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Godoggo 12-15-14 10:29 PM

2015 MoFo Challenges
This is an idea I came up with. Instead of New Year's resolutions, or in conjunction with, I thought we could challenge each other with things to do in the year 2015.

The challenges can be anything from something you want someone to watch, read or do. Obviously, if you want someone to really complete the challenge, it shouldn't be something crazy. When anyone completes a challenge they can come back here and post about it. :)

Try not to overload one member with too many challenges. Let's spread the love around. :)

  1. I challenge you to finish your damn top 50 before the end of February. ~ Miss Vicky
  2. Fill out all ten favorites on your profile
  3. Watch four movies set in a state that begins with each letter of your username. So you could watch a movie set in California or Colorado for your first movie then another movie that is set in Arizona or Arkansas and so on for each letter. ~ Godoggo

  1. Okay. YOU can watch all the movies in Swan's Top Ten, and make JJ and Swan happy. ~ gbgoodies
  2. Ok, I challenge Weeman to watch On Golden Pond and Moonstruck then tab them in the Rate the last movie you watched thread. ~ Godoggo
  3. I got one, weeman. I challenge you to do your first ever commentary with me! Some time this year ~ Swan.
  4. I challenge myself to create my top 100 list by the end of the year. I hope this will give me an incentive to do so

  1. read Skinny Legs and All by Tom Robbins ~ Godoggo
  2. I challenge Swan to post a top 100 list of some sort. ~ Raul
  3. I challenge to write two reviews in his review thread. ~ Seanc
  4. I challenge Swan to join me for a Big Trouble in Little China commentary, and anyone else who wants to join for some laughs ~ Nostromo
  5. I challenge Swan to do at least 10 commentaries with me in 2015. ~ Rhys
  6. I challenge Swan to watch every film on the HK 100 by the end of next year
  7. I challenge Swan to make a dark, scary, horrifying, spine chilling piece of music that's one minute long.~ Jiraffe

  1. Ok. I am going to challenge you to watch specific films from that list. These are my favorites of what you have left. The Wild Bunch; The Philadelphia Story; Bringing Up Baby; The Gold Rush & The Maltese Falcon. I'm going to add one that I didn't care for, Sophie's Choice, just to see how we agree/differ on these particular movies.

  1. I challenge Raul to cross off four movies from his AFI's 100 Passions list. ~ Godoggo
  2. I challenge Raul to watch all the Star Wars films in order of release and to write an opinion about each of them! ~ Cobpyth
  3. I challenge Raul to watch Alien and Blade Runner. ~ Swan
  4. I challenge Raul to find some films I like so we can do another commentary. ~ HK
  5. I challenge rauldc to check off at least ten films from the AFI 100 Laughs List. ~ Friendly Mushroom
  6. I challenge Raul to watch 10 films from my 100 that he hasn't yet seen. ~ HK
  7. I challenge rauldc14 to make a "serious" post in the Rate The Last Movie You Saw thread writing at least 10 sentences on how bad Finding Nemo is plus leave a rating, like if the movie was one of the worst he ever saw.

  1. I challenge JayDee to watch and review My Life as a Dog ~ Godoggo
  2. And I challenge JayDee to watch Inland Empire. ~Daniel M
  3. i challenge JayDee to watch 3 Jean-luc Godard films and write reviews for at least two. ~ Inmate.

Sexy Celebrity
  1. I challenge Sexy Celebrity to commentate on three full-length Asian movies he watches completely and in their original language. - Mark F.
  2. I challenge Sexy Celebrity to NOT create a new thread for an entire YEAR. You may only post replies ~ TheUsualSuspect
  3. I challenge Sexy Celebrity to check off at least fifteen films from the BFI Top 100 Film Noirs. (Must include The Narrow Margin 1952.) ~ Friendly Mushroom
  4. I challenge SC to complete our Sex & The City commentaries.
  5. I challenge Sexy Celebrity to run through a crowded street naked and film it. ~ Swan
  6. To add on to Swan's challenge to Sexy, do that, but do it whilst running backwards. ~ Jiraffe

Mr MinioI
  1. I challenge Mr Minio to not make any kinky remarks or use any kinky or reaction images/gifs/videos for a month. - Mark F

  1. I challenge TokeZa to watch four American super hero movies that he hasn't seen and report what he thought. Mark F

Captain Spaulding
  1. I challenge Captain Spaulding to watch my top 10 in my top 100 animated films list. ~ Guaporense
  2. I challenge Captain Spaulding to create a top films list thread. ~ Gatsby

  1. I challenge Cobpyth to introduce his social game that he has planned for the forum. ~ Raul
  2. Cobpyth: I challenge to finish his favorites thread. ~ Seanc
  3. I chalenge Cobpyth to check off all of the films on Film4's Top 50 Films To See Before You Die that he hasn't seen. ~ Friendly Mushroom

Miss Vicky
  1. I challenge Miss Vicky to do at least 3 commentaries with Me this year. ~ Raul
  2. Watch two episodes of Game of Thrones ~ JayDee
  3. I challenge Miss Vicky to check off at least twenty films on the BFI Top 100 British Films (Including The Wicker Man 1973 and Ladykillers 1955.) ~ Friendly Mushroom

  1. I challenge Godoggo to watch and comment on at least 4 unchecked off Ebert films ~ Raul
  2. Godoggo:I challenge to do the artwork for two HOF inductees. ~ Seanc
  3. I challenge Godoggo to complete 6 of her lists. ~HK
  4. I challenge godoggo to post another picture in the personal pictures thread.~ Raul
  5. Godoggo - With your increasing artistic talent I challenge you to draw one of your fellow MoFos using a photo in the Personal Pictures Thread as your source. ~ JayDee
  6. Godoggo I challenge you to read The Crimson Petal and The White by Michel Faber. ~ Christine

  1. I challenge 90sAce to stop trying so hard to be controversial. ~ Captain Spaulding

  1. I challenge Gatsby to watch 15 films from the following lists-

    AFI 100 Thrills
    Sight and Sound Directors Poll
    BFI 100 Film Noirs

    and four from the following two-
    AFI 25 Musicals
    Cannes' Award Winners ~ Mushroom
  2. I challenge Gatsby to watch 3 Clara Bow Silent films.

Citizen Rules
  1. How about check off at least 20 films from the MoFo Top 100 of the Millennium? ~ Friendly Mushroom
    I challenge you to start 12 threads next year. At least 7 of them have to be a part of General Movie Discussion. ~ Mushroom

  1. I challenge gbg to watch one film made by each of the six main Friends.
  2. I've got one. GB, I want you to find a horror movie you like which you haven't seen before. -
    ~ Swan
  3. gbg, ignore my last challenge, I have a better one. Watch all the movies in Swan's Top Ten. I've seen 8 out of the 10, and all 8 are good.

  1. I challenge Christine to read Cat's Eye~ Margaret Atwood. If she has read that then I challenge her to read an Atwood book that she hasn't. ~ Godoggo
  2. I challenge Christine to watch Harper's Island. ~ HK

  1. I challenge EVERYONE (including myself) to not log onto Movie Forums for a whole month. No posting, no reading. Just take a vacation from it. ~ Sexy Celebrity
  2. I challenge everyone to watch the movie The Chumbscrubber because it shouldn't be such an obscure movie. ~ Zotis
  3. If you can make that challenge about a TV series: I will also challenge anyone to watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes, in it's full glory of 110 episodes and 55 hours of epic animated science fiction about history and political philosophy. The whole thing is in youtube by the way. ~ Guaporense
  4. Watch The Human Condition trilogy
    Watch the ten following films:

    The Man in the Back Seat (1961; Vernon Sewell)
    The Old Dark House (1932; James Whale)
    Blind Beast (1969; Yasuzô Masumura)
    Underworld (1927; Josef von Sternberg)
    Le orme (1975; Luigi Bazzoni)
    The City of the Dead (1960; John Moxey)
    The Match Factory Girl (1990; Aki Kaurismaki)
    Excision (2012; Richard Bates Jr.)
    Baron Prásil (1962; Karel Zeman)
    Under the Roofs of Paris (1930; René Clair) ~ Jiraffejustin
  5. i challenge everyone to watch spring breakers~ Inmate
  6. I challenge everyone who hasn't done so already to watch Brigadoon. ~ Mushroom
  7. An open challenge to everyone to post a photo of themselves in the Personal Pictures Thread in which they are made up in some way to resemble a character from a movie or TV show, either through a costume of some kind or if it's very good just through hairstyle/facial hair. This challenge will run all year with anyone able to accomplish it getting a point/credit/accolade/mention/award (whatever the hell we get for it)~ JayDee
  8. An open challenge for someone to write an official jingle for MovieForums and to then use vocaroo (or something similar) to record it so we can all hear.JayDee
    An open challenge for someone to get a film-related celebrity (actor or director) to endorse
  9. MovieForums. This can take the form of a photo with the celeb holding up a message or a video with them saying something about MovieForums. Or anything else you can think of. JayDee
  10. 1. Watch a film from at least 7 different countries. For the purpose of this challenge let's classify the UK and Ireland as one country, and lump the US and Canada together as one country of North America. So for example if you watch films from USA, Canada, England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland you've not ticked off 6 countries but just 2. ~ JayDee
  11. 2. Watch a film from each decade between the 1930s and the 2010s. So that's a film from 9 separate decades. ~ JayDee.
  12. Complete the alphabet in terms of films you watch. Taking the first letter of each film try and tick off all 26 letters of the alphabet. If people want to complete this one I imagine we'll be getting a lot of viewings of Quiz Show and Quills. ~ JayDee
  13. I also challenge everyone in the month of October to change their Avatar to something relating to chocolate. ~ Friendly Mushroom
  14. I challenge everyone who has a MoFo list completed to make a list ranking all of the films on the list low to high. If you are like Gunslinger or Holden Pike who have several lists completed, you only need to do one.~ Friendly Mushroom
  15. I challenge everyone on April Fool's Day to change their Avatar to a Troll Face. ~ Friendly Mushroom

  1. I challenge Gideon58 to learn how to use the forum. ~ Captain Spaulding[

  1. I challenge Nostromo to make a MoFo inspired art piece. ~ Godoggo
  2. I challenge nostromo to do The Burning commentary with (at least) me. ~HK

  1. I challenge TheUsualSuspect to find a director that he hasn't seen any of films from before and watch and review one. ~ Godoggo
  2. I challenge TUS to watch and review at least one film per week in his collection thread. ~ HK

  1. Honeykid:I challenge to watch five movies released in 2015. ~ Seanc
  2. I challenge HK to post a picture in the personal pictures thread. ~ Cricket
  3. I challenge honeykid to complete the horror list! I just looked and there are some good ones on there you haven't seen.~ Swan

  1. I challenge Loner to write at least once post per day for a month. ~ Gatsby

  1. I challenge Yoda to make the HK 100 an official MoFo list. ~ HoneyKid
  2. I challenge Yoda to complete 3 more movie club podcasts again with members that never have before.~ Raul
  3. I challenge Yoda to watch 20 films from both the AFI 100 Cheers and Passions list, ten best picture winners and one each from the following.
    MoFo Top 100 of the 1970's
    MoFo Top 100 of the 1980's
    BFI Top 100 British Films
    (53 films in total.)~ Mushroom
  4. I challenge Yoda to come up with MoFo tee-shirts that he can sell to us.~ Cricket
  5. Yoda - I challenge you to go old school and write a movie review, just one will do. It's been like two and a half years since your last review. Come back into the fold~ JayDee .

  1. I challenge eM to come back and start posting regularly again. ~ HoneyKid

  1. I challenge Ash to come back and start posting regularly again. ~ HoneyKid

  1. I challenge n3wt to post more. ~ HoneyKid.

Daniel M
  1. I challenge Daniel M to watch every film on the HK 100 by the end of next year
    Someone challenge me!
  2. I challenge Daniel M to watch the Up documentaries. At least the first four~ Godoggo.
  3. I challenge Daniel M to open a preliminary 60s thread once the animation countdown is over, and to lead an insanely great countdown for it. ~ Raul
  4. Daniel M - I challenge you to watch Guardians of the Galaxy. Let's see if Mr Art House Mafia Jr. can still enjoy a film whose only purpose is to be fun.~ JayDee
  5. I challenge Daniel M to be working on a movie by the end of the year. It can be the one you showed me or a different one. Either way, go for it, brother! ~swan

  1. You've never made a thread so...I challenge you to make a Mistique's Movies thread and tell your fellow MoFo's what and why you love the movies that you do. ~ Citizen Rules
  2. I challenge Mistique to watch 120-115 of my favorite 120 list. Number 120 you have to watch for the short tournament anyway.~ Godoggo

  1. I challenge you to watch Quills. ~ Miss Vicky
  2. I challenge MovieMeditation to watch Sansho the Bailiff. ~Rauld

Friendly Mushroom
  1. I challenge Friendly Mushroom to change his moniker under his avatar for one month to: Citizen Rules...Rules!
  2. Watch 2 Busby Berkley films.
  3. I challenge Friendly Mushroom to watch at least five of the nine movies from the "100 Years of Musicals" list that you haven't watched yet. ~ gbgoodies
  4. I challenge Friendly Mushroom to watch all best pictures from the 1990s they haven't seen. ~ Raul
  5. I challenge the very next person who post to watch 3 Orson Welles films.~ Rules
  6. I challenge Friendly Mushroom! to watch at least 10 more movies from the MoFo Millennium List. (He's only seen 19 so far).

    The ten movies must include at least three of the following:

    Hedwig and the Angry Inch
    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    Brotherhood of the Wolf
    Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
    Inglourious Basterds

John McClane
  1. I challenge John McClane to go one weekend without a drink

  1. I challenge GS to do more commentaries.~HK
  2. I challenge Gunslinger45 to check off ten films from each of the following lists.

    Roger Ebert's Great Movies
    Best Picture Winners
    AFI 100 Cheers
    MoFo Top 100 of the 80's
    MoFo Top 100 of the 90's ~ Friendly Mushroom
  3. The Gunslinger45 - I challenge you to post at least 8 reviews in your reviews thread. In the 10 Ring: Gunslinger45's Reviews has been dormant for way too long. ~JayDee

  1. 3. I challenge cricket to watch Tucker and Dale vs. Evil if he hasn't already! ~ Movie Med
  2. I challenge Cricket to pick one challenge from any member and complete it. (Must be an active challenge and not a completed one.) ~ Godoggo

  1. I challenge Tenshi to post another picture he/she drew in the MoFo art tab.Godoggo

  1. I challenge Zotis to dwerp 5 avatars of his choice, or for whoever wants one. ~ Godoggo

Mark F.
  1. [+]I challenge Mark F. to challenge someone and get them to complete it by Jan. 15th. You don't have to specify the person. Anyone that completes a challenge by you on or before that date counts. (It must be something that takes at least the time it takes to watch one movie.) ~ Godoggo
  2. I challenge Mark to get a MoFo tattoo.- Cricket

  1. I challenge Guap to watch the first two seasons of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I can understand the first will be a real struggle for you, Guap, but I think the second season is a better barometre for you. Persoanlly I think seasons 3 and 5 are the best, but I don't think you'd agree. I think you'd prefer two and six. ~ Honeykid
    3-time MoFo Award winner.

  1. I challenge Lines to post a pic of himself where he's not wearing braces. ~ HK

Powdered Water
  1. I challenge PW to post more about his thoughts on football/soccer. ~ HK

  1. I challenge Yoda and Wintertriangles to complete 3 more movie club podcasts again with members that never have before.

  1. I challenge The Rodent to watch all of these B budget Sci Fi films that he hasn't already seen:
    Tarantula, The Mole People, The Incredible Shrinking Man
    The Monolith Monsters, Dr. Cyclops, Cult of the Cobra
    The Land Unknown, The Deadly Mantis, The Leech Woman ~ Rules

  1. I challenge jiraffejustin to finish your "Top Comic Book Movies" list in your profile. (You're only missing 5 movies from that list, so it shouldn't be too hard.)
  2. I challenge jiraffejustine to watch Fritz Lang's Siegfried, and Kriemhild's Revenge. You also have to tell us how you found it and where.~Zotis

Frightened Inmate
  1. I challenge Frightened Inmate No. 2 to bring at least two lists on your lists page up to at least 75% complete, and you can pick which lists.~ Gbgoodies
  2. I, Claudius. Human Condition Trilogy.Watch them ~ Jiraffe .

  1. I challenge Skepsis to make the top 50 Mofos with the highest post counts. ~ Godoggo

  1. Ok. I challenge you (Rhys) to watch five animation films each one from a different country. The countries can be English speaking. Must not have viewed them before.
    ~ Godoggo

  1. I challenge myself to watch a movie a day for the whole year.

  1. I challenge Kaplan to watch at least 10 movies that you haven't already seen from the "BFI Screen Guides' 100 Film Noirs" list, and write up your thoughts about the movies as if they had been nominated. You don't have to do long reviews if you don't want to. You can just write up a quick rating with your thoughts about the movies. ~Gbgoodies

  1. . I challenge you to get your passions list up to 25%. You have to actually watch the movies though and not just check them off. ~ Godoggo

  1. Challenged to start a thread that receives at least 20 replies~ Godoggo

You have been challenged. You have all year. :cool:

seanc 12-15-14 10:32 PM

Re: 2015 MoFo Challenges
Love it. I will try to come up with some. I accept my new year challenge gladly.

Swan 12-15-14 10:34 PM

Re: 2015 MoFo Challenges
Challenge accepted!

Godoggo 12-15-14 10:35 PM

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 1220605)
Love it. I will try to come up with some. I accept my new year challenge gladly.
I remember you posting about how you should watch more of his movies. That's how I want this thread to work. If people say they should or want to do something, I believe the likelihood of them actually doing so will be increased if they are challenged.

Also if you really think someone will like something but needs a little nudge to get them to see/read/do it.

seanc 12-15-14 10:39 PM

Re: 2015 MoFo Challenges
I could tell you put some thought into it. I will try and do the same.

Godoggo 12-15-14 10:54 PM

I want everyone to get a challenge, so everyone start challenging! Be creative. It doesn't have to be movie orientated.

rauldc14 12-15-14 11:02 PM

Re: 2015 MoFo Challenges
Love this idea.

I'll certainly be challenging a few of you as well.

Cobpyth 12-15-14 11:12 PM

Re: 2015 MoFo Challenges
Cool idea! I'll think of an interesting challenge for someone.

TheUsualSuspect 12-15-14 11:32 PM

Re: 2015 MoFo Challenges
Really great idea here, interested to see what people come up with.

Godoggo 12-15-14 11:36 PM

I'm hoping to check in tomorrow and see lots of challenges going on.

I'm not going to make any sort of rule, but it would be nice if this had a sort of pass it on thing going so that when you get challenged you challenge someone else. That way the most possible people will be involved.

rauldc14 12-15-14 11:40 PM

Re: 2015 MoFo Challenges
I think we should limit it to three challenges per person to do, mainly because of time. And as always, make them realistic to complete.

Sexy Celebrity 12-15-14 11:42 PM

Re: 2015 MoFo Challenges
I challenge EVERYONE (including myself) to not log onto Movie Forums for a whole month. No posting, no reading. Just take a vacation from it.

Godoggo 12-15-14 11:49 PM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1220684)
I think we should limit it to three challenges per person to do, mainly because of time. And as always, make them realistic to complete.
Yeah, I mean if someone gives you something unrealistic, obviously it won't get done.

Also it would be helpful if someone wants to be challenged to say so. That way other members will know to give you one.

mark f 12-15-14 11:59 PM

Re: 2015 MoFo Challenges
1. I challenge Sexy Celebrity to commentate on three full-length Asian movies he watches completely and in their original language.
2. I challenge Mr Minio to not make any kinky remarks or use any kinky or reaction images/gifs/videos for a month.
3. I challenge TokeZa to watch four American super hero movies that he hasn't seen and report what he thought.
4. More later.

rauldc14 12-16-14 12:00 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1220688)
I challenge EVERYONE (including myself) to not log onto Movie Forums for a whole month. No posting, no reading. Just take a vacation from it.
I won't do that. And I damn well hope all my Mofo friends will follow my lead. Except SC, he can.

Sexy Celebrity 12-16-14 12:01 AM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1220701)
I won't do that. And I damn well hope all my Mofo friends will follow my lead. Except SC, he can.
Suit yourself. You don't have to do it. But I have challenged you and everyone else to.

Sexy Celebrity 12-16-14 12:02 AM

Originally Posted by mark f (Post 1220700)
1. I challenge Sexy Celebrity to commentate on three full-length Asian movies he watches completely and in their original language.
Only three? I will try.

TheUsualSuspect 12-16-14 12:15 AM

Re: 2015 MoFo Challenges
I challenge Sexy Celebrity to NOT create a new thread for an entire YEAR. You may only post replies.

Guaporense 12-16-14 12:40 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1220688)
I challenge EVERYONE (including myself) to not log onto Movie Forums for a whole month. No posting, no reading. Just take a vacation from it.
Did this in september and october. Though I am not that interested in movies overall these past few months.

Captain Spaulding 12-16-14 12:59 AM

Re: 2015 MoFo Challenges
I challenge Sexy Celebrity to post a picture of himself in a leopard-print thong. :randy:

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