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JayDee 04-16-11 04:41 PM

Your Movie Firsts
Thought I'd take the plunge and start my first thread. Apologies if something similar has already been done

Just a little series of questions to see what movies were landmarks in our viewing history.

First film I remember watching - Lady and the Tramp. I remember watching it over and over again. Really need to watch it again actually as I've not seen it in years.

First film I remember seeing at the cinema - I'm sure I saw a lot of animated Disney films when I was young and I know that I went to see the Ninja Turtles movie at the cinema but don't actually remember it. The first I actually do remember would be The Lion King. I went to see it with my mum, my sister and my gran. And went to Burger King afterwards so I could have chips. :)

First 'grown-up' film I saw - Jurassic Park. I must have been about 7 or 8 I think and my mum rented it, although she worried whether I was too young and if I'd get scared. I loved it. As soon as I saw the Brachiosauras rise up to eat from the trees I was in awe

First subtitled film I saw - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Had seen quite a few martial arts prior to that with Jackie Chan and Jet Li but they were on TV so they were shown with dreadful dubs.

First film that made me really love movies - Have to go with The Fellowship of the Ring which just left me stunned when I saw it. That's what really got across the magic of cinema to me and made me want to be a real movie buff

First film I got on DVD - I think it was Mission Impossible 2 which someone got me to go along with my new Playstation 2. Was so excited to watch it. So much so that it didn't matter greatly about the quality of the film. I just remember being so excited with the quality and the bonus features.

Feel free to add any additional questions you can think of

nebbit 04-16-11 06:46 PM

Re: Your Movie Firsts
OMG :scream: just did my list with pictures and everything :yup: lost the lot :bawling: so feeling frustrated so i will be back :mad:

Paris18 04-16-11 07:35 PM

haha love the idea Jay- not sure if i'll be able to remember all of them but i'll give it a try later.

JayDee 04-17-11 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by nebbit (Post 723030)
OMG :scream: just did my list with pictures and everything :yup: lost the lot :bawling: so feeling frustrated so i will be back :mad:
Oh god I hate when that happens. So frustrating!!! :mad: It's like the computer equivalent of stubbing your toe or standing on a lego brick. :D

honeykid 04-17-11 05:49 PM

First film I remember watching - The Jungle Book.

First film I remember seeing at the cinema - The Jungle Book when I was 2. There's a thread dealing with this where I've mentioned it before.

First 'grown-up' film I saw - Dracula (1958) Saw it on tv when I was about 3.

First subtitled film I saw - Probably Seven Samurai. That's certainly the first one that I watched all the way through and loved.

First film that made me really love movies - I've mentioned this before in a thread dealing with this question, but it was The Making Of Michael Jackson's Thriller.

First film I got on DVD - The Shawshank Redemption. I didn't even have a dvd player, but it was cheap, so I bought it with the expectation that I'd do well to find it again at that price.

For those who are a little older.

First video you bought - The Lost Boys

First Video bought for you - Watch With Mother

TylerDurden99 04-17-11 06:41 PM

Re: Your Movie Firsts
First film I remember seeing: T2 on TV. Very memorable experience, as I was fully engrossed and I would not leave my seat.

First film I remember seeing at cinema: Too long ago, I can't even remember.

First grown-up film I saw: T2.

First subtitled film: City Of God.

Film that made me love movies: Lord Of The Rings.

First film I got on DVD: Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship Of The Ring.

Sexy Celebrity 04-17-11 10:52 PM

I might have to guess with some of these...

First film I remember seeing: I have no idea. I think An American Tail was the first movie I saw in a movie theatre as a kid, though, but I doubt that was the first movie I saw. Movies have always been a part of my life. I would have been 3 when I saw that one. I don't know if I ever went to the movies as a baby. I hope I didn't 'cause I hate babies in movie theatres. There was a baby in Scream 4 the other night! OH MY GOD.

First film I remember seeing at cinema: An American Tail. I also vaguely remember seeing Little Shop of Horrors (1986) at the movies, which came out a month after An American Tail, so that sounds right.

First grown-up film I saw: I have no exact clue. Before I started school, I used to always watch the movie channels that my parents subscribed to - HBO, The Movie Channel, Showtime, Cinemax. I was a born TV addict. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2? I remember my addiction to that after seeing it on TV, probably in 1987. After that came more horror movies. All of which I still love today.

First subtitled film: The first one I ever saw in a movie theatre was L'Enfant in 2006 - I think. But I had seen several on DVD before then. Frankly, I don't watch a lot of them. But first one ever? I don't know. Amelie? Probably a spanish speaking movie I watched in spanish class.

Film that made me love movies: Can't say I had a moment where I watched a movie and went, "OK. I now love movies!" Probably the very first one I ever saw. Love comes easily to me, it's not something I have to hold off for later.

First film I got on DVD: The Blair Witch Project... I think. It was a gift. I got a DVD player for Christmas when I was 16 and that was the first DVD someone gave me as a gift (I opened it before Christmas). Some of the first movies I had to get on DVD were The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Beetlejuice and Serial Mom. Bought all of those when DVDs were around $35-$40 each, in the early days (I remember Beetlejuice being a cheap $20, bare bones disc).

I have another category I can add:

First film I got on Blu-ray: Never Back Down. Also, funnily enough, Beetlejuice was the second Blu-ray movie I picked up because it was super cheap. I like Beetlejuice, but it isn't something I HAVE TO HAVE on every format immediately. It just tends to end up very cheap and I like cheap.

Sexy Celebrity 04-17-11 11:59 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 723116)
First film that made me really love movies - I've mentioned this before in a thread dealing with this question, but it was The Making Of Michael Jackson's Thriller.
I can totally understand that. That's a great show. Makes the art of creating entertainment look so much fun.

Originally Posted by honeykid
First video you bought - The Lost Boys

First birthday party/slumber party I went to as a kid, the mom played The Lost Boys ALL NIGHT LONG. So I heard. By the third viewing, around midnight, I said, screw these damn vampires, it's bedtime, and I fell asleep in my Max Headroom sleeping bag.

Leo_Lover 04-18-11 07:02 AM

Re: Your Movie Firsts
First film I remember watching: The first film I think I ever watched was Snow White & The Seven Dwalfs & it was my favourite movie when I was younger.

First film I remember seeing at the cinema: The very first movie I saw at the cinema was the first Flinstones movie.

First 'grown-up' film I saw: The first grown-up film that I saw was Meet the Parents. I was about 11 years old almost 12 when I saw this movie.

First subtitled film I saw: I'm 21 years old & yet to see a movie with subtitles.

First film that made me really love movies: One word - TITANIC, I absolutely love this film so much.

First film I got on DVD: I think the first movie I got on DVD was Legally Blonde.

Brodinski 04-18-11 07:54 AM

First film I remember watching: Hmm, I'm not sure. It's either Bambi, Beauty and the Beast or John the Fearless, an obscure Flemish animation film.

First film I remember seeing at the cinema - Toy Story. I think there must've been some before that, but Toy Story is the very first that I have a recollection of. As a kid, I always went to the movies with my dad. Good times

First 'grown-up' film I saw - No idea

First subtitled film I saw -I'm Belgian so all the films are subtitled. It's normal for me to see subtitles, so the question would probably have to be "first non-subtitled film". That would be Bambi or John the Fearless.

First film that made me really love movies - Magnolia

First film I got on DVD - Ocean's Eleven. Think I bought it in 2002 for about €12, which was around $14 I reckon


zeedeevil 04-18-11 10:13 AM

Re: Your Movie Firsts
First film I remember watching: I seem to have these flashbacks of animation films like The Aristocats, Cinderella, Snow White or An America Tail.So these were probably my first films.

First film I remember seeing at the cinema: The Lion King. I remember I went to see it when it came out, as part of a school trip. I also remember seeing my fellow classmates crying for some parts of the film (I dun quite remember the film - it was the only time I saw it). Good times.

First 'grown-up' film I saw: I'll say, perhaps, some movie from the 007 series. I used to be a fan as a young kid.

First subtitled film I saw: Well, where I live at, most of the films one gets to see on tv (that are not portuguese) are subtitled.

First film that made me really love movies: Empire of the Sun. To this day, it's probably one of the few films I can watch over and over. I've seen it about 20-30 times already.

First film I got on DVD: City of God. And the first film I got on video was Forrest Gump.

linespalsy 04-18-11 10:32 AM

First film I remember watching

I'm sure these weren't the first movies that I saw but my earliest memories are from 1985, when I turned 5. One of my friend's parents took me to see The Care Bears and later that year I remember waiting for my Aunt to pick me up from kindergarten so I could see the re-release of One Hundred and One Dalmatians. My dad took me to see Return of the Jedi but I don't remember that. My family got a VCR after we moved from Princeton to our first house in Trenton in 1986 and I remember seeing a lot of movies after that. By the time I was six I had watched a lot of Marx Brothers movies because I was Harpo for Halloween.

First film I remember seeing at the cinema

Again, Care Bears or the re-release of One Hundred and One Dalmatians.

First 'grown-up' film I saw

When I was seven or eight I saw Blade Runner and The Witches of Eastwick at my uncle's house. Around that time my babysitter also let me watch Robocop on network television.

First subtitled film I saw

The first one I remember seeing was Akira, around 1993 or 1994 (when I was 13 or 14). I'm pretty sure I'd seen Ju Dou before that.

First film that made me really love movies -

I loved watching movies from as far back as I can remember, but the first ones that made me aware that people make movies, and that made me want to find more, etc. were Akira and The Fly (Cronenberg).

First film I got on DVD

My parents got a computer with a DVD drive in the fall of 2002, when I was away at college. As soon as I found out, I ordered the Kino Buster Keaton box set online so I could watch it over winter break.

Paris18 04-19-11 10:47 AM

First Film I remember watching

Already drawing a blank haha...I want to say Beauty and the Beast?

First Film I remember seeing at the Cinema

Beauty and the Beast? haha

First 'Grown Up' Film I Saw
I believe Titanic. My mother took me about three or four times haha (not by choice- although I do love the film.) It was either that or Jaws.

First Subtitled Film I Saw
Passion of the Christ

First Film That Really Made Me Love Movies
Ummm...There are so many different ones. I guess I'd have to go with Toy Story or possibly Titanic (I know, not the best film to fall in love with movies with). However, I became OBSESSED with movies when I saw The Dark Knight and Batman Begins

First Film DVD I got
I want to say The Lion King?

First Video I got
I believe Frosty The Snowman and Rudolph :)

First Film I Cried In
Stepmom- distinctly remember the moment and everything.

JayDee 04-19-11 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by Paris18 (Post 723370)
First Film I Cried In
Stepmom- distinctly remember the moment and everything.
That one also just came to me but you had already got there first. Was also thinking of doing the first film that really scared me.

Paris18 04-19-11 04:47 PM

Re: Your Movie Firsts
That one also just came to me but you had already got there first. Was also thinking of doing the first film that really scared me.
Haha sorry I beat you to it :) But the first film that scared me...god that's a good one. I'd have to think about that.

Sedai 04-19-11 05:06 PM

First film I remember watching: The Wizard of Oz. I think I was around 3-4 when I first saw this on my Grandma's TV.

First film I remember seeing at the cinema: Star Wars. I remember my Mom flipping out right at the start, and I thought something was wrong. I mean, the entire theater just went crazy when the Star Destroyer appeared at the top of the screen and blasted a generation off into space. I got a bit nervous until my Mom assured me it was just because it was SO DAMN COOL.

First 'grown-up' film I saw: The Road Warrior

First subtitled film I saw: Ran

First film that made me really love movies: Star Wars! I was right there when it happened! I had no choice but to go right over the moon for film!

First film I got on DVD: Highlander

Of course, I REALLY knew I liked film when I went to see Poltergeist II in the theaters, and the girl I was with wanted to get all smoochy face, but I mean come on man!!!! There is a FRICKIN' MOVIE ON, LADY!!!! Minutes later I discovered the movie kind of sucked, but I watched it anyway.

wintertriangles 04-19-11 05:16 PM

Re: Your Movie Firsts
First film I remember seeing:

...And my mind was ruined forever. I haven't seen this since I was probably 7 and its bizarreness is still embedded into me.

First film I remember seeing at cinema:

Titanic. Probably why I hate going to mainstream films, the audience was so annoying. Thankfully I fell asleep I believe.

First grown-up film I saw:

Depends. Men In Black, as a child, was the first "growed up" film I saw because THAT GUY JUST SAID "DAMN BUGS". But realistically, the first R-rated film I saw was Gladiator.

First subtitled film:

I want to say something Spanish, just because I was forced to take Spanish classes from 5th grade to 10th grade, but the first one I officially remember is one of my favorite films probably:

Film that made me love movies:

Before I saw this I thought I loved movies. Then I saw it and realized I was retarded before. It was most certainly:

First film I got on DVD:

With my own money that is, and I didn't even get carded. I thought I was pretty badass.

First Film I Cried In

Never cried in a film. The one that made me come the closest was probably:



JayDee 04-19-11 08:04 PM

Re: Your Movie Firsts
Sedai - Wow you have a lot of famous, quality films as your landmarks. :yup: Although I kind of hated Highlander. :D After hearing about it for so long I finally saw it a year or two ago and it just did absolutely nothing for me

Wintertriangles - Big :up: for your love of Amelie and Hero. Two of my all time favourites, both at least in my top 20

Sexy Celebrity 04-19-11 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 723425)
Of course, I REALLY knew I liked film when I went to see Poltergeist II in the theaters, and the girl I was with wanted to get all smoochy face, but I mean come on man!!!! There is a FRICKIN' MOVIE ON, LADY!!!! Minutes later I discovered the movie kind of sucked, but I watched it anyway.
I really hope you didn't lose a girl to Poltergeist II. Go to the lips, not the light.

nebbit 04-20-11 03:51 AM

First film I remember watching It had to be a western or a Shirley Temple movie, as I am an old Fart :cool: it is hard to think that far back :laugh: It was probably on a neighbours House as TV didn't come to Australia till 1955 and we didn't get one until 1958 :eek:

First film I remember seeing at the cinema It was Pollyanna with Haley Mills

First 'grown-up' film I saw It was A musical called South Pacific, I got all dressed up and went with my parents at night :eek: I felt so grown up :yup: I was 8yr old :)

First subtitled film I saw My Dad took me to see 81/2 :)

First film that made me really love movies - Can't remember :rolleyes: just loved movies from the first time I watched one, can't remember a time without a movie I wanted to watch :nope I was hooked but can't really say one did it :yup:

First film I got on DVD OMG now you are asking something I have a few thousand movies so can't remember :goof:

I finally did my list even if it isn't as impressive as other :)

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