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Mr. Fong 01-19-01 08:40 PM

Here are some thoughts and predictions for the 2001 Golden Globe Awards.

Gladiator should take the honors in this category. Gladiator has recieved a lot of media attention lately and its getting a big hollywood push. In this case, Gladiator is deserving. Gladiator has an intelligent script, superb and dynamic characters, solid acting by the entire cast, an epic story, and most important, quality directing. Possibly the greatest epic/action movie ever, it rivals if not excells past Braveheart.

My prediction is this award will go to Julia Roberts, since she has the name recognition and Erin Brokavich was one of her most successful movies critically and commercially. However, I feel Laura Linney deserves to take home the Golden Globe. She put forward an emotionally charged performance. Linney just gives a really memorable performance and just seemed to bring her chracter to life.

This is an extremely weak year for actor performances. i would have to say that Tom Hanks will win the globe and he is probably most deserving in this case as well, but almost by defualt. Cast Away was a horrible movie, but Hanks did give that movie hi own commpassion and saved Cast Away from being a complete failure. Not a great performance by any means but in a weak year, Hanks name alone should take it. it should be noted that i have not seen Before Night Falls and there seems to be a lot of positive talk from the Bardem camp. This award is up for grabs.

This is a very competitive catagory this year, with many deserving films. I'd have to say that the Globe will give its award to Chocalat. It has the new hot push since it recently came out and it should help carry it to the award. Almost Famous is a solid movie with critical acclaim, but the fact it failed in the box office will hurt its chances. My personal favorite of this group is Best In Show. A hilarious and entertaining movie throughout. I laughed on the edge of my seat the entire film. Amazing acting and a brilliant script. The new Mockumentary style of movie aking is innovative and ingenius. however, Best In Show wont win best comedy, the Globes wont have the guts to give somethign so fresh and creative its due.

Chocalat will take best picture and Juliette Binoche will take best actress. She is just a lovable and irrisistable force in this film. she will definetly take this award. Honarble mention to Tracy Ullman, she really showed her acting and comedic abilities in Small Time Crooks, but shouldnt out do Binoche.

Carrey is becoming legendary in this category. I think his streak will continue. His mark on the Grinch is undeniable, but i dont think he deserves to win. John Cusack was in the brilliant and well written film, High Fidelity. That movie seemed to be made for Cusack's laid back sarcastic acting style. Cusack does great in that movie and should be given the globe.

I have not seen any of these films yet, but it seems pretty evident that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon will win this award. Look for it to be nominated for best picture overall at the Oscars as well. It has a lot of positive hype.

Judi Dench is very deserving, but equally deserving is the younger Kate Hudson. Both performances are very solid and I could see the Globe going to either actress. However id hope they would give the nod to Kate Hudson who deserves it more. She simply had a star making perfomance in Almost Famous. you leave that movie with her impression on your mind. she will be a star.

Consistently every single year probably the most competitive and solid category. this year is no exception. The award will go to jaoquin Phoenix i predict, this will ecpecially be true if Gladiator takes best picture. Phoenix almost stole the movie with his molding of the evil emperor in Gladiator.

No doubt this award should and will go to Ridley Scott for his amazing work with Gladiator. Great pacing, solid cuts and beautiful camera work. he is the main reason Gladiator excells past its dumb action movie stigma. his directing gives depth and helps to push the themes of the movie to the forefront.

Golden Globes on SUNDAY! IM PUMPEd!!!

Zephyrus 01-22-01 03:37 AM

Mr. Fong, that was a pretty accurate description! Looks like someone had some inside info ;D

I got to watch the awards from about two thirds through, here's what I think:

Best Picture Drama

Gladiator did take it just like you said, I was laughing my head off when Elizabeth Taylor almost announced the winner before all the nominations were read out!! I thought it was all part of the show until I realised that it was for real :) Out of the nominations, I guess Gladiator should have taken it, although I would have given Billy Elliot a good shot too....

Best Actress Drama

Julia Roberts was also funny when accepting the award, she was almost hysterical :) She definitely deserved it!

Best Actor Drama

I just knew Hanks was gonna get this, his performance in Cast Away was really great!

Best Director

Ang Lee won best director for Crouching Tiger, surprisingly beating Soderbergh who was nominated for Traffic and Erin...

Overall, it wasn't that bad! Looking forward to the Oscars!
[Edited by Zephyrus on 01-22-2001]

Mr. Fong 01-22-01 02:45 PM

A very entertaining golden globe show, like usual.
A few interesting surprises.
I was dissapointed and somewhat shocked that they gave the best supporting actor award to Benecio Del Torro. Dont get me wrong, hes a unique and eccentric actor, but if they give best drama to Gladiator, it only seems fitting that they award its best performer in the film, Jaoquin Phoenix.

Another surprise...Elizabeth Taylor acting like a drunken fool. I guess if anyone can act like a ditz and get away with it, its Elizabeth ...and GW Bush, but thats another issue. I agree though, even though she almost ruined the surprise, she cracked me up.

Im very surprised that Ang Lee took home best director. This Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon must be something special no? Its going to be a very interesting competion at this years oscars to see what films get the nomination snub and which films actually win for best picture.

Im pretty happy that Almost Famous got so much recognition at the Globes as well. Even though hardly anyone saw it, let alone heard of it, its a loavable movie, with some great performances.

thmilin 01-22-01 11:32 PM

Mr. Fong, dear, Elizabeth Taylor has health problems that have, over time, affected her behavior. She was not always so "ditsy." It's a matter of her health.

As for awards and stuff ...

Benizio Del Toro was great in Traffic. He deserved the award, I feel, over Joaquin. It's really not hard to play the sick, depraved ruler. It is much harder to play a good man struggling over corruption, of himself, those close to him, and hoping to do something good for his town.

As for Tom Hanks and CastAway ... I think that I am not so moved by his performance as I am by Geoffrey Rush in Quills. He was incredible. And, by the way, Joaquin did a much more challenging performance in that one than in Gladiator. Back to Rush - that man stripped down to his bare soul too and went to the darkest depths. I think it's cause it's an indy movie it didn't get the attention (or appreciation) it should have.

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