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cloer 07-01-09 04:56 PM

Movies YOU wished were being made
I searched the forums and i came up with these treads
- Books you would like to see made into films
- Movies that SHOULD be made
but these don't seem to be at what im asking so...

What movies do you wish they were making, your guilty little pleasure, movies that may not have a huge following of fans (comic/cartoon movies), or may be to expensive to produce, or may not be financially viable, or maybe movies that should Never be made, but still you'd like to see. In short movies that will never be made but you'd be the first one lined up to see.


*Red storm Rising by tom clancy: War between NATO and the soviet union in the late 80's basically just a pure huge war movie, but i asume it would need a masive budget and alot of help from the military (maybe micheal bay directing so they could lend him a couple carriers, and acouple dozen F-117 and A-10).

*Serenity 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9: Capt. Malcom Reynolds kicks butt, hes like Han Solo but funnier and cooler.

*Dr. Horribles Sing along blog: This one might come true, Nathan fillion and NPH are awsome.

*Star wars CGI movie (george lucas doesnt touch it): did anyone see the trailer for the star wars MMO at E3, it was one of the best ligthsaber battles i have seen makes me wish they made a whole movie about that storie, and the sith looks so awsome.

*Narto live action: This could be horrible if its done alaa dragonball, but still id like to see it.

*Cautionary tales for children directed by guillermo del Toro: Do a movie with a bunch of short stories maybe 15 minutes each and make each much darker as hes know to do, its euther those or Grimm's Fairy Tales.

Harry Lime 07-01-09 05:09 PM

Originally Posted by cloer (Post 545369)
*Cautionary tales for children directed by benicio del Toro: Do a movie with a bunch of short stories maybe 15 minutes each and make each much darker as hes know to do, its euther those or Grimm's Fairy Tales.
I think you mean Guillermo del Toro.

I'll add Philip K. Dick's Ubik, he even wrote a screenplay for it that differs from the book which never got made.

spudracer 07-01-09 05:17 PM

Originally Posted by cloer (Post 545369)
I searched the forums and i came up with these treads... - Movies that SHOULD be made... but these don't seem to be at what im asking so...
How does that thread not fit with what you're asking? They are, at their core, the same exact question simply proposed differently.

Movied that SHOULD be made - vs - Movies YOU wish were being made

Please explain to me what the difference is.

Harry Lime 07-01-09 05:20 PM

Re: Movies YOU wished were being made
Spud does make a good point there.

cloer 07-01-09 06:16 PM

Theres a diference between should and wish, i know that half my movies would never be made and if i was a producer i would never green light them but, still i wish they were still being made. Like i said guilty pleasures.

*Red storm Rising by tom clancy: To big budget, no central charcaters, movie is basically a chain of explosions ad gunfights.

*Serenity 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9: Franchise is dead and even if i wish they made it, i know they would never do because they killed of 2 main characters.

*Star wars CGI movie: George lucas would nerver sign of on not beeing involeved in a movie. How many adult CGI movies have been made and have been secesful (final fantasy).

*Narto live action: How many anime to live action movies have turned out well???

*Cautionary tales for children directed by guillermo del Toro: I have no idea why the dont make this.

I was only triying to make a conversation, if you feel this thread is redundant, please close it and i apologice.

Pyro Tramp 07-01-09 06:16 PM

Re: Movies YOU wished were being made
Freddy vs Jason vs Ash is a film i wish was being made but it shouldn't be made since they'd probably butcher the characters and tone of the originals.

spudracer 07-01-09 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by cloer (Post 545389)
Theres a diference between should and wish
Last time I checked, they were still pretty much the same thing. If you're told you SHOULD do something, it's not something that you will do, but it's recommended. Wishing, is hoping something will be done, but it either will or it won't. Basically, neither of those are set in stone.

Basically, give me a really good reason why this thread should remain open, vice using the Movies that SHOULD be made thread. :)

cloer 07-01-09 06:40 PM

Last time I checked, they were still pretty much the same thing
i see no connection between should and wish, ex.

Michael Bay Should make transformers 3 (he will make a lot of money), but i wish he would not (he will make a horrible movie).

I wish you would leave this thread open but you should close it.

Should: What is supposed to happen
Wish: what youd like to happen

Basically, give me a really good reason why this thread should remain open, vice using the Movies that SHOULD be made thread.
Onestly if you whant to, close it. I promise no hard feelings:), i was just bored and wanted to created something i tought was interesting, but i have had more fun debating with you about the diference of the thread.

If you want we can make another thread about the diference of wish and should in the intermisson section, i always like interesting debates. :p

Pyro Tramp 07-01-09 06:41 PM

Re: Movies YOU wished were being made
Films you wish can be any wild ideas not like a tangible idea like long overdue sequel. A sequel to Serenity SHOULD be made but i wish they'd do an adult version so can see Gina Torres naked.

TheDOMINATOR 07-01-09 06:46 PM

Re: Movies YOU wished were being made
-A remake of The Relic (1997).
-Another installation of the Superman saga, be it a sequel to Superman Returns or not.
-A movie based on the PC game franchise, Diablo.

And I would add both a movie based on the comic book character Witchblade, and a film based on Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy, but I understand that both of those are in the works!

spudracer 07-01-09 11:10 PM

Originally Posted by cloer (Post 545395)
I wish you would leave this thread open but you should close it.
I'll go ahead and leave it open. In the future, if the line between the two is too close to tell, it's probably just better to add onto the original.

I'll second a remake of The Relic. The premise was there, the story and direction, sadly, weren't.

Iroquois 07-01-09 11:18 PM

Re: Movies YOU wished were being made
Escape From Earth.

regnif 07-02-09 12:19 AM

Re: Movies YOU wished were being made
Brussaile-Les Ballaines Publiques - an obscure belgian comic from 1984, would make a great movie.

The Legend Of Zelda (1986)-Video game..old guilty pleasure. Would make a great film with today's technology.

Jame's Joyces Ulysses- It has been made into a film before (1967), but should be remade with today's standards.The greatest english language novel of the 20th century is still totally relevant in today's world.

The Stranger by Albert Camus would make a great movie. I have no idea if it has been made into one.

A few Kafka novels or short stories (The Metamorphosis, The Castle, Amerika, The Trial) would make great movies as well.

downthesun 07-02-09 06:24 AM

Re: Movies YOU wished were being made
Transmetropolitan (the comic)
Anything written by Chuck Pahlniuk or Irvine Welsh
Porno (the sequel to Trainspotting with the original cast and Danny Boyle as director)
More Batman movies with Bale and Nolan
Sopranos movie
Always Sunny in Philidelphia
Preacher (comic)

regnif 07-02-09 06:52 AM

Originally Posted by downthesun (Post 545511)
Anything written by Chuck Pahlniuk
Porno (the sequel to Trainspotting with the original cast and Danny Boyle as director)

they should do Choke

and as for PORNO...I second that!!!!fingers crossed thath D.Boyle makes this one and saves the bad opinion i have for him right now after that Slumdog:down: movie..although i doubt that he will ever make anything as breathtakingly good as trainspotting and 28days later again.

downthesun 07-02-09 06:55 AM

Originally Posted by regnif (Post 545523)
they should do Choke

and as for PORNO...I second that!!!!fingers crossed thath D.Boyle makes this one and saves the bad opinion i have for him right now after that Slumdog:down: movie..although i doubt that he will ever make anything as breathtakingly good as trainspotting and 28days later again.

regnif 07-02-09 06:58 AM

Originally Posted by downthesun (Post 545524)

Great news:D

SoulInside 07-02-09 08:49 AM

Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers 2009:

Seth Rogen

as Fat Freddie

Joaquin Phoenix
as Phineas


or Owen Wilson

as Freewheelin` Franklin

...and a CGI-Cat

as Fat Freddys Cat.

spudracer 07-02-09 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by regnif (Post 545525)
Great news:D
More or less. The movie was nothing like the book, from what I've heard from our MoFo Book Club.

Brother Blue 07-02-09 10:32 AM

Originally Posted by Harry Lime (Post 545372)
I'll add Philip K. Dick's Ubik, he even wrote a screenplay for it that differs from the book which never got made.
Yes, my favourite PKD novel. I would love to see that on screen.

I would also like to see Chuck Palahniuk's Survivor get the movie treatment. American Tabloid by James Ellroy would also been good, because its a very good book and you would have the option of a trilogy if the first was successful.

And I know it has already been made in the 70's (I think?) I would also like a new adaptation of my favourite book Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf.

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