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hello101 11-03-14 05:53 PM

Hello101's movie reviews

seanc 11-03-14 06:03 PM

Re: Hello101's movie reviews
I love Raging Bull. I think its a great intimate character study of a powder keg of a human being. I would never make the comparison of Bickle to LaMotta except for the reasons you stated. Glad to see another review thread. Keep them coming.

hello101 11-03-14 06:09 PM

Re: Hello101's movie reviews
Thanks a lot sean, appreciate it.

Simseboy 11-03-14 09:05 PM

Re: Hello101's movie reviews
Raging Bull is a masterpiece.

Captain Spaulding 11-04-14 12:20 AM

Re: Hello101's movie reviews
Just so you know, if you want the reviews to be included in the reviews section, you'll have to limit it to one movie per post.

Good start, though, hello101. I always appreciate the mofos who take the time to write down their thoughts on various films, so I'll be following your thread. Hopefully you don't abandon it after just a few posts like so many others have in the past. :)

hello101 11-07-14 04:51 PM

Review #3 - King Kong:
(Peter Jackson, 2005)

At first glance, Peter Jackson’s King Kong has disaster written all over it, per usual with remakes. Everything from the overdone CGI to parody-like elements of the original film enforce this preconceived notion. Thankfully, with it being in the hands of Peter Jackson (who is a big fan of the original), the remake of the classical 1933 film is a success on all fronts and even outdoes the original. It’s a spectacle from start to finish, everything is filled with a great sense of grandiose.

This film is about three hours long, surpassing all previous instalments in that regard, time is used wisely as Jackson diversifies - act 1: being set in New York and emphasises employment issues in the city, act 2: On the ship, explores the characters and the developing relationships, act 3: Skull Island, discovering the terrors and beauties of its habitants and the danger of disturbing peace. The ape himself is giving an emotional facelift, both literally and figuratively, due to the genius of CGI prowess and because of the great special effects, you can see and feel the emotions of Kong. His inner-self greatly contrasts with the fierce, interior look you are made to expect on both sides.

Labelled an action move, but it’s about an hour before a scene of actiony-substance is presented, and oh how glorious is it. The fight between Kong and the T-Rexes truly possess an epic feel, comparable to an Ali-Tyson rumble or Hawkins and Einstein facing off in a game of wit. Hype is often the cause of one’s downfall when it becomes too great, the clash between these monsters is an exception and the actual contents match up to the hype. Stressing over one scene may seem insignificant, but it’s beautiful for its impressiveness and badass for its nature. Everything visual of Peter Jackson’s King Kong pertains to that same statement.

The strongest relationship is between Ann and Kong by far, sorry Adrien Brody, the beast’s charms are untouchable. The null relationship transforms (over time) into love (for Kong at least) and a close bond for Ann. I’m not sure if Skull Island is entirely a CGI creation or it’s part CGI, part real-life or just the foundation is based on real life and CGI is the execution. It’s impressive either way - the haunting visual of the rainy day in which they encounter the hostile nudists and conflict that comes afterwards, which involves some gleeful set pieces.

King Kong tributes its origins, and in general the 1930s film industry without becoming self-aware to the viewer. It may come off as a slight mockery but to me, was quite the homage and wink to the era. Peter Jackson embodies everything classical hollywood is about in his version of King Kong.

christine 11-07-14 05:15 PM

Re: Hello101's movie reviews
I absolutely love Raging Bull. Death Wish is awful.

cricket 11-07-14 11:00 PM

I would have to disagree about the dialogue in Raging Bull. I don't think dialogue needs to be witty or come off as intelligent to be great. I think it just needs to fit in with the characters and the story, and I think it does this to perfection. I would also disagree about the style over substance part; I just don't see it that way. I would consider Raging Bull to be one of the few great masterpieces ever made. That being said, it's not the easiest movie to like. In fact, despite what I think of it, it's not quite even in my own top 100. That's also an interesting observation you made at the end. Who knows?

I always think fondly of Death Wish, and look at it as an old favorite. However, I haven't seen it in many years.

I'm with you on King Kong. That's a great adventure film.

Glad to see you starting a review thread; keep it up:up:

Captain Spaulding 11-08-14 06:28 AM

Re: Hello101's movie reviews
I've only seen King Kong once. I actually bought it on DVD a few years ago, but I think it's still in the plastic. I remember the movie getting off to a really slow start, but once they finally arrive at Skull Island it turns into a very exciting, very thrilling film, with some great set pieces. And for a giant CGI ape, I felt quite a bit of sympathy for King Kong. But as I said, I've never felt the desire to re-visit it.

hello101 11-09-14 03:34 AM

Review #4 - Full Metal Jacket:
(Stanley Kubrick, 1987)

Having seen Apocalypse Now, Deer Hunter, Platoon and now, Full Metal Jacket. I've finally watched the four essential and frequently discussed war-psychology films, satisfying myself somewhat.

Let's see how FMJ stacks up:

The training part (agree with common consensus) is definitely superior to the war acts. It’s a perfect depiction of military training and its effects on the fragile, Lee Ermey nails the qualities of a senior drill instructor and Vincent D’Onofrio greatly plays the frailty in the form of Private “Pyle”. A harmless, clumsy oaf who descends into a killer (and eventual suicide) after experiencing the worst of officer training. “Joker” is the protagonist though it’s not very clear from the start, main character actually, there’s not much of an antagonist in this film. Kubrick has a knack for unlikeable mains, see Alex in A Clockwork Orange, even though the stuff Alex does is downright despicable, I sympathised for him in prison and once released back into the world.

Private “Joker” on the other hand, is just an annoying, smart-ass brat. I couldn’t stand him but at the same time wasn't put off. There’s no character development for four-eyes, his persona is consistent both in training and in the battlefield. That may be the point though, some come out of training mindless, killing machines like Pyle and Animal Mother whilst others escape unscathed. However, the ending could be interoperated as a turning point for Joker, hesitation overcomes him in what’s his first kill and right after, Joker is singing the Mickey Mouse song, brushing off the tense prior moments carelessly like the zombies he serves with.

FMJ has a lot more than depth than its counterpart Platoon, it’s not narrowly an anti-war film, as with all Kubrick movies, nothing is what it appears to be. The scene where they’re pitted down by a single sniper is intense admittedly, I thought Private “Cowboy” was particularly great in that scene, the line “Shut the **** up Joker” may have contribute to it but ahhhhhh, he was great anyways. The editing of 8-Ball and his partner being hit by a barrage of bullets is amateurish and looks out-of-place as it constantly shifts between the chatter of Cowboy’s squad, though would’ve exceptional for its time and there’s solace in the great looking blood effects. The haunting music in Pyle’s suicide scene is monumental in adding to the scene as if it wasn’t already emotional and deeply affecting.

I thought Animal Mother was Pyle’s brother at first, great resemblance between appearance and inner self. Two cold, merciless individuals made so by military brainwashing. Difference is Animal Mother is more capable, though I’d argue Pyle become as capable as any Marine by the end of training. Vincent D’onofrio was practically mesmerising in his role. The war-torn locations are magnified by the great cinematography which accurately shows the destructive impacts of battle.

Full Metal Jacket is a fantastic film for its various performances and not so black and white take on war, among other things.

Captain Spaulding 11-09-14 08:40 AM

Re: Hello101's movie reviews
Full Metal Jacket is one of my least favorites from Kubrick, though I still think it's a very good movie. Like you, the boot camp stuff is my favorite section of the film.

cricket 11-09-14 12:14 PM

I saw FMJ at the movies when it came out, and I always thought Matthew Modine was an interesting choice for the lead role, but it worked out and I love the movie.

hello101 11-09-14 12:16 PM

Re: Hello101's movie reviews
Whoops, accidentally put the full five stars.

hello101 11-10-14 06:09 AM

Review #5 - The Godfather:
(Francis Ford Coppla, 1972)

I watched The Godfather Part 2 several months ago and found myself entirely detached from what was happening on screen, I just didn’t give a …. for some reason. It moves at a plodding pace and doesn’t demand attention like Goodfellas with its constant excessiveness. Fast forward to today, having decided to give The Godfather a go which I should’ve watched initially, instead of its sequel. I wasn’t disappointed to say the least, the film is just pure class, literally. It’s not excessive, sure there’s a few swears and violence which is not overdone, but rather done just right. It has a sense of purity and serenity which other gangster films lack, which is pretty amazing with all the dark themes.

I guess the warm colors, exquisite camera-work and beautiful locations can be held accountable for the peacefulness. But also Marlo Brando’s performance, it oozes humbleness which is contrary to the notorious figure he plays. James Caan is undeniably great as the hotheaded Sonny, the film was missing a sense of extravagance when he died. His death wasn’t throwaway, it was made to be a moment of remembrance. Al Pacino transforms Michael Corleone from a boy of hopes, dreams and kindness to a cold and strict Don with great subtlety, reminiscent of his father. The film is paced very well and covers lots of situations hence the several year stretch. The sub-plots are pivotal to the main story and executed well.

The chemistry between everyone is impeccable, which is impressive considering there’s a lot of peeps in this film, a true family. The dialogue is smart, symbolic and delivered superbly by the cast. I love how the brothers all represent one side of their father - Sonny is the muscle, Michael is the smarts and Fredo is the lady's man/looks? (not sure what's his appeal).

The Godfather is the perfect mafia film. Francis Ford Coppla’s almost operatic take on the gangster genre boosts the picture to unprecedented heights. With further viewings, I can easily see The Godfather becoming one of my favourites. Part 2 just has to be revisited for my love of the first one.

(That’s legit btw :p)

cricket 11-10-14 10:15 AM

Cool to see you gave The Godfather the right rating. I also feel the same as you regarding part II, and that's a movie I need to revisit.

Gideon58 11-18-14 05:30 PM

I've never seen Raging Bull but your review made me want to. Don't like The Godfather as most people do, but appreciated what you wrote.

hello101 12-03-14 02:58 PM

Review #6 - When The Wind Blows:
(Jimmy Murakami, 1986)

When The Wind Blows is an on-screen adaptation of the 1982 novel. It’s an animation but don’t let the bright colours and cute motion fool you, it’s a rollercoaster of a ride, one that’ll have you laughing at the main characters’ cluelessness one minute and hoping for their survival the next. Even though most of the film consists of the couple mumbling about and shooting the s-h-i-t, you develop an attachment to these seemingly ordinary people, their innocence pulls you in.

They’re so clueless but that’s the beauty of it all, sometimes being clueless aids the situation. I mean If James and Hilda Bloggs (the main chars) were up-to date with the news and happenings in the world, they would’ve not had the faith to (attempt) tough it out and place trust in their government, and the movie would’ve been boring (:p). But their vibrant and adorable personalities keep you aboard the whole way through, James’ ramblings about the war and Hilda’s conservative attitude are just routine chatter but they’re oddly gripping. When The Wind Blows for real, their personalities stay the same, their perseverance never dies and moral is kept the same despite the fraught situation. Heart-string pulling here, the post-nuclear segments are hard to stomach, the two people who were harmlessly conversing earlier in the day are now diminishing to bone before our very eyes. It's amazing what happens throughout the course of a day, the saddening transformations, you know it's going to happen but don't want it to, especially to such nice people. :(

When The Wind Blows is the perfect adaption of Raymond Brigg’s novel, there’s nothing I would’ve done different, animation was a smart genre decision, the colours, personalities and appearances provide a great contrast backdrop for the dreary main topic (nuclear bombings). When The Wind Blows is beautifully tragic.

MovieMeditation 12-03-14 07:32 PM

Really need to watch that one!

Thanks for the awesome review hello101! :up: :D

Citizen Rules 12-03-14 08:46 PM

Re: Hello101's movie reviews
101, Nice job on your reviews! I've only seen one of these recently, King Kong

I enjoyed your review on it, it read well too. My favorite part was act 1 with Jack Black as a roguish movie director trying to scrape up enough money to make a film.

cricket 12-03-14 08:53 PM

Never heard of When the Wind Blows but you sure make it sound good.

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