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FILMFREAK087 04-09-08 01:16 AM

Superman returns sequel or Justice League movie?
Hi, I'm a new member.
From what I can gleam from articles on the net, WB isn't too excited about a Returns sequel, especially since the movie's lackluster box office take in, and that George Miller's Justice League movie is more favored.
Personally, I found returns to be extremely boring, and thought the '78 version was actually better. The whole, "Superman goes away to a planet which is unlikely to even exists and now returns" hook seemed pointless, especially when it's almost a remake of the original film.

pagerok 04-09-08 11:11 AM

Re: Superman returns sequel or Justice League movie?
I am too sentimental about stuff. Christopher Reeves is Superman as far as movies. They should have waited longer to remake the series. I would really love to see Justice League. Watched it as a kid and the idea of playing off all the heros is awesome.

On a side note I hate to see anyone play Wonder Woman but Carter. Since someone else has too I would love to see Sean Young do it. Though I imagine they will want someone younger.

FILMFREAK087 06-02-08 02:04 PM

Re: Superman returns sequel or Justice League movie?
Just wondered if anyone has heard anything about either film.

Monkeypunch 06-02-08 02:55 PM

Re: Superman returns sequel or Justice League movie?
Superman Returns Sequel is being discussed, Justice League has been scrapped. Neither Christian Bale nor Brandon Routh wanted to be in it, and that would have meant recasting Batman and Superman, respectively, and budget wise it would be ridiculous.

Sedai 06-02-08 03:11 PM

Re: Superman returns sequel or Justice League movie?
Recent news would suggest the sequel is well under way...

Yoda 06-02-08 03:16 PM

Re: Superman returns sequel or Justice League movie?
Meh. I was highly unimpressed by Superman Returns. Had some great ideas, but I think the decision to continue from the first film on, while gutsy and perhaps fundamentally sound, just came off as confusing. I understand the reasoning; why reboot a franchise when the original is so widely hailed? Makes sense on the surface, but something about the execution was way off. The weird thing is, I'm not even entirely sure I can describe what was wrong with the film. But something definitely was.

Re: Justice League. As fun as the idea of a Justice League movie sounds on the surface, I really can't imagine any way to do it justice. At the bare minimum, it'd need to be broken up into two or three movies, filmed consecutively and released a few months apart, or something of the sort. How else do you tell a decent story involving so many different, highly distinct characters?

This would be massive financial investment, to be sure, to the point at which many backers would be inclined towards a safer, more action-oriented story. And I can't say I'd blame them, given the amount of money that would have to be involved.

So, I think the deck is stacked against it happening, and if it does, I think the tremendous investment involved stacks the deck against it being especially good, too.

n3wt 07-04-08 03:41 PM

Re: Superman returns sequel or Justice League movie?
Im not interested in the newest superman at all. Yet again a good film series gets messed up by a bad film. Not all series getts messed up tho, the new Rambo is amazing and a good follow on film, but back to superman ill quote Yoda by saying "Meh"

Groovy_Moovie 07-04-08 06:32 PM

Re: Superman returns sequel or Justice League movie?
DBZ is WAAAYYY better than STUPIDMAN! Hah!

Vertical Gunn 12-02-08 04:46 PM

Re: Superman returns sequel or Justice League movie?
It's been confirmed. Bryan Singer will be directing the film which will hit theaters 2011. It will be a sequel to Superman Returns. I am looking forward to seeing this, for Superman Returns was awesome.

I just hope they make another one, even though I know they are. :D

Well, here's what I would give the previous films.

Superman: The Movie
Superman II
Superman III
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Superman Returns

What was the whole hype about Brandon Routh being gay?

I really do hope they make another one. Superman Returns was extremely good, so I will be keeping an eye out for this.

Not sure if Routh is returning, but he did play a good Superman.

Pyro Tramp 12-02-08 04:52 PM

Re: Superman returns sequel or Justice League movie?
Get your triple post out.

Vertical Gunn 12-02-08 04:53 PM

Re: Superman returns sequel or Justice League movie?
You knew this was true, even if you hadn't read it in so many words: the George Miller Justice League film isn't happening now, or ever. Dark Horizons reports that on an Australian talk show Miller confirmed that he's no longer involved with the JL film in any capacity.

EDIT: Or, that was the case a few hours ago. The story URL I opened before running off to see Doubt (after which I'm totally ready to see Philip Seymour Hoffman and Meryl Streep in a supervillan face-off) now points to a story about Thanksgiving box office. Shot a question to Garth about his story, and I'll update per his answer.

EDIT 2: George Miller's people claim the TV appearance didn't happen, while observers say that it did happen. If anyone caught this first-hand, drop me a line. Or, even better, provide a YouTube or similar link.

Regardless, that doesn't mean a version of the film won't happen eventually. DC wants it. Warner Brothers wants it. I wish Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis wanted it. If we could go back in time about twenty years and see a fun, colorful thing like the stories they did with Batman punching Guy Gardner and the Booster Gold/Blue Beatle comedy team, I'd be pretty happy. Or I think I would; I'm relying on distant memory here. Maybe those stories actually sucked.

rice1245 12-02-08 05:19 PM

Re: Superman returns sequel or Justice League movie?
I actually really liked Superman Returns =\ i own it

DexterRiley 02-27-12 08:38 PM

Re: Superman returns sequel or Justice League movie?
One of the neat effects that becoming a mofo member has wrought is that i now almost exclusively bet DVD's rather than cold hard cash with online buddies for sporting events. One such prize arrived today (Ty Eli Manning) :

There are 2 versions of the film offered. Disc 1 has the Theatrical Cut, while disc 2 has what they are calling the expanded Donner Cut.

I saw this in the theatres on its original run, and was blown away, as most every 10 year old i know was. The question is, which version to watch.

If you have seen the expanded Cut, is it a clear upgrade to the original?

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