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Ðèstîñy 10-01-09 02:59 PM

100 Years... 100 Horror Movies
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 535279)
Hmm, sorry, I try to stick to semi-"official" lists. They have to be static and derived by some kind of film-related organization, generally.
I had a post/idea all ready to go, and saw that older post of your's. I don't know if there is a list like that for horror movies, but if there is, I bet the thing has a bunch of thrillers and sci-fi films in on it. I hate when they do that. There's a reason for the different genres. Frankenstein . . . Horror! Invasion of the Body Snatchers . . . Sci-fi! Psycho . . . Thriller! Saw . . . Vomit! :p

This was my post . . .

I still hope we can work up a Horror movie list.

Maybe we could work up a list of a top 50 to 100 horror movies. We will obviously have to compromise. There is no way we will love all the movies that are listed on a list like this. We could either do 50 classic horror films, and 50 (?) horror films, or just make one big horror list of 100 films. That may be a little tougher to do, though.

Anyway, if this hasn't been done yet, all the horror movie lovers of the board can chime in, and we can work up a list of 50 to 100 horror movies.

My question is, can we alter that rule just once, or should we get over having a horror movie list . . . or at least a decent one?

Yoda 10-01-09 03:09 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
I guess the rule isn't set in stone, but I think it's probably a pretty good idea. A snapshot of some fluctuating list from a moment in time seems a little less meaningful than something compiled or voted on a bit more seriously.

Surely, there has to be some kind of horror list, though? Not that I've come across a good one yet.

Ðèstîñy 10-01-09 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 571301)
Not that I've come across a good one yet.
That's the problem. I haven't seen one either. I trust us a hell of a lot more than those that I've seen.

How about the few of us that are interested in horror movies work together on the list, and then you decide after you see it?

Yoda 10-01-09 03:21 PM

Re: MoFo Lists
I'm okay with it, though I think the nominating/voting/selecting process would take an awful lot of work, and probably several different steps to make sure it's a good sample. But I'm certainly open-minded about it. I'm also optimistic that we'll find an outside alternative at some point, though.

Holden Pike 10-01-09 03:33 PM

That British Film Institute Screen Guide series has not gotten around to Horror yet, not in total, although they do have 100 European Horror Films. Obviously that's going to be incredibly comprehensive for what it is, but by not including the American or Asian titles especially it is less useful for MoFo purposes, perhaps.

Don't have that European Horror in my personal library. In addition to 100 Westerns and 100 Film Noirs I also have 100 Road Movies and 100 Documentary Films from that BFI series of books. The other titles so far are 100 Anime, 100 Bollywood Films, 100 American Independent Films, 100 Shakespeare Films, 100 British Documentaries and 100 Modern Soundtracks.

Ðèstîñy 10-01-09 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 571306)
I'm okay with it, though I think the nominating/voting/selecting process would take an awful lot of work, and probably several different steps to make sure it's a good sample.
I'm up for it. Besides, it's October 1st . . . What a perfect time to start such a list.

I'm sure that there will be plenty of films on the list that I do not like, but I'm open minded, and will keep up with what is very popular, etc . . .

I'll work up a thread starter later today, or by tonight. The first thing we need to do, is decide who all should vote. I'm not trying to be unfair by limiting it, but my first thought is . . . If someone that hates most horror movies votes, or maybe they've just seen a handful of them, it will throw it all off quite a bit. We did this on another board, voting down our favorite films, and Holden pointed out how odd it was to vote against a bunch of films you've never seen. Once we hit the foreign section, a section I'm "really" behind on, I watched the hell out of them at You-tube. I wanted to make my votes fair. It's best to do a list like this the same way. I have an idea that may work. I'll be back . . .

Holden Pike 10-01-09 08:05 PM

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 571315)
I'm up for it. Besides, it's October 1st . . . What a perfect time to start such a list.

I'm sure that there will be plenty of films on the list that I do not like, but I'm open minded, and will keep up with what is very popular, etc . . .
I'm up for the helping committee, however it winds up working, even though I'm no huge fan of the genre. But perhaps my eyes without an emotional stake in many of the titles will be of use when it comes time to make the tough calls on getting down to a hundred?

I think the BFI Screen Guide lists are a good guideline. They make sure to include the entire spectrum, and if we go in knowing we're going to set aside say at least forty to forty-five spots on the list for "oldies", meaning from the Silents up through say the first age of Hammer in the 1950s and '60s or so, decide ahead of time that no matter who does or doesn't consider "slasher" pics or "torture porn" as real true horror or not that we're going to include it for the sake of the list anyway, discuss whether we want to include genre benders like Alien or The Thing, make room for eight or ten from the 21st Century but try not to do much more than that, and to include flicks from around the whole world, etc.... I'm confident a group of us can come up with a decent, workable list of a hundred. Won't be easy, but it shouldn't be impossible.

Ðèstîñy 10-01-09 11:17 PM

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
I'm up for the helping committee, however it winds up working, even though I'm no huge fan of the genre. But perhaps my eyes without an emotional stake in many of the titles will be of use when it comes time to make the tough calls on getting down to a hundred?
Yep, you came to mind right away when I thought of this. I knew that horror was a least favorite genre of your's, so I wasn't sure if you'd care to join in on this. I love your opinion, though. As you know.

My idea was to use only those who considered horror movies a favorite. A top one to three in favorite genre. Something like that. Did I say that right? It doesn't matter now, anyway. Obviously that's not going to work. It's my favorite genre, of course. It's followed by Sci-fi, and then Thrillers/Noir. I'm pretty anal about how I split my movies up. If that isn't obvious to you by now . . . It will be. ;)

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
discuss whether we want to include genre benders like Alien or The Thing
One big reason I want those left off the list is because it's already going to be tough enough working the list down to 100, and since those are already on other lists . . . they had their moment . . . give someone else a shot. There's that, and then there's the fact that they're Sci-fi movies. :p


I don't know if the other members consider Psycho a slasher, a thriller, a horror movie, or what, but again, he's already on a list. He's on the Thrills list . . . because it's a Thriller. This guy however . . .

isn't on any list that I'm aware of, and I already know that he's loved by way too many people to be left off of this list if the votes go that way. Even though I hate his nasty ass.

Ðèstîñy 10-02-09 04:11 AM

Re: 100 Years... 100 Horror Movies
OK, to start things off, I need to know who all is interested in putting a horror movie list together?

So far I've got Holden. Anyone else? . . . Anyone? . . . Bueller? . . . Bueller? . . . Bueller? . . . Anyone? . . .

Holden Pike 10-02-09 09:23 AM

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 571402)
One big reason I want those left off the list is because it's already going to be tough enough working the list down to 100, and since those are already on other lists . . . they had their moment . . . give someone else a shot. There's that, and then there's the fact that they're Sci-fi movies. :p

I don't know if the other members consider Psycho a slasher, a thriller, a horror movie, or what, but again, he's already on a list. He's on the Thrills list . . . because it's a Thriller. This guy however . . .

isn't on any list that I'm aware of, and I already know that he's loved by way too many people to be left off of this list if the votes go that way. Even though I hate his nasty ass.
By that logic "our" Horror list also can't include Halloween, The Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, The Shining, Carrie, Night of the Living Dead, The Omen, Poltergeist, Frankenstein (1931) or Dracula (1931). I think that's a mistake. So what if they're on another list or two? There are plenty of movies that are on multiple lists, but if you can't use those titles what kind of Horror list are we making?

Holden Pike 10-02-09 10:20 AM

And unlike the AFI lists, I definitely think the list should have Horror movies from all over the world, not just America. Hammer, Giallo, J-Horror, etc.

mark f 10-02-09 11:59 AM

Re: 100 Years... 100 Horror Movies
I will participate, You also need Sir Toose, Used Future, r3port3r, 42nd St., etc.

Used Future 10-02-09 05:27 PM

Count me in.

igor_is_fugly 10-02-09 05:46 PM

Re: 100 Years... 100 Horror Movies
Hell yeah! I'm in!

Yoda 10-02-09 05:50 PM

Re: 100 Years... 100 Horror Movies
Ditto. :)

r3port3r66 10-02-09 06:13 PM

Re: 100 Years... 100 Horror Movies
Me too! And I have no doubt Holden is a closet good horror movie fan (I seem to remember watching Let the Right One In on his recommendation [ ( a very good horror film)! True horror fans know truly good if not great horror movies--perhaps some you've never heard of.

Ðèstîñy 10-02-09 06:52 PM

I started this post roughly 6 hours ago. Ignore how slow I am . . .

Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 571504)
By that logic "our" Horror list also can't include Halloween, The Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, The Shining, Carrie, Night of the Living Dead, The Omen, Poltergeist, Frankenstein (1931) or Dracula (1931). I think that's a mistake. So what if they're on another list or two?
No, I'm not saying that if they are on other lists, leave them off. I'm just referring to those that are actually Sci-fi movies, or Thrillers. I just tossed in the fact that they are on those lists already, because that's what they really are. I've just always hated when people mix those three genres up. Those up there are horror movies. They are to me, anyway. Maybe I look at it different than others, but to me, a horror movie is not possible. Killers that can't be killed, girls that get really pissed when you dump pig's blood on them, ghost (Please don't get religious on me, people), Satan knocking you up, etc . . . Aliens aren't possible either (Please don't get Star Trek on me, people.), and they are scary, but they are also Sci-fi. Multiple personalities are possible. You can have a guy that thinks he's his mother, go around killing people. Should I wrap that up in spoiler tags?

Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 571504)
what kind of Horror list are we making?
This kind right here . . .

Halloween, The Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, The Shining, Carrie, Night of the Living Dead, The Omen, Poltergeist, Frankenstein (1931) or Dracula (1931).

I already had all of those, and a whole lot more, on my list.

I remembered a few of those being on the lists already, but I thought it was the 100 years, 100 movies, and the Watch before you die, or whatever it's called. Now I need to go see where some of those have been placed. It was probably the "Thrills" list. I hope that means that they thrill you when you watch them. Not that they are to be put in the Suspense Thrillers section. I said I was anal about it. Could you imagine how long I would last at Hollywood Video, before they'd fire me for moving a lot of them around.

I assume that once we get everyone that's interested in this on board, and the voting starts, I'll lose. I figure that's the best way to do it. We'll take a vote on if we should leave Sci-fi out, since there is already a Sci-fi list posted. (I just thought I'd toss that in there one more time. ;) )

Anyway, our biggest problem will probably be getting a bunch of the classics on the list. Especially silent films. I hope I'm just being negative with my thinking, but I know that a lot of people love today's horror remakes, and newer slasher films better. It seems that way, anyway.

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
And unlike the AFI lists, I definitely think the list should have Horror movies from all over the world, not just America. Hammer, Giallo, J-Horror, etc.
I totally agree. When the time comes, suggest away. Like I said, it's October. It's the perfect time of year to check out a bunch of new horror movies that I've never seen before.

r3port3r66 10-02-09 08:24 PM

Re: 100 Years... 100 Horror Movies
Horror movie fans know what a horror movie is. See, I would almost consider Alien as a horror movie, but not Aliens. Alien did take the horror concept and place it in space. That said I can't think of any horror films that take place in space anyway. In order to be in space usually technology is so advanced that colonies or huge spaceships are home to the monster. Since no technologies exist of that nature now, I would consider it to be science fiction.

BUT, Frankenstein might--might be considered science fiction...hmmm...

Ðèstîñy 10-02-09 08:52 PM

Originally Posted by r3port3r66 (Post 571623)
Frankenstein might--might be considered science fiction...hmmm...
Not in my eyes. Aliens are Sci-fi. I'm referring to the little green men. Mr. Frankenstein's monster is just that . . . a monster. I relate monsters to horror movies, and aliens to Sci-fi.

As I've said, we'll keep it simple, and vote. I already assume how the vote will go, but we'll still do it.

Powdered Water 10-02-09 09:27 PM

Re: 100 Years... 100 Horror Movies
How do we start?

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