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TheGirlWhoHadAllTheLuck_ 06-17-13 12:49 PM

The Perfect Double Bill
Name two films that you think would make a perfect double bill and why. It could be same actor, same director, same theme, even same film but one is a remake...Basically, any two films that would compliment or contrast perfectly.

The Rodent 06-17-13 12:59 PM

Re: The Perfect Double Bill
The Goonies and Raiders Of The Lost Ark - 80s adventure classics.

Critters and then Gremlins... mini-creature features.

Rocky and the original The Karate Kid... same director and musician and a similar underdog story.

The Rodent 06-17-13 01:05 PM

Re: The Perfect Double Bill
In the past I've watched Terminator then Terminator 2 then watched Alien and Aliens straight afterward... I've done that a few times, watched all four in that order...

I think it's a nostalgia thing... and it's just a lot of fun :D

I've occasionally watched RoboCop and then either Terminator or Terminator 2 straight after... Robot Fights = Awesome.

HitchFan97 06-17-13 01:14 PM

Re: The Perfect Double Bill
Persona and 3 Women

Two mind-bending masterpieces dealing with identity crises and female psychosis. Altman's film was based off a dream he had after watching Bergman's.

Last Year at Marienbad and The Shining

Stylistically, Kubrick's film is hugely influenced by Resnais', and both of them are incredible.

Safe and Mulholland Drive

One of these I saw just recently, and I detected some very strong visual similarities to the other. Two of the best movies of the last twenty years.

Scenes From a Marriage and A Woman Under the Influence

Domestic turmoil and marital breakdown by the two greatest humanists of the cinema.

Psycho and Dressed to Kill

Hitchcock and his protege; the latter is almost a remake of the former.

Belle de Jour and Eyes Wide Shut

The two best cinematic examinations of desire and sexuality I've come across.

American Graffiti and Dazed and Confused

The two best teen movies ever, and both occur in one night.

Blow-Up and Blow Out

The names say it all. ;)

Short Cuts and Magnolia

This would be a pretty lengthy double bill, but they're two of the best ensemble dramas ever by mentor Altman and apprentice Anderson.

The Rodent 06-17-13 01:18 PM

Re: The Perfect Double Bill
Blow-Up and Blow Out

That's a lot of blowing

The Rodent 06-17-13 01:23 PM

Re: The Perfect Double Bill
Demolition Man, Die Hard and then Predator... ok, not a double bill but they're 3 fantastic actioners with the 3 biggest action stars of their time.

Predator then Aliens. Again, I think it's nostalgia... like with RoboCop and the Terminator films they're some of the first adult rated films I saw.

mark f 06-17-13 01:28 PM

Eraserhead/It's Alive (1974)
The Big Sleep/To Have and Have Not
Fantasia/Allegro non troppo
Beauty and the Beast
Easy Rider/Five Easy Pieces
The French Connection/French Connection II
The Wanderers/The Warriors
Blue Velvet/Tough Guys Don't Dance
8 1/2/Stardust Memories

I better stop for now.

jiraffejustin 06-17-13 01:32 PM

Re: The Perfect Double Bill
Baron Prasil/The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
Both tell the story of the story telling Baron Munchausen.

Un Chien Andalou/Eraserhead
Both are dark surrealist masterpieces.

The Conformist/The Godfather
Beautifully shot dramas whose pictures contrast the grim natures of the films.

HitchFan97 06-17-13 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 913487)
That's a lot of blowing
I knew somebody would go there. :D

donniedarko 06-17-13 02:30 PM

Re: The Perfect Double Bill
To Kill a Mocking Bird/ 12 Angry Men
The Kid/ Sherlock Jr.
Play Misty for Me/ Misery
Trainspotting/ The Acid House

Merv60 06-17-13 02:57 PM

Re: The Perfect Double Bill
There's plenty of obvious ones I can think of but I have a double bill guilty pleasure of David Essex in That'll Be The Day & its sequel Stardust. Tells a great rags to riches & back to rags again story set in the music industry with lots of great cameos to look out for.

n3wt 06-17-13 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 913476)
In the past I've watched Terminator then Terminator 2
This :up:

I think a perfect double bill would be sat in the cinema watching, Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz

Daniel M 06-17-13 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by HitchFan97 (Post 913483)
Short Cuts and Magnolia

This would be a pretty lengthy double bill, but they're two of the best ensemble dramas ever by mentor Altman and apprentice Anderson.
A similar Anderson inspired one...

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre and There Will Be Blood.

Anderson said whilst making his film he watched the former every night, falling asleep to it, and said that the film sums up life and all its questions, in both films we see complex and haunting characters by two of the best actors ever - Bogart and Day-Lewis - and then there's mutual theme, greed.

Another one I could think of:

The Outlaw Josey Wales and Unforgiven.

Two very long films, both by Clint Eastwood and I would say they are his two greatest Westerns, if not his two greatest films directed full stop. I have only watched Josey Wales recently whilst Unforgiven is an all time favourite of mine, although both similar in a lot of ways they also deal with a lot of different issues of the West, the first is more peaceful and enjoyable in the way it's main character's story is told, whilst the latter is a more pessimistic and realistic look at the harsh realities of the Western world, it would also be very interesting to look at Eastwood's progression as a director, with 16 years between the two films.

hell_storm2004 06-17-13 03:46 PM

Kill Bill 1 and 2.

Dark Knight Trilogy (Well it would be a triple-bill).

Mr Minio 06-17-13 04:08 PM

Oslo, 31. august (2011) and Shame (2011)
Common theme: Addiction.

The Fifth Seal (1976) and The Seventh Seal (1957)
Common theme: "Seal".

Alphaville (1965) and Element of Crime (1984)
Common theme: Neo-noir feel.

The Lion in Winter (1968) and Becket (1964)
Common theme: O'Toole as Henry II.

The Face of Another (1966) and Funeral Parade of Roses (1969) and Time (2006)
Common theme: The concept of people wearing masks.

The Banishment (2007) and 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (2007)
Common theme: Abortion.

The Turin Horse (2011) and Dealer (2004)
Common theme: Lack of life.

Raise Ravens (1976) and The Spirit of the Beehive (1973)
Common theme: Ana Torrent.

Wings of Desire (1987) and City of Angels (1998)
Common theme: Angels.

The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972) and Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Common theme: Homosexuality.

Day of Wrath (1943) and Witches' Hammer (1970)
Common theme: Witch trials.

I can go on forever.

The Gunslinger45 06-17-13 04:10 PM

Re: The Perfect Double Bill
Dawn of the Dead / Day of the Dead

Brodinski 06-17-13 04:36 PM

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly + Once Upon A Time in the West

Out of the Past + In a Lonely Place

The Killers + Criss Cross

Day of the Jackal + Le Cercle Rouge

City of God + La Haine

cricket 06-17-13 10:31 PM


The Gunslinger45 06-17-13 10:32 PM

Re: The Perfect Double Bill
Pickpocket / Taxi Driver

jiraffejustin 06-21-13 01:51 PM

Re: The Perfect Double Bill
Forget double features, here's a triple feature that ensures your ensuing insanity:

Tetsuo: the Iron Man

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