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The Prestige 10-23-07 07:11 AM

Favourite DVD Commentaries
I don't know how many of you guys listen to commentaries, but they are usually my favourite of special features when it comes to DVDs. I personally think that ALL DVDs should come complete with a commentary or two.

Of course, it depends on who's doing the yak-track. Some crap films have had decent commentaries (Punisher) some 5 star films have disappointing commentaries (Memento), BUT like I said, it depends on who's doing it.

And with that, i'll run down with my favourite DVD commentarie tracks. I hope to see a list of some of the mofos favs as well. :)

1) A History Of Violence (David Cronenberg) - Man, is this bloke loqacious. Cronenberg doesn't skip a beat, articulating his theories and concepts into what was the most interesting film of 2005. His commentary opened up a completely new perspective on the film for me, and it's one i'd even listen to again.

2) A Room For Romeo Brass (Paddy Considine, Shane Meadows) - Lol, this was a funny commentary that was brutally honest about the entire production of the film, which is contrary to most commentaries. Paddy Considine is even more funnier when he is being himself. In fact, i'd go as far as to say he took the piss a bit too much. Funny commentary if you wanna laugh.

3) Brick (Rian Johnson) Superb commentary! It's a must-listen if you want to know what it takes to make an independent debut. Johnson doesn't pull any punches, and also gives away some interesting secrets and advice about getting your feet wet for the first time in the film industry.

4) Blade 2 - Unsurprisingly, in addition to being very talented, Guillmero Del Toro is also a bit of a comedian. Giving insightful production details as well as burping a lot, he nearly turns the film into a bit of a comedy itself.

Anyways, can't wait for you guys favs.

Tacitus 10-23-07 09:13 AM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
Now yer talking!

I love a good commentary too (usually directors more than actors) and a quick look at the DVD cabinet reveals these, totally unscientifically chosen, favourites...

Singer's The Usual Suspects - The first commentary I heard. In fact, it was bought before I even had a DVD player - 2 VHS tapes, one with the normal audio track and one with the commentary.

The Wicker Man - Robin Hardy, Christopher Lee and Edward Woodwood get bitchy towards film producers everywhere. Top stuff.

Anything with Sir Christopher Frayling. Leone, in other words; Frayling is not only an authority on the director but his commentaries are refreshingly honest and often funny.

Coppola's Godfather commentaries - as rich as the films themselves.

Anything with Ridley Scott - Like the Wicker Man lads, the crusty Geordie isn't inclined to kiss arses. Hooray!

Anything with Werner Herzog - Mad Werner is not only a master filmmaker but he also gives darned good commentary. If only Kinski were alive to join him...

Angel Heart - Alan Parker. Gruff, informative, nuff said.

Heck, there are loads - Jim Mangold, Stephen Frears, Shane Meadows, Alexander Payne, Ken Branagh, the list goes on.

That's just from the DVDs I can see in the living room. ;)

I'll no doubt get a few backs up here but one director who I don't think gives good opinion is Little Martin Scorsese, purely from the standpoint that Wee Marty sounds like he's been interviewed about the film in general and they've spliced his views onto the parts of the movie that apply, rather than him sitting down and actually watching it. And talking. Obviously.

The Prestige 10-23-07 11:33 AM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
Originally Posted by Tacitus (Post 388842)
Now yer talking!

Singer's The Usual Suspects - The first commentary I heard. In fact, it was bought before I even had a DVD player - 2 VHS tapes, one with the normal audio track and one with the commentary.
I forgot about that one! Yeah, that was a brilliant commentary. I liked how Singer took the piss out of Stephen Baldwin during that scene where he starts spiting in Kevin Pollack's face..."I think Stephen had rabies that day". Lol, brilliant stuff!

Misterking 10-23-07 12:04 PM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
This Is Spinal Tap is probably the best I've heard because it's all done in-character. There's even commentary over the DVD menu which is hillarious.

I also make a point to hear the commentary whenever John Waters is involved, as it's often even more entertaining than the movies themselves. Plus you get to find out the lowdown on terms like teabagging, blossoming and upper-deckers...if you can stand that sort of thing. :p

The Taxi Driver 10-23-07 04:08 PM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
the first Clerks commentary is always entertaining to hear a drunk Jason Mewes give his thoughts on the film he barley remembers being in.

thebest 10-23-07 04:19 PM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
I love the Serenity commentary by Joss Whedon.

Anchorman commentary is as funny as the movie. God bless Andy Richter.

bksdrums 10-29-07 12:46 AM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
One I just watched the other day was The Shining. It has a lot of insight into the cinematography. Good stuff.

cal679 11-03-07 12:26 PM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
the commentaries from the might boosh are always great for a quik laugh.

Lennon 05-10-08 10:25 PM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
Does Mystery Science Theater count?

martian leader 06-18-08 01:54 AM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
Before the dinosaurs. Also alien planet.

martian leader

Cinexcellence 06-18-08 02:11 AM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
Boogie Nights. :)

Swedish Chef 06-18-08 12:37 PM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
Cool thread. Geek that I am, I just can't resist a good ol' fashioned commentary. The Simpsons staff and cast do some tremendous commentary work, but if we're talking strictly feature length films here, then Terry Gilliam is the best in the business, bar none. His tracks are always insightful and funny and never a chore to sit through. If I had to pick Gilliam's most interesting and entertaining, I'd probably go with the one for 12 Monkeys. A lot of good stuff there. Judd Apatow and co. have done some pretty great commentaries, too. But my absolute favorite commentary is one that's already been mentioned: Bryan Singer and writer Christopher McQuarrie on The Usual Suspects. I'm not even all that big a fan of the movie, either. In fact, I'd much rather watch the film with the commentary on than off. When Singer stars ragging on McQuarrie's overwritten first draft and an embarrassingly amateurish monologue delivered by the Dan Hedaya character, that's just priceless.

Hello My Name Is Ryan 07-08-08 11:12 PM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
any Kevin Smith film has great commentaries, but i would say Mallrats was my favorite. I will listen to the commentary of most any comedy. I tried the commentary to Jerry Maguire, but it was just a lot of silence and then "Oh...oh yeah i remember when we shot this"...

foster 04-13-13 07:48 PM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
evil dead 2 was a great commentary

both alien and aliens collectors editions had great commentaries

platoon had an amazing commentary. I had no idea how much of it was based on oliver stones own experience

the hunted i have a love/hate for the commentary. some interesting stuff in there about this guy he knew that the story was based around. but then the director goes off on a couple rants about how police should have more power to abuse people because it's for the greater good of society lol

Fight club commentary was entertaining.

I like it best when it's a combination of the director and actors both.

DexterRiley 04-14-13 02:06 AM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
a few personal faves off the top of my head:

Roger Ebert - Dark City (Directors Cut)

William Friedkin- To Live and Die in LA, French Connection

James Mangold, Robert Patrick, Sylvester Stallone- Copland (Directors Cut)

Quinton Tarantino- True Romance (Directors Cut)

JoeHorrorFanatic 06-13-13 02:41 AM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
I agree that some of the best films have meh commentaries; The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake's commentary bored me to tears. Still, it can go either way. The commentary for Creepshow 2 was boring, and the creators of Beyond the Wall of Sleep were just annoying.
To answer your question, I think the Saw series has some of the most entertaining commentaries.

The Rodent 06-13-13 04:13 AM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
LOTR extended cut box set.

There 4 different commentaries for each film... the commentary with Orlando Bloom, Viggo Mortensen, Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd, Sean Astin and Elijah Wood is hilarious at times. Monaghan and Boyd are particularly good ;)

The others are just packed with interesting info.

ThomasP 06-13-13 06:37 AM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
I rarely listen to director commentaries (they're more about the production, which I'm not all that interested in). I like more critical commentaries, like Robert Kolker's on Taxi Driver. It adds so much to the film.

That said, Scorsese's commentaries are always great.

The Gunslinger45 06-13-13 11:23 AM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
I love any of the Kevin Smith commentaries for his works. Especially Clerks, Clerks II, Chasing Amy and the Clerks Animated Series. All of the are hilarious.

Merv60 06-16-13 08:37 AM

Re: Favourite DVD Commentaries
It's been a long time since I listened to the commentaries but I do remember a good teaming up of director/actor being John Carpenter & Kurt Russell on various films they did together, they played off each other really well & had fun with it.
I was going to mention the VHS Usual Suspects commentary but Tacitus beat me to it. It was definitely innovative & I've never heard or seen it done with any other film on VHS. Anyone know of any others in that format?

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