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valeriewriter 09-04-08 09:26 PM

Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
Hi Everybody,

Well, I still can't post a link to my movie blog site, but you can check it out if you look for valeriewriter on wordpress which has pictures on the post, so it's kinda better. Until then, here is my newest review:

Tropic Thunder

Without a doubt, it is doubtless than anyone has not heard of Tropic Thunder. For a few weeks, it has been the number one movie in the world. It has made a ton of money, so that alone means it’s an important movie.

I have never been a fan of war movies, so this one was hard to watch, at times. There is a lot of blood, a lot of guns, a lot of rifles and a lot of blowing things up with missiles and dynamite. Very loud and very graphic in its portrayal of war and soldiers in the military.

The movie is unique in that the movie is actually about the making of a movie. No, I am not making that up. The actors in the movie are playing actors who are playing soldiers in a pretend movie. My reaction to this…Wow. I think this might be the first time that anyone has ever attempted such a cinematic feat. This is pretty amazing because, if you think about it, everyone is having to act twice as hard as they normally would. It’s the equivalent of making two movies, basically.

Tropic Thunder tells the story of a movie set where the actors and the director don’t get along, at all. So, the man that wrote the book that the movie is actually based on (yes, this was a true story!) makes plans to have the actors dropped off in a Japanese country where a real war is being fought and film them like a reality television show. The rest of the movie is about the actors trying to get out of the war country and one of the actors who thinks it is a movie, so he plays along with the enemy soldiers because he thinks they’re actors.

I was able to walk away with a little insight into Hollywood because of this movie, though. I had no idea how few black actors there were in the world. In Tropic Thunder, there are two roles for black actors and only one of them is actually played by a black actor. Robert Downey Jr., of the movie Ironman, has to pretend to be black because not enough black people tried out for the movie. So, I really think Hollywood should open acting schools so black people can attend and they can fill the roles that need black people. That’s just my opinion, though.

Tropic Thunder did have its moments, but I also found it kind of insensitive in a lot of ways. Obese people might not want to watch this movie because the number of times Jack Black is called fat was way too many. Oh, and then they made him only wear his underwear in order to get, in my opinion, cheap laughs. He probably didn’t even know they were making fun of him. Also, if you get to the movie on time to see the previews, you’ll see a preview for another Jack Black movie and it looks really bad. It’s a sequel to a movie that came out recently (I admit, though, I never actually saw it) about a family of really obese people. I don’t understand why Jack Black would do parts like that. He is way more talented than just being fat. Ben Stiller needs to realize that obese people are not obese by choice, it is a disease and, for many, it is a disability. Making fun of them only creates a lack of respect by non-obese people of actual obese people who deserve to be treated like they were normal. It is the same as making fun of people with cancer or without eyeballs, it is childish, immature and juvenile and doesn’t need to be in a movie.

Also, I think it might be especially hard for anyone who knows anyone who is among the soldiers fighting overseas in the oil countries. Watching Tropic Thunder, these viewers might begin to worry about their friend or loved one or relative getting their arms blown off or stepping on an old gold mine, so they should reconsider watching this and maybe watch another movie, instead.

Note- If you love animals and love polar bears, DO NOT see this movie!!!!

In short, I think Tropic Thunder could have been funny, but it just became mean-spirited. In my opinion, Jack Black deserves an apology from all of the people on this movie.

I give Tropic Thunder 2 out of 5 winks.

MovieMan8877445 09-04-08 09:39 PM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
Originally Posted by valeriewriter (Post 459637)
I have never been a fan of war movies, so this one was hard to watch, at times. There is a lot of blood, a lot of guns, a lot of rifles and a lot of blowing things up with missiles and dynamite. Very loud and very graphic in its portrayal of war and soldiers in the military.

Tropic Thunder tells the story of a movie set where the actors and the director don’t get along, at all. So, the man that wrote the book that the movie is actually based on (yes, this was a true story!) makes plans to have the actors dropped off in a Japanese country where a real war is being fought and film them like a reality television show. The rest of the movie is about the actors trying to get out of the war country and one of the actors who thinks it is a movie, so he plays along with the enemy soldiers because he thinks they’re actors.

I was able to walk away with a little insight into Hollywood because of this movie, though. I had no idea how few black actors there were in the world. In Tropic Thunder, there are two roles for black actors and only one of them is actually played by a black actor. Robert Downey Jr., of the movie Ironman, has to pretend to be black because not enough black people tried out for the movie. So, I really think Hollywood should open acting schools so black people can attend and they can fill the roles that need black people. That’s just my opinion, though.

Tropic Thunder did have its moments, but I also found it kind of insensitive in a lot of ways. Obese people might not want to watch this movie because the number of times Jack Black is called fat was way too many. Oh, and then they made him only wear his underwear in order to get, in my opinion, cheap laughs. He probably didn’t even know they were making fun of him. Also, if you get to the movie on time to see the previews, you’ll see a preview for another Jack Black movie and it looks really bad. It’s a sequel to a movie that came out recently (I admit, though, I never actually saw it) about a family of really obese people. I don’t understand why Jack Black would do parts like that. He is way more talented than just being fat. Ben Stiller needs to realize that obese people are not obese by choice, it is a disease and, for many, it is a disability. Making fun of them only creates a lack of respect by non-obese people of actual obese people who deserve to be treated like they were normal. It is the same as making fun of people with cancer or without eyeballs, it is childish, immature and juvenile and doesn’t need to be in a movie.

Also, I think it might be especially hard for anyone who knows anyone who is among the soldiers fighting overseas in the oil countries. Watching Tropic Thunder, these viewers might begin to worry about their friend or loved one or relative getting their arms blown off or stepping on an old gold mine, so they should reconsider watching this and maybe watch another movie, instead.

Note- If you love animals and love polar bears, DO NOT see this movie!!!!

In short, I think Tropic Thunder could have been funny, but it just became mean-spirited. In my opinion, Jack Black deserves an apology from all of the people on this movie.

I give Tropic Thunder 2 out of 5 winks.

First Of All, Tropic Thunder Really Wasn't That Gory, But I Guess You Must Not Watch A Lot Of Gory Movies. And You Do Know That It's Not Actually Based On A True Story, That Movie In The Movie Was Said To Be Based Off A True Story, But Not The Actual Movie. And It's Not That They Couldn't Get Any Black Actors To Play The Role, They Thought It'd Be Funnier (Which Is Was), To Have A White Guy Play A Black Guy. And I'm Sure Jack Black Knew They Were Supposed To Be Making Fun Of Him When He Read The Script For It. Also That Fart Trailer Is Not A Real Movie Coming Out, It Fake Made For Tropic Thunder. And When You Said It Was Childish For Them To Be Making Fun Of People, This Was A Spoof Movie, What Did You Expect.

mark f 09-04-08 10:08 PM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
If you're fat, you're fat. I can deal with it since I'm WAY fatter than Jim Beam... er, Jack Black.

Iroquois 09-05-08 11:42 AM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
Is it bad that I find this unintentionally funny?

Originally Posted by valeriewriter (Post 459637)
Without a doubt, it is doubtless than anyone has not heard of Tropic Thunder. For a few weeks, it has been the number one movie in the world. It has made a ton of money, so that alone means it’s an important movie.
"Without a doubt, it is doubtless." Heh.

I have never been a fan of war movies, so this one was hard to watch, at times. There is a lot of blood, a lot of guns, a lot of rifles and a lot of blowing things up with missiles and dynamite. Very loud and very graphic in its portrayal of war and soldiers in the military.
If you're not a fan of war movies, why'd you see this one? It may be a comedy, but it's quite obviously a war comedy (in a way)

The movie is unique in that the movie is actually about the making of a movie. No, I am not making that up. The actors in the movie are playing actors who are playing soldiers in a pretend movie. My reaction to this…Wow. I think this might be the first time that anyone has ever attempted such a cinematic feat. This is pretty amazing because, if you think about it, everyone is having to act twice as hard as they normally would. It’s the equivalent of making two movies, basically.
:rolleyes: There have been plenty of movies made about the making of movies over the years. I don't think there's anything especially hard about playing an actor playing a character. As for "making two movies" - that's the point. So?

Tropic Thunder tells the story of a movie set where the actors and the director don’t get along, at all. So, the man that wrote the book that the movie is actually based on (yes, this was a true story!) makes plans to have the actors dropped off in a Japanese country where a real war is being fought and film them like a reality television show. The rest of the movie is about the actors trying to get out of the war country and one of the actors who thinks it is a movie, so he plays along with the enemy soldiers because he thinks they’re actors.
It's not a true story. And the movie is about the Vietnam War and it's being filmed in Vietnam, therefore it's not in a Japanese country (hell, Japanese country? There's only one Japanese country in the world. It's called Japan.)

I was able to walk away with a little insight into Hollywood because of this movie, though. I had no idea how few black actors there were in the world. In Tropic Thunder, there are two roles for black actors and only one of them is actually played by a black actor. Robert Downey Jr., of the movie Ironman, has to pretend to be black because not enough black people tried out for the movie. So, I really think Hollywood should open acting schools so black people can attend and they can fill the roles that need black people. That’s just my opinion, though.
What Movieman said, the "white man playing a black man" was the intention all along. Plus, if you paid attention at all you'll notice that there are scenes at the beginning and end which show that underneath the black exterior RDJ's character is actually white.

Tropic Thunder did have its moments, but I also found it kind of insensitive in a lot of ways. Obese people might not want to watch this movie because the number of times Jack Black is called fat was way too many. Oh, and then they made him only wear his underwear in order to get, in my opinion, cheap laughs. He probably didn’t even know they were making fun of him. Also, if you get to the movie on time to see the previews, you’ll see a preview for another Jack Black movie and it looks really bad. It’s a sequel to a movie that came out recently (I admit, though, I never actually saw it) about a family of really obese people. I don’t understand why Jack Black would do parts like that. He is way more talented than just being fat. Ben Stiller needs to realize that obese people are not obese by choice, it is a disease and, for many, it is a disability. Making fun of them only creates a lack of respect by non-obese people of actual obese people who deserve to be treated like they were normal. It is the same as making fun of people with cancer or without eyeballs, it is childish, immature and juvenile and doesn’t need to be in a movie.
Well, it would be silly to call fat people thin now, wouldn't it? Besides, Jack Black's popularity is built entirely out of "cheap laughs" and he knows it. Why else do you think he allows it to happen time and time again?

Also, Movieman already said it. The "fatty" movie was not a real movie. It's a fake trailer. Besides, I have three words for you - The Nutty Professor. That's a "fatty" movie done by Eddie Murphy, who isn't even fat.

Besides, as for making fun of obese people - hell, this movie makes fun of a lot of different people. Fat people, black people, hell, they even made fun of Australian people ...but it's not like they were intending it to be overly malicious. Besides, if this movie was going to encourage people to make fun of others, the only people that would do are probably the same kind of people who would do it anyway.

Also, what's wrong with having a laugh? Making fun is an important part of what makes us human, and for as long as anyone can remember a lot of laughter comes at the expense of others. Why should this movie make anything better or worse?

Also, I think it might be especially hard for anyone who knows anyone who is among the soldiers fighting overseas in the oil countries. Watching Tropic Thunder, these viewers might begin to worry about their friend or loved one or relative getting their arms blown off or stepping on an old gold mine, so they should reconsider watching this and maybe watch another movie, instead.
This point seems rather redundant.

Note- If you love animals and love polar bears, DO NOT see this movie!!!!
Polar bears?! Dude, how hard were you paying attention to this movie?

In short, I think Tropic Thunder could have been funny, but it just became mean-spirited. In my opinion, Jack Black deserves an apology from all of the people on this movie.
Perhaps. But I'm willing to bet he wouldn't care anyway.

I give Tropic Thunder 2 out of 5 winks.
Fair enough.

mark f 09-05-08 01:07 PM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
Cute. Check this.

Iroquois 09-05-08 01:08 PM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
Touché, Mark. Touché.

vondummpenstein 09-05-08 11:16 PM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
Actually Valerie,

Never mind me. Do whatever floats your boat. If your having fun then keep at it.

valeriewriter 09-19-08 08:54 PM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
Thanks for the comments, everybody. :)

I just posted a review of Dark Knight, too. Check it out if you can.


Sawman3 09-19-08 09:06 PM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
I hope everyone reads the entire thread that Mark linked to. It kind of explains what ol' val is up to here, and to be honest it would help if you explained that you're trying to mind**** everyone before you proceed to do so.

Other than that, once I realized what was really going on here, it was pretty funny. For awhile I thought these were dead serious. I almost posted a small book out of frustration.

valeriewriter 09-19-08 09:13 PM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
My stats for my review ended with 736 hits today alone. Thank you to everyone who read!!!

alionim 09-22-08 08:12 AM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
Good Review you have given I like this.....Thanks for Making the new Thread here as everybody can discuss there review......:D:D:D:D

Pyro Tramp 09-22-08 08:25 AM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
Yeah, after seeing the picture on her site (Robert Downey Jr before (with a pic of Owen Wilson) and after (with him in the movie)), i worked out the joke. Fair play. She's done what she set you to do quite well, some of it is so wrong that you must know it's fake.

The Prestige 09-22-08 09:24 AM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
I think she's ****ing brilliant. Halirious stuff, Val ;D

valeriewriter 09-22-08 11:45 AM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 464240)
I think she's ****ing brilliant. Halirious stuff, Val ;D

Sedai 09-22-08 12:03 PM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
"Moviegoers really love seeing criminals get beaten up by people with supernatural or magical abilities and Batman is no exception."

Actually, he is an exception, as he doesn't have any supernatural or magical abilities...


Thursday Next 10-30-08 08:41 AM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 459819)
Is it bad that I find this unintentionally funny?
Yes, it is bad. It's all entirely intentional ;)

Count DeMoney 10-30-08 09:15 PM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
Shouldn't posting fake reviews repeatedly carry some sort of ban?

I get that she thinks she's funny...but ignorance is not really funny after a while...especially fake ignorance (I hope!).

She is making a mockery of what most of you guys do review films for the benefit of others...

Surely she can find some other site to troll?

PS. just noticed that she is being encouraged to do this was a serious site lol...

Thursday Next 10-31-08 01:55 AM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
Originally Posted by Count DeMoney (Post 472474)
She is making a mockery of what most of you guys do review films for the benefit of others...
I kind of thought it was the films being mocked. Maybe I'm wrong.

thought this was a serious site lol...
What made you think that? :eek: We can have fun here, too, can't we...?;)

Maybe VW could contain all her reviews within on thread, though, because I can see this becoming as tiresome as the 'insert username' threads.

Jonathan Strange 11-03-08 07:38 PM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
I think Robert Downey Jr. was helluva awesome in this movie, also... TOM CRUISE OMG! I bursted my lunch, ********.

smichaels 11-04-08 09:11 PM

Re: Movie Review: Tropic Thunder

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