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Darkrose 03-24-10 11:46 PM

Smoking Survey
I was driving the other day and realized that every third car had a smoker in it. So I was wondering how many of our mofo's smoke cigarettes? If so, when did you start and why.
I used to, but quit.

mark f 03-24-10 11:50 PM

Re: Smoking Survey
I inhaled one cigarette once. I think it was a Tennyson. It was about 1966 when I was 10 years old. I coughed and choked, and I've never smoked another ciggy. Now, during poker, I did smoke cigars but I quickly decided that was far too insane to deal with when I could smoke Maui Redwood Pine-ish type smelling stuff which made me feel much better than tobacco.

Iroquois 03-24-10 11:56 PM

Re: Smoking Survey

But to answer the question, I don't smoke, never even tried it.

Darkrose 03-24-10 11:58 PM

Re: Smoking Survey
Thanks, the one time I don't check there's even a poll. I was in 2006, perhaps people have changed :bashful:

honeykid 03-25-10 12:37 AM

Re: Smoking Survey
Used to. Quit. Haven't smoked for just over three years.

mark f 03-25-10 12:42 AM

Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 610101)

But to answer the question, I don't smoke, never even tried it.
I say good for you and don't let anybody tempt you.

XxSCaRFaCExX 03-25-10 02:52 AM

Re: Smoking Survey
I smoke when I was in college. But quit right away after graduation ;)

karibou 03-29-10 09:59 PM

Tried my first cigarette at age 9, didn't know how to inhale.

Started with my friends at age 14, been a pack-a-day (at least) since then. :(

rufnek 04-01-10 07:16 PM

Originally Posted by darkrose (Post 610098)
I was driving the other day and realized that every third car had a smoker in it. So I was wondering how many of our mofo's smoke cigarettes? If so, when did you start and why.
I used to, but quit.
I started smoking when I was about a Sophomre in high school in the late 1950s for the dumbest of possible reasons--I was going with this girl who smoked but was afraid her mom (who also smoked) would find her cigarettes in her purse, so she wanted me to start smoking so I'd carry cigarettes and she wouldn't have to! I never even thought of smoking until that moment!

Oh, well, it wasn't the first or last time I did something stupid for some skirt. The habit lasted much longer than she did--tried quiting several times without success. Finally sometime in the mid 1960s when I was smoking 3 packs of unfiltered Camels a day, I came down with a hell of a summer cold, my head and chest all clogged up and coughing, my throat feeling like someone had sandpapered it. I would light a cigarette, take a puff or two and the smoke would go down my throat like barbed wire, and I'd put the cigarette out. A few minutes later, I'd be lighting another one.

At the same time, I was making about $350 a month and paying $50 of that in child support (oddly enough to the same girl who got me smoking). Thought to myself, "This is really, really stupid!" And I stopped at that moment. Was too sick to enjoy cigarettes and felt like hell with that cold, anyhow. By the time it cleared up, I was over the worse of the withdrawal, and I never picked up a cigarette again. That was probably 40 years ago or more.

Funny thing, when I was in the Army, I also smoked marijuanna and hashish--both drugs, and both eaiser to give up than cigarettes. Smoked my last joint the night before I shipped home for my discharge and never looked back. Then 20+ years later, I'm running with another woman and were over at the house of a couple with whom she was friends, and they had some pot they were going to smoke. So they light up a joint, I take a draw and coughed for about 30 minutes straight, like some kinda beginner. Walked away from that again forever.

Thing is, smoking left me with some really bad sinuses. Now I walk by a smoking fireplace or grill, and my sinuses start shutting down. Can't stand the smell of cigarettes or smokers anymore. We ex-smokers are like ex-whores, hell on the things we used to do, so my three kids all stayed away from cigarettes and drugs. And from the motorcycles that almost killed me. None of them ever joined the Army, either.

shapeshifter 04-02-10 06:39 AM

Re: Smoking Survey
I tried it when I was about 13 with my friend , I didn't take it up but my friend did. good thing too the costs of a packet of fags cost the earth now.

SoulInside 04-02-10 10:29 AM

I usually smoke two or three cigarettes over the day, and about six or seven in the evening. Sometimes I don`t smoke for a week, sometimes I need a package per day - depends on my stress-level. I don`t try to quit right now, but I try to reduce it. And I need tobacco to smoke joints, that`s another luxury-problem.

Sedai 04-02-10 10:45 AM

Re: Smoking Survey
Only the good stuff, folks.

MyRobotSuit 04-02-10 12:04 PM

Re: Smoking Survey
I don't smoke, I suppose I've never really thought the balance between the high and the costs was enough to get me into it. I dabbled a little when I was a lot younger but no more than one or two.

Maxine Taurus 04-04-10 07:59 AM

Re: Smoking Survey
I started my first cigarette when I was 12 but it wasn't serious enough to warrant me smoking for real. I started inhaling them the "right" way at 16, stopped when I got married at 19; went back around 10 years ago; quit after three years; and am back again...

Such is the story of my life. Tho, I am now into a half a pack a day (10 sticks) it still isn't a good justification to not stop smoking altogether. Eventually, I'll kick the habit.. Gettin thar, guys. :)

rufnek 04-06-10 05:46 PM

Originally Posted by shapeshifter (Post 611818)
I tried it when I was about 13 with my friend , I didn't take it up but my friend did. good thing too the costs of a packet of fags cost the earth now.
When I was in the Army, I could buy a carton of cigarettes at the PX for $1.10/carton. When I quit, I think a carton was selling in the civilian world for something like $5-6--certainly less than $10. Now I hear a couple of cartons will tear hell out of a $100 bill! Man, that's too much money to just go up in smoke, not to mention reducing your lung capacity and undermining your health.

honeykid 04-07-10 09:18 AM

A carton?!?! I think they cost just under $10 a packet!! over here. The government do love their smoking tax. Cigarettes, petrol and alcohol. If we stopped it all tomorrow this country would be bankrupt by the end of the day.

Yoda 04-07-10 10:20 AM

Re: Smoking Survey
I've yet to take a single puff of anything.

I have a fairly addictive personality and like being frugal, so it doesn't really suit the rest of my life.

earlsmoviepicks 04-08-10 09:20 AM

Cigarettes no, but a nice Fuentes Hemingway cigar on a warm summer evening hits the spot

Caitlyn 04-11-10 12:02 AM

I've been around smokers off an on most of my life... but never have had a desire to smoke... and am extremely glad... I'd have to get a third job just to pay for 'em...

mojofilter 04-11-10 01:11 AM

Re: Smoking Survey
I used to smoke. I smoked for about 7 years.

I quit in 2002 and I've never smoked since.

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