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Marylynniam 11-12-00 09:05 PM

That movie is the coolest but not everyone has the same opion as I.

OG- 11-12-00 10:08 PM

Final Destination was just to damn cool for me to of not voted for it. If you just watch the movie you think its cool, and then when you watch the DVD commentary and take in to account all the things they point out you never noticed, it makes it sooo much better.

Yoda 11-12-00 11:56 PM

I'm fixing the typo in this thread's title, moving it to a more appropriate forum, deleting the other semi-duplicat thread, and see if I can fix the typos in the poll. :)

Don't take it personally! Just keeping things "tidy."

ryanpaige 11-13-00 11:14 PM

I didn't think any of those movies were all that great... well, the ones I saw anyway. I didn't see Final Destination or the Faculty or What Lies Beneath or Sleepy Hollow. As a matter of fact, I guess it comes down to The Matrix and The Sixth Sense with me.

But I'm going to vote for The Faculty since that movie was made by a fellow Texan. :)

jamesglewisf 11-16-00 11:19 PM

The Sixth Sense was one of my favorite movies of all time. I'm looking forward to Unbreakable.

Rodney 11-19-00 11:28 PM

I choose The Matrix because of all the new special effects they used in it. Although, I don't think that the two sequels will be that good.

OG- 11-20-00 04:09 PM

Matrix was cool, and all the slow mo rotating scenes were very cool, BUT it really pisses me off that everyone says the bullet dodging effects were awesome and the Matrix was the first do it etc... BUT Blade had those bullet effects almost two years before the Matrix. I also think the sequels won't be that good either. The reason the Matrix was so good was that it was very original, and thats what ruins all sequels I think.

LordCrank 12-18-00 01:01 AM

I also chose The Matrix, don't think the first one left too much room for sequels.

didnt see Final Destination (plagiarism, 2 episodes of The Twilight Zone, and not Terror at 20,000 Feet, anyone here able to guess which ones?)

OG- 12-18-00 06:30 PM

Final Destination wasn't plagirised(spelling?). I thought it was quite original. I've never seen any movie or tv show that has tried to be like it, or is like it.

OllieO 12-20-00 02:10 PM


Whether or not FD was original in its plot, you can't deny the originality of its death scenes. Brilliant! Slipping on the tiolet water, getting the neck caught in the shower cable etc. Then dropping the vodka in the computer, only for it explode, getting the bits in her neck, getting to the cooker only for it explode, then reaching to grab the towel only for it to pull the knives onto her etc. Very original. That's the kind of job that I'd like - thinking up original death scenes ;).

That doesn't make me sound like a sicko does it...? ;)
[Edited by TWTCommish on 12-20-2000]

LordCrank 12-20-00 04:59 PM

im talking about an episode of the twilight zone called "22" and another that i cant remember the title. in "22" it was the first however long of the movie, where the guy realizes the plane is gonna crash, then they watch it crash through the window (seeing it in the commercial, i instantly thought of that scene). the second episode was about some astronauts who had just gotten back from space. while they were in space there was a strange period where earth lost contact with em and they blacked out, and once they were back on earth they ended up getting erased one-by-one, with nobody else having any recollection of the missing astronauts (being the twilight zone they didnt show it happening, they never did manage good special effects on that show).

Yoda 12-20-00 05:17 PM

You sure Alan?

I remember two SIMILAR ones: the first one was John Lithgo on a plane claming he saw a Gremlin on the wing eating the plane up.

The second was an Astronaut who goes up in space, sees a flash, and lands not remebering orbit or anything - and notices little things are different here and there, and eventually realizes he's in a slightly alternative universe, and makes his way back.

LordCrank 12-21-00 12:33 AM

the ones im talking about, the first the person never got on the plane and the second you never saw the space ship. yeah im sure, although they did make a hell of a lot of twilight zone episodes...

Yoda 12-21-00 10:11 AM

LOL - obviously. Seems like they're all similar to another one. I usually end up watching that show if I see it near the beginning...really draws you in. I read that it didn't really do all that well in terms of ratings, though.

ryanpaige 12-21-00 11:24 AM

Originally posted by TWTCommish
I remember two SIMILAR ones: the first one was John Lithgo on a plane claming he saw a Gremlin on the wing eating the plane up.
Actually, the John Lithgow version of that episode was from the Twilight Zone movie. (They redid the old episode for the movie, actually all the four stories from the Twilight Zone movie were updates of old episodes)

William Shatner (Capt. Kirk) played the crzed passenger in the TV episode.

Yoda 12-21-00 11:43 AM

Yeah, I know - Lithgo (sp?) was good. All pretty cool.

Shatner, eh? That's cool. Did you know he speaks Esperanto? ROFL!

Sushi 01-13-01 09:46 PM

Originally posted by OG-
Matrix was cool, and all the slow mo rotating scenes were very cool, BUT it really pisses me off that everyone says the bullet dodging effects were awesome and the Matrix was the first do it etc... BUT Blade had those bullet effects almost two years before the Matrix.
I'm glad someone else feels the same as I do about this!! No one would listen to me when I told them! The Matrix seemed to borrow a lot from Blade, from the bullet time effects right down to black being everyone's fashion color of choice.

But on the subject of the topic, I'd have to say ... The Sixth Sense. Not necessarily for the twist ending, but for the simple fact that I love that "deliberate" style of filmmaking.

OG- 01-13-01 09:59 PM

The Matirx also stole from Jet Li's Fist of Legend. The training scene was almost identical to the end fight scene in Fist of Legend. The background I can understand, but there were at least 4 identical moves/combos from the Matrix that were in Fist of Legend, which was made 2 years before.

Sushi 01-13-01 10:10 PM

But you have to remember that Yuen Wo ping choreographed both Jet Li's Fist of Lengend and The Matrix. Pretty much any movie, whether Hong Kong or Hollywood, that uses "wire fighting" is choreoegraphed by Yuen Wo Ping.

But you're right, I did see the similarities.

*goes to pop Fist of Legend in the DVD player right now*

OG- 01-13-01 10:13 PM

Maybe thats why.

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