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KasperKristensen 11-02-10 04:22 AM

The Walking Dead Episode Discussion

I don't know if one of our fine mods want to merge this thread with this.

There's was a couple of things I was worried about when I heard this was going on the air. Not knowing what rating they were going for, I was worried that the violence and gore would be dulled down to suit a younger and broader audience. Two minutes into the first episode that concern was blown away just like that little zombie girl's brains and I would have never thought that starting out by killing a little child would be a perfect beginning to any television series but in this case it really is. It matches the general vibe of the comic book series perfectly i.e. this is not going to be a show that appeals to Mr. and Mrs. America and their kids. Again, two minutes in it was very obvious to me that this is tailored to please the fans of the comic book and hardcore zombie fans in general. They ain't kidding around!
I think it's evident that the writers are highly capable of keeping things fresh while maintaining the storyline of the comic book. There were plenty of tense moments that weren't in the comic and this pleases people like me that have read it a couple of times. It pleases me even more that they don't deviate from it drastically - the storyline of the first single issue is still intact, with a few improvements, one might even say.

The cast so far are all spot on, sporting southern accents which are all on par with the performances in The Green Mile (worlds away from the ear torture that was Julie Benz in All Saints Day).

I literally have only one complaint... They run. Not at 28 Days Later speed but it still isn't the slow limp from the comic, which seems maybe not a drastic deviation but in terms of plot it would change a whole lot. For those of you who haven't read it I'm specifically talking about times when the characters are travelling on foot and in the comic they would be aware that the zombies are just piling up behind them but still wouldn't be worried because they knew they could out walk them.
However, in the episode it seemed like they only run when in a bigger group and only when heavily agitated. A zombie frenzy maybe? A trace of a group mentality? Anyway, it isn't set in stone and hopefully it won't be a recurring thing.

n3wt 11-02-10 01:42 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Episode Discussion
I havent seen this yet but im looking forward to it.

KasperKristensen 11-02-10 03:02 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Episode Discussion
Anybody know which part Norman Reedus is playing?

Fiscal 11-02-10 03:43 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Episode Discussion
I haven't read the source material, but I absolutely loved the pilot. I was happy about the characters introduced so far across the board. It seems like it is going to be a character study in zombie world, the best of two worlds for me. I love an emotional show and I love zombies :p

Not to mention, this show is scary as can be. Great tension building and absolutely incredible zombies.

TheUsualSuspect 11-02-10 09:00 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Episode Discussion

Loved it and can't wait for more.

Xanatos 11-02-10 09:07 PM

I really liked this, hopefully it can continue to be as awesome. I think the psychological effects of a zombie apocalypse are perfect for a tv show. Plus, the zombies are genuinely creepy and yet I felt sorry for the one in the park. Watching this with my friends was a great way to spend Halloween.

Sgt Chillum 11-02-10 10:29 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Episode Discussion
I have heard so much about this comic, glad to know the series is getting good response as well.

wintertriangles 11-02-10 10:33 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Episode Discussion
I'm not going to say it was bad, because it wasn't, but it brought absolutely nothing new to the table. It seemed like it borrowed too much from what's already been done in ways that I could pick out what they borrowed from where. Sure it was able to build suspense for a tv audience, however I can see this dragging on in the same way as any other show.

7thson 11-02-10 10:38 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Episode Discussion
Well there have actually been a few things borrowed from this storyline because the comic has been around for about 7 years or so. It is more a suspense thriller to me, it just happens to have zombies in it :). There are a few scenes/bits that I will not spoil for those that never read the comics, but I am wondering how and if they can pull them off visually.

christine 11-03-10 02:23 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Episode Discussion
looking forward to seeing it. Starts in the UK on Friday

KasperKristensen 11-03-10 06:15 PM

Originally Posted by 7thson (Post 691070)
Well there have actually been a few things borrowed from this storyline because the comic has been around for about 7 years or so. It is more a suspense thriller to me, it just happens to have zombies in it :). There are a few scenes/bits that I will not spoil for those that never read the comics, but I am wondering how and if they can pull them off visually.
Which ones are you talking about exactly? Just wrap the whole thing in SPOILERS mate.

TONGO 11-07-10 11:49 PM

Im watching the second episode right now rather than Cowboys/Packers game so you know I like this show. Second episodes even better than the first, and feel the best is yet to come. SO GLAD Darbont is behind this series as it will probably last the duration compared to a standard dry directors in tv today at the helm.

Xanatos 11-08-10 12:08 AM

This was a pretty awesome episode, I have to say. It had its share of zombies cliches, but I think the human drama element raises it above other similar zombie situations

IeatDragons 11-08-10 06:30 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Episode Discussion
Have you seen the new episode? It keeps introducing new charaters and i like them more and more. and p.s. **** HIS BEST FRIEND!

Xanatos 11-08-10 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by IeatDragons (Post 693062)
Have you seen the new episode? It keeps introducing new charaters and i like them more and more. and p.s. **** HIS BEST FRIEND!
I like some of the characters, but some annoyed me. For example, the racist guy seems really unrealistic given the circumstances. And what kind of name is T-Dog?

spudracer 11-08-10 10:14 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Episode Discussion
AMC published a story today picking the show up for another season. Not sure if anyone else saw that. It can be read about here.

So far, I like the show. I like the pace it has and hope that it stays on the path it is currently on. I, like some of you, am unfamiliar with the source material. However, I find not being familiar with it allows me to enjoy it more.

Kasper, as for merging the threads, I think we're ok by not merging them.

KasperKristensen 11-10-10 04:59 AM

Originally Posted by Xanatos (Post 693071)
I like some of the characters, but some annoyed me. For example, the racist guy seems really unrealistic given the circumstances. And what kind of name is T-Dog?
Yeah he wasn't in the comic and I doubt we'll ever see him again. I don't know if he seemed unrealistic though. He was obviously on some kind of drug, but why he would be part of that group? I see your point.
T-Dog doesn't ring a bell either but there was a black guy named Tyreese (my favorite character) in the comic but I really doubt they're the same person. They meet Tyreese much later and he's got a daughter with him too. If it is though they'd be cutting some serious corners, which I don't approve of. Tyreese is a former NFL player. T-Dog is fat and weak it seems. That just won't do.

I really dig Sarah Callies as Lori (Rick's wife). She'll fit the character perfectly all the way through, I think, and she will become a major character. Steven Yeun as Glenn (the Asian guy) is really well cast too.

As for the early storyline, they have switched things up a bit now. Originally, Rick would meet Glenn and they would go straight to the camp where Shane, Lori and Carl (Rick's son) were. They would then use the zombie guts to mask themselves to go into Atlanta once again.
I hardly recognize anybody from this second group, which worries me a bit, but maybe they're going for that Prison Break thing, where they kill off a bunch of characters early in the season so the audience never knows who'll stick.

I really wish Lennon was here. That dude would have a serious opinion about all of this.

KasperKristensen 11-10-10 05:04 AM

Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 693117)
AMC published a story today picking the show up for another season. Not sure if anyone else saw that. It can be read about here.

So far, I like the show. I like the pace it has and hope that it stays on the path it is currently on. I, like some of you, am unfamiliar with the source material. However, I find not being familiar with it allows me to enjoy it more.

Kasper, as for merging the threads, I think we're ok by not merging them.
Cool. You guys really owe it to yourselves to read the comic though. It's pretty brilliant even though I think it took a hit when it changed artists. First issue free and legal here.

Justin 11-10-10 04:19 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Episode Discussion
FYI -- I've read very little of the comics, so I can't compare it.

Anyway, I've only seen the first episode and it was pretty good. My biggest gripe was the acting, which left a lot to be desired. I really liked the atmosphere and suspense that Frank Darabont created though.

christine 11-10-10 04:26 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Episode Discussion
Liked it very much. Love the fact that there's enough of a big budget for it to be done properly. It was a bit more sensationalist than the comic tho don't you think? there were nervy scenes that weren't in the comic (like the tank) but I guess that you need that in a tv programme to pull people in for the ride.

Kasper - I think the almost running pace was ok cos like you say it was only when the frenzy got going and they weren't really running were they - it was just cos they were crushing together en masse - scary scene in the comic as well.
I like the casting, went well with how I imagined the guys .

Looking forward to more - looks ace in HD too!

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