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Powdered Water 09-15-10 11:54 PM

MoFo Fantasy Football 2010: Week 2

Wow, do I ever stink... Sheesh, not only did I just get my ass handed to me by a girl, (something that seems to happen an awful lot in the FFB world I might add) but apparently I have no QB and AND my record last week for picking all of these wonderful games was a paltry 2-5!

An unnamed source inside the Odd Squad locker room had these remarks to share after the Teen Terror debacle: "Getting beat up by a midget is just ridiculous. I mean, she's only 3'4". Pathetic. Hole early, hole late. We played like Horsesh*t. Do you know what Horsesh*t is? Well that's what we played like."

Put a bullet to me.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to trot on out there this Sunday and do it all over again. It's not insane to keep expecting different results if I keep doing the same thing over and over again is it? Nah.

First off let's try to improve on PW's terrible record from last week by picking us a few winners shall we? We shall.

Odd Squad vs. Flash

As of right now, I have no QB and I have no idea who I'm gonna roll out there this Sunday. I may go the homer route, I don't know. I seriously doubt that Kolb will start though so I may have to do something drastic. Besides, those damn concussions are so dicey, who knows if Kolb will ever be fantasy trustworthy again. Time will tell.

I still like a large chunk of my team so its not all bad.

Flash on the other hand has his whole season basically riding on the Colts. Logic dictates that most weeks this is a good bet to take. I think I may have a shot depending on what NY D shows up but I don't feel real comfortable about it.

My pick: Flash, but if you feel like kicking this game to me I wouldn't think any less of you.

11 Angry Men vs The Replicants

Wow, can you believe that one of these two teams will actually be forced to start the year 0-2? Crazy game this FFB. And what a tough game to pick too. Welker and Moss get the Jets D and Schuab is at Washington. Bush is at SF and after last weeks debacle I know Singletary is going to have his young SF Defense in a frenzy, Chris may be stuck playing him though unless the other Bush is ready to go.

Seds doesn't have it much better, but Johnson won't be hushed for two straight weeks will he? Colston gets the aforementioned Niners and Barber gets Chicago while TO gets the Ravens. A lot of tough looking matchups. I imagine a little more lineup tweaking may be in order, but as it stands now...

My pick: The Replicants send Yoder to the cellar to keep PW company.

His Own Ego vs. GWOW

GWOW is just weird to say. Anyway, His Own Ego had himself a nice little week last week and now has his sights set on 2-0 in his way is Senor Gold Teef. Teef gets the Pittsburgh D this week though so if he goes off again then he may really be like one of the best ever, we'll see. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a few of his gold teef on the ground this weekend. Not sure why exactly, I just think he's a dorkus. There's some more of that hard hitting journalistic integrity that you can only find right here MoFo's.

Jay has Steven Jackson and he's got the Raiders. Nuff said really.

My pick: His Own Ego 2-0!

Sookie's Suckers vs. Beantown Champs

This is such a great league. No easy victories and its very difficult to sprint out to 3-0 or 4-0 when you have to play such an evenly matched opponent week in and week out. That being said though whoever wins this game here may have a shot at doing just that.

Just looking at the matchups I really have to lean Sookie's way. Her two running backs may carry her right to the playoffs with the emergence of Arian Foster and she may get a boatload of points from her defense this week as well as they get Detroit, who is still... Detroit.

Petey's boys on the other hand may have their hands full with Ocho getting Baltimore and Thomas in SF. Forte though will help him stay in this game. I think he's going to have a monster year in a Martz system. And Brees may end up looking almost human this week as well. Actually, I think New Orleans is going to lose outright but Brees is Brees and I'm sure he'll keep his team in the game, that just may not translate into huge numbers for Beantown.

My pick: Ah Sookie Sookie Nah!

IDrinkYourMilkshake vs. Dextruction

Still kinda hard to type. I vote for a name change. Anyway, I just looked at the matchup and saw Rodgers at Buffalo. I really don't need to see anymore than that.

My pick: Dextruction, BOOOM!!!

The Tongo Express vs. Hired Goons

Tongo may have snagged the waiver wire pickup of the year. Time will tell, but man, it sure looks good on paper. Brady's got the Jets, while Brown and Turner both face relatively tough run D's. May be a miserable week for you Badger.

My pick: Tonga, Tonga Tongo!

The No Name Gang vs. Teen Terrors

OK, so its possible for a midget to own and operate a fantasy football team. And its even possible for said team (run by a midget) to be *cough* good. I'm not bitter. ;)

She did put a nice little team together though didn't she? A steady diet of all 3 of her running backs should be enough to propel her to 2-0 even with Palmer starting for her this week. Probably a good move though. Starting Cutler against the Cowboys doesn't sound much better to me really. So, probably a good call.

My pick: Teen Terrors, you go girl!

Annnnnd I'm spent. Let's have some trash talk here MoFo's! Who's going to kick some major MoFo ass this week?

rauldc14 09-16-10 12:06 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2010: Week 2
It is now obviously apparent to me that in order for my team to win, Tony Romo, Roddy White, Adrian Peterson, and Jermichael Finley all have to be on top of their games. Luckily enough for me, the matchups seem right this week and I would love nothing more than to beat a very talented Teen Terrors team. I'm going to have to roll the dice in a couple of my positions, but I think I may be able to pull this one out.

rauldc14 09-16-10 12:14 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2010: Week 2
Just for fun, who's who I have pegged to win:

The No Name Gang
The Replicants ( I think this one will be the closest, though)
Sookie's Suckers
The Tongo Express
Flash (sorry, PW)

TONGO 09-16-10 01:26 AM

Well I went 3-4 but I aint bragging. Thankfully there are surprises still to be had it seems. As always PW great writeup. ;)

Piledriver 09-17-10 05:36 PM

Well what a first week of football, eh people?! I nearly had a perfect prediction record, but His Own Ego's team held its own against the Angry Men's squad and squashed my perfect game...*sigh*...oh well, at least Jay won and I feel better about the loss because hes the MAN. ;)
Week 2 looks to have quite a few big games and I think we're gonna see some great match-ups this weekend, so without further ado...

The No Name Gang vs. Teen Terrors -

This game has “either-way” written all over it. If Romo can show up for the game this weekend, Gang may be reaping some serious reward from the Dallas offense, but that remains to be seen. I think Palmer has a lot of potential this season, but against the Ravens vaulted D this week, it may be slim pickens for Carson. The Terrors have the WR slot locked-up, with Wayne and Boldin looking to put up respectable numbers, but beware Roddy White this week, he may have a “Ochocinco” game and rock the Cards. The Gang has “All Day” going up against the 'Fins, and he may just EXPLODE on them in the Vikes home opener, which may be the difference maker when its all said and done. Gonna go against my gut on this one...

Teen Terrors to start the season 2-0

PW's Odd Squad vs. Flash -

OUCH! Kevin Kolb is out for this week (at the very least) and now the Odd Squad has to start, GULP, Matt Cassel. Not Good. And going up against Peyton “The Face” Manning to boot. Bad JuJu. Well Flash has a lot of his eggs in one basket this week, so PW has to hope the Giants can shut the Colts down completely, giving him the win. Unfortunately, when you Hope in one hand and S*** in the other, its quickly apparent which hand fills up first...

Flash rides the Colts to Victory Lane

The Tongo Express vs. Hired Goons -
WOW! Now this is gonna be good! I like Rivers hosting the Jags this week, he should have a great week at home and without rain drowning the offense, should have a big game, I'm guessing 3 TDs and 350+ yards. Brady may have some difficulties dealing with the Jets “Bad-Ass Blitzing” D. At least until after the half that is. I think the WR matchups are a wash, but the Goons have a slight edge in the RB department. I don't know how much faith Green Bay is gonna put in Brandon Jackson this week, but against Buffalo's stankass defense, he may luck-out. I think this may be one of the closest games of the week and its too tough to call. Tongo is heads, Goons is tails.....*flip*...

Heads it is. Tongo is .500 in Week 2

Team Zissou vs. Dextruction -
Michael “So I killed a dog or two, so what?” Vick is predicted to score 20+ points this week? Really? I'm not buying it. MJD having a 18+ point day in San Diego however, may be an understatement. Jones-Drew could have a money day against the Chargers this week and Team Zissou (thanks for changing the name by the way) will be watching that matchup intently. Dextruction has Rodgers slinging TDs ALL DAY in Buffalo and will be hoping Maclin and Jamaal Charles can have explosive outtings in their games, making his team the victor in this Week 2 battle.

Dextruction vaporizes his opponent!

His Own Ego vs. GWOW -
Looks like His Own Ego has another favorable matchup this week, with GWOW's Chris Johnson having to face the Steel Curtain Defense, that may help equal the odds and with Benson facing the Ravens, it isn't looking good for GWOW's RB slot, but thats why they play the games out. Steven Jackson should have a HUGE day, but Oaklands D has been looking a little better than usual, so that will remain to be seen. Steve Smith and Brandon Lloyd will have decent numbers and I think Zach Miller is a sleeper too, but it all boils down to what kind of game McNabb has. If Donovan has a decent day, His Own Ego will be crushed. I'm gonna go with the gut this time...

His Own Ego is just too damn pretty to lose! Ya Better Recognize Ya Bitches!!!! :D

11 Angry Men vs. The Replicants -
Its hard to believe that one of these two 2009 MoFo FFL playoff teams will be 0-2 after this weekend, “but there can be only one”...winner that is. I still think the Men have the best WRs in the league and all 3 of his starting this week should put up some decent numbers, even with Stafford riding the bench. I think Johnson and Colston, going for the Replicants, will have much harder chances of putting up respectable points against the defenses the pair face, but his kicker will probably score him 16+ points this week facing Green Bay, so he has that going for him. Sedai's RBs have a slight edge, and Williams could score the most points for his team facing the Bucs at home. This game will be decided on Monday night....

Colston Scores the Winning TouchDown!! The Replicants make the Men even Angrier!!

Beantown Champs vs. Sookie's Suckers -

Alas, my friend LT, one of us will be 1-1 and the other 2-0, and who will that be you ask? Well, lets take a look see, shall we? I actually think Favre could have a better day then Brees this week, if the Vikes can get the running game going. Fitzgerald will be the Main Man in the Cards offense this week, but can Anderson get it to him is the question. I'm hoping Malcom Floyd breaks it open this week at home and can make up for the lack of points Ochostinko may not get facing the Ravens this week. I believe the Monday Night matchup will be a wash for Gore and Thomas, so it may all come down to how Forte and Foster fair in their respective matchups. If Foster isn't a fluke, then the Suckers will smash me. Forte should get me at least 18 points and I need Scaife to come up big against Pittsburg, all of that plus some luck, and I have a chance.

Sookie's Suckers can Suck It! Beantown remain the Champs!!

Good Luck to everyone, except LT, and may the Patriots STOMP the Jets!! ;)

Sedai 09-17-10 07:15 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2010: Week 2
Great write-up, Petey! :)

Wait a minute - you smashed me last week!


Good write-ups, all!

TONGO 09-17-10 07:49 PM

Percy Harvin. I knew when I drafted him everyone thought "LOL! He drafted that guy with the brain tumor! Another D'oh for Tongo!", but last year he was one of the few steady point gainers on my roster. Very exciting player to watch too.

Now after the migraine spell seemingly over his friggin hip is giving him problems. Percy Harvin without even knowing it is breaking my balls. He has to be the most fragile Rookie Of The Year ever! I just know, just know if I bench him he will have a 25 point game, but now that Im gonna play him I bet theyll bench him to be on the safe side or whatever cliche excuse theyll voice for crapping in my heart cavity with unknowing precision. :sick:

Its my opinion that the NFL players, coaches, and etc.. just privately love to screw with fantasy football owners. They make a decision and think "well somebodys gonna cry themselves to sleep tonight. Har har har!". those bastids

Well Im playing him, and now somewhere Kevin Walter is being informed he'll be the secret #1 target of Matt Schaub sunday.

rauldc14 09-17-10 09:46 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2010: Week 2
good write-up, but sorry no Romo for me. Looking for Jennings and White to outscore Wayne and Boldin. I think it has a chance.

7thson 09-17-10 11:26 PM

It appears as if I might get the weekend off from everything - that means no work, no birthdays, no dates, no housework, no laundry, no worries and no flippin' hot ass sun beating down on me while I muck around in oil covered crap. No nothing but football and cooking!!!! Time to celebrate with some polka and a Fantasy Football writeup!!!


Flash vs PW's Odd Squad

Chris (with the "H" identifier) is having unfortunate QB problems on this 2nd week of MOFO FF competingness, which pretty much points to a win for one of the greatest MOFO FF teams ever created in all time ever.
He did the one smart thing any doomed-to-lose player would do: gander at numbers and avail' players and come up with some kind of oatmealish combination that might lead to a slim outside slight chance of a victory. Cassel just may be the blister in the sun for PW, if he pops off it could be a big win and he certainly has a pussy (thats an adjective use of puss and not a curse word btw) history of playing against the Browns. I think Cassel has more of a chance getting a pay raise than he does at having an outstanding game. Sure he will be better than playing no one in the lead position, but not by much. Ray Rice a roni is my biggest worry, but he will not get the numbers needed to surpass the awesomeness that is the greatest MOFO FF team ever created in all time ever.

My Pick: ME :up:
Score: 129 to 103

11 Angry Men vs The Replicants

Chris (minus the "H" identifier) has the one golden nugget on his team that I think will have an awesome week and that is my man Reggie "The President" Bush. Between the ex Oval Office dweller and Welker aka Slot Machine Yoder will bull it out (yes bull not pull). Also Seds has his D going against my O, not a good thing for the 'cants, not good at all.

My Pick: 11 Angry Men look around for a 12th guy and they find Reg' Yods wins.
Score: 119 to 111

Sookie's Suckers vs. Beantown Champs

I hate to say it, but LTs Suckarsers have a lot going for them. One is that they actually do not suck causing me to wonder about the misleading name chosen for one of the best out-of-the gate teams of the league. It reminds me of bait, kinda smelly but everyone in the ocean wants to take a bite. But somewhat seriously I say that the RB combo on her team is quite a one two punch to pointbreaking amazingness. Sorry Beanbob, even with all that talent it will not add up to a win against the Suckers.

My Pick: Suckers suck it out
Score: 129 to 126

The No Name Gang vs. Teen Terrors

Hey if Palmer can design Nikes he can sure pull out a win for the TTs. That and Reggie my main man that I did not get for my team because I missed out bigtime Wayne is going to get a few receptions from The Man Manning, has to happen, that and sunrises are a given.

My Pick: TT
Score: 133 to 101

Team Zissou vs. Dextruction

I think this is going to be the closest game of the week and I almost want to predict a tie, but that would be quite dumb so instead I have to pick someone. So because of the cool rhyme that is the Vicks Hicks combo I go with Team no milkshakeforme Z Also Dex is sporting my ex palyer Ward, and I cannot allow him to get the best of a deal that everyone is calling me a fool fer ;) - going to be close though - like tight.

My Pick: Team Z
Score 112 to 111

The Tongo Express vs. Hired Goons

Even though this game has the chance to be a close one I do not think it will be. Someone is going to go off like an old owl on a tootsie pop and quickly get to the meat of it. Rivers/Gates are going to explode like a Manshark and Brady is going to toss an int or 2 - sry Goonie, just how I see it ;). This will be one of my fav matchups to keep an eye on though.

My pick: Tong "the trader: go
Score: 133 to 120

His Own Ego vs. GWOW

Okay, E. Manning has his own ego (roll your eyes at someone else please) to look after in this game. He is going against his big brother, P. "oreo-eating" Manning. I think he is going to be a poor shadow of his amazing sibling. Is it not amazing how much the Colts play a part in so many things? They are like one of the best teams ever in the history of forever, but I digress ftm. The funny thing is however is that CJ is not going to have a big game at all, he is going to be flat making E. Mans little two touchdowns just enough to pull it out for the egomaniac.

My Pick: Ego
Score: 111 to 105

Did I get them all? Not sure but the math looks good.
Peace, cya guys on Sunday.

Powdered Water 09-17-10 11:47 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2010: Week 2
I'll have me a new QB come Sunday Flashy. Gonna beat ya like a red headed step child. Ya Heard me?

rauldc14 09-18-10 12:13 AM

Everyone's predictions are quite impressive. Except for the fact that nobody has me winning :)

Anyways, these are my predictions for the week:

11 Angry Men vs. The Replicants

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised to see this being the highest scoring battle of the week. I'm expecting Wes Welker and to a somewhat lesser extent, Jason Witten give top 5 performances from their respective positions. DeAngelo Williams is going to have a huge day as well, so huge that I'm predicting him to be this weeks highest scorer for whatever reason in fantasy (for a position player). D-Will's numbers will be enough to boost the Replicants to a close victory.

The Pick: The Replicants

His Own Ego vs. GWOW

My gut feeling tells me that Chris Johnson somehow finds a way to have a very productive week once again. And also for some odd reason, I think Donovan McNabb will actually have a good week. For His Own Ego to have any hope, Steven Jackson will need to completely go off. But I really just don't see it. GWOW in a landslide

The Pick: GWOW

Sookie's Suckers vs. Beantown Champs

Can Favre get it together? I'm not so sure this is the week that he completely pulls it together, but I think sookie has plenty of other capable scoring options for this week, most notably Gore, Foster, and the mean green Philly D. Meanwhile Beantown Champs should get an outstanding performance from Brees while the rest of the team could potentially struggle. I think it comes down to a battle of the backs, and I'm taking Foster and Gore over Pierre Thomas and Forte.

The Pick: Sookie's Suckers

Team Zissou vs. Dextruction

Team Zissou is my pick to put up the least amount of points. No offense, but I'm not buying into Vick either, especially when the other team has time to prep for him. Not buying into the good start of Nicks or Best either. Meanwhile A-rod and Jamaal Charles will have monster weeks.

The Pick: Dextruction

The Tongo Express vs. Hired Goons

While everybody is talking about the pickup of Brandon Jackson, it will be Miles Austin and Antonio Gates carrying the Tongo. I think Tom Brady has a great day as well as Michael Turner. This game can go either way, since obviously the Green Bay defense could potentially put up a huge amount of points as well. But my gut says the Tongo, so I'll stick with it.

The Pick: Tongo Express

PW's Odd Squad vs. Flash

Obviously, I expect the Colts offense to score a lot of points, which is really boding well for the Flash. However I do think a TD or 2 is going to Reggie Wayne, oddly not on Flash's team. And Mike Williams will have a good game, which will be surprising to some. The pickup of Tony Romo was critical to PW's chances, but getting rid of his only legit #1 WR could come back to haunt the Odd Squad.

The Pick: Flash

The No Name Gang vs. Teen Terrors

It is unfortunate that the No Name Gang currently holds the league worst quarterback starter, whether that be Garrard or Hasselbeck. But what isn't talked about is that he potentially has the 2nd best WR duo in the league (next to Chris's fantastic trio). I'm a homer, but I think Jennings and Finley do enough along with NE Defense giving Sanchez fits to pull out the victory

The Pick: The No Name Gang

TONGO 09-18-10 01:16 AM

Great writeups everyone, and a very nice production value to your predictions 7thson. My reviews tomorrow, and I feel like Im going on after the Beatles.

Just noticed something. Everyone picking me to win makes me feel like Im gonna get my ass kicked. Thats not good!

7thson 09-18-10 11:21 AM

Originally Posted by Powdered Water (Post 676154)
Ya Heard me?

Anybody hear something? :)

Fiscal 09-18-10 11:24 AM

I don't get what everyone has to "buy into" when discussing Vick's success this week. He is playing the Lions and he runs fast :laugh:

TONGO 09-18-10 12:14 PM

Week 2 Predictions

Sookie's Suckers Vs Beantown Champs

Interesting matchup. Sookie has Favre, and Btown has Ladainian "I aint dead yet" Tomlinson. Are they washed up? Well Im concerned that 10 days might not be enough time for Favre to find his rhythm with his WR corps, and feel Ladainian is back. If Sookies Dwayne Bowe ever decides to actually net some points then Cleveland would be a good time to do it or forever bench that overrated KC version of Anthony Gonzalez. Btown running with 3 RBs is very gutsy in this PPR league, and Sookies WRs are superior to the Champs Malcom Floyd who is a crapshoot, or Ocho who might let Terrell Owens have a turn at #1. This should be good :)
The reigning champion goes 2-0. Thats Sookies Suckers for those that didnt know.

The No Name Gang Vs Teen Terrors

No Names Beanie Wells is a wash, Deon Butler is a wash, Brandon Jacobs is a wash, and....well you get the idea. This wont be pretty.
Teen Terrors will utterly destroy the whatstheirnames

11 Angry Men Vs The Replicants

Schaubs gonna explode - Flacco aint nor ever has. Yodas WR corps are up against stiff competition (NYJ & Philly) where Seds arent as much. The running game though belongs to Yoda as Fred Taylor is the man in NE, and Reggie "Ive been robbed!" Bush might get a few more carries than normal due to having to cough up the Heisman. Teams look out for their own is all. Sedais DeAngelo has been so-so, and Peyton Hillis is a mistake to put in imo.
11 Angry Men knock all those Reps on their arse

Team Zissou Vs Dextruction

TZs Vick should do awesome at Detroit to the point he'll cancel out Aaron Rodgers. I dont think TZs Hakeem Nicks will have 2nd great game in a row, nor feel Ahmad Bradshaw will do much for him. Dexters Maclin should do good vs Detroit, and Jerome Harrison I feel will have a good game with more carries since Peyton Hillis fumbled twice last week. San Diego might keep TZs MJD at normal numbers to not make a difference.
Dextruction drink down the last of Zissous milkshake

His Own Ego Vs GWOW

Just noticed alot of folks are running with 3RBs in their lineup this week. GWOWs Gold Teef, Benson, and Portis should do great. Egos Mike Thomas, Moreno, and Brandon Lloyd wont do great. The talent lies on GWOWs side.
GWOW reels in His Own Ego. Henh?!

PW's Odd Squad Vs Flash

Peyton Manning lost last week, and this is the wrong day to go against Flash no matter what team hes playing
Flashs' victory shows why Peytons still the best in football

The Tongo Express Vs Hired Goons

The QB/TE comparison is ugly ecause Rivergates will destroy Brady vs NYJ & Brent Celek. I hate Tom Brady. Im dubious though if my newly acquired waiver pick Brandon Jackson can match his projected points, and if Goons Michael Turner will tank again. As long as Harvin contributes I feel I can win the WR matchup. Everyone has said Ill
Hired Goons beats the ever lovin crap out of Tongo, takes his lunch money, and sends his redheaded stepchild butt home weeping. Whew! I woulda lost if I didnt do that. Pick ratio be damned I want to win!

rauldc14 09-18-10 11:34 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2010: Week 2
well.....apparently I'm not getting Jennings and Felix for tomorrow? kind of weak.....

Powdered Water 09-18-10 11:49 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2010: Week 2
It should go through tonight. It is a little weird how long it takes and I can't find anything that tells me the exact time frame. I'm assuming its like waivers, only it seems like it takes longer than waivers, but I could be wrong.

rauldc14 09-18-10 11:51 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2010: Week 2
hopefully it does soon so I can get my roster changed on time

Powdered Water 09-18-10 11:55 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2010: Week 2
It should, it does say that this trade will be reflected in our line ups for Week 2, so, just be sure to check it tomorrow.

7thson 09-18-10 11:56 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2010: Week 2
If you both agreed on trade it should go through pretty soon now. Although I really would not mind if it did not. ;)

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