] (10/5) REWATCH #39
#287 - Rise of the Planet of the Apes (11/5)
#288 - Two-Lane Blacktop (12/5)
#289 - Brazil (12/5) REWATCH #40
#290 - Pretty Woman (13/5)
#291 - Trance (13/5)
#292 - Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (13/5)
#293 - Mad Max: Fury Road (14/5)
#294 - Iron Sky (14/5)
#295 - Bride of Re-Animator (15/5)
#296 - Three Days of the Condor (15/5)
#297 - Young Adult (16/5)
#298 - The Maltese Falcon (16/5) REWATCH #41
#299 - Open Range (17/5)
#300 - 300: Rise of an Empire (17/5)
#301 - Secrets & Lies (17/5)
#302 - Born on the Fourth of July (18/5)
#303 - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (19/5)
#304 - Starship Troopers (20/5) REWATCH #42
#305 - High Society (20/5)
#306 - Pan's Labyrinth (20/5) REWATCH #43
#307 - Vertigo (21/5) REWATCH #44
#308 - Planet of the Apes [1968] (21/5) REWATCH #45
#309 - Beasts of the Southern Wild (21/5)
#310 - Torn Curtain (21/5)
#311 - My Fair Lady (21/5)
#312 - The Immigrant (22/5)
#313 - Winter Sleep (22/5)
#314 - Underworld (23/5)
#315 - The Emperor's New Groove (23/5)
#316 - Suck Me Shakespeer (24/5)
#317 - The Gold Rush (25/5)
#318 - Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (26/5)
#319 - Lawless (27/5)
#320 - John Dies at the End (28/5)
#321 - Victor/Victoria (29/5)
#322 - Meet Me in St. Louis (29/5)
#323 - Sunset Blvd. (29/5) REWATCH #46
#324 - Woman of the Year (29/5)
#325 - Gunbuster (30/5)
#326 - Kung Fury (30/5)
#327 - The Face of Another (30/5)
#328 - Green Lantern (30/5)
#329 - The Lost World: Jurassic Park (30/5)
#330 - Superman Returns (31/5)
#331 - The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1/6)
#332 - Bronson (2/6)
#333 - Throne of Blood (3/6)
#334 - Jerry Maguire (4/6)
#335 - The Endless Summer (4/6)
#336 - Coogan's Bluff (4/6) REWATCH #47
#337 - Ride the High Country (4/6)
#338 - Margin Call (4/6)
#339 - The Hill (5/6)
#340 - Godzilla [1998] (5/6)
#341 - Village of the Damned (6/6)
#342 - Godzilla [2014] (6/6)
#343 - Jurassic Park III (6/6)
#344 - The Sky Crawlers (7/6)
#345 - Inland Empire (7/6)
#346 - The Incredible Hulk (7/6)
#347 - Now, Voyager (8/6)
#348 - Camille (8/6)
#349 - Six Figures Getting Sick (Six Times) (8/6)
#350 - Head with Hammer (8/6)
#351 - Pierre and Sonny Jim (8/6)
#352 - Premonitions Following An Evil Deed (8/6)
#353 - Intervalometer Experiments (8/6)
#354 - The Alphabet (8/6)
#355 - The 3 Rs (8/6)
#356 - Lost Highway (8/6) REWATCH #48
#357 - Seconds (9/6)
#358 - Ex Machina (10/6)
#359 - Bad Boys II (11/6)
#360 - xXx (11/6)
#361 - Soylent Green (12/6)
#362 - An American in Paris (12/6)
#363 - Rejected (13/6) REWATCH #49
#364 - Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (13/6)
#365 - Across the Wide Missouri (13/6)
#366 - The Limits of Control (13/6)
#367 - The Wolverine (14/6)
#368 - Cobra (14/6)
#369 - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (15/6)
#370 - The Terminal (15/6)
#371 - The Manchurian Candidate [1962] (16/6)
#372 - The Big Heat (16/6)
#373 - Being There (17/6)
#374 - Once Upon a Time in the West (18/6) REWATCH #50
#375 - Forbidden Planet (18/6)
#376 - Body of Lies (18/6)
#377 - The Americanization of Emily (19/6)
#378 - Yojimbo (19/6) REWATCH #51
#379 - Spawn (20/6)
#380 - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (20/6)
#381 - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 2: Time (20/6)
#382 - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 3 (20/6)
#383 - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 4 (20/6)
#384 - Stargate (20/6)
#385 - Roman Holiday (20/6)
#386 - Sabrina (21/6)
#387 - A Town Called Panic (22/6)
#388 - Two for the Road (23/6)
#389 - A Fistful of Dollars (23/6) REWATCH #52
#390 - if... (24/6)
#391 - The Silence of the Lambs (25/6) REWATCH #53
#392 - Guardians of the Galaxy (25/6) REWATCH #54
#393 - Red Beard (25/6)
#394 - Through a Glass Darkly (26/6)
#395 - Kony 2012 (26/6)
#396 - Harakiri (26/6)
#397 - Elysium (27/6)
#398 - Taken (27/6)
#399 - The Virgin Spring (27/6)
#400 - Mad Max: Fury Road (27/6) REWATCH #55
#401 - The Terminator (28/6) REWATCH #56
#402 - Red Heat (28/6)
#403 - Terminator 2: Judgment Day (28/6) REWATCH #57
#404 - Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (29/6) REWATCH #58
#405 - Showdown in Little Tokyo (29/6)
#406 - The Long Kiss Goodnight (30/6)
#407 - Terminator Salvation (1/7)
#408 - Terminator Genisys (1/7)
#409 - The Picture of Dorian Gray (2/7)
#410 - Premium Rush (2/7)
#411 - Kung Fury (3/7) REWATCH #59
#412 - A Fistful of Dynamite (3/7)
#413 - Wild Wild West (4/7) REWATCH #60
#414 - When Marnie Was There (4/7)
#415 - Eyes Wide Shut (4/7)
#416 - House (5/7)
#417 - Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (5/7)
#418 - Prometheus (6/7) REWATCH #61
#419 - Sanjuro (6/7)
#420 - Friday (6/7) REWATCH #62
#421 - The Notebook (7/7)
#422 - The Last Airbender (7/7)
#423 - Black Dynamite (7/7) REWATCH #63
#424 - The Color Purple (8/7)
#425 - The African Queen (8/7)
#426 - Eden Lake (8/7)
#427 - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (9/7)
#428 - A Day at the Races (10/7)
#429 - Female Prisoner 701: Scorpion (10/7)
#430 - Audition (10/7)
#431 - Margaret (11/7)
#432 - Creature from the Black Lagoon (11/7)
#433 - Anna Karenina [1935] (11/7)
#434 - Going My Way (12/7)
#435 - Taxi Driver (12/7) REWATCH #64
#436 - The Insider (13/7)
#437 - Avatar (14/7) REWATCH #65
#438 - Evolution (14/7) REWATCH #66
#439 - Shark Tale (14/7) REWATCH #67
#440 - Ida (14/7)
#441 - Don't Look Now (15/7) REWATCH #68
#442 - Lady Snowblood (15/7)
#443 - 42nd Street (15/7)
#444 - The Ring [USA] (16/7)
#445 - Cars (16/7)
#446 - Deadfall (17/7)
#447 - Jurassic World (17/7)
#448 - Only God Forgives (18/7)
#449 - Judge Dredd (18/7)
#450 - Love Story (19/7)
#451 - Akira (19/7) REWATCH #69
#452 - Ghost in the Shell (19/7) REWATCH #70
#453 - Lucy (19/7)
#454 - THX 1138 (20/7)
#455 - Blue Steel (20/7)
#456 - The Shop Around the Corner (21/7)
#457 - Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (22/7) REWATCH #71
#458 - Blue Jasmine (22/7)
#459 - Battle Royale (22/7) REWATCH #72
#460 - Akira (22/7) REWATCH #73
#461 - Pixels [2010] (23/7)
#462 - The Caine Mutiny (23/7)
#463 - The Defiant Ones (23/7)
#464 - Match Point (24/7)
#465 - Wag the Dog (24/7)
#466 - Frenzy (24/7)
#467 - Valhalla Rising (25/7)
#468 - Onibaba (26/7)
#469 - Battle Royale II: Requiem (26/7)
#470 - Killing Them Softly (27/7)
#471 - Lava (28/7)
#472 - Inside Out (28/7)
#473 - Chappie (28/7)
#474 - Jupiter Ascending (28/7)
#475 - It Follows (28/7)
#476 - Kingsman: The Secret Service (29/7) REWATCH #74
#477 - Mission: Impossible III (30/7)
#478 - Death Race 2000 (30/7)
#479 - Mission: Impossible II (30/7) REWATCH #75
#480 - Tomorrow, When the War Began (31/7)
#481 - Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (1/8)
#482 - Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1/8)
#483 - Funeral Parade of Roses (2/8)
#484 - The Fault in our Stars (2/8) REWATCH #76
#485 - The Princess Bride (2/8) REWATCH #77
#486 - Resident Evil: Apocalypse (3/8)
#487 - G.I. Jane (3/8)
#488 - Hell Comes to Frogtown (3/8)
#489 - They Live (4/8) REWATCH #78
#490 - Boyz n the Hood (4/8)
#491 - Big Trouble in Little China (4/8) REWATCH #79
#492 - Angel Face (4/8)
#493 - Sunshine (5/8) REWATCH #80
#494 - Hana-bi (5/8) REWATCH #81
#495 - Outrage (5/8)
#496 - Blackhat (6/8)
#497 - Interstellar (6/8) REWATCH #82
#498 - A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (7/8)
#499 - Visitor Q (7/8)
#500 - Raiders of the Lost Ark (8/8) REWATCH #83
#501 - Resident Evil: Extinction (8/8)
#502 - Catwoman (8/8)
#503 - The Hunt for Red October (9/8)
#504 - 28 Days Later... (10/8) REWATCH #84
#505 - Kurt & Courtney (10/8)
#506 - Cobain: Montage of Heck (11/8)
#507 - Maggie (12/8)
#508 - A Most Violent Year (12/8)
#509 - Black Swan (12/8) REWATCH #85
#510 - Ant-Man (13/8)
#511 - Catch Me If You Can (13/8) REWATCH #86
#512 - Fantastic Four [2015] (14/8)
#513 - Stoker (14/8)
#514 - Spring Breakers (14/8)
#515 - A Fish Called Wanda (15/8)
#516 - Shampoo (15/8)
#517 - The Way of the Dragon (16/8)
#518 - The Last Dragon (16/8)
#519 - Dead Leaves (16/8)
#520 - Woman in the Dunes (16/8)
#521 - The Dead Zone (16/8)
#522 - Gangster No. 1 (17/8)
#523 - Fist of Fury (18/8) REWATCH #87
#524 - Black Robe (18/8)
#525 - Constantine (19/8)
#526 - It's Such a Beautiful Day (19/8) REWATCH #88
#527 - Adaptation. (19/8) REWATCH #89
#528 - Her (20/8) REWATCH #90
#529 - G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (20/8)
#530 - Cure (21/8)
#531 - Pretty in Pink (21/8)
#532 - Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (22/8)
#533 - The Big Boss (22/8)
#534 - Universal Soldier (22/8)
#535 - Story of Ricky (23/8)
#536 - The Others (24/8)
#537 - The Prestige (24/8) REWATCH #91
#538 - Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (24/8) REWATCH #92
#539 - Juice (24/8)
#540 - Story of Ricky (25/8) REWATCH #92
#541 - Spider-Man 3 (25/8)
#542 - Romper Stomper (26/8) REWATCH #93
#543 - Lantana (26/8) REWATCH #94
#544 - Game of Death (26/8)
#545 - I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang (27/8)
#546 - Death Wish V: The Face of Death (28/8)
#547 - Candy (29/8)
#548 - House (29/8) REWATCH #95
#549 - Braindead (30/8) REWATCH #96
#550 - Godzilla [1954] (30/8)
#551 - The Warriors (31/8) REWATCH #97
#552 - Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (31/8)
#553 - The Last Seduction (1/9)
#554 - Run Ronnie Run (2/9)
#555 - Disciples of the 36th Chamber (3/9)
#556 - Enter the Void (4/9)
#557 - Incident at Loch Ness (5/9)
#558 - Zack and Miri Make a Porno (6/9) REWATCH #98
#559 - Obvious Child (6/9)
#560 - Lost in Translation (6/9) REWATCH #99
#561 - Birdemic 2: The Resurrection (7/9)
#562 - The Guest (8/9)
#563 - Slow West (9/9)
#564 - Top Five (9/9)
#565 - The Elephant Man (9/9) REWATCH #100
#566 - Tangled (10/9)
#567 - Father of the Bride (10/9)
#568 - Tender Mercies (11/9)
#569 - The Broadway Melody (11/9)
#570 - Footlight Parade (12/9)
#571 - Stagecoach (12/9)
#572 - My Darling Clementine (12/9)
#573 - The Great Train Robbery (13/9)
#574 - The Story of the Kelly Gang (13/9)
#575 - The Invaders (13/9)
#576 - The Proposition (13/9) REWATCH #101
#577 - Django Unchained (14/9) REWATCH #102
#578 - Django (14/9)
#579 - There Will Be Blood (15/9) REWATCH #103
#580 - My Brilliant Career (15/9)
#581 - Grand Hotel (16/9)
#582 - The Kid with the Golden Arm (17/9)
#583 - Bowfinger (18/9)
#584 - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (18/9) REWATCH #104
#585 - The Wild Bunch (18/9) REWATCH #105
#586 - Stardust (19/9)
#587 - The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (19/9) REWATCH #106
#588 - Taken 2 (19/9)
#589 - Moon (20/9) REWATCH #107
#590 - The Tracker (20/9)
#591 - The Happening (21/9)
#592 - Superbad (21/9) REWATCH #108
#593 - Taken 3 (22/9)
#594 - Birdman (23/9) REWATCH #109
#595 - The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (23/9)
#596 - The Quiet Man (24/9)
#597 - Wyrmwood (25/9)
#598 - The Homesman (25/9)
#599 - Mad Max 2 (25/9) REWATCH #110
#600 - The Avenging Eagle (26/9)
#601 - The Searchers (27/9) REWATCH #111
#602 - The Decline of Western Civilisation (27/9)
#603 - Sicario (28/9)
#604 - Garden State (29/9)
#605 - Short Term 12 (29/9)
#606 - Pitch Black (30/9)
#607 - Memories of Murder (30/9)
#608 - McCabe and Mrs. Miller (30/9) REWATCH #112
#609 - Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (30/9)
#610 - The Martian (1/10)
#611 - Yojimbo (2/10) REWATCH #113
#612 - A Fistful of Dollars (2/10) REWATCH #114
#613 - The Avengers [1999] (3/10)
#614 - Rio Bravo (3/10) REWATCH #115
#615 - Apache (3/10)
#616 - Human Traffic (4/10) REWATCH #116
#617 - The Counselor (4/10)
#618 - Enemy (4/10)
#619 - Universal Soldier: Regeneration (5/10)
#620 - Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning (5/10)
#621 - The Long Riders (5/10)
#622 - Good Morning, Vietnam (6/10)
#623 - The Man From Nowhere (6/10)
#624 - Macbeth [2015] (6/10)
#625 - World War Z (7/10)
#626 - Once Upon a Time in the West (7/10) REWATCH #117
#627 - Upstream Color (7/10)
#628 - The Devil's Rejects (8/10)
#629 - Beginners (9/10)
#630 - For a Few Dollars More (9/10) REWATCH #118
#631 - Legend [1985] (9/10)
#632 - Highlander: The Final Dimension (10/10)
#633 - Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (10/10) REWATCH #119
#634 - Red River (10/10) REWATCH #120
#635 - Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (10/10) REWATCH #121
#636 - Pineapple Express (11/10) REWATCH #122
#637 - Lockout (11/10)
#638 - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (11/10) REWATCH #123
#639 - Black Mass (11/10)
#640 - Scream (12/10) REWATCH #124
#641 - Man of Tai Chi (12/10)
#642 - Breaker Morant (12/10)
#643 - The Secret World of Arrietty (13/10)
#644 - Baraka (13/10)
#645 - The Big Country (14/10)
#646 - The Chronicles of Riddick (15/10)
#647 - Cabin Fever (16/10)
#648 - The Last House on the Left [2009] (17/10)
#649 - Johnny Guitar (17/10)
#650 - Modern Times (17/10)
#651 - Star Wars (18/10) REPEAT #125
#652 - Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (18/10) REPEAT #126
#653 - Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (18/10) REPEAT #127
#654 - Riddick (19/10)
#655 - Highlander: The Source (20/10)
#656 - Back to the Future (21/10) REWATCH #128
#657 - Back to the Future Part II (21/10) REWATCH #129
#658 - The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (21/10) REWATCH #130
#659 - A.I. Artificial Intelligence (22/10)
#660 - At the Circus (23/10)
#661 - Seven Samurai (23/10) REWATCH #131
#662 - Warm Bodies (24/10)
#663 - A Few Good Men (24/10)
#664 - Sugar Hill (25/10)
#665 - Go West (26/10)
#666 - Bram Stoker's Dracula (26/10)
#667 - Primal Fear (26/10)
#668 - Cube (27/10) REWATCH #132
#669 - Invasion of the Body Snatchers [1978] (27/10} REWATCH #133
#670 - Incendies (27/10)
#671 - Batman Begins (28/10) REWATCH #134
#672 - The Dark Knight (28/10) REWATCH #135
#673 - The Dark Knight Rises (28/10) REWATCH #136
#674 - Return to the 36th Chamber (29/10)
#675 - Dead Man (30/10) REWATCH #137
#676 - El Topo (30/10) REWATCH #138
#677 - Child's Play (31/10)
#678 - Unforgiven (31/10) REWATCH #139
#679 - Jacob's Ladder (31/10) REWATCH #140
#680 - Dredd (31/10) REWATCH #141
#681 - Freaks (1/11) REWATCH #142
#682 - Masked Avengers (1/11)
#683 - The Addams Family (2/11)
#684 - Addams Family Values (3/11)
#685 - Attack the Block (4/11) REWATCH #143
#686 - Soldier (4/11)
#687 - Night of the Creeps (4/11)
#688 - The Blair Witch Project (5/11)
#689 - Evil Dead [2013] (6/11)
#690 - Death Proof (7/11) REWATCH #144
#691 - The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (7/11) REWATCH #145
#692 - Flags of Our Fathers (7/11)
#693 - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (8/11) REWATCH #146
#694 - Bridge of Spies (9/11)
#695 - Top Secret! (10/11) REWATCH #147
#696 - Hachi: A Dog's Tale (10/11)
#697 - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (11/11) REWATCH #148
#698 - Videodrome (11/11) REWATCH #149
#699 - Broken Flowers (12/11)
#700 - The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert McNamara (12/11) REWATCH #150
#701 - Ultraviolet (13/11)
#702 - Spectre (14/11)
#703 - Ulzana's Raid (15/11)
#704 - Broken Arrow [1950] (16/11)
#705 - Munich (17/11)
#706 - The 39 Steps (18/11)
#707 - The Last Boy Scout (19/11)
#708 - Kingdom of Heaven (20/11)
#709 - Empire of the Sun (21/11)
#710 - Glory (22/11)
#711 - Joe Kidd (23/11)
#712 - Shrek the Third (24/11)
#713 - Machete Kills (25/11)
#714 - Midnight Movies: From the Margin to the Mainstream (25/11) REWATCH #151
#715 - Bad News Bears [2005] (26/11)
#716 - Frantic (27/11)
#717 - The Cars That Ate Paris (28/11)
#718 - The World's End (28/11) REWATCH #152
#719 - Lethal Weapon (29/11) REWATCH #153
#720 - Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (30/11)
#721 - The Lobster (1/12)
#722 - The Big Store (2/12)
#723 - The King of Kong (3/12)
#724 - Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (4/12)
#725 - High Plains Drifter (5/12) REWATCH #154
#726 - Into the Wild (5/12)
#727 - Starred Up (6/12)
#728 - Locke (7/12)
#729 - Ben-Hur (7/12)
#730 - Warrior (8/12)
#731 - A Separation (8/12)
#732 - Source Code (9/12)
#733 - Super 8 (9/12)
#734 - The Fugitive (10/12) REWATCH #155
#735 - Observe and Report (11/12)
#736 - Hackers (12/12)
#737 - Calamity Jane (13/12)
#738 - Trading Places (14/12)
#739 - Turbo Kid (15/12)
#740 - Deathgasm (16/12)
#741 - Dope (16/12)
#742 - Bad Santa (17/12)
#743 - Kung Fury (17/12) REWATCH #156
#744 - Star Wars: The Force Awakens (18/12)
#745 - The Host [2006] (19/12)
#746 - Robin Hood [2010] (20/12)

Zotis 01-01-15 04:34 AM

Re: Iro's One Movie a Day Thread
Well, I didn't actually make a movie a day thread. Just a thread to keep track of everything I watch so I don't forget about them. To me committing to watching a movie at least once per day sounds better than it actually is. I prefer having more freedom to do other things since I'm a pretty heavy gamer and I have other interests and hobbies like music and art. I hope it will be an awesome year though!

Hi, Iroquois, I don't think we've really interacted before. I like how you defined all your ratings. Not everyone has the same standards for ratings, so it's good to do that.

Iroquois 01-01-15 04:48 AM

Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1229752)
Well this is overwhelming... JacobKyon, Zotis, Swan and now you making a movie a day thread!

Something tells me this is gonna be an awesome year. :lol:
I've been meaning to do this for a few years now - I was originally inspired by TheUsualSuspect, who also started a similar thread a few years ago. I figured 2015 was the year to do it because I currently hav no major plans that would interfere with watching a movie a day. Like the concept of individual Top 100 threads, it's a really interesting challenge for people to do so of course a lot of people want to attempt it themselves.

Originally Posted by Zotis (Post 1229776)
Well, I didn't actually make a movie a day thread. Just a thread to keep track of everything I watch so I don't forget about them. To me committing to watching a movie at least once per day sounds better than it actually is. I prefer having more freedom to do other things since I'm a pretty heavy gamer and I have other interests and hobbies like music and art. I hope it will be an awesome year though!

Hi, Iroquois, I don't think we've really interacted before. I like how you defined all your ratings. Not everyone has the same standards for ratings, so it's good to do that.
I hear you on the whole rigidity kind of thing - eating your favourite food every day would get a little tiresome after a while, too. I do have several other non-film interests that this may drag my attention away from (and vice versa), but I think it'll be interesting to see if I am capable of pursuing such a goal, though I think setting aside around 90 minutes a day shouldn't be so hard in my situation. Also, yeah, I do like to define my rating system where possible. I do find the differences between rating systems to be rather interesting.

Zotis 01-01-15 04:54 AM

Re: Iro's One Movie a Day Thread
Personally I don't know if I've ever rated a movie less than 2 stars. If they're that bad I can usually tell before hand, and I just avoid watching them. I also don't like using 5 stars. I reserve that for when I find movies that I actually think could contend as 'The Greatest Movie of All Time.' And I would never make that kind of a claim lightly. That way when I do come across a movie that blows me away I won't have to give it 11/10 or something like that.

We've all got our own reasons though.

Well, good luck and I hope you make it through the whole year!

Iroquois 01-01-15 05:28 AM

Re: Iro's One Movie a Day Thread
Thanks for the encouragement!

Having a two-star rating as the lowest point on your scale makes sense. I almost never stop watching movies because I think they're bad - a sense of completionism generally makes me keep watching until the bitter end. The only time I remember ever walking out of a film was Enter the Void, which was physically disturbing more so than a terrible film. I've also found that capping all first-time ratings at
helps keep the ratings balanced and prevents me from overrating films unnecessarily. I figure the kind of film that truly deserves a
or a
will earn that kind of rating over the course of multiple viewings and the passage of time.

Zotis 01-01-15 05:35 AM

Re: Iro's One Movie a Day Thread
Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 1229822)
I've also found that capping all first-time ratings at
helps keep the ratings balanced and prevents me from overrating films unnecessarily. I figure the kind of film that truly deserves a
or a
will earn that kind of rating over the course of multiple viewings and the passage of time.
That's an interesting idea. I gave a bunch of first time views 4.5/5 in 2014, and one movie 5 stars. When I re-watch them though, there is a chance their rating could change based on new insights, but it's a pretty small chance. I usually think pretty hard about it before finally giving the rating.

honeykid 01-01-15 12:45 PM

Re: Iro's One Movie a Day Thread
I'm with Iro in that I don't almost never give 5 star ratings on a first watch, much as I don't have films in my 100 that I've not seen at least 5 times. I also rarely give a rating less than 1, unless I really hate it.

Good luck with it, Iro. Any chance of you updating it every day?

cricket 01-01-15 12:51 PM

Good luck Iro!

Iroquois 01-01-15 10:34 PM

#1 - Dead Poets Society
Peter Weir, 1989

Dead Poets Society is about a 1950s boarding school where the new English teacher (Robin Williams) and his unorthodox approach to teaching poetry ends up inspiring a handful of students to form the titular society (technically, to reform it because Williams' character started it during his high school years, but whatever). The consequences are altenately uplifting and devastating.

I have somehow never managed to watch Dead Poets Society from start to finish. The last time I tried it, I watched it all the way up until the last 15-20 minutes when the DVD glitched so I gave up and never got back to finishing it until now. Even though I knew how it ended anyway, I never truly counted it as being 100% "watched". Obviously, I've gone and rectified that. Anyway, as for what I think...

I remember liking it quite a bit on my initial attempt years ago, but watching it now...not so much. Williams definitely gives a strong performance here, with his character getting just enough depth to not seem like some one-dimensional cool teacher archetype. The central cast of male students that make up the titular society - that's a bit more debatable. One character's subplot involves his romantic pursuit of a cheerleader, which does play out rather questionably to say the least (dude, she's passed out/asleep at some jock party and her football hero boyfriend is about ten feet away, do you really think your carpe diem attitude is going to justify stroking her hair and kissing her forehead?) The main subplot, revolving around another character being inspired to try acting despite a fear of disappointing his strict dad, is familiar enough that I have to wonder if knowing how it'd play out would either make it more tragic or just signal how lacking in originality the script felt. Ethan Hawke's turn as a quiet, nervous student (a far cry from the sort of roles he's best known for), does have its moments, especially the scene where Williams forces him to make up a poem in front of the whole classroom, which is honestly a great scene in spite of it being instantly recognisable as the typical "scene where the shy kid learns to express themselves".

By this point, Dead Poets Society has seeped into the cultural consciousness enough that it feels like a parody of itself at times. It's got a handful of choice moments (as trite as it may seem, that final scene really does leave an impression), is amply aided by Williams' remarkable rendition of a fairly basic character archetype and the acting by the main characters is decent enough to sell their admittedly all-too-familiar character arcs (except in the very shallow romantic subplot mentioned above, of course). Am I likely to invest another two hours in another viewing? Probably not. Do I reckon people should see it if they haven't already? Sure, why not.

Iroquois 01-01-15 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 1230067)
I'm with Iro in that I don't almost never give 5 star ratings on a first watch, much as I don't have films in my 100 that I've not seen at least 5 times. I also rarely give a rating less than 1, unless I really hate it.

Good luck with it, Iro. Any chance of you updating it every day?
Where do you do your ratings, honeykid? I'm not sure I've actually seen you give anything a rating, hence why I'm asking.

As for updating it every day - well, I'll definitely try.

hello101 01-01-15 10:42 PM

Re: Iro's One Movie a Day Thread
I always thought Dead Poets Society was overrated, Witness is the best Weir imo.

Iroquois 01-01-15 10:54 PM

Re: Iro's One Movie a Day Thread
If I had to rank the Weir films I've seen...

Picning at Hanging Rock



Dead Poets Society

Master and Commander

The Truman Show is another one of those films I don't quite count myself as seeing since I never watched the whole thing from start to finish but I've seen enough to know what happens. I do want to see The Last Wave, Witness and The Mosquito Coast.

Zotis 01-01-15 11:06 PM

Re: Iro's One Movie a Day Thread
I love Dead Poets Society. You make me sad.

Captain Spaulding 01-02-15 03:24 AM

Re: Iro's One Movie a Day Thread
Great write-up, Iro! If you're going to give that kind of effort on a daily basis, this will easily be one of the best, most interesting threads to follow this year. :up:

Dead Poets Society is one of those movies that I respect more than I actually enjoy. It's well-made, well-acted, well-written, etc., but a movie revolving around prep boys and poetry has a limited amount of appeal to me.

honeykid 01-02-15 11:55 AM

Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 1230388)
Where do you do your ratings, honeykid? I'm not sure I've actually seen you give anything a rating, hence why I'm asking.

As for updating it every day - well, I'll definitely try.
On the rare occasion that I rate them, I do it in the movie tab. I don't think I've rated a film for 3 or 4 months, though. I just haven't felt like it. JD gives me a nudge sometimes, but I don't like to just rate films. I want to say a little something, give a little something to it and I've just not felt like doing it lately.

Iroquois 01-02-15 06:44 PM

#2 - The Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult
Peter Segal, 1994

The third and final installment in the Naked Gun trilogy concerns Lt. Frank Drebin (Leslie Nielsen), now retired from police work and trying to start a family with Jane (Priscilla Presley), being dragged back into the fray in order to uncover a plot by a mad bomber (Fred Ward).

I wanted to like this. The original Naked Gun is a minor favourite thanks to its merciless spoofing of detective movies aided in no small part by every performer playing almost every moment completely deadpan. The sequel, The Smell of Fear, took a major drop in quality but I didn't hate it. I understand that few sequels to hit comedies ever live even slightly up to the standards set by the original film. This, on the other hand...well, look at that screencap above. That's our intrepid yet foolhardy hero being so sickened by (spoiler alert) the supposedly humourous revelation that the villain's seductive girlfriend actually has a penis that he immediately runs off and vomits into a tuba - while the tuba is being played. That's a very big decline for a film series that wrought comedy gold from car chases involving learner drivers and ludicrous fight scenes involving cabals of anti-American world leaders. Hell, the only reason that moment stands out is because it's the grossly unforgettable type of unfunny instead of the blandly forgettable kind of unfunny that permeates the rest of the film.

Unlike the first two films, the film seems overly dependent on directly parodying specific movies - films such as The Untouchables, Jurassic Park and Thelma and Louise are ripped on to less than stellar effect, and that's without mentioning the various cracks at the film industry made during the film's third act, which takes place during Oscars night. The film barely raises any sincere chuckles - the closest I came was the show-stopping number where Frank has to slide through a bunch of male dancers' legs and ends up headbutting each one in the crotch as he does. The usual Zucker-style mix of surreal sight-gags and bizarre turns of phrase abounds but barely any of them hit the mark.

Lately, I have been wondering if I rated The Smell of Fear too harshly and have been contemplating revisiting it. This, on the other hand, is a film I don't exactly see myself re-watching any time soon, if ever. At its absolute best it's a shadow of its predecessors that relies too much on copying particular films rather than entire genres - it's that kind of narrow-minded approach to parody that's led to the genre being oversaturated by films whose titles tend to follow the "______ Movie" format - if we're lucky. At worst (and I'll be honest, it's closer to "at worst" than "at best"), it's a complete and utter disappointment, and much like a spoonful of Draino, it'll leave you hollow inside.

Iroquois 01-02-15 06:49 PM

#3 - Clueless
Amy Heckerling, 1995

Clueless is the the loosely-based-on-an-Austen-novel story of a Beverly Hills teenager navigating a variety of situations as part of her high school experience, often aiming to control and set up certain people for her own personal gain before numerous complications cause her to question her motivations.

This is apparently one of the key 1990s high-school movies and as such I was willing to give it a chance. All things considered, it's a fairly solid film. You can pick apart the various high-school stereotypes - the hopeless yet loveable burnout, the strict yet sympathetic teacher, the misfit who gets made over in the image of the popular kids, etc. - but they combine together in a way to tell a decent if familiar story. Protagonist Cher (Alicia Silverstone) makes for a sufficiently complex character beneath her "valley girl" exterior, while the various other characters get just enough development so that they don't come across as unsympathetic ditzes (though you could make a case for Jeremy Sisto's dickish popular boy being an antagonist, he doesn't really provide much of a conflict for the film as a whole). Actually, there's not all that much in the way of conflict in this movie; rather, it's a fairly straightforward coming-of-age kind of story for Cher as she learns the hard way that she can't control other people and also has a fairly predictable subplot unfold with her dickish yet likeable stepbrother (Paul Rudd).

While Clueless does serve as a worthy addition to the high-school sub-genre's canon, it ultimately feels like fluff. Pleasant fluff, yet still fluff. It's got a fair bit of sense to it and there are certain choice excerpts of dialogue, but as an overall cinematic experience it leaves a little something to be desired.

seanc 01-02-15 06:55 PM

Re: Iro's One Movie a Day Thread
Clueless is one of my guilty pleasures, although I haven't partook in quite a few years. I think it is funny and a big reason I continued liking Paul Rudd and Brittany Murphy.

honeykid 01-02-15 07:15 PM

Clueless is Jane Austen's Emma. You want depth? That's all Emma is and that's why it's so perfect as a high school movie. I love Clueless, but then, I quite like Amy Heckling's stuff. I liked Vamps, for crying out loud. :D

Also, that scene in Smell Of Fear only stands out, if it does, because it's parodying The Crying Game and the reaction many nice straight, 'I'm not at all gay and you mustn't even think it' men had when they found out they'd been fancying Jaye Davidson.

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