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MovieMad16 01-14-11 09:24 AM

A Film You Couldn't Wait To See And Was Disappointed When You Did
Which film have you seen which dissapointed expectations.

I can name a few

X Men : The Last Stand: The 2nd one is a tie for Best Comic Book Film Of All Time, so i had high hopes for number 3, only to be really dissapointed just by how dull or how it never tried to be better than its predessor.

Max Payne : Being one of my favourite video games of all time, i had really high hopes for this. But like all video games, i was dissapointed at how much Hollywood screwed it all up like every other game. Thanks Hollywood!

Yoda 01-14-11 09:52 AM

Re: A Film You Couldn't Wait To See And Was Dissapointed When You Did
Plenty, but at the moment I'll go with Avatar. Was very excited but, about a week or two before it came out, reviews started trickling in and it became evident that it was going to do all the things I'd worried it might do.

Sedai 01-14-11 10:12 AM

Re: A Film You Couldn't Wait To See And Was Dissapointed When You Did
Star Wars Episode I : The Phantom Menace

F this film. Never has a portion of my childhood been so viciously stomped upon as the evening I sat down to watch this turd.

wintertriangles 01-14-11 10:58 AM

Re: A Film You Couldn't Wait To See And Was Dissapointed When You Did
Nothing abhorringly offensive, but the first one I can remember was The Brothers Grimm. I was a big fan of the tales but that just didn't cut it on every level possible.

Yoda 01-14-11 11:40 AM

Re: A Film You Couldn't Wait To See And Was Dissapointed When You Did
Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 708147)
Star Wars Episode I : The Phantom Menace

F this film. Never has a portion of my childhood been so viciously stomped upon as the evening I sat down to watch this turd.
I was a shade too young to satisfy the "couldn't wait to see" part for this (I was only sort of paying attention to its production), but if I'd been another year or two older, I think this almost certainly would've been my answer.

Oh, and I'm with winter on The Brothers Grimm. That was something like the second or third film I ever saw with my eventual wife, and it was pretty bad, save for one hilarious line:

"It's not magic, it's just SHINY!"

DexterRiley 01-14-11 12:12 PM

Along Came a Spider 2001

I'd been reading James Patterson novels for a number of years.This was out of order with the events of Kiss the Girls which was adapted in 1997. The casting of Morgan Freeman riled me some at first, but at the end of the day they are two different mediums, so i could deal with the crazy age discrepancy between the page to the screen. Besides which with Patterson continuing to crank out bestsellers featuring Alex Cross, i figured they could always go the Tom Clancy route and reboot with a younger guy.


WARNING: "Along Came a Spider" spoilers below
The filmakers for reasons i cannot fathom, decided to kill off a key character, thus ensuring the end of the series.

it was a real bummer.

Fialynn 01-14-11 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 708146)
Plenty, but at the moment I'll go with Avatar. Was very excited but, about a week or two before it came out, reviews started trickling in and it became evident that it was going to do all the things I'd worried it might do.

Oh thank God someone else was disappointed w/ this movie. I seriously thought I was the only one. It had its good moments, but too few of them to really count.

I'd have to say Paranormal Activity. I woke up about half way through it. Very disappointing.

MovieMad16 01-14-11 01:22 PM

Re: A Film You Couldn't Wait To See And Was Dissapointed When You Did
The Sequel ParaSnormal Activity 2 is meant to be more dull. I would say Orphan for me. It came across more of a soap opera storyline with a grim ending.

mark f 01-14-11 02:16 PM

Re: A Film You Couldn't Wait To See And Was Dissapointed When You Did
It would probably have to be Exorcist II: the Heretic (1977). I loved the first film and liked John Boorman as a director, but shortly after the film started, I could tell I was watching something I was completely unprepared for. Boorman had the guts to make a film which basically was the antithesis of the first film, both stylistically and thematically, but it just played out so ridiculously. It was as if Boorman and "screenwriter" William Goodhart tried to make a satire of The Exorcist by turning it on its head and really trying to piss off that film's audience. The demons were now basically a bunch of locusts! Most of the acting, especially by Louise Fletcher and Richard Burton was howlingly bad, and Max von Sydow showed up in the flashback scenes to basically repudiate everything he stood for in the original flick. The only thing to keep a guy awake was an older, fleshier Linda Blair, but then when she started tap dancing...

Before the film ended, several people had thrown sodas at the screen. Since I watched it opening night, I learned that Boorman and the studio reedited it quickly, but it still bombed. Even though some of the visuals are quite impressive (what do you expect with Boorman?), the best thing I can say about it is to quote critic John Barbour's thoughts on the film, "Richard Burton is possessed of so much ham that he needs an exorcism from Farmer John."

Gunny 01-14-11 02:33 PM

K-PAX. The trailer looked incredible for it. When I actually saw it I wanted to leave the theater. Dreadful.

MovieMad16 01-14-11 02:43 PM

Re: A Film You Couldn't Wait To See And Was Dissapointed When You Did
Disaster Movie. Worst Film Of All Time!

spudracer 01-14-11 03:08 PM

Re: A Film You Couldn't Wait To See And Was Dissapointed When You Did
Let's see..

Superman Returns. With what Singer did with X-Men, I thought he really could bring Superman back to the big screen. He even did right by casting someone who looked similar to Reeves. Sadly, looks are about all Brandon Routh had going for him. Everything about the movie was terrible.

Spider-Man 3. Simply because there's only so much Shinola you can put on a turd.

Avatar. I like aspects of it, but overall, it's not the film people were talking it up to be.

Splice. It looked like an interesting enough movie, but in the end, you're left shaking your head and wondering if you can claim your movie ticket as a tax write-off.

Clash of the Titans. Great idea to remake, but whomever wrote the screenplay really butchered a classic.

Those are only a few.

D34DT0Y 01-14-11 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 708147)
Star Wars Episode I : The Phantom Menace

F this film. Never has a portion of my childhood been so viciously stomped upon as the evening I sat down to watch this turd.
Completely agree.

honeykid 01-14-11 03:46 PM

Shaft. I think there's a thread like this elsewhere, as I remember saying this before, but I waited five years for that film. John Singleton was directing and Samuel L. Jackson was playing Shaft. How could it go wrong? It did. :(

earlsmoviepicks 01-14-11 03:47 PM

I really thought Dinner For Schmucks was gonna be hysterical, but found it to be pretty much unbearable-- I do hope this is the wake-up call to American film-makers to stop remaking French films. How did I feel about this film? Imagine Gaston Lenotre biting into a Ho Ho. :eek:

cheaptoad 01-14-11 07:25 PM

Holy cow, how about everyone.

I'll name a few

Tron: Legacy
The Relic - Great book, bad movie
Any other movie that was a book

honeykid 01-14-11 07:39 PM

Re: A Film You Couldn't Wait To See And Was Dissapointed When You Did
Any movie that was a book?!? Gone With The Wind? Jaws? The Exorcist? Schindler's List? The Maltese Falcon? The James Bond films? Fight Club? Psycho? The Shawshank Redemption? The Godfather? Goodfellas? I think you get the idea.

mark f 01-14-11 07:58 PM

Re: A Film You Couldn't Wait To See And Was Dissapointed When You Did
The films Jaws and The Godfather are noticeably better than the books. The Maltese Falcon is probably as good as the book since it was 98% the book's dialogue, characters and plot, and The Maltese Falcon is basically perfect.

Sexy Celebrity 01-14-11 08:07 PM

Death to Smoochy

Ugh! I was sooooo looking forward to this movie. I had recently come to realize the hotness that is Edward Norton, so I wanted to see it for him, but also for Robin Williams and what a colorful, wonderful, hilarious comedy I thought Death to Smoochy would be.

When it finally opened, I had BRONCHITIS really, really bad. I should have taken that as a sign to stay home and forget about Death to Smoochy, but noooooooo, I went - either the day it was released or the Saturday night afterwards, to the movie theatre to see it. COUGHED the entire time, laughed NEVER. I hated it. I thought it was so unfunny. My friend that went with me was very hesistant about seeing it and didn't wanna go and he ended up loving it and raving aboud it afterwards. It wasn't because I was sick that I hated it -- I tried watching it again sometime later and still didn't like it. I'm curious about giving it another try now, but I doubt it'll be better. It just wasn't my kind of humor. Yet, everyone else I meet who's seen Death to Smoochy raves about it. It leaves me feeling like an alien. But, hey, I thought it was gonna be spectacular.

And yeah, this was no doubt my worst ever behavior as a moviegoer, considering I was a very loud cougher and didn't even appreciate what I watched.

Brick Bardo 01-14-11 08:21 PM

Re: A Film You Couldn't Wait To See And Was Dissapointed When You Did
First post!

"Avatar" somewhat. I really enjoyed it but I guess with all the hype it sorta dissapointed me. I was expecting the greatest movie I'd ever see.

"Stone" which came out this year. Again it was alright but I expected alot more.

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