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Masterman 07-06-13 05:05 PM

A view from the Master.
A View From The Master

Well as most of you will know my top 100 didn't quite finish the way I wanted it to. I've had to reset my phone (I lost everything, Damn you apple), so all is in good working order now. I've made a new review thread because there were still movies from my list I wanted to write something about, so a new review thread seemed a good idea. Ill also be posting reviews of new movies aswell as old ones.

Masterman 07-06-13 05:11 PM

The Terminator
Directed By: James Cameron

Plot - A cyborg assassin called "The Terminator" is sent back through time to 1984 to kill the seemingly innocent Sarah Connor-a woman whose unborn son will lead the human race to victory in a bitter future war with a race of machines. If the Terminator succeeds, mankind is doomed. Sarah's only hope is a soldier from that post-apocalyptic war, who has chased the Terminator back through time. The future of the human race depends on which one finds her first.

O.J. Simpson was considered for the Terminator, but the producers feared he was "too nice" to be taken seriously as a cold-blooded killer. In 1990 (before Simpson's first trial) Dark Horse Comics printed issues using his likeness.
The Terminator is where this movie franchise all kicked of, we have had tv shows, computer games, movie merchandise, and sequels all come along over the years - but The Terminator is where it all begin. For me this movie is by far the strongest in the series, I know alot of people prefer T2 but Ime a big fan of the original and nothing comes close. Ime not saying T2 is a bad movie, I think it's a fantastic movie but there are just things I like alot better about the original film.

. I like the darker tone

. This movie stars Michael Biehn

. I prefer Arnold as the villain

. Linda Hamilton looks do-able in this movie, in T2 she lookes like a beefed up steroid user who would put me in a choke hold.

. This movie doesn't star Edward Furlong.

. Edward Furlong isn't on my screen screaming his annoying ass off in every scene.

Terminator is a movie icon, it's a movie that will no doubt get a re-boot sometime soon, and it will doubt kill the franchise of even more. Some movies are better of left alone, T2 worked as a sequel but everything after that just dragged The series down, none more so than terminator 3 (terrible). Termination Salvation tryed to take the movie in a different direction, it changed the format and although it wasn't terrible it still wasn't good either.

This movie will always have a place in my favourite movies collection, it's a movie I enjoy watching and although it's a little dated now its still a fantastic movie. Great cast, great story and one of the best movie soundtracks out there make this a movie for everyone ( my mum even like this movie)..

cricket 07-06-13 11:56 PM

I agree with every single thing you said here. When I first saw T2 at the movies, I was 20yo and thought it was awesome. I still think it is very good but the first one has held up much better for me. I'd give The Terminator 10/10 and T2 8/10. I haven't watched anything after T2 as it appears to have gone downhill. I have The Terminator in the top 5 action movies ever made and do not see the point in trying to remake it. I think you hit it right on the head with the darker tone, Arnold as a villain, Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong, and Michael Biehn-who was also great in Aliens.

Masterman 07-07-13 12:13 AM

Re: A view from the Master.
Thanks, glad you agree. I wouldn't bother watching T3 or Salvation if you havnt seen them, it would be a complete waste of time.

The Gunslinger45 07-07-13 12:22 AM

Re: A view from the Master.
Waste of time, wasted effort, and a waste of talent. Plus it killed the franchise.

Masterman 07-07-13 12:23 AM

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 921302)
Waste of time, wasted effort, and a waste of talent. Plus it killed the franchise.
Agree'd. Atleast we still have the first 2 movies :).

The Gunslinger45 07-07-13 12:33 AM

Originally Posted by Masterman (Post 921303)
Agree'd. Atleast we still have the first 2 movies :).
Oh yeah they are bad ass! Classic movies.

BlueLion 07-07-13 10:23 AM

For me, T3 was anything but a waste of time.

Masterman 07-07-13 12:09 PM

Re: A view from the Master.
^^^^^ that doesn't make up for the pile of crap T3 is, although she is hot.

Masterman 07-07-13 01:32 PM

Directed By Zack Snyder

Plot: In 480 BC, the Persian king Xerxes sends his massive army to conquer Greece. The Greek city of Sparta houses its finest warriors, and 300 of these soldiers are chosen to meet the Persians at Thermopylae, engaging the soldiers in a narrow canyon where they cannot take full advantage of their numbers. The battle is a suicide mission, meant to buy time for the rest of the Greek forces to prepare for the invasion. However, that doesn't stop the Spartans from throwing their hearts into the fray, determined to take as many Persians as possible with them.

There are 1,523 cuts in the film, with over 1300 visual effect shots comprising 8631 visual effect elements.

300 is a love it or hate it movie, it's movie that devides opinion with movie fans, which isn't a shock because most of Zack Snyder's work does that. Watchmen, Man Of Steel and 300 all have there haters, but those movies also have there fair share of fans - me being a one of them. Zack Snyder is fast becoming one of my favourite directors out there, I think all his work is visually amazing and his eye for detail is remarkable. 300 is visually his best work, it looks absolutely amazing, every tiny detail looks incredible and makes some scenes in this movie look epic. I know this movie isn't a masterpiece, I know it has its flaws - but I just can't understand why it receives so much hate among some critics, and many movie fans. In my eyes it's a very entertaining movie, that looks and sounds fantastic... Although the narrator annoys the crap out of me, seriously his voice is more annoying than Bridget Jones on her period..

The filmmakers used bluescreen 90% of the time, and greenscreen for 10%. They chose blue because it better matched the lighting paradigm (green would have been too bright) and because red garments (a la spartan capes) look better when shot over blue.
This is a movie that cracked my top 100 favourite movies, infact in cracked my top ten so you can probably see ime a big fan. Zack Snyder is certainly making a name for him self now, whether it's good or bad press he certainly has people's attention and with his latest blockbuster Man Of Steel deviding opinion yet again.... he just keeps making more of a fan out of me. Overall 300 is a great movie, I own it on both DVD and Blu Ray and I can't wait for its sequel to hit the screens next year, even if it isn't Synder directing.

The Gunslinger45 07-07-13 01:45 PM

Re: A view from the Master.
I agree that 300 is a love it or hate it movie. Me? I love it! And while I have not seen all of his movies, from the ones I have seen, I agree that 300 is by far the most visually striking. The narrator I had no beefs with, and I won't ask why you watched Bridget Jones Diary.

I also liked the fact that they kept certain lines in from the accounts of the battle like "Then we will fight in the shade." And when the Persians told the the Spartans to lay down their arms they said "Come and take them" I thought that was really cool.

Masterman 07-07-13 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 921391)
I agree that 300 is a love it or hate it movie. Me? I love it! And while I have not seen all of his movies, from the ones I have seen, I agree that 300 is by far the most visually striking. The narrator I had no beefs with, and I won't ask why you watched Bridget Jones Diary.

I also liked the fact that they kept certain lines in from the accounts of the battle like "Then we will fight in the shade." And when the Persians told the the Spartans to lay down their arms they said "Come and take them" I thought that was really cool.
Yep there are some really cool lines throughout the movie. Glad to see another fan on here. :)

jiraffejustin 07-07-13 02:03 PM

Re: A view from the Master.
Terminator I liked. 300? I'm on the opposite side of The Gunslinger on this one.

The Gunslinger45 07-07-13 02:10 PM

Re: A view from the Master.
Snyder is a polarizing director. Except for Sucker Punch. No one liked that movie.

Masterman 07-07-13 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 921407)
Snyder is a polarizing director. Except for Sucker Punch. No one liked that movie.
I have not seen Suck Punch, that's one movie of his I am staying clear from.

The Gunslinger45 07-07-13 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by Masterman (Post 921409)
I have not seen Suck Punch, that's one movie of his I am staying clear from.
As am I. I have yet to see or hear someone who liked the movie.

Masterman 07-07-13 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 921410)
As am I. I have yet to see or hear someone who liked the movie.
I have a friend who likes it :yup:, although he does like A Nightmare on Elm street (remake)..... Come to think of it - he's not a friend from today. :)

The Gunslinger45 07-07-13 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by masterman (Post 921457)
i have a friend who likes it :yup:, although he does like a nightmare on elm street (remake)..... Come to think of it - he's not a friend from today. :)

Masterman 07-08-13 08:45 AM

Directed By: Hans Horn

Plot: A weekend break onboard a boat goes horribly wrong for a group of old high-school friends. They forget to let the ladder down before they jump into the ocean for a swim. Without the ladder, it proves impossible to climb back in to the boat. They are stuck in the water many miles from shore, with baby Sara left alone onboard. Sara's mother, Amy, must contend with a childhood incident that has traumatized her into an aqua-phobic, as well as contending with the group of friends' increasing desperation, as they begin to turn on each other. Soon, the exhaustion of keeping afloat, coupled with the struggle to get back onboard, both begin to take a terrible toll. The happy reunion turns into anything but, as a fight for survival ensues.

Well the weekend is over and I managed to sit and watch a movie called Adrift, well when I say I sat and watched a movie - i actually mean I wasted 2 hours of my life ill never get back. Ime not to sure if this movie is a sequel or just a similar movie to open water, but there is no originality at all, the idea of jumping of a boat into the sea without throwing the ladder over first is something I'd probably do, so it's interesting to watch and think how they would get back on the boat. The problem with this movie is once there in the sea there's nothing new at all, there's nothing original and although Open Water wernt great I'd still say it was more enjoyable and a better made movie than this.

Who thinks they could of thought of a better way to get back onboard that boat.
Adrift is a movie full of flaws, I know it wernt made with a big blockbuster budget or it hasn't got a star studded cast but it has some major problems. While I sat watching this movie it became pretty frustrating, all i kept thinking was surely there are more things you could be trying to get back on that boat, I felt like they where ways they could of got out of the water and back onboard but was left floating for the purpose of the movie. Another problem with a movie like this is ..... The characters!, they need to be likeable, they need to connect with the viewer for the movie to work, you need to feel for them in the situation there in and I got nothing from them. Seriously I'd of felt more for the police officer who shot that dog if he was in this situation.

Overall this was a pretty bad movie, it had a weak cast, weak characters and the movie became very boring very fast. It's a movie clinging to that bit of success Open Water had but fails in every way possible, if that even is possible. .

cricket 07-08-13 08:50 AM

I liked Open Water so I was planning on giving this a try sometime. I'll pass now-thanks for the heads up.

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