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Powdered Water 12-24-07 02:18 PM

The "Apply directly to Forehead" Powderedwater 100
Well, I've been having a lot of fun reading all of your lists and top 100's here lately. So I thought to myself, "Self, why don't you do one?" To which I replied to myself, "Sure why not?" :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm in no way going to win any awards with this puppy and most likely will leave a good number of you regretting you bothered to read the thing. So really and truly I'm sorry ahead of time.

Most of these films I have seen multiple times and I own them all. I am passionate about them in one way or another and I'll try to expand on that a little as I go along.

Before you continue on to the 100, let me just say this. This is in no way an AFI type of list. In fact some of these movies are just down right terrible, which in a lot of ways increases my enjoyment of them. :p I haven't been here that long yet and probably not very many of you know me well enough to know how much I love me some bad movies, Sci-fi and Horror in particular. I'm also a big softy, so you can expect a good number of warm and fuzzy tearjerkers and the like.

I will say just one more thing before I get to the list, I surprised myself a little by how many newish types of films are on here, and I expect that as I get older this list will get slightly better (don't hold your breath though) as time goes on. The MoFo lists are really opening my eyes to some excellent films and I expect that if I do this again, say 10 years from now this list is going to look a lot different.

Okey dokey Smokey! I'll have the first 10 up as soon as I get it done. :p

TheUsualSuspect 12-24-07 02:26 PM

Re: The "Apply directly to Forehead" Powderedwater 100
Can't wait to read it. Reading everyone's list lately I think I need to update mine...

Powdered Water 12-24-07 03:08 PM

Re: The "Apply directly to Forehead" Powderedwater 100
100. Music of the Heart (Wes Craven - 1999)
This is the first of several true stories that I love. Meryl Streep is to put it simply, a good un' and I love watching her work.

99. Snatch (Guy Ritchie - 2000)
This film has so many funny lines in it. I won't bore you all with any of them now. But I will say this, I'm a big fan of Guy Ritchie and while overall Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels may be a better film this is the one that I watch the most.

98. Moulin Rouge! (Baz Luhrmann - 2001)
What a ride! I love the music and the not so great singing, Ewan McGregor is fantastic in this film, this is the first of several sappy love stories that I love. One of the few movie soundtracks that I own. This is only Baz Lurhmann's third film and I personally wish he'd make more.

97. Crocodile Dundee (Peter Faiman - 1986)
I went and saw this in the theater, I just happened to be under the influence of some serious mind altering drugs, the movie had a rather large impact on me and to this day when I see this flick I tend to have a number of flashbacks. Draw your own conclusions, but I still love the movie.

96. Powder (Victor Salva - 1995)
I think for me when watching this movie, in some ways I can relate. Not to the whole lack of skin pigment thing, but the loneliness and the lack of contact. Being an only child and having a lot of drug problems as a very young child, I really felt for this kid and I knew how he felt. Albeit, I cut myself off from society but I still think a lot of the feelings I was having were similar to what he was going through.

95. An Unfinished Life (Lasse Hallström - 2005)
To say that Lasse Hallstrom makes good movies is putting it lightly. I could easily just list all his films but this is the one of his that I like the most right now. Redford and Freeman together would have been good in most anything. And even J to the L-O wasn't terrible, most likely because of her supporting cast.

94. American Beauty (Sam Mendes - 1990)
Again, and this will be an ongoing theme to a lot of these. I can relate to lot of the feelings that several of the characters in this movie were having. To dismiss this film simply as a pedophile film would be a mistake.

93. The World's Fastest Indian (Roger Donaldson - 2005)
What a movie! Another true story and a relatively accurate one at that. Anthony Hopkins said that this was one of the easiest roles for him to play because Burt Munro's beliefs weren't that dissimilar from his own. Many of his speed records still stand to this day.

92. Shun liu Ni liu A.K.A Time and Tide (Hark Tsui - 2000)
I just have a blast watching this, I love watching the way a good action movie can be done some where other than Hollywood and this one is pretty damn entertaining.

91. The Usual Suspects (Bryan Singer - 1995)
Not much to say here really other than this is the movie that really put Kevin Spacey on my radar.

emir 12-24-07 03:18 PM

Re: The "Apply directly to Forehead" Powderedwater 100
It's great that you've decided to put up your top 100, and I'm glad that you want to be sincere and put those movies that you like on it regardless of what others may think of them. I wouldn't call any of these terrible, though.

Powdered Water 12-24-07 04:18 PM

Re: The
90. Conan the Barbarian (John Milius - 1982)
Mongol General: "Conan! What is best in life?
Conan: "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women."
Mongol General: "That is good! That is good."

And it still is. The first of several Gladiator movies that I watch repeatedly, Pretty decent revenge flick too. Which if you've peeked at my top 2 you already know I like revenge flicks.

89. Shogun Assassin (Robert Houston -1980)
The more I read about this movie, the more confused I get, apparently this is a bit of a conglomeration of at least 2 and possibly 3 films. Either way though, I've been watching this version since I was a little tot. And now that this newer DVD version is out I like it even more. It just makes me want to go and find them all and collect them.

88. The African Queen (John Huston - 1951)
"Well I ain't sorry for you no more, ya crazy, psalm-singing, skinny old maid!" - Charlie Allnut

Such a good movie, one of my favorite Bogey films. Him together with Katharine was priceless.

87. Legends of the Fall (Edward Zwick - 1994)
This one has it all for me. Actors, Actresses. And of course a big sappy love story.

"Screw'm! Screw'm all! Screw the gov'm'nt!"

86. Pitch Black (David Twohy - 2000)
Another fun ride, one of the better monster/sci-fi movies to come down the pipe in many, many years. Shame the second one couldn't have been better.

"Paris P. Olgilvie. Antiquities dealer, entrepreneur."

"Richard B. Riddick. Escaped convict. Murderer. "

85. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (WD Richter - 1984)
One of my absolute favorites from the 80's, if you've seen it then I hope you have the theme song rolling through your brain right about now.

84. Fried Green Tomatoes (Jon Avnet - 1991)
Another film that means a lot to me in several ways, most importantly though to me this film is about change and just how hard it is to achieve. The transformation that Evelyn goes through in this film is uplifting and endearing to me.

"Face it, girls, I'm older and I have more insurance."

83. Dazed and Confused (Richard Linklater - 1993)
This is just good fun and I love it. I didn't get to experience all this stuff but I'm sure it was interesting to say the least. I went to high school during the 80's for a limited time and most of these practices were long gone by then.

82. The Natural (Barry Levinson - 1984)
My third favorite sport's movie and another tale of the trials of life and life after a bad break. Then, redemption and love.

81. True Lies (James Cameron - 1994)
Probably my favorite Arnie movie, I hold most of them pretty high so its kinda hard to gauge. :p Anywho, another very fun movie to watch and not that old but after 9/11 probably couldn't be made today. To stereo typical don't ya know.

Powdered Water 12-24-07 06:04 PM

Re: The
80. Demolition Man (Marco Brambilla -1993)
Ok, I know its not a great movie, but I've been butchering lines from it for years, so to me that means it must have made an impression no? If nothing else Dennis Leary's little speech to John Spartan is worth the price of the DVD.

"He doesn't know how to use the three seashells."

79. Sneakers (Phil Alden Robinson - 1992)
It must be so much fun to make movies like this, what a cast! A damn fine movie in many ways. Good story, and a lot of little spy stuff. And it may make you stop and think a bit as well.

"O.K., boss, this LTX-27 concealable mike is part of the same system that NASA used when they faked the Apollo moon landings. Yeah, the astronauts broadcast around the world from a soundstage at Norton Airforce Base in San Bernadino, California. So it worked for them, shouldn't give us too many problems." :p

78. Fargo (Joel Coen - 1996)
Now when I say a part of this movie is based on an actual event, I'm talking about the one pictured. You can read about that here.
Now as far as I know the Coen brothers have never out right said that this movie is based on this event but it does say that in the Special edition DVD in the trivia section, which I don't have. Apparently, I only got the not so special edition. But to me that's just part of their brilliance as film makers, at the beginning of the film its claimed that this is a true story and yet its not, But parts of it are! So wrap your head around that if you dare. Anyway Frances won a much deserved Oscar for her work in the film and its quite good no matter what it's based on.

77. Hardware (Richard Stanley - 1990)
Now this little gem is one of those that I fully expect to receive a few, Wtf's? This movie is just a trip. It's got a crazy killer robot, is that good enough for ya? No? Well try it out sometime when you are looking for something different. :eek:

76. Trick or Treat (Charles Martin Smith - 1986)
Another childhood pleasure that I still enjoy immensely and not an altogether terrible movie. Gene Simmons makes an appearance and is pretty easy to find. But can you pick out Ozzy Osbourne?
A lot of bad butt rock and some pretty cheesy effects make this a must for me.

75. Freeway (Matthew Bright - 1996)
I suppose this isn't a comedy and yet every time I watch it I'm on the floor! This is the first time I saw Reese Witherspoon and I have been a fan ever since. Kiefer just nailed the creepy killer to a tee. Another film that to me is just a trip and definitely not for everyone.

74. Seabiscuit (Gary Ross -2003)
To say this is a movie about a horse is a little silly don't you think? I love the way these three came together and I can only imagine what it must have been like to go through the depression. But to me this film delivers a lot of those feelings and I watch it regularly. All throughout our history sports stories like these have brought people together and that's why I continue to watch sports and these types of films.

73. Bullet (Julien Temple - 1996)
If you've never had the pleasure of seeing Ted Levine, watch this one. And then throw on Silence of the Lambs, the guy is brilliant. It doesn't matter how small a role he has I'm always riveted buy what he does.

72. Das boot (Wolfgang Petersen - 1981)
This is my favorite submarine movie and also one of the very best war films ever made in my humble opinion.

71. 300 (Zack Snyder -2006)
Ahhh, Gladiator movies. What can I say? Next time I do this list this baby will probably be higher. I've never read the graphic novel (or comic as they used to be called) nor most likely will I, but do I need to really? Just visually, a treat to watch.

Mrs. Darcy 12-24-07 07:07 PM

Re: The "Apply directly to Forehead" Powderedwater 100
I love Sneakers, Puddytat! It's one I watch over and over. Good call.

Powdered Water 12-24-07 09:36 PM

Re: The
70. There Will Be Blood (Previously, Gladiator)
This movie is just mind blowing, Daniel Day Lewis may very well be one of the best actor's I've ever seen, or any of us have seen for that matter.

"I'm Finished!"

69. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
What a trip this film is. He was warned not to do this movie because once you start talking like Thompson apparently its incredibly hard to stop. And if you watch this film and then several others that he is in after this one, you can see what they meant. He's been playing Thompson playing whatever character he's supposed to be in the movie at the time. But still a good flick and some truly funny moments, I've had more than a few drug induced crazy nights and this movie really gives the audience a feel for what it's like. Also, how many of you can point out Tobey Maguire?

68. The Evil Dead
What do you say about one of the lowest budgeted and greatest Horror films of all time? Any film this good that gets banned from several countries right off the bat makes my list, so here it sits. Sam Raimi, You da man! Hard to believe he went from this all the way to Spiderman.

67. Beetlejuice
I went through a phase where I watched this flick every night for almost 30 days straight. I still laugh, "every single time I see it" and probably always will.

66. The Incredibles
I was just talking about this movie over in the movie tab the other day. This to me is really what a lot of the Marvel movies could be if they just tried a little harder.

65. Se7en
I probably like this film for a different reason than some, sure it's a really good thriller and all. But the thing is I agree with Morgan's character so much. I don't understand this place anymore either and I fear some times that we've reached a point of no return. Hopefully not, but we'll see.

64. Pump up the Volume
This one really hits home for me, I get this kid , I really do. Sadly a lot of kids today that feel the way he does inside don't have a medium to spout from, or try in the first place. Hence to many teen suicides, I was able to avoid that road and so was he. Great soundtrack as well. And oh yeah a bit of a sappy love story too. Bingo! We have another winner folks!

63. The Cider House Rules
I forgot that this is also a Lasse Hallstrom film so I misspoke when I said that An Unfinshed Life was my favorite right now, Because if that were true then this would be there and that one here.:p
Anyway... another very good movie, but again certainly not for everyone.
WARNING: "Cider house rules" spoilers below
Especially if you don't believe in abortion, because there's several in this film.

62. Hudson Hawk
Why do I love this film so much? Its a totally over the top goofy ass movie that indirectly takes shots at the Vatican, which I think is pretty hilarious to start with. And I love the little songs they sing. I even love Sandra Bernhard, I know I'm the only one, so sue me. Remember... You were warned.:)

61. Ronin
This has the best car chases that I have ever seen. Bullit is certainly good, but to me this one is better.

Caitlyn 12-24-07 09:43 PM

Re: The "Apply directly to Forehead" Powderedwater 100
These lists should be personal.... and I can tell this one is... I love it.... :)

Powdered Water 12-25-07 12:12 AM

Re: The
60. October Sky
October Sky is an anagram of the actual title of the book Rocket Boys. I imagine there was a bunch of suits that thought the ladies wouldn't want to go see a movie titled Rocket Boys. Maybe they were right and maybe they were idiots. It doesn't really matter either way because its a really good story, a true story which makes me love it even more. Remember those tearjerkers I mentioned earlier? Well get your hankies out because this is definitely one of them.

59. Just Visiting
Hmmmm, what to say to describe this movie in a way that won't ruin all the credibility that I have worked so hard to gain up to this point. :p
Anyway this is an Americanized version of a French film and usually I don't care for these but maybe because Jean Reno is in it, I let it slip by. Glad I did. Another goofy as hell movie and it's got some very funny lines in it. The man who plays the man-servant also co-wrote the screenplay and he's a funny dude in the film as well. There's a little Monty Python in there, so that may be the biggest reason it hooked me.

58. Kung Fu Hustle
Right now to me there's only one martial arts movie that's better than this one and its in my top ten. So to say I think this is a good movie doesn't really mean anything. It's a GREAT movie and anyone that likes martial arts films should watch this. Stephen Chow took so many elements from those crappy kung-fu movies I watched during kung-fu theater Saturday as a kid and just knocked it clean out of the park.

57. Alien Quadrilogy
Ok, I know I'm cheating a bit here, but hear me out if you please. I watch these altogether whenever I do put them on so to me their all part of the same film. I love the whole thing. And if you ever get the chance to pick up this box set it is amazing. A ton of extra stuff that I have yet to really tap into.

56. Love Actually
I've already mentioned this film before and what I said then is still true, a great Christmas film and many wonderful love stories all wrapped up together.

55. Wasabi
I originally got this because I found out that Luc Besson was involved in the film, and then I learned that Jean Reno was in it as well. Double bonus baby, Yeah! Another fun movie to watch if you don't expect a whole lot. Watching big Jean Reno dancing to dance, dance, revolution or whatever that game was, made it worth the price all by itself.

54. The Terminator Trilogy
Again, I'm sorry I'm cheating a bit and I promise I'm only going to do this one more time. Same deal though I watch these altogether and I really enjoy them all. So many great lines, particularly from the first one. If I had a nickel for every time I said "I'll be back", I'm positive I would have at least 20 or 30 bucks. :p

53. Philadelphia
A good movie, an important movie, hopefully one that more people will see and learn from. *bring hankies*

52. Life As A House
Again, I can relate to the kid. Miserable little sh*t that he is. And celebrate the fact that he grew up and became a man. Its harder to do than you may realize. For this film as well you may want to, *bring hankies*

51. Near Dark
What a cool Vampire movie. And the only one on my list. There's some other's sure but this is the one I love the most. It also has a couple of very good lines that I use almost every single time I enter cow country and probably shouldn't. But I'm to sly I haven't been caught yet.

TheUsualSuspect 12-25-07 02:30 AM

Re: The "Apply directly to Forehead" Powderedwater 100
Near Dark I hated at first, but have grown to really dig it.

Great list so far, keep em coming.

Sedai 12-25-07 01:14 PM

Re: The "Apply directly to Forehead" Powderedwater 100
I love Near Dark, one of my favorite vamp flicks.

Cool list so far!

Powdered Water 12-26-07 11:24 AM

Re: The
50. Serenity
I've been following Joss Whedon's career for quite a long time. I own every episode of Buffy, Angel and Firefly. I even have his first attempt at a movie around here somewhere, Buffy the Vampire Slayer with Kristy Swanson of all people, quite possibly one of the worst movies ever. He is a rare bird to say the least, most folks try to go from television to the movies. Instead he did the opposite. His television show of the same name started a cult that has to this day thrived, even though the show has been off the air for several years. Angel followed and was also pretty well received. What came next was Firefly and it was an extraordinary show for its time. Trouble was it was on a terrible network. FOX is the absolute worst and it was canceled before it even got started. The cool thing is that once again, he had an incredible internet following that I believe helped spur him on into making this wonderful movie. Watch the show, then the movie, it's very cheap to buy the set then I hope you enjoy the movie as much as I did. He made it for us, the fans of Firefly.

49. Dune
A lot has been said about this film over the years and sadly not very much of it has been by David Lynch himself, he's distanced himself from the film and he wasn't given final cut on the film and in turn wasn't given the freedom to do what he really wanted to do. Never the less this is still an excellent movie, even Frank Herbert himself said before he died that he was happy with the film. The biggest departure from the book is the weirding modules used in the film, but to me that's part of what made the movie so freakin cool! I have no doubt that Lynch would have done an even better job if he was given more control but for the most part what he did make was pretty entertaining.

48. Run Lola Run
I love these kinds of movies, its either going to suck you in or you're going to hit eject after about 10 minutes. I hope you watch personally, I think this flick is brilliant.

47. Four Rooms
This film is a lot of fun to watch, if you've never had the pleasure of seeing Tim Roth in something this is a good one to start with. Pretty interesting idea for a film as well. 4 different directors worked on 4 separate short films and then it all gets tied together by Ted the Bellhop (Roth).

46. Down By Law
If you've never seen a Jim Jarmusch picture, try this one out. Just a totally bizarre cast. Tom Waits, Roberto Benigni and John Lurie. And a very good film, I guess this is his second film after Stranger than Paradise, which I have but haven't watched yet, so I need to get my crap together.

45. No Such Thing
I don't really know what to say about this film. A lot of critic's didn't either. It just agrees with my personality. A very different type of movie. I enjoy it a lot.

44. The Good The Bad and The Ugly
Can't imagine that I really need to explain much about this one.

43. As Good As It Gets
Such a great love story, and a lot of emotions to deal with as well. I love watching people that don't fit it in try to find their own place in the world.

Another fantastic love story and a powerful story about fidelity as well. This man loves his wife and by the end of the film his son really gets that.

41. Enter The Dragon
Man, I wish he was still alive. He didn't live long enough to see this film open and its to bad, this is the one that really started to put these types of films on the map to stay. I have a book written by his widow and as far as I know she still lives here in the Seattle area. It's a very interesting book and sad too. He pushed himself to hard and in the end I just don't think his body could take it.

emir 12-26-07 03:06 PM

Re: The "Apply directly to Forehead" Powderedwater 100
I love this thread so far, and I completely agree about Dune. I haven't seen it in a while, but I remember that it was pretty good, and extremely underrated.

Mrs. Darcy 12-26-07 03:49 PM

Re: The "Apply directly to Forehead" Powderedwater 100
I've only seen 4 of the ten films in this group. Looks like I'll have to check some of the others out. Keep going....

Powdered Water 12-26-07 09:10 PM

Re: The
40. Blade Runner
If you've stuck with me this far I imagine you already knew this gem was going to be on here somewhere. I've been watching this movie for so long that I know a lot of it by heart, and not that that's a bad thing but that's really the only reason that it's lower instead of higher. Man, what would Sci-fi movies be like if this film wasn't made? I don't want to think about it.

39. Moonstruck
This is one of my heavyweights here folks, Cher is great and so is Nicholas Cage but Olympia Dukakis as Rose is the real star of the film. She dominates most of the scenes she's in. And that's fine with me.

Rose: Do you love him, Loretta?
Loretta: Aw, ma, I love him awful.
Rose: Oh, God, that's too bad.

38. Cinderella Man
That noise you hear is the sound of me getting up on my soapbox. Whew! I may need to hit the treadmill after I get off this damn thing. Anyway, this is, in my ever so humble opinion, the absolute best movie Ron Howard has ever made. And hardly anyone has seen it. So scurry along and go buy it right away. Boxing, Shmoxing. This is a story about hope, family and milk money. A true story as well. Russel Crowe and Paul Giamatti are spectacular.

37. Star Trek 4
It's tough for me to just have one of these on my list but if I only watched one for the rest of my days this would be the one.

Scotty: Computer. Computer?
Bones hands him a mouse and he speaks into it]
Scotty: Hello, computer.
Dr. Nichols: Just use the keyboard.
Scotty: Keyboard... How quaint
. :p

36. Delicatessen
I like them weird and I love French films, so double bonus here.

35. Good Will Hunting
I don't know what to say about this film without rambling so I'll let you all just draw your own conclusions. I love the film and really became a big Minnie Driver fan after this.

34. Leon
This is just so good. If you haven't noticed I'm a little in the bag for Reno. Luc Besson too. Oh and some hack named Oldman is decent too. :p

33. The 5th Element
See post above, and then bear with me for a moment. Are you like me? Are you on the floor during the hat scene? No? That's Ok, nobodies perfect.:p A beautiful movie. Even Chris Tucker was pretty damn good.

32. The Princess Bride
Is there a movie people quote more without realizing it? I bet there's a ton of people that say Inconceivable! and don't even know why. I've told countless people about this film when they ask me for a love story and they always come back to me and tell me this is a kid's story... Whatever. And I totally mean that to be as dismissive as it sounds.

31. Shaun of the Dead
So I love Zombie movies.
Do I?
A. List them all?
B. List my favorite right now?

I'll take B. Pat, what a fun ride this is, The record throwing scene is absolutely priceless. :rotfl:

TheUsualSuspect 12-27-07 12:38 AM

Re: The "Apply directly to Forehead" Powderedwater 100
I see a lot of my favourite films on this list....which means it's one of the greatest lists of all time. Good job.

Powdered Water 12-29-07 07:59 PM

Re: The
Okey dokey smokey, I'm sure you're all on the edges of your seats, so I'll get the rest up tonight if I can. :p

Mrs. Darcy 12-29-07 08:07 PM

Re: The "Apply directly to Forehead" Powderedwater 100
Hurry up, Kitten, I'm waiting...

Powdered Water 12-29-07 09:15 PM

Re: The "Apply directly to Forehead" Powderedwater 100
30. O' brother where art thou?
I don't know if you're like me, but do you think this is one of the best soundtracks ever? I certainly do, my favorite is the simple little song where the old man is singing O'Death, in the film this is during the KKK rally, but on the soundtrack its just a little old guy and he's singing it pitch perfect with no music. Just amazing. So is the movie by the way.

"Well, there are all manner of lesser imps and demons, Pete, but the great Satan himself is red and scaly with a bifurcated tail, and he carries a hay fork." :p

5 years ago this would be top ten stuff but its older and so am I unfortunately. I still watch this movie more than I probably should and yes as I pass someone I usually say out loud, "And now a question of etiquette as I pass do I give you the ass or the crotch". I suppose in some ways this movie allows me to hang onto my bad days and make some of the B.S. I used to pull a little more glamorous. Still though I agree with a lot of the ongoing monologue that's done during the movie, so here it sits.

28. Kingdom of Heaven
Wow, I'm just so blown away by this film, this movie has the potential to be my #1 someday.
I've never been a big religion kind of guy, I don't spend hardly anytime gettin right with jesus, and yet I do believe in something, most days I can't put my finger on it or tell you what it is. But its there. I don't know if this movie is historically accurate or if its even supposed to be based on real people. I really don't care, what I do care about is how many have lost their lives in the name of God over the millenniums, this film really gives you a taste of that and the stupid reasons behind it.

Balian: What is Jerusalem worth?
Saladin: Nothing.
walks away]
Saladin: Everything!

27. Sin City
Definitely the coolest movie I've seen since The Matrix. I don't often watch a film twice in a row but I did with this one. Could not take my eyes off Marv, I got a thing for revenge. What can I say?

26. Dirty Dancing
Ok, confession time. You know those crazy people that have seen Star Wars like 100 times? Yeah, well that's me with this flick. If it has dancing and love in it, I watch it over and over. I've probably seen this flick 50 times in the theater, I even went and saw it when they re-released it a several years back in the theater again. What can I say? "Nobody puts Baby in the corner" that's what I say. :p

25. A Knight's Tale
Man, I love this movie. There are movies that are really no good and I love them and there are movies that are great and I'm just so-so on them. I freely admit that I may not have any taste what so ever, but I get up and cheer when Prince Edward grants Knighthood to William and I don't care who hears me. :)

Prince Edward: "Your men love you. If I knew nothing else about you, that would be enough."

24. 12 Monkeys
I love a lot of things in this flick, but Brad Pitt really steals the show. His rants in the asylum are priceless and seemingly pretty accurate as well. At least in my weird little world they are.

23. Tank Girl
Just another ridiculous movie and I love every second of it. I watch this probably at least twice a year.

22. La Femme Nikita
Luc Besson is brilliant and this movie just illustrates that. There would never have been a Leon if there wasn't a La Femme Nikita first.

21. Arsenic and Old Lace
I just simply watch this one a lot, and I can't really add much to it. If you haven't seen it, then run, don't walk, and go get it.

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