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Frozen Smoke 12-27-14 05:02 PM

Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!
In your answer just put the name of the movie, general year when it was made, and what genre.

Hugo / 2011 / drama

I'm a huge film watcher and watch atleast 2-3 a day, (prob like the rest of you) I want more films to watch that possibly i haven't seen. This can also be your top 5 that you always want to share with people.

Citizen Rules 12-27-14 05:07 PM

Re: Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!
Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!

Is that 5 of yours that I need to watch or 5 of mine that you need to watch???

Arcanis 12-27-14 05:29 PM

Re: Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!
I've had a lot of success showing the following films to my friends (and if, like them, you don't watch as many foreign films, these should be really unique experiences for you):

The Killer - 1989 - Action
Oldboy - 2003 - Mystery, Thriller
3-Iron - 2004 - Romance, Drama
Frontier(s) - 2007 - Horror
Let the Right One In - 2008 - Horror

gbgoodies 12-27-14 09:40 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1227157)
Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!

Is that 5 of yours that I need to watch or 5 of mine that you need to watch???

I have the same question as Citizen Rules. Are you looking for movie recommendations for you to watch, or are you asking us for our own personal preferences of movies that we want to watch, or are you asking about what movies we are planning to watch?

Those are three different answers.

Frozen Smoke 12-27-14 11:15 PM

Re: Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!
it's pretty much laid out like i originally said it. Arcanis gets it.

"I want more films to watch that possibly i haven't seen. This can also be your top 5 that you always want to share with people."

top 5 movies that you always tell people they need to see.

Citizen Rules 12-27-14 11:19 PM

Re: Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!
IMDB says there's about 268,246 movies, so can you narrow that down just a tad by telling us what you like?

Frightened Inmate No. 2 12-27-14 11:21 PM

Re: Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!
Before Sunrise
Pierrot le Fou
Spring Breakers
The Shop Around the Corner
A Woman Under the Influence

bluedeed 12-27-14 11:53 PM

Re: Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!
Been meaning to watch The Shop Around the Corner with my parents recently. I really need to see:
La Libertad
Rewatch a Weerasethakul movie
Colossal Youth
Closed Curtain (need to find subtitles for it though!)

Frozen Smoke 12-28-14 01:43 AM

Re: Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!
@citizen rules, it's a generalized question, if i ask you, "yo, what's up, have you seen any good movies lately", you'd say....maybe?!? a few that you would recommend. my topic is list 5. the train is leaving the station, are you onboard yet????

Camo 12-28-14 02:35 AM

Re: Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!
Usually i'd have a problem with this guy acting like an a55hole, but he really shouldn't have to explain what he means here.

1.Pickpocket/ A Man Escaped (i really loved Au Hasard Balthasar, Pickpocket seems to be the most well regarded Bresson above/along with AUB, A Man Escaped is a favourite of Tokeza so it's another i really want to try)
2.Dr.Strangelove (there's no excuse for me not seeing it at this point)
3.Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolfe? - (Always love to check out Mark F's favourites, so i'll need to check this one out for the 60s list, even though i have a feeling i will dislike it)
4.La Dolce Vita/ rest of 60s Fellini - ( I loved 8 And A Half so much that i've avoided watching any other Fellinis because of fear of dissapointment; this will change with the 60s list)
5.Inherent Vice - (It's easily the highest on my wanting to see list)

gbgoodies 12-28-14 03:03 AM

Originally Posted by Camo (Post 1227432)
Usually i'd have a problem with this guy acting like an a55hole, but he really shouldn't have to explain what he means here.

I disagree. I don't think his topic was clear at all.

His thread title is "Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!". Nowhere does he ask what movies we would recommend for him to watch. He's asking what we need to watch.

I need to watch five movies from 1964 to finish my list for the 1964 Movies thread.

That's not the same as the five movies that I want to watch. Those would be movies that are on my watchlist because they're movies that I heard about or saw the trailer, and they sounded like my kind of movies. Maybe even movies that were recommended to me by someone here on the boards.

Then in his actual post, he says "I want more films to watch that possibly i haven't seen.". That's only telling us what movies he wants to watch. It's still not asking us for recommendations. He's only answering his own title without actually listing any movies.

If he wants recommendations, he could have asked much clearer than the way he wrote his opening post. I have no way to recommend anything to him. He gives us no idea of what movies he's seen, what his favorite movies are, or even his favorite genres.

I could list five of my favorite musicals, only to find out that he hates musicals. Or someone else could list five of their favorite horror films, only to find out that he hates horror movies.

I think Citizen Rules was 100% right to ask for more details. IMO, the original post is as clear as mud.

After I get more info from the OP, I'll be happy to try to suggest some movies, but until then, I'm just spinning my wheels and going nowhere fast.

gbgoodies 12-28-14 03:04 AM

Originally Posted by Frozen Smoke (Post 1227417)
@citizen rules, it's a generalized question, if i ask you, "yo, what's up, have you seen any good movies lately", you'd say....maybe?!? a few that you would recommend. my topic is list 5. the train is leaving the station, are you onboard yet????

You still haven't answered his question.

"Can you narrow that down just a tad by telling us what you like?"

Choo Yao Chuen 12-28-14 03:36 AM

Re: Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!
Thanks for sharing. I'll be busy next few days:D

Camo 12-28-14 03:42 AM

Re: Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!
The only people who seem to have a problem with it is you and your shadow Citizen Rules. The guy clearly said that Arcanis gets it; so the logical thing to do would be either follow Arcanis post and suggest a few movies, be great like me and change it into your own topic of five movies you want to watch during the year or avoid the topic entirely. The fact that he mentioned Genres in his post seems to suggest that he has no problems with any particular one .

Kaplan 12-28-14 04:09 AM

Re: Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!
Yeah, doesn't seem all that complicated. ;) So here's five films:

1. Synecdoche, New York (2008) Surreal drama
2. M (1931) Thriller
3. Bird (1988) Biopic
4. Stroszek (1977) Drama
5. The Double (2013) Kafkaesque (based on a short novel by Dostoevsky)

The last two I haven't seen but are on my immediate watchlist.

EDIT: Having just watched The Double, I changed the genre to be more specific.

Gideon58 12-28-14 04:53 PM

Re: Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!
Originally Posted by Frightened Inmate No. 2 (Post 1227400)
Before Sunrise
Pierrot le Fou
Spring Breakers
The Shop Around the Corner
A Woman Under the Influence
I really need to add The Shop Around the Corner to my watchlist...I've seen all the other films it has inspired and maybe it's time to check out the original.

matt72582 12-28-14 05:16 PM

Re: Top 5 movies you need to watch tonight!
1. Nashville
2. La Strada
3. Network
4. They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
5. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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