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fatediesel 04-11-02 03:03 AM

Mulholland Drive DVD
I watched this movie for the first time on dvd and was shocked when i went back to watch a certain scene that the whole movie is only ONE scene. I don't understand why a movie that's 2 hours 27 minutes would only be one scene. My dvd player doesn't fast forward that fast, so when i wanted to watch a scene again near the end of the movie, i had to wait about 15 minutes while it was fast forwarding. Also, this movie didn't have squat for extras, just the trailer and cast bios. All in all, i'd give the movie 4 stars and the dvd -4.

mightymose 04-11-02 03:06 AM

I just watched the DVD last night and absolutely loved it. I didn't notice the lack of chapters though. I guess you could make an argument that the movie is so messed up that chapters wouldn't really make sense... but then you could also argue that b/c it doesn't make any sense what would they be loosing by having chapters :)

I was disapointed at the lack of special features... a commentary track would have been nice.

I've been thinking about the movie for a day now and I think I've finally got it figured out, but it's all personal opinion so I could be waaaaay off.

Holden Pike 04-11-02 06:27 AM

David Lynch prefers for his films to be presented without chapter breaks. Not just Mulholland Drive, but any of his movies. To quote his statement from The Straight Story DVD...

"I know that most DVDs have chapter stops. It is my opinion that a film is not like a book - it should not be broken up. It is a continuum and should be seen as such. Thanks for your understanding."

- David Lynch
The discs of The Elephant Man and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, both released earlier this year, also are without chapters.

As for commentary tracks, Lynch doesn't like to over-explain his narratives or demystify the filmmaking process. If you can't find the answer for yourself in the text of his films, he's not anxious to "tell you" what happened.

I respect both preferences.

The Silver Bullet 04-11-02 09:50 AM

So do I.
Very much so.

Yoda 04-11-02 10:22 AM

I can see his point and all, but I don't dig it. His movie is not so remarkably crucial so that he can't risk letting someone watch it the way they want to. More power to the people. :yup:

mightymose 04-11-02 07:59 PM

I certainly respect his opinion and understand where he is coming from... I like to think of most of his movies as being an 'experience', something that really shouldn't be chopped up.

In his defense regarding lack of commentaries, they did include a list of things to watch for in order to understand the mystery of Mulholland Drive... don't peak @ it until you've seen the movie though!

spudracer 04-11-02 10:26 PM

I'll need that. :laugh:

Steve 04-13-02 02:39 AM

It's David Lynch's movie, and if he feels that way about it, then he doesn't have to put anything on the dvd that he doesn't want. I bought this dvd on April 5th when it was shipped to blockbuster, which is one of the few benefits of working there - I can buy things before they're released. And I still love the movie, and more than ever think it's one of the best I've ever seen. It's a masterpiece. I think TWT needs to watch it. :)

Yoda 04-13-02 10:19 AM

No one's talking about HAVE or NEED. But rather SHOULD. IMO, it's less than reasonable to think so highly of your own film that you don't trust viewers with the amazing power to jump from chapter to chapter. That's just weird. And I do plan to watch it. But I'm in no rush. :) It doesn't matter how good it is, though...I don't care if we're talking about my favorite movie, I'd still be opposed to it being presented like that just because the Director wanted it that way. I think he's being, well, I guess fussy is the best word.

mightymose 04-13-02 01:03 PM

I really don't care either way... I guess we never had chaptes until 4 or 5 years ago, so maybe we just became spoiled :) My biggest argument against Lynch would be the movie is so messed up anyways it really doesn't matter in what order you watch it... LOL.

Best movie of last year though!

Fez Wizardo 04-29-02 07:25 PM

OK I recieved my copy this morning and I can officially say i'm extremely miffed :mad:

Firstly, is it just my version (I ordered it from the states) or is Laura's muff blurred? It doesn't affect anything that much, just irritating.

Secondly, I don't give a **** how it's meant to be seen, you can't fast forward a DVD like a video so chapter's are of necessity ESPECIALLY if you give a list of 10 clues to look out for, cause if you miss one, you'd want to flick back, oh hold on, you can't.

Seriously, this film is class, but this DVD is piss poor.:furious: :furious:

spudracer 04-29-02 07:55 PM

Personally, I wasn't paying attention to that. :laugh: It's always interesting to hear what people have a problem with.

I guess i'll have to pay attention to it when I watch it again...:D

Mystery Man 04-29-02 08:03 PM

I *was* looking forward to buying the DVD ever since I first saw it in the theatre. Then, once the DVD did come out I started hearing all this about no chapters... not really any extra stuff... etc. I decided that I better rent it first to see if I wanted to buy the DVD. I must say that I was a bit disappointed. My excitement to buy the DVD has definately been numbed. I have now decided that I am still going to buy it, but I'm waiting until Blockbuster (or some such place) has a previously viewed copy for considerably less than what they're priced at now. The local Blockbuster had a previously viewed copy of Ghost World on DVD for $9.99. I'm not planning to pay much more than that for Mulholland Drive.

spudracer 04-29-02 08:05 PM

I was bummed by the chapter-less DVD, but the movie more than made up for it.

Fez Wizardo 04-29-02 08:41 PM

I'm much more gutted by another recent purchase:

I bought the city of the lost children only to find all region 2 copies were in english.

can you imagine that? (let alone believe it?)

absolute guttmans, but back onto thread topic:

it's off my opinion that some of the scenes in the movie can be viewed without giving away the plot, and i think there are some genuinely funny laugh out loud moments in the film, now come on, you wanna show a mate a bit, entice him to watch the full thing, you can't, it's ridiculous...

I'm not sure whether if you have a DVD rom you can skip through it or not though... (anyone?)

spudracer 04-29-02 08:48 PM

I would like to have a DVD ROM, but I spend enough time in front of my computer as it is, I don't want to watch a movie on my computer.

I'm sure you can get over it, there's always something on a DVD that you learn to deal with..

Fez Wizardo 04-29-02 09:01 PM

i don't know about that :nope:

i don't think i'll ever bother watching The City of The Lost Children as it's just a pisstake, it just doesn't work as a decent film dubbed (they should have at least put the french language option in) very very wrong :yup:

Anywho, it's true, Mulholland Drive is an absolutely excellent film, personally i'm not one for director's commentry or any other extra features, however I was (but now slightly calmer) at the thought of something so trivial being censored (nether regions) and as long as fast forwarding the dvd at x8 speed doesn't cause any harm to dvd or player i'm ok with it.

did i mention The City of The Lost Children was only available in english on region 2? un-****ing-believable. someone needs to be shot.

Mystery Man 04-29-02 10:04 PM

What is region 2? A DVD retailer? If so, I would not deal with those bastards again. Of course, maybe you should have looked into that beforehand.

I know the DVD that I rented was double-sided and contained both the dubbed version and the original french version in subtitles.

Fez Wizardo 04-29-02 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Mystery Man
What is region 2? A DVD retailer? If so, I would not deal with those bastards again. Of course, maybe you should have looked into that beforehand.
ugh :rolleyes:



Holden Pike 04-29-02 10:18 PM

Most DVDs are coded for geographic regions. This was a retarded safeguard put into the technology to prevent consumers from doing world-wide shopping.

Region 2, or R2, simply means Europe, Japan, the Middle East, Egypt, South Africa and Greenland. If your DVD player isn't region-free and is from any other part of the world, those R2 discs won't play in your machine.

R1 = the United States, it's territories and Canada
R3 = Taiwan, Korea, the Philippeans, Indionesia and Hong Kong
R4 = Mexico, South and Central America, Australia, New Zealand the Pacific Islands and the Caribbean
R5 = Russia, Eastern Europe, India, Africa (excluding South Africa), North Korea and Mongolia
R6 = China.

THIS is a handy-dandy map showing what I just outlined above. Look on the back of one of your DVDs. The symbol that looks like this means R1.

There is such a thing as a region-free disc, often coded R0 (zero). There are also region-free players.

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