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L .B . Jeffries 03-30-02 05:10 PM

Do you Listen to Audio Commentaries
Simple question MoFo's do you listen to DVD Audio Commenatries and if so which do you like or dislike. :)

Yoda 03-30-02 05:37 PM

Yes, I do. If I like the movie, I listen to the commentary...and I usually like the movies I have. :D I really, really dug the commentary for The Usual Suspects. That's the only one that comes right to mind. EXCELLENT thread idea, BTW, LBJ. :yup:

mecurdius 03-30-02 06:32 PM

I listen to them all the time my favorites are:

Chuck Palahniuk and Jim Uhls in Fight Club
Bruce Campell for The Evil Dead
The Kevin Smith ones are pretty good, too

spudracer 03-30-02 07:57 PM

I've only listened to one all the way through and that was House on Haunted Hill.

I usually only listen to parts just to find out about certain scenes, like how they did it and whatnot.

Holden Pike 03-30-02 08:02 PM

Of course, Hell yes.

My three favorite commentaors have been Marty Scorsese (Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, The Last Temptation of Christ, New York, New York), Terry Gilliam (Time Bandits, Brazil, The Fisher King, 12 Monkeys, The Adventures of Baron Mucnhausen, Jabberwocky, Monty Python & the Holy Grail, Monty Python's Life of Brian) and Robert Altman (The Player, M*A*S*H, Thieves Like Us, Secret Honor, The Gingerbread Man).

The Silver Bullet 03-30-02 08:41 PM

Oh, yeah.

I love the things.
I've only listened to a few but I really enjoy both of the Moulin Rouge commentaries, although my favorite would probably be Matthew Vaughn and Guy Ritchie on the Snatch commentary.

Funny, funny men.

mecurdius 03-30-02 11:24 PM

You liked the guy ritchie Snatch commentary?!? That was so boring i had to stop oit half way through. All he talked about was lighting the whole time.

The Silver Bullet 03-30-02 11:30 PM

Man, I thought it was hilarious.
They were eating lunch and it was very good, I thought.
They gave me a heap of insight. Wanting to be a director and all.

sadesdrk 03-31-02 01:26 PM

The audio commentary for the Matrix was cool. I love Carrie Ann Moss's voice.

The one for American Beauty was great.

I don't watch them very often. I don't know why...I think I'll start.:)

L .B . Jeffries 03-31-02 01:39 PM

Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
Man, I thought it was hilarious.
They were eating lunch and it was very good, I thought.
They gave me a heap of insight. Wanting to be a director and all.
I haven't heard the whole thing of Snatch but I was diggin that for sure, I was just really tried that day.

Once you mentioned "they were eating Launch" I thoght of P.T. Anderson second commentary on Boogie Nights were he goes to the actors homes and eats with them talks about some things that arn't really related to what's going on in the screen. He's everywhere, Marky Mark keeps on say I have to go right from the begining and he gets the guy to say for almost the whole movie. He keeps on talk to Guzman about that fact that people have said that he was getting high for the whole movie. it's just an insane commentary.

The Silver Bullet 03-31-02 07:08 PM

I'll have to check that out.

I really enjoyed the Snatch commentary. There was just something that really did it for me. The fact that Vaughn wasn't really saying anything and Ritchie kept saying, "...and now Matt's going to talk." And there'd be thirty seconds of silence and stuff. And they kept breaking (of course you don't know they've breaked) and they're saying, "...we've just been told that we need to start trying or else the company won't release the audio commentary." And at the same time, technically speaking, it was a very insightful commentary.

The writer's commentary on Moulin Rouge. Oh, I love that.

Guy 03-31-02 11:15 PM

I used to, but not anymore. I will listen to a few directors though. I don't know why I don't. I guess I'd rather watch the actual film than watch the film with someone talking through it. If I had 2 extra hours to watch a film, I'd rather actually view the film. I recently watched Seven with commentary, and it was just very dull (with Freeman Fincher and Pitt).

L .B . Jeffries 04-01-02 03:35 AM

"I am a very wealthy man, and whatever there paying you I'll double it"

I just listen to a great LD Audio Commentary of THE GAME with David Fincher and Cast & Crew

Monkeypunch 04-02-02 01:01 AM

I try to listen to the commentaries at least once. The Mallrats commentary by Kevin Smith is the most entertaining one I've heard, but weirdly, the best commentary I've ever heard is for an awful movie: Monkeybone, directed by Henry Sellick. He just ranted about how the studio and the producers gutted his movie. It was so angry and bitter, it's must hear stuff for anyone thinking of getting into filmmaking. It shows how test screenings and nervous executives can ruin your ideas.

Marcellus 04-03-02 07:55 PM

Requiem for a Dream's with Aronofsky was pretty cool as well, since he went into the whole background of the movie, working with the actors, etc. rather than just the movie itself.

filmfreak 04-04-02 11:21 AM

The commentary for Clerks Uncensored is really funny, a lot better than the actual cartoon really. KS and SM just lay into MTV and the studio and talk how they screwed the production over throughout the whole 3 hours. I think they were glad to get it off their chests! The commentary on Get Over It is along the same lines.

I try to listen to the commentaries, especially if its a movie ive seen many times before, but some are awful. Mena Suvari on AP2 for example. Saying that i think Seann William Scott's commentaries on AP and Dude Where's My Car are both really funny.

spudracer 04-04-02 11:24 AM

Some movies I don't really want to listen to the commentary on. I listened to a little of The Goonies commentary, House on Haunted Hill, and a few others. I'm not big on the commentaries.

Jenny*B 05-04-02 10:31 AM

If I like the movie, I usually listen to the commentary. Sometimes they're interesting, sometimes they're not. I've enjoyed most of the ones I've sat through, though. I've started wondering what they are going to put on the commentary for the Spidey DVD... :p Heh heh. Already thinking ahead of myself.

Fez Wizardo 05-08-02 10:28 AM

Do you listen to audio commentaries?

no, not just only do I find it hard to watch a film with the sound muted while people chat away in pure self indulgence over how great their flick is, but normally I find it ruin's the film for me, they add elements I didn't want added and ruine any mistique.

imagine director's commentary for Mulholland Drive

"...oh yes, yes, here we see Naomi with Laura, yes they were very kind about doing this scene, both were very cool with it, notice where Naomi is placing her hands on Laura's breasts while breathing heavily into her ear whispering violently "i'm in love with you", yes, yes, that was all heat of the moment, I didn't ask her to do that, but she just went with it...that's why I chose Naomi for this part..."


Mary Loquacious 05-09-02 02:28 PM

If I like the movie, I usually listen to the commentary. Sometimes they're interesting, sometimes they're not. I've enjoyed most of the ones I've sat through, though.
This is pretty much my commentary experience in a nutshell. Watch as many as I can ('cause you know, when you rent a DVD, there's only so much time... which is why I end up buying so d*mn many) and enjoy. Aronofsky's PI and Requiem commentaries are brilliant, and Kevin Smith and Martin Scorcese are always a treat.

Two really strange ones I've heard:

The Cannibal! The Musical commentary--Trey Parker, Matt Stone, and all the usual suspects getting drunk while talking about the movie. Not even an hour into the flick they start talking about going to the tittie bar. :rotfl: And even with how funny it is, you still get some great tidbits about the struggles of making movies with no money, no professionals, and no time.

The Sleepaway Camp commentary--remember this movie? When they released it on DVD and it actually had a commentary, I freaked out. I hadn't seen it in about ten years, so my husband and I got together a couple of friends who'd never seen it and watched the movie, which was universally proclaimed to be fairly lame--you know how it is, movies lose their luster when they're dated and crappy--and then we got the urge to listen to the commentary, mostly to figure out where that last shocking image (you know the one I'm talking about) came from. The commentary itself was so strange, we wound up watching the whole thing. There's nothing like a nobody director, his nobody actress, and the creator of the official SC fan site (seriously) talking seriously about character motivation and actors you'll never see again who appear in the movie itself for about three minutes ("Yeah, he was such a professional. A great actor.") Unbelievable.

'Kay. Babbling now. :babbling:

Mary Lo

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