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Rodney 11-22-00 05:31 PM

What is the most boring movie you have ever seen?

jamesglewisf 11-23-00 12:58 AM

That's a good question. The latest Star Wars ranks up there. I'll have to give it some more thought.

Yoda 11-23-00 04:00 PM

Wha? The Star Wars flick wasn't great (it had too much to live up to), but I think it was pretty good - all SW flicks rock.

I'm not sure which is most boring, nothing immedietly comes to mind. I'd say the answer would be most of those long films (2-3 hours) that don't HAVE to be that long.

OG- 11-23-00 06:28 PM

I'm gonna have to agree with the Phantom Menace, I think it was boring as crap. Especially the pod race scene. It just lasted to long considering everyone knew who was going to win.

Yoda 11-23-00 07:08 PM

Dude, I can't believe you just said that! The Pod Race scene was the second best scene in the entire movie, and I was actually nervous. Anakin was so small and those things were going so fast...

If you ask me, the hype let too many people down, and as as a result a solid movie is looked upon as "bad."

Lazarus 11-23-00 11:38 PM

What Dreams May Come starring Robin Williams was rather stale and boring.

OG- 11-24-00 02:19 PM

I can't believe you actually got nervous during that scene. They dragged it out way to long. How could you of been nervous. Did you actually have a doubt that he would lose? They couldn't of had a movie if he lost. The rest of the movie followed the same dragged out pace. Although I did like the end fight scene. Did you know Ray Park was Toad in the X Men? I thought I recognized him, so I checked the credits and it was him. He was also Scorpion and Sub Zero in the second Mortal Kombat movie.

Yoda 11-24-00 10:47 PM

Yeah I knew it was him - I'd read about it before - he gets all the cool badguy parts. :)

Nervous? Yes - I knew he'd make it, but it didn't matter - fast things like that freak me out sometimes.

OG- 11-24-00 11:17 PM


Yoda 11-24-00 11:21 PM

:furious: Shaddup, fool! :furious:

Seriously: I don't even know why. It only did the first time and in the theatre - no time since, of course. Part of it was I knew SOMEONE would crash and it would look painful - wasn't sure who though.

I'm not a squeemish person by most standards though, I can handle violence easily, but that scene, for whatever reason, got my blood pumping.

The light sabre duel was quite cool as well - the best scene in the movie, and I think it made an average movie into a fairly good one.

thmilin 11-25-00 05:57 AM

Gotta say, Phantom Menace did not move me and I do feel that the pod race scene was the most exciting part -- of a boring movie. In itself was not thrilling or terribly exciting to me, just a blip on my radar screen while waiting for something good to happen when next thing I new it was all over.

Star Trek's Next Generation movie #2 ... whatever the hell it was called ... was pathetically boring and sad. I'm a next generation trekkie and the first one wasn't terribly thrilling but had some interest. the second one had me moaning with a need to get to the end of the video tape and fast forwarding through scenes ...

I agree with What Dreams May Come. It has grounds for interest but not enough emotional investment ... you can't just tell me the people are suffering and journeying, you've got to move me to FEEL it.

Legends of the Fall (though there was the emotional drama it was dragggged out). I remember rolling my eyes and dozing when Pitt when on his voyage ... and every time I saw Julia Ormond I braced myself for more lengthy scenes .. ugh.

I also agree I have to give this some thought. Lots of movies have very boring moments (like some of the desert scenes in the old Star Wars) that stretch out forever, but they in themselves were not boring.

Yoda 11-25-00 09:49 AM

Star Trek #2? Which was that? I think it was First Contact as #1, no, wait! "Generations" was first, then First Contact.

I thought First Contact was pretty good - the opening with the Borg was nice. I admit I'm sick of this "temperale wake" crap, but I can live with it.

Insurrection was well done, too - but that "moment in time" stuff made for the usual weird sappy theme throughout the movie as usual - but that's to be expected.

jamesglewisf 11-25-00 11:13 AM

That Robin Williams Dreams movie ranks right up there also.

ryanpaige 11-26-00 04:03 AM

I found "The Conversation" to be quite boring. It comes to mind because it is a movie that is hailed by critics as being so great.

Speaking of Star Trek movies, I found the first Star Trek movie (Star Trek: The Motion Picture) to be pretty boring.

There are a good many older movies that bore me. Movies seem to have been paced different back "in the day". I guess audiences these days need more constant stimulation. And now that we're all used to it, many older movies just seem slow. (That's not universal, though. There are a good many older movies that I love and don't seem to drag at all).

Another movie that comes to my mind is The Andromeda Strain. There was just so many scenes of characters looking at a screen or shots of the big microscope looking at the meteor or whatever it was. And too many scenes with the characters talking about their equipment and not doing anything. (Sphere was a lot like this, though Sphere had much more action. I guess some Crichton books don't make as good of movies as others of his.)

jamesglewisf 11-26-00 04:12 AM

I didn't find The Conversation boring at all. I really liked it.

ryanpaige 11-26-00 04:26 AM

It's all about opinion. Two people can watch the same movie and have two completely different reactions to the same film.

For every movie that has ever been made, there is probably a person who lists that movie as his all-time favorite.

Speaking of another movie that I found boring that many people consider to be among the greats, I thought Vertigo just dragged along. I didn't care for it at all.

Maybe my problem with these specific films is that they were built up as being great and classic before I ever saw them. Perhaps my standards were too high once I finally sat down to watch them (though I have loved other movies that are considered classics, so I don't think that is actually it).

OG- 11-26-00 01:09 PM

I completely forgot about Ben Hur. Oh man did I think this movie was boring. Maybe just because I'm a teenager, but I hated it. Also I think that Scream 2 was very very boring. I actually feel asleep during it. Twice! I never fall asleep during movies usually.

jamesglewisf 11-26-00 04:57 PM

Ahaaaa...The fall asleep everytime you try to watch it guideline. I have tried to watch "Chariots of Fire" four or five times, and I fell asleep every time.

thmilin 11-27-00 05:17 AM

ahaha!! i have it!! QUO VADIS ... have you seen this? my dad BOUGHT it and made me WATCH it and I could not survive.

actually, vertigo got built up in general film knowledge for me too and built up in my film class and then we watched it and i was so in love with it I hunted down the original french novella it was spawned from. we analyzed it in film class, I know every nuance of it's being ... it was beautiful. i was sorely pissed at the ending, though.

i'm trying to think where it would have dragged for you and I'm thinking the usual hitchock suspense, taking his time but indeed getting to it. i never felt he wasn't getting to it soon enough though.

Yoda 11-27-00 08:59 AM

I'll bet a lot of people are bored by him - like "Dial 'M' For Murder" - which is one of my favorite movies of all time. Sorry, it just is! I can't get over how cool it is.

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