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ReservoirPup 03-25-08 08:44 PM

Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
Well I finally decided to create my own reviews thread. I will be reviewing movies that are not well known by us here at MoFo or the newest junk i rent from the video store. I've decided to review SCARFACE as a warm-up to this thread so any suggestions are appreciated and here's my 1st review:) :

Scarface is the legendary remake of the 1932 hit which starred Paul Muni as a prohibition era gangster. This time around Scarface benefits from the brilliant acting from Al Pacino. The film is set in the 1980s in sunny Miami, Florida where Pacino playing Cuban Tony Montana makes his way to the top of the Miami drug trade.
An excellent supporting cast surrounds Pacino in this crime masterpiece. Michelle Peiffer, Steven Bauer, Robert Loggia, and who could forget Paul Shener as Alejandro Sosa. The film depicts the rise and fall of an American gangster with stunning realism.
WARNING: "Warning Spoilers Ahead" spoilers below
Scarface features one of the most recognized climaxes in film history with Tony fighting off former partner Sosa's assasins while screaming the infamous line "SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!" before he is killed by the assasins.

Written to perfection by Oliver Stone and superbly directed by Brian De Palma, SCARFACE easily scores a solid 10/10.
Well there it is folks, whadda think?

Yoda 03-25-08 11:52 PM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
Decent start. :) I'd definitely go into more depth, though. Individual reviews are great because of their potential to offer a new or unique insight into a film. We know Scarface is a well-directed film with a memorable ending, but exactly what you like about it, personally, is something we don't know. :) So, I'd generally advise that reviews focus on the things we couldn't have known: what you like, what you didn't, what you thought, and why.

ReservoirPup 03-26-08 08:32 PM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
HEAT is the 1995 crime epic starring Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Val Kilmer, and it is skillfully written and directed by Michael Mann.
The film kicks off with a bang as Niel McCauley(Robert De Niro) and his crew consisting of Chris(Val Kilmer), Michael(Tom Sizemore), Waingro(Kevin Gage), and Trejo(Danny Trejo) rob an armored car fleeing with 1.6 million dollars worth of bearer bonds from Roger Van Zant(Bill Fitchner) who agrees to buy back the bonds back from Niel at a reduced price and benefit from the bond insurance. When Roger attempts to have Niel killed his plans faulter and Niel vows revenge.
Niel meets a librarian named Eady(Amy Brennaman) and soon becomes attached to her abandoning his rule of having no attachments in life that he can't walk out on in 30 seconds. Niel and his crew plan a bank heist for a score of over ten million dollars so Niel can finally retire and run off to New Zealend with Eady.
Waingro, who was exiled from Niel's crew earlier in the film for impulsively murdering a guard sells Niel out to Vincent Hanna(Al Pacino) a veteran detective who has been tracking Niel from the start.
WARNING: "SPOILERS" spoilers below

After the heist goes wrong resulting in a violent shootout between Niel's crew and the L.A.P.D, Niel murders Van Zant and Waingro in revenge.
Hanna tracks Niel down to an airport hotel where Niel murdered Waingro. Niel abandons Eady remembering his 30 second rule and flees from Vincent. In the end Vincent beats Niel to the trigger and mortally wounds him. In mutual respect Vincent shakes Niel's hand before he dies realizing how much they have in common. The ending is truly sad. I even choked up a bit.

What I liked so much about HEAT is how Niel and Vincent
WARNING: "SPOILERS" spoilers below
shake hands before Niel dies in respect, a great and tragic ending to a magnificent film. 10/10.

TheUsualSuspect 03-26-08 09:39 PM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
I do think HEAT is a great film, but it's length hurts it. That is it got a tad boring until the final scenes with DeNiro and Pacino.

Powdered Water 03-29-08 12:47 PM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
What's the cut off on spoilers? I mean I'm sure the 12 year olds out there that haven't seen it yet may need them but for movies that are 10 plus years old and on a movie board such as this one it seems unnecessary. Now if its a new film I get it. I'm not trying to sh*t on your thread, I appreciate the thought. Just thought I'd chime in. Oh and when you put more than one spoiler per post you can only read the first spoiler for some reason. Ask our Imperious leader Yoda about that, he likes that. Anyway, nice start.

ReservoirPup 03-29-08 01:11 PM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
Well i just saw hitman last night. So expect a very negative review in the future.

ReservoirPup 03-29-08 01:22 PM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
Based on the famous eidos videogame Hitman stars Timothy Olyphant as the infamous Agent 47. I'm sorry to say I thought this was going to be a good movie when it entered my DVD player, sadly that was not the case.
The plot was nearly impossible to understand and was filled with things that left me very confused. there were many scenes that should've been taken out of the movie altogether, here's 2 scenes that didn't really fit:
1.The woman who 47 kidnaps tries to bang him while intoxicated
2.A huge train swordfight that I didn't get one bit.
Olyphant over-acted in quite a few scenes. His performance wasn't very believable.I fell Jason Statham could've played a much better 47.
Overall at the end of this film I was very,very disapointed. There were good ideas but they were buried beneath so much **** that you didn't want to dig them up. Hitman just fell flat on its face.

Powdered Water 03-30-08 12:55 PM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
Yeah it was pretty bad. Not to mention they completely ripped off all the opening scenes from the television show Dark Angel, all that stuff with the kids in the military school was from Dark Angel, I don't know how they can do that and not get sued. Maybe they got permission but I doubt it.

ReservoirPup 04-01-08 05:24 PM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
guys I've decided to review Hostage with Bruce Willis just give me a while I haven't seen it in a while and need to refresh myself on the details.

Lennon 04-02-08 10:53 PM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
Originally Posted by ReservoirPup (Post 424812)
guys I've decided to review Hostage with Bruce Willis just give me a while I haven't seen it in a while and need to refresh myself on the details.

It is #2 on my Netflix list :)

TheUsualSuspect 04-03-08 12:40 AM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
Originally Posted by ReservoirPup (Post 424156)
I agree that the sword fight was way out of place.....I don't ever recall that happening in the game, but the chick wanting to "bang" 47 while intoxicated shows that he is a professional....not even a naked beautiful woman throwing herself onto him will get him away from doing his job.

It worked in my opinion.

I wouldn't say it ripped off Dark Angel because the whole premise is built on a videogame. Hell, the film Soldier with Kurt Russel has the exact same scenes (which is what I thought of when watching this).

I do not think Jason Statham would have been a better 47....just because the guy has little hair and is in action movies doesn't mean he should play 47. I think Olyphant did a fine job. I would like you to point out the scenes in which he "overacted" because to me he played it deadpan. Just like most of his other performances (Save Scream 2 and Deadwood).

I wouldn't call it the worst, or best videogame adaptation. I would agree with your rating. Smack down in the middle. In the end you are right about the plot, it doesn't make any sense.

ReservoirPup 04-03-08 05:02 PM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
Check the scene where he goes to sleep and the chick eats breakfast, When he tells her not to interfere with his work it sounds very overdone IMO. The movie just flatout sucked IMO, good ideas but just not worth the time.

ReservoirPup 04-03-08 05:04 PM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
Originally Posted by Lennon (Post 425031)

It is #2 on my Netflix list :)
You should like it. Thank god for grandma having DVR.

ReservoirPup 04-03-08 05:22 PM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
Warning:This review contains minor spoilers throughout.
Hostage stars Bruce willis as negotiator Jeff Talley. The movie starts off with a tragic bang. Jeff is trying to negotiate with the distraught husband of a woman who cheated on him. The man has the wife and their son being held hostage. Jeff knows the man will not sucumb to reasoning when he tosses his phone out the window. Jeff hears gunshots and runs into the house to find the husband and wife dead. The son slowly passes away in his arms as he cries uncontrolably.
The movie than fast forwards to when Jeff is working as the police chief for Bristo Camino a small suburban townin California. Jeff is called back into action when a group of teens hold Walter Smith and his kids hostage in their house after a failed attempt at robbery. When one of the teens named Mars mortally wounds an officer, the situation worsens. When Talley can't handle the situation he hands it over to the Ventura County Sheriffs. Talley soon discovers that Smith was a money launderer and he was transfering encrypted files onto DVDs when he was taken hostage. Talley's wife and daughter are kidnapped by Smith's employers forcing him to stall time for them while they prepare to get their data so it can't be discovered.
WARNING: "Spoilers" spoilers below
The movie hits its peak when Smith's employers attack Smith's house and try to find their data. Meanwhile the disturbed Mars murders his accomplices and the Smith children flee into a locked room and watch Mars clean a wound he recieved by a mouth stabbing through a two-way mirror when Mars suddenly shatters the mirror staring through the bullet proof glass at the kids. He then writes BURN with his blood on the glass and sets the house ablaze when Smith's employers attack.

The film ends on a non- dramatic tone with Talley defeating Smith's employers and getting his family back. The only thing I didn't like was how the top enforcers for Smith's employers could be killed so easily by a disturbed teen, i just found it very un-realistic. The subtly to the ending and the un-realism in the burning house were the only damp points in the movie. Hostage scores a solid 8/10.

TheUsualSuspect 04-03-08 05:59 PM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
If the movie sucked as much as you say, don't you think a 5.1 rating is a little better then suck? you make it sound like it should be a 2 or 3.

ReservoirPup 04-03-08 09:05 PM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
Well given my expectations no, my expectations were at least a 7.5. The only thing that kept it from a 3 or 4 were the action sequences

Powdered Water 04-04-08 11:13 AM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 425046)

I wouldn't say it ripped off Dark Angel because the whole premise is built on a videogame.
I don't mean it ripped off an idea for the show or movie. They actually ripped off footage from Dark Angel. Almost all of that stuff at the beginning is from the show. Not different actors doing the same things. It's the same clips. The only thing they changed for the film is the tattooing of 47 on the back of his head instead of the back of the neck like in Dark Angel. :yup:

ReservoirPup 04-15-08 05:38 PM

Re: Reservoir Pup's Amateur Reviews
Well I'm going to review The Sentinel with Keifer Sutherland and Michael Douglas so expect a new review in a short while.

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